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The Official Flame ThreadFollow

#1 Sep 28 2004 at 10:59 AM Rating: Good
1,315 posts
My job sucks so bad, and is infinately boring, I am writing this post in absolute proof of these facts.

The Official Bismarck Flame Thread

Being that there seems to be certain topics that always get an argumentative response, I thought this would be a good opportunity to humorously dive into some of these topics.

Now there is to be no rating, no apologies and absolutely no feelings will be hurt. (Unless you are extraordinarily stupid and cannot discern harsh, quailty humor from insults).

I will choose a few topics, just to get the ball rolling. These are just items I have noticed become flame wars and by all means they better fu[/b]ckin' be flame wars here. Please come up with your own flame topics and and give me any suggestions, so that I can flame them.

1. WHM's are Asshats
2. Elvaan Mages are teh suk
3. DRK can't hit sh[b]
4. Dunes!!
5. Canada vs. USA
6. Bastok sucks!!
7. NIN tank is better than PLD
8. So what if I sub Dragoon?
10. They might, not go, down in history...but they'll go down on your sister.

OK I ran outta ideas on that last one, but if anyone listens to NOFX they should appreciate.

Anyhow, don't be shy. Flame parties, places, individuals...whatever you want. Hell, **** on the neighbor's dog for all I care. But it had better be somewhat funny, very harsh and ignorantly stated. Everyone ******* and whines in other threads, so don't pass up this opportunity!

I await the competition.

EDIT: 11. Eww, ewww forgot a major one...Fu[b][/b]ck John Kerry.

Edited, Tue Sep 28 12:50:12 2004 by Trizzoro
#2 Sep 28 2004 at 11:13 AM Rating: Good
1,315 posts
The most worthless sub in FFXI by far: DRG!

What possible advantages would you get by subbing DRG? I was in this pt in the Dunes (eww, a cross-flame reference)and these two chicks invited me to thier pt when I was NIN.

The WAR/DRG chick INSISTED on being the tank (once again, I was NIN/WAR at the time). After she began taking a severe beating, I would voke and her other friend, as if offended I would have the gaul to voke, would voke it off of me (she was a DRK/WAR).

So I was like "WTF?" Tried to explain to them last I heard, NIN IS a tank, and the DRK Mithra bi[/b]tch was like "I don't know why he voked when you're the tank" talking as if I wasn't even there.

Well, why the fu[b]
ck would anyone be dumb enough to sub DRG? I mean, the job is basically worthless as a main without a wyvern let alone as a sub, which you cannot use a wyvern. So, ***** all DRG subs and Mithra DRKs!!!
#3 Sep 28 2004 at 11:26 AM Rating: Good
363 posts would have to pick the one that probably is the most (logically) right..DRG subs ARE worthless (for all the reasons you've mentioned). Now why anyone would? Well, The ONLY reason I could come up with (and this is pretty weak) is if you like using a spear and (again, can't confirm) there is some special ability you can only get if you have DRG as main or sub. This would be a dumb reason, but hey, we aren't all rocket scientists in this game. I don't think your gonna get much flaming on that Triz, you'll probably get more people /nod'ing more than anything. Should have gone with the Elvaan mages are teh suk, then we can drop the gloves.
#4 Sep 28 2004 at 11:28 AM Rating: Good
690 posts
Trizzoro, you're such a freakin' noob!

You should know that DRG subs roxxorz! (is that how it goes?)

Not only do you miss out on your wyvern, you also gain worthless stats to work with. Anyone with a DRG sub will get the **** kicked outta him attempting to tank, you say? Who else can make such a bold claim, I ask you? Nobody! Get your facts straight before you start in on the marvelous DRG sub.

Sub those DRG's people. Your name will go down in history. Or is that infamy?

So anyway, get your facts straight. And ***** you, buddy!

Oh yeah, Windurst sucks.

--Arondight, Bismarck

The previous has been typed following the guidelines of this thread. Please adhere to the guidelines at all times. I hate you all.
Nothing that is so, is so.
#5 Sep 28 2004 at 11:31 AM Rating: Good
215 posts
Why are all the DRK's such idiots? I mean, not once have I partied with a DRK who didn't get me killed. And, who in gods name says that DRK's can tank? Apprently 95% of the DRK's out there think that they can tank from levels 12-75. I'm not sure if this is a suprise really, considering how stupid they are, but I know that i'll NEVER party with a DRK AGAIN.

