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Players To Watch Out For - The ReturnFollow

#152 Dec 01 2004 at 4:29 PM Rating: Decent
1,477 posts
Dawntreader wrote:

I just noticed the other day that he is the lone person on my /blist. But I can't remember why :-/ I really wish they would let you leave a note for yourself when you /blist somebody.

So I guess I second his nomination on this list, but it's a cautious second since I can't remember the reason. But he must have annoyed me in some way.

I know from memory that he's on my blist on my main and at least a couple of my mules from casino spam.

I've also shaken my fists at the heavens a number of times wishing that SE had implemented a different blist system.
/blist [add/remove] [player name] ["reason" (optional)]

So an example blist command would be:
/blist add Sorsha "not leveling SMN quickly enough, so we can never duo"
and the corresponding blist entry would be:
Sorsha (not leveling SMN quickly enough, so we can never duo)

/sigh, oh well.

Edited, Wed Dec 1 16:31:21 2004 by Dryhus
#153 Dec 01 2004 at 4:40 PM Rating: Decent
161 posts
Hey! >.<

#154 Dec 04 2004 at 4:01 AM Rating: Decent
1,041 posts
Although it got its own thread -- adding Greenduck

After a long, fruitful night of exp (32k, anyone?), Ancient Goobbue is *still* up and unclaimed, so just for kicks we ally up some bst friends and start wailing. It's a tough, long fight, and it ends up being primarily the three bsts with us that damage it. (Having hate versus AG is really dangerous, so with every pet death, AG went unclaimed, as per the norm.)

Well, after 4 deaths (out of 8 of us, total), we had it down to about 100-200 hp left. It went unclaimed, a level 66 mnk in a nearby exp party chi blasts it for that much, killing it. -_-

So, basically, unless you like people who have no class and are about as honest as backalley scum, I'd steer clear.
#155 Dec 04 2004 at 11:02 AM Rating: Decent
194 posts
I second the Greenduck motion. Not only did he steal the kill, he lied over and over again about getting no drop, and only admitted he got something when one of his party members said it out loud to us. He's just a general asshat, and when he gives you the {I'm sorry} {I can't speak any English.} bologna, know that it's a 100% lie, he spoke English just fine.
#156 Dec 04 2004 at 8:02 PM Rating: Decent
70 posts
MLKE-THE WORST tank EVER. Me and the other mages both left the party just to get the leader to kick him. This guy went afk over 6 times without telling us within a 20 minute period. He went afk while the puller was pulling, he went afk while the mages were healing, he went afk in the middle of fights. AND he kept going AFK while that when someone pulled a chain of wingrats (Citadel) he'd get WHAPPED and die while AFK...then come back pissed off at us. He caused me to die as well...didn't know a damn thing about voking...oh...and did I mention...after all of that...his excuse was... "I don't read chat logs. Calm the fock down moron."

Edited, Sat Dec 4 20:04:50 2004 by Dremar
#157 Dec 05 2004 at 10:46 PM Rating: Decent
1,041 posts
I'm actually not sure what I did to **** this guy off. Skilling up on the occasional greatclaw around the lake, and stealing mythril coins from sahagin in between, I managed to link a few sahagin and am in the middle of fighting them as this guy runs by. I don't think anything of it, people run by the mythril door somewhat frequently. (I do know that when he ran by, he did not have anything agged on him, but that's really all I know.)

About 5-7 minutes later as I'm finishing off the last sahagin (I had three total, and Z -- blm and LSmate I was skilling with -- was afk at the time) I get a tell from Bakemono, accusing me of agging 3-4 sahagins onto him. Er, wtf? I politely said that I didn't know what he was talking about. He then said that I called for help on the sahagins I was fighting (which I did not, as I was perfectly capable of dispatching them myself thankyouverymuch) which somehow caused sahagins to aggro him. #1 I didn't even know that was possible and #2 um, I didn't. After politely saying to him again that I did not call for help on my sahagins, he says "u better not have called for help to get them to attack me" ...whatever.

So, I said "...? seriously, dude...I have no motive. thanks for the accusation, really. welcome to my blist, then" after which I blisted him.

Later, I was told to /sea all bakemono, only to find this in his search comment:

Nice, huh? Anyway. I can't read much more than the obvious...

