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Players To Watch Out For - The ReturnFollow

#827 Jun 26 2006 at 11:09 PM Rating: Decent
947 posts

Edited, Jul 14th 2006 at 10:03pm EDT by Annalise
#828 Jun 29 2006 at 6:57 PM Rating: Decent
Another thing about caboose, he seemed to send me a /tell out of the blue that said "ur m0m" >_> I didn't even see the guy he just sorta sent it to me. I seem to get all sorts of hate when I party in the dunes :p
#829 Jun 30 2006 at 10:43 AM Rating: Decent
92 posts
Massy, thats another good reason to stay outta the dunes :)
#830 Jun 30 2006 at 8:07 PM Rating: Decent

Nothing but a dirty little abusive ***** who will ***** over whatever guy she can land her claws on. Sadly though, almost every single guy will try to defend her "oh so sweet" side, while not knowing her ********** over people" side.
#831 Jul 01 2006 at 4:36 PM Rating: Default
So... Why did Trinien putme on this list? I have no idea. :S I dont' see myself as a bad person, sometimes I get carried away, sure. But the point is, I had no idea Trinien didn't like me XD. I thought we were fine. :shrugs:

I normally wouldn't care if it were for a good reason, kinda liek this ballista, "we'll settle thisby fightin' eachothuh' in a no cap, 75 to 59" person called Angelofwrath. Apparentlyhe was accusing me of hitting on his GF. (which I'd never actually do seriously, I know I'd never get here :X), and breaking up with her brother.

It's nto like he knows WHY we broke up, or even if we're planning on getting back together, but he blisted me after I rubbed it in hisface, when he lostin ballista (a shadow took his Souleater + Berserk + lastresort + slice)

But Trin, is I seemed liek a ******** I'm sorry. ><''
#832 Jul 14 2006 at 5:09 PM Rating: Excellent
These guys are probably gilsellers, so I'm probably wasting my time. :(
Still, don't be fooled, these guys are baddies.

Everyone by now is I'm sure aware that Beastmasters lose claim on NMs. It happens, it's horrible programming on SE's part, but there we are. This would be so much easier if claim was established AT THE MOMENT OF CLAIM, and not this ongoing thing that must be maintained: if you lose hate, or if someone else takes it that's not in your party, you shouldn't lose claim of it. It's probably the one and only thing that I think Blizzard did right, and SE airballed.

I camped Sewer Syrup for three hours today. He finally popped, and I began a very long and difficult fight, dying once, reraising and charming a mousse while weakened. It was a very long, very tight and very desperate fight: I wanted the ring for my Maat fight, and since I can't afford much good gear atm this was my only choice. I was DETERMINED.

No one was around for a while, then out of the blue (fifteen minutes into the fight) come four people to ruin my day.


They pointed at the SS. I was having a hard time, so I said 'will you help me?' and put my flag up. As you can see I'm very naive. -_-;
They made no move to help, so I just continued what I was doing, dropping and charming and jug-petting and charming and dropping.
Finally the inevitable happened: I lost claim on SS. Immediately they voked it from me, and three and a quarter hours of work went bye-bye.
Soon I got a /tell:

<Biswokmis>: 2.000.000 OK?
<Kublakhan> @^%$# YOU!
<Kublakhan> NO!

(Well, I had a dirty mouth, but it was pretty hard to keep my composure after all that fighting and all that waiting. Lots of adrenaline.)

Yes, it's possible to claim NMs from BST. Does that make it okay? Would it be okay if it were as easy to steal claim from any job? :(

This little piece of programming needs to be fixed, SE. ;;
#833 Jul 14 2006 at 5:56 PM Rating: Decent
1,705 posts
Sioux, that completely sucks! The same thing happened to Garek and I when we were fighting that antikin in quicksand cavces to get that lv 60 axe. If you still need the jelly ring and you see me around, shoot me a tell and I will be happy to help. I will drag Garek and maybe strifer with me. you have always gone out of your way to be nice to everyone, and its a shame you were done like that.