#6 Sep 28 2004 at 11:32 AM Rating: Good
690 posts
And another thing!

Who gves a dam how people spel? You can unnerstand the sentance, right? Who cars if a few wods are mispeled!

Dpwn with the speling *****!

--Arondight, Bismarck

I had to actually go through this one twice to make sure it looks like I wanted it to look. I still hate you all.
Nothing that is so, is so.
#7 Sep 28 2004 at 11:44 AM Rating: Good
1,315 posts
sagashe wrote:
Trizzoro, you're such a freakin' noob!

You should know that DRG subs roxxorz! (is that how it goes?)

Not only do you miss out on your wyvern, you also gain worthless stats to work with. Anyone with a DRG sub will get the **** kicked outta him attempting to tank, you say? Who else can make such a bold claim, I ask you? Nobody! Get your facts straight before you start in on the marvelous DRG sub.

Sub those DRG's people. Your name will go down in history. Or is that infamy?

So anyway, get your facts straight. And ***** you, buddy!

Oh yeah, Windurst sucks.

--Arondight, Bismarck

The previous has been typed following the guidelines of this thread. Please adhere to the guidelines at all times. I hate you all.

Suck me sideways punk. I eat little pieces of sh[/b]it like you for breakfast. "You eat pieces of sh[b]it for breakfast?" you ask? Yes, I do.

I would rather sub Grandma then DRG. Hell, I would rather drive a Ford Mustang, listen to Randy Travis, cut the sleeves of of my cardigan sweater and dip Copenhagen in my upper lip than even unlock the job of DRG.

And yeah, all DRK do seem to be complete fu[/b]cktards. especially Galka.

And Vim, Elvaan mages are teh suk. You said it yourself. Your MP pool is compareable to size of your shriveled Elvaan *****. Extraordinarily small and useless. Oh yeah, Canada is the USA's little bi[b]
tch sister!

Edited, Tue Sep 28 12:54:14 2004 by Trizzoro
#8 Sep 28 2004 at 11:51 AM Rating: Good
690 posts
Trizzoro the Quick wrote:
Suck me sideways punk.

Give me a magnifying glass and 50 bucks and I'll see what I can do.

I would rather sub Grandma then DRG.

Now you're dissin' the Grandma sub? What the hell's the matter with you? No one makes better Apple Pies +1 than Grandma. What idiot wouldn't want the Grandma sub? Oh wait... you.

And furthermore, eating **** for breakfast gives you your fiber intake for the day... no arguments there. It's grrrrreat!

In closing, I'd like to say: Stick your head up a goblin's *** and see if you can find the Bomb Toss stashed there.

--Arondight, Bismarck
Nothing that is so, is so.
#9 Sep 28 2004 at 11:59 AM Rating: Good
1,315 posts
sagashe wrote:
Trizzoro the Quick wrote:
Suck me sideways punk.

Give me a magnifying glass and 50 bucks and I'll see what I can do.

I would rather sub Grandma then DRG.

Now you're dissin' the Grandma sub? What the hell's the matter with you? No one makes better Apple Pies +1 than Grandma. What idiot wouldn't want the Grandma sub? Oh wait... you.

And furthermore, eating **** for breakfast gives you your fiber intake for the day... no arguments there. It's grrrrreat!

In closing, I'd like to say: Stick your head up a goblin's *** and see if you can find the Bomb Toss stashed there.

--Arondight, Bismarck

50 bucks? Wow, your a cheap *****. You from Bastok? Figures. Can't make gil for sh[b][/b]it there, so suckin' for bucks would be your main income.

As far as the Gob's bomb stash I have news for you. I tried it, and Bluffnix said his *** was already sore from the "shocker" you gave him with your thumb tac member during an invasive Gobbie Bag session with you, Gobsexual.

Let me guess, your favorite job is DRK/DRG? Or are you one of the morons that thinks Blue Mage is a swell idea to have in FFXI? I can only imagine the frustration your 3rd grade teachers experience with you on a daily basis.

#10 Sep 28 2004 at 12:11 PM Rating: Good
690 posts
Yeah, well, I'd rather give out sucks for gil than your method of "earning" gil. At least I'm working an accepted trade for mine. They don't call you Jerry's ***** for nothing.

And I'll have you know Bluffnix was completely satisfied with my service. So much so, that he even gave me my gobbiebag upgrade for free. Learn what insults people before you attempt to insult them, noob.