I guess just watch out for this guy if he's in your zone. You may get accused of something and then badmouthed in his comment -_-
#158 Dec 06 2004 at 1:02 AM Rating: Decent
617 posts
Bakemono is an elitist, pardon my french, ********* If he says you're wrong, you're wrong, and you can do nothing to prove otherwise. Despite the looks of that comment, he speaks perfect English (or at least enough to know how to cuss you out). He's been trying to defame people who **** him off for as long as I can remember.

He's Rank 10, level 75 something or other, and he is your god. And until you realize that, you've got an enemy. He was in my sister's LS when they followed the cool trend at the time and became an HNM LS. He was nothing short of rude to her because she was only about level 45 at the time and he thought she had no place in an HNM LS (apparently completely oblivious to the fact that it wasn't always that type of shell). Fortunately that LS didn't last long since the owner decided to break it after awhile.

He also earned a spot on my Blist about a month ago when he started telling someone off in Shout in Jeuno. I shouted back "Take it to /tell" and he got rude with me (certain words were used), and so, instant blacklist. I should've added him then.

Just ignore him and his friends. You'll never be worthy enough to party with them anyway. No one outside of his LS apparently is.

Edited, Tue Dec 7 04:45:22 2004 by seraphimhunter
#159 Dec 06 2004 at 10:51 PM Rating: Decent
446 posts
I have never had reason to add anyone to this list but this to me is beyond reproach.


This is one of the most disrespectful players I have ever encountered. He very adamantly states that one of my in-game
friends who is the father of one of my friends who also plays this game bought his
account on e-bay. Apparently I have been blacklisted by him as well for politely asking him to please refrain from defacing my friend. So far my experiance with him is that he is childish and definitly not a newbie.
#160 Dec 08 2004 at 4:34 AM Rating: Decent
70 posts

This rude, idiotic, selfish jerk had my whole party mpked. There weere three parties in Eldieme Necropolis--we had spaced ourselves as far away from her party as we could without getting pops on our tails--we even went into a danger zone so as not to bother them. Next thing I know, she's pulled a bomb, escaped her whole party...bam. Dead party.

Several of her members then disbanded and told us what had happened: She had told them, "Damn, it's getting too crowded in here. Okay, zone, I'm going to have to DO THIS AGAIN..."

I have also heard from my ls members that this person does this often...really pisses me off....
#161 Dec 08 2004 at 4:57 AM Rating: Decent
940 posts
Demondarkhalo may be a little rough around the edges, but he's not a bad guy, i have known him since i was level 9, and i will admit, we fought like crazy at first. Once you get past the rough exterior, he can be a pretty good guy. One more thing, he was only leveling THF for farming purposes. His main is a level 50ish SAM, and originally he was a MNK (i think he took that to 46)
#162 Dec 08 2004 at 5:02 AM Rating: Decent
940 posts
bro, ONE: Crawlers Nest IS a pain without a RDM at ANY level. TWO: You my want to watch how you word things, don't want to see you booted. THREE: I partied in Crawlers nest from level 35-48.
#163 Dec 08 2004 at 5:42 AM Rating: Default
13,048 posts
Aluus wrote:
bro, ONE: Crawlers Nest IS a pain without a RDM at ANY level. TWO: You my want to watch how you word things, don't want to see you booted. THREE: I partied in Crawlers nest from level 35-48.

BRD {Can I have it?}

And really, you're not one to be talking down to people, with SAM as a sub for RDM. -.-;;
#164 Dec 08 2004 at 12:19 PM Rating: Decent
5,645 posts
And really, you're not one to be talking down to people, with SAM as a sub for RDM. -.-;;


Also I am in the same LS as Nasi and can attest that he has been nothing but helpful while he was with us.

Quite frankly pulling something and escaping is far better than zoning it. As for it being intentional I dunno i wasn't there. But if you had called a GM and he really did say "I will have to do that again" it is something they would have seen in the logs.

me thinks someone is not telling the whole story.
#165 Dec 08 2004 at 1:09 PM Rating: Decent
70 posts
OH, you see, it WAS intentional. When we first entered and were passing by, Nasi made angry emotes at us and rudely said things like "No thanks." "Get out".