#834 Jul 15 2006 at 2:38 AM Rating: Good
476 posts
Ugh Sioux, those 4 still around? That sucks to hear. Me and some friends were bugging them around Phantom Worm. We outclaimed them a couple of times on the ??? (was quite funny when all four of them DC'd at the EXACT same moment). Once they got back though apparently they had enough of us. When the next ??? was up, they chased it around a little, I was waiting in one spot for it to pop in front of me, when I notice the Phantom Worm pop up the ramp from me, purple, with NO ONE near it. Now, every previous time I had spawned Phantom Worm, it spawned fairly close to me. Unless it pops on the complete other side of the room naturally sometimes, they used some cheats to spawn it from behind me, when I wasn't even close to it. I called a GM on them, who said "If there were 3rd party programs involved the log will show it" they had moved off to ugly temple by the time the GM got to my call though. Sucks to hear nothing came from that, though I knew in the back of my head that's how it would be. Maybe if someone gets a GM to actually see them pull this crap they'll get banned :/
#835 Jul 24 2006 at 1:48 AM Rating: Decent
Drohk (speliing might be off). He is a thf and I partied with him tonight. I have no idea what is wrong with this guy. He was the leader of our party and the back up tank wasnt voking. So I asked him to do something about it since the back up tank wasnt listening to me. On our next break Drohk goes AFK and I say BRB. I come back after smoking and I am no longer in the party. So I /tell the guy and ask him what happened and maybe that he hit the wrong button, yet I get no reply. The DRK from the party tells me that the *** disbanded me, the nin to invite a friend of his to tank (war/nin). The whole time that I was in the party I am getting praises for the hate I was holding, so what was wrong with this guy other then the fact he disbanded me without warning to invite a friend of his. BTW,i find this sort of conduct juvenile and inexperienced . I only ask to be given warning or at least a reason , it's the least a person can do for keeping them alive .
#836 Jul 25 2006 at 10:39 AM Rating: Default
From the sound of it ur just out to ruin the game. How much gil is too much gil? and if all u do is sit by the ah tryin to buy every single one of an item to exploit it to ur own means, u must not lvl too much. Sounds like a lot of work and no play, or are you actually making a RL profit out of it O.o
I dont see much room for any other option
#837 Jul 25 2006 at 11:07 AM Rating: Good
1,592 posts
From the sound of it ur just out to ruin the game. How much gil is too much gil? and if all u do is sit by the ah tryin to buy every single one of an item to exploit it to ur own means, u must not lvl too much. Sounds like a lot of work and no play, or are you actually making a RL profit out of it O.o
I dont see much room for any other option


Ctrl + A Ctrl + V X 1million!

So not only are you a troll looking to start trouble, but your an out of date troll. He doesn't play anymore dumb@ss. All his antics were done almost a year ago, not to mention they weren't *that* bad. More amusing than anything. Stop reading topics 50 pages back and get a life.
#838 Jul 25 2006 at 11:29 AM Rating: Default
I gotta say im impressed on here ,(you hate me so much u love it)Kingcrunp that is,....and yes i did let the war die and i didnt cure because we had two power levelers ....other words i might as well been useless when i tryed to help nuke the person who wrote this about me got mad and said "Stop nukin the mobs" /cry /wine /moan / ***** ***** *****... i too was there helpin a friend the rdm "Wayan" ask him he wanted me to come and lvl WHM i dont lvl whm no more i use it to pl friends and get adv jobs and promys,...i told wayan i didnt wanna
lvl Whm but i said ok i'll go with u so u can lvl ur rdm
well the war was talkin trash i ignored him for a lil bit then i had enough i told him i had better things to do than sit here not being able to heal because
everytime i would go to heal they already had it taken care ofthe pls that is and i was wastin mp so it was bs i was gettin wined at by the war so i let him die ...but where was his friend the PL that wrote this comment about me on the worst players list
why didnt he/she shim/it save him?......because they was too worried about what i was doing
and yes i was a ******** ask me again i'll tell you the same dont **** with the WHM....but im a nice guy most times....and who ever has the time too put my name on here has no life/girlfriend and needs one cause they get to stressed over a video game .....
so Zuzeeque i see your childish game u play on here "Advice for you get a life get some friends get some booty do somethin other than talk about me"
#839 Jul 25 2006 at 12:29 PM Rating: Good
1,592 posts
GMopinions wrote:
I apologize, my grammar is horrific and I have no grasp on the meaning of punctuation. As soon as I discover the definitions and true meanings of these words I shall hurry back and present my post again in a coherent and logical fashion. I shall not tarry! You have my word.