And what the hell is wrong with Blue Mages now? Jesus, it's nothing but complaints from you. You must have been abused as a child. Does daddy stop by twice a week to make sure your demeanor doesn't change?

And you got it wrong again, cocksnot. I passed 3rd grade on time. It's the 4th grade I can't seem to get past, these last 13 years. Get your facts straight. And get a clue while you're at it.

--Arondight, Bismarck
Nothing that is so, is so.
#11 Sep 28 2004 at 12:14 PM Rating: Good
230 posts
This thread suxorz...I dont know why you would even post here

I think Ill add that I happen to think that Elvaan Whm/Drg pwns all other jobs in the game. and dont you forget that *****

another thing Bismarck sucks *** its like hell here, and the only reason I plan on staying is because I love all the Gilfarmers we have
#12 Sep 28 2004 at 12:16 PM Rating: Good
363 posts
/drops the gloves

Triz Triz you've done got me in this ring..
warning, it should be noted Triz and I are friends

First of all, the way you fight Triz, you DO sub your grandma, and thank god you do cause then it would look sad. And ask your sister about my shrivled Elvaan *****. What was it you said? 'They may, not go, down in history...'

My MP pool is just FINE. I, for one, don't spam cure 3's when the tank lost only 50 HP. I prefer being elvaan because when some egotistical trigger happy RNG decides to unload on a mob
because of sexual frustration and I have to save his *** by spaming cure IV's, i won't drop dead by having the mob do nothing but fart on me like those footstool Taru's. So since your mom didn't feed you enough ******* when you were a baby, you can go right ahead and spam arrows, you cranky ***, i'll be able to save your *** and not commit suicide in the process. That's the way you RNG like to do everything; quickly. The MND bonus is nice too..that's right, Elvaan's acutally have a MND..

Oh, and Sagashe...Windurst DOES suck. So does Bastok

#13 Sep 28 2004 at 12:17 PM Rating: Good
690 posts
TheRealElkal, may the fleas of a thousand camels infest your armpits.

--Arondight, Bismarck
Nothing that is so, is so.
#14 Sep 28 2004 at 12:19 PM Rating: Good
690 posts
Oh, and Sagashe...Windurst DOES suck. So does Bastok

You know what, Vimien, YOU suck! Hard.

--Arondight, Bismarck
Nothing that is so, is so.
#15 Sep 28 2004 at 12:22 PM Rating: Good
230 posts
Windurst > Bastok/Sandy
#16 Sep 28 2004 at 12:24 PM Rating: Good
363 posts
Oh, and Sagashe...Windurst DOES suck. So does Bastok


You know what, Vimien, YOU suck! Hard.

--Arondight, Bismarck

...Another one who didn't get enough of momma's ******* as a kid....wait, ask Triz' mom, she's available

this is hilarious..I'm laughing histerically at work..people are looking at me
#17 Sep 28 2004 at 12:32 PM Rating: Good
690 posts
...Another one who didn't get enough of momma's ******* as a kid....wait, ask Triz' mom, she's available

Yeah, but I get enough of your momma's ******* to make up for it. And Triz' mom as well. She's also a little ****, just like yours.

--Arondight, Bismarck

Edit: Hey, this thread got me my first star! Alright... I hate you all!

Edited, Tue Sep 28 13:34:06 2004 by sagashe
Nothing that is so, is so.
#18 Sep 28 2004 at 12:41 PM Rating: Good
363 posts

Yeah, but I get enough of your momma's ******* to make up for it. And Triz' mom as well. She's also a little ****, just like yours.

--Arondight, Bismarck

Oh please, i've sucked them dry a numerous years ago.

I bet your one of those people who pay those male-mithras who offer to take their cloth off for 1k for a little pleasure anytime you feel like finding you're, what did you call it? 'thumbtack'. Or are Galka's what make your clock tick.

edit: oh hey! i got my first star

Edited, Tue Sep 28 13:43:22 2004 by Vimien
#19 Sep 28 2004 at 1:01 PM Rating: Good
690 posts
Oh please, i've sucked them dry a numerous years ago.

I bet your one of those people who pay those male-mithras who offer to take their cloth off for 1k for a little pleasure anytime you feel like finding you're, what did you call it? 'thumbtack'. Or are Galka's what make your clock tick.

You can't suck a ****** dry, douchebag. They're endless resevoirs. Drain 'em once and they fill right back up again.