And EVERYONE in her group told us the EXACT same thing. They said that while my party was fighting a jelly, she said to them: "Okay, that's it. It's getting to crowded in here...I'm going to have to do this everyone." No one zoned, so next thing she does is pulls a bomb, and has the blm escape them all out immediately (she escaped with the bomb RIGHT on top of my party). At first, we thought she had done it on purpose too, but I wasn't sure. So I asked a party member, and he said yes, it was the thf Nasi who came up with the idea (and went on to tell me what she had said). Then another member said that to me...and another member told the same thing to other party members. The GM looked...and sure enough...

I'm sorry, if this person has been in your ls and been helpful that's fine. But from what I see she only helps people who are with her. We tried to space ourselves as far apart from her party as possible, but that wasn't good enough. Nope, she decided to mpk us. There's no excuse for it, you just can't defend that. And apparently, my party isn't the only one who she's done this too. Several people in my ls and my friends list had heard of her or HAD her do it to their party.

Sorry, it just kind of irks me when someone mpks my whole party and has been known to do that and then I get accused of lying about it....

Edited, Wed Dec 8 13:16:40 2004 by Dremar
#166 Dec 08 2004 at 2:04 PM Rating: Excellent
5,645 posts
it was the thf Nasi who came up with the idea (and went on to tell me what she had said).

You said this was in Eldieme right? I could be wrong about this but Nasi's thf is not at a point where he would be in eldieme anyway.
#167 Dec 08 2004 at 2:11 PM Rating: Excellent
228 posts
Sorry, it just kind of irks me when someone mpks my whole party and has been known to do that and then I get accused of lying about it....

Who's accusing you of lying?! I just asked a simple question because it goes against what I have personally witnessed on many occassions, both before and after any LS affiliation. Granted, I have not pt'd with him in a while, just find this behavior quite out of character for him, that's all.
#168 Dec 08 2004 at 2:22 PM Rating: Excellent
363 posts
Nasi walked 3 of us thru to the shadow lord. Very helpful person. This does not sound like her at all. She's definetly not arrogant in any way.

Several people in my ls and my friends list had heard of her or HAD her do it to their party.

I believe several people will also say the exact opposite. I think your story is sketchy at best. But then again its just a situation where you can make up your own mind about it.
#169 Dec 08 2004 at 3:04 PM Rating: Default
70 posts
Then maybe she wasn't a thief? I thought she was. Don't believe me? Fine...don't. I really don't give a damn, but I'm not the malicious type to lie. I don't post here unless someone wrongs me, and all I know is what I saw and it was her pulling RIGHT into my party and then casting escape. I also know that THREE Of her party members told me the EXACT same thing. And for reference, the GM who looked over the chat log's name was Gludd. If you ever end up in a chat session with him, you can ask him if I'm telling the truth, and he'll tell you.

Put yourself in MY shoes. How would YOU feel if you had someone do this to your party, you posted it in this thread, and then everyone started praising the person who had you mpked, basically calling you a liar and saying your story was "Sketchy at best" and making you out to be the bad guy? I's really not a good feeling, I'll tell you.

Edited, Wed Dec 8 15:08:50 2004 by Dremar
#170 Dec 08 2004 at 3:12 PM Rating: Decent
617 posts
Well if a GM got involved, then there's no denying it happened, they don't just randomly suspend/warn/etc people. I don't know Nasi, but I'd ask him/her about this situation. There are a myriad of reasons why he/she did this (none of which are justifiable, MPK is cowardice), but the fact is, his party got MPK'd and Nasi was involved. So instead of jumping down each other's throats, why not ask Nasi?
#171 Dec 08 2004 at 3:27 PM Rating: Good
1,315 posts
I was unaware Nasi was a "she." The Nasi I met and helped me trying to get G1 paper in Eldieme was a 64 WAR Male Hume toon with a blonde mullet. <shrugs>
#172 Dec 08 2004 at 3:37 PM Rating: Excellent
228 posts
Put yourself in MY shoes. How would YOU feel if you had someone do this to your party, you posted it in this thread, and then everyone started praising the person who had you mpked, basically calling you a liar and saying your story was "Sketchy at best" and making you out to be the bad guy? I's really not a good feeling, I'll tell you.