We oh so anxiously await your return good Sir.
#840 Jul 27 2006 at 3:40 PM Rating: Decent
Why the hell am I not on here? I used to be one of the most hated players on this server... Never put on here. I'm like Drebond... WHY THE HELL AM I NOT ON HERE.... BTW The Zeroassassin now is a complete noob.. I lent my friend my account and he backstabs me and steals it.. I play on Andraia now... So if you see the person on NIN or WHM... Don't trust him to do anything right for you... Nor Octavios
#841 Jul 27 2006 at 4:01 PM Rating: Decent
177 posts
LOL Kingcrunp or whatever you decide you are this week - you are an ***. I told you, numerous times, I wasn't there as a PL - I was there talking with my friend, my room mate, the WAR. I tossed cures out when it was obvious to everyone that you weren't doing your job. Wasn't just me saying that - your party disbanded citing your incompetence as the reason. Your entire party was shouting at you to cure the WAR and to do your freaking job - you didn't. Even the guy who was your buddy in the party, apologized for your behavior.

Go play with your dolls or GI joes or whatever - you must be a 10 year old from the way you behave and write. FFXI is above your intellectual skill-level at this point - find another game until you grow some hairs and a few more brain-cells. You're out of your league.

#842 Jul 28 2006 at 10:49 AM Rating: Good
594 posts
FFXI is above your intellectual skill-level at this point - find another game until you grow some hairs and a few more brain-cells. You're out of your league.

#843 Jul 29 2006 at 5:43 AM Rating: Good
690 posts
I would just like to say that I suck.

--Arondight, Bismarck
Nothing that is so, is so.
#844 Jul 29 2006 at 9:45 AM Rating: Decent
1,002 posts
GMopinions wrote:
From the sound of it ur just out to ruin the game. How much gil is too much gil? and if all u do is sit by the ah tryin to buy every single one of an item to exploit it to ur own means, u must not lvl too much. Sounds like a lot of work and no play, or are you actually making a RL profit out of it O.o
I dont see much room for any other option

lol wtf is this??

wow, that is some fuuuuny ****..

i wonder which one of my buddies this is.. i know it has to be somebody i knew..
just to funny. havent played in years, and .. oh gosh.. lol
#845 Jul 29 2006 at 4:52 PM Rating: Decent
1,705 posts
Hip your sigs broken
#846 Jul 29 2006 at 6:56 PM Rating: Decent
199 posts
Zuzeeque wrote:
I usually give everyone the benefit of the doubt as to skill, especially players that are lower level and appear to be new and unsure of how to play they're job. Can't keep quiet about this noob though!

Kingcrunp is probably the worst player I've seen in a long long long time! If it's not his little 6 year old brother or sister playing his account, I'd be surprised! This dude couldn't/wouldn't cure his party in Garilage (level 33-34) - I was there to help out a friend. Kingcrunp cast, in 5 fights that I saw, 6 spells (cure II x 2, Regen x 2 and Aero x 2). He let the WAR die because he was angry at the WAR. In the last fight, before the party broke up due to incompetence by the WHM, Kingcrunp cast no spells - WAR died, and the SMN, RDM and I cured the rest of the party. Kingcrunp's excuse - he was typing....

{Run Away} if you get a party invite that has this character in the group!


Windurst Rank 7
CoP 8-3
ZM Complete

BLM 75/THF 59/RDM 49/WHM 47/RNG 41/NIN 34/SMN 22/WAR 20/BST 18
I had a bad experience with this player last week. Kingcrump invited me in qufim as a DRG. We were still looking for a 6th when he "suddenly" had to go to work. Then we picked up 2 more and went to Delfurt Tower, and guess who's there with with a full party? Yup Kingdump wasn't looking for a new party member, but asking all the leaders if they had a spare spot.