Whoa! I, for one, am not praising Nasi. Way off on that one. A few of us have simply stated our personal experiences with him. NOONE here has called you a liar or is trying to make you out to be the "bad guy" so come down off the pity pedastal. My initial post was just to make sure the name was correct as I have had a completely dif. experience, and nothing more than that. I don't condone these actions by anyone, whether I know them or not, and people who take such childish and spiteful actions as MPKing should be strung up their balls. Again, Nasi is a HE so this does apply.
#173 Dec 08 2004 at 5:27 PM Rating: Decent
375 posts
OMG,you were MPKed? Is this the 1st time in this game that it has happened to you and are you shocked? Yea it does suck royally but you know what? It happens. I hardly doubt that it was done on purpose as I also have different experiences with Nasi, and it doesnt sound like him.

I constantly watch morons in Garbage ******** when im working sub train 5 or 6 sets of wingrats or citidel bats to the zone and kill ooodles of people.The point is, people do it and it happens.Are we supposed to call a GM for that too?

Was your death unfair? possibly. Was it done on purpose? who knows. If your going to slander a players name because of an unfortunate incident, what does that say about you.

Im not sticking up for anyone here.It just gets old listening to people whine like little girls when they THINK that an injustice has been done to them.

I would be nice if there were more actual facts to support your claim.Once again, I am not passing judgement on either side beacause I dont need to get involved in someone elses drama any longer.

Just my thoughts..
#174 Dec 08 2004 at 6:08 PM Rating: Default
163 posts
No offense intended Krack, but isn't the specific purpose of this thread so that your fellow player community can give people a heads up to watch out for players that specifically go out of their way to hamper other peoples enjoyment of this game?

My suggestion would be that if you don't want to read people "whining like little girls when what they THINK is an injustice" happens that this isn't the kind of thread you'd want to read. ><

That's really what MPKing people does more than anything. It's not just a death, that's easy enough to get over, but it's the overall impact it has on your daily mood.

I think Dreamar has a right to thier opinion about someone they viewed to be a person that tried to obstruct their playing time in a malicious fashion. Since countless others before him have posted with hardly any hard evidence to support their case.

But in turn Jubon, TseTsuo, and Vimien can also give their opinions on the said offender.

I know I don't use this thread as a definate in judging who is a bad player and who isn't. I can never truly judge that until I've personally played with someone. And even then, who knows when someone is having an off day or just be fired or cranky (or dare I say PMS?).
#175 Dec 08 2004 at 6:30 PM Rating: Decent
375 posts
Hi Anaiya,
never once did I say Dremar did not have a right to express his/her opinion. There was however a claim that is was MPK.This is unsubstantiated at this point and it was strictly the opinion on the the poster.
Im not saying it didnt happen. I am saying however that a few more facts or even a little supporting evidence would be helpful.

Would you turn down a PT invite because some board poster said he/she was an MPKer? The human factor comes into play here.Its all hearsay until there is something to document the truth.

If you personally know both parties, than you have the luxury to weigh your options and accept or decline that pt invite based on your own feelings.

Regarding the whining thing..Ill stand by that because it honestly does get old and everybodys big threat is "Im gunna call a GM" ok..ok.. so what has a GM ever done for you in the past? is very well stated in the many "I called a GM" post on these boards.

The point is..its over..move on and enjoy the game. These things do suck and they **** us all off. Spend time enjoying the finer things in the game and forget about all the BS(and theres plenty of it).

Chalk it up to experience.

#176 Dec 08 2004 at 6:57 PM Rating: Default
70 posts
Thank you Pagaie. :)

Nasi may be a he then, and may not be a thief. I thought this was what he was, but then again...I was a bit too busy running from the bomb he had pulled to me.

And my evidence is unsubstantial? Hardly. I had his whole party warning me that he was saying that if we came back he said he'd do it again. Nasi also told one of his friends (who later told me) that he "Did it because we were right on top of them". (Which isn't true--we had gone all the way down the stairs from him and as far as we could without getting pops on us. We were not within a close enough range of him that our party could have any affect on him. The only effect we could have on him is there would be less pulls for him.)

I'm not trying to gather pity, and I didn't point to a person in particular. But it does annoy me how I am being questioned, people say I have no proof, and my words are being called "sketchy". I've had confirmation from a GM, confirmation from his own party members...confirmation from several of my ls members...what more do I need? I've even had him admitting it to one of his friends and saying why he did it! He may be nice to some people, but he certainly was not nice to my party--we broke up after that out of sheer frustration. We happened to have been in the middle of a fight when he pulled that bomb right into the middle of our party and then escaped.
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