Kingcrump.... stay away
#847 Aug 06 2006 at 4:43 PM Rating: Good
Adding another one already :(

I was exping in Caedarva Mire this afternoon on my BST. I was at the J-8 camp, had my camp and prey/pets listed in my search comment, and everything was going fine.

The camp I was using pops just 4 prey mobs at a time. It's good for duo or solo, but more than one bst can't take this camp, there aren't enough prey there.

I exped happily here for a while, and here comes Galactica, another beastmaster.

She arrived in my camp, saw me, but charmed one of the sheep anyway and sent it on the one remaining Jnun. Basically it was camp-stealing, and especially rotten coming from another BST who should have known better.
I sent her a tell asking her if she always stole camps, and letting her know that the area wouldn't support two BST. She didn't reply.

I /slapped her when she snatched the next one to pop, and she /laughed at me. She left, and I figured that the encounter was over with.

I had to go back to town at one point to get some food: when I returned, Galactica had brought her entire f*cking linkshell back and was killing all the sheep. I watched as two SMN teamed up on one sheep standing near me (although there were still one or two down near the tunnel) and apparently used 2x Astral Flow, because it died in seconds.
I managed to get a sheep and sent it on a Jnun, and promptly she and another bst (who was not in on the argument) helped themselves to the two remaining sheep I would have used for a pet swap. This is MPK plain and simple, and this BST-pretending loser knew it.

So there you have it, MPK and camp theft. I have no use for this player, and if you know her let her know that once you steal a BST's camp, you're fair game yourself if that BST should see you again. I will be letting the BST I know about her as well. :/

Edit: While I initially included the LS in general, after some time to think I think it's likely that they didn't know what was going on, and Galactica gave them some cute story to get them all out there: I can't imagine that many people wanting to help someone steal a camp. I have spoken with the other BST involved and he did apologize, and I don't believe he knew of the conflict between she and I.

If you're in her LS, I'd be interested to hear what she told you.

Edited, Aug 7th 2006 at 8:47pm EDT by Sioux
#848 Aug 06 2006 at 5:55 PM Rating: Decent
408 posts
Add: Nasi

Kazam pt, 24-25 (i was PLD), we had just moved from qufim because we felt confident mandras were less of a risk than giants. Ok well we arrive, and get a decent camp. we start hauling in the EXP and a 75 BRD comes and Pls us. we were not saying much as we were too busy killing, anyway i get d/c but luckilly its a short one (less than 3mins), i get re-invited and all of a sudden i get a tell from the BLM (Nasi) saying

"I'm going to kick you when a replacement gets here"

thinking this was just a joke i reply

"lol, your joking right?"

To which i get no reply at all.. 10-15mins later i get a second tell..

"OK, replacement is here"

and all of a sudden i get kicked. I replied still thinking this was some sort of immature joke but no, he was deadly serious and wasnt letting me back in. I ask some others in the pt if they can shed any light on this and i get the following replies..

Zwickee: Get over it

(cant remember exact name, began with T, is a taru summoner EXPing in craft apron >.>) : I am not the leader, nothing i can do :P

Anyway, this left me with a bitterness that i rarely encounter in FFXI or real life for this matter, knowing that someone with so little regard for others thinks they have the automatic right to treat you as an item that can be disposed of so thoughtlessly.

Avoid at all costs, and if you know him think less of him for he is a cold and twisted person.

#849 Aug 07 2006 at 1:49 PM Rating: Default
107 posts
Tatl...he yelled at me.. and made me die... yep yep total nubbin
#850 Aug 09 2006 at 11:42 AM Rating: Decent
40 posts
Just a note, Kingcrunp doesn't play any more. He moved out and left his account to his roomie (who was paying for the account in the first place) so he's still around but not the same person :)
#851 Aug 12 2006 at 1:25 PM Rating: Default
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