And everyone knows there's nothing better than a well done Galkan sausage.


--Arondight, Bismarck
Nothing that is so, is so.
#20 Sep 28 2004 at 1:17 PM Rating: Good
1,315 posts
Vimien wrote:
/drops the gloves

Triz Triz you've done got me in this ring..
warning, it should be noted Triz and I are friends

First of all, the way you fight Triz, you DO sub your grandma, and thank god you do cause then it would look sad. And ask your sister about my shrivled Elvaan *****. What was it you said? 'They may, not go, down in history...'

My MP pool is just FINE. I, for one, don't spam cure 3's when the tank lost only 50 HP. I prefer being elvaan because when some egotistical trigger happy RNG decides to unload on a mob
because of sexual frustration and I have to save his *** by spaming cure IV's, i won't drop dead by having the mob do nothing but fart on me like those footstool Taru's. So since your mom didn't feed you enough ******* when you were a baby, you can go right ahead and spam arrows, you cranky ***, i'll be able to save your *** and not commit suicide in the process. That's the way you RNG like to do everything; quickly. The MND bonus is nice too..that's right, Elvaan's acutally have a MND..

Oh, and Sagashe...Windurst DOES suck. So does Bastok

Well thats nice and all, but how do you kill things? Cure them to death? Nice. And I am not referring to undead, I guess Squeenix had to give you ignorantly weak WHM's something to do a little dmg to so you won't go home every night and cry to your mother (or mine, whichever you role off of first).

You couldn't keep a lvl 75 MNK alive fighting Bumblebees, which is the only mob you can kill within three hits, mind you. Oh yeah, MND? Thats a stat you actually brag about? I thought the idea of the game was to kill things, not wax intellectual with them. You guys do have your uses, however. If you bring food for everyone that's great, or if we need a mob to run after someone and kill them so we can all get away, Benediction works nicely for that (accept most WHM's never use til AFTER several people are dead to save their own worthless asses.)

#21 Sep 28 2004 at 1:24 PM Rating: Good
1,315 posts
sagashe wrote:
Yeah, well, I'd rather give out sucks for gil than your method of "earning" gil. At least I'm working an accepted trade for mine. They don't call you Jerry's ***** for nothing.

And I'll have you know Bluffnix was completely satisfied with my service. So much so, that he even gave me my gobbiebag upgrade for free. Learn what insults people before you attempt to insult them, noob.

And what the hell is wrong with Blue Mages now? Jesus, it's nothing but complaints from you. You must have been abused as a child. Does daddy stop by twice a week to make sure your demeanor doesn't change?

And you got it wrong again, cocksnot. I passed 3rd grade on time. It's the 4th grade I can't seem to get past, these last 13 years. Get your facts straight. And get a clue while you're at it.

--Arondight, Bismarck

You're obviously a "nut" that Momma shoulda swallowed. I guess that makes you the posterboy for Pro-Choice Abortion rights.

Windurst sucks? You've got to be kidding. Oh wait...humor requires intelligence. So you were serious. Bastok looks like the developers of the game were on a tight schedule and just forgot to add color or anything interesting to the whole damn area. Plus, bastok must enjoy to have the long *** signet, only reason they shoot for last each and every week.

#22 Sep 28 2004 at 1:41 PM Rating: Good
58 posts
Ok, I'm definitely in the wrong thread.

/em walks back slowly....
/wait 5
/em turns and runs for her lil taru life!!!!
#23 Sep 28 2004 at 1:47 PM Rating: Good
690 posts
Ok, I'm definitely in the wrong thread.

/em walks back slowly....
/wait 5
/em turns and runs for her lil taru life!!!!

You're a puss. You don't even deserve the y. You're just a puss.

--Arondight, Bismarck

Please note the disclaimer and don't take it personally. I hate you all more and more with each post.
Nothing that is so, is so.
#24 Sep 28 2004 at 1:48 PM Rating: Good
510 posts
Hey, Trizz..You're an asshat! Yeah, You're a big fat asshat. Dragoon rocks you. You meet a dragoon in Ballista, You ******* run you little ******** you. Go take your fat *** and yer lil alfie or wtfever avatar ya got there and go sit on a ducks beak you ******* quack.

Oh yeah, Canada sucks!

And, Trizz..Go sit on that ducks beak, you ******* quack...

Edited, Tue Sep 28 14:51:10 2004 by Zariko

Uh, Edited again...

And, You..Wintaru you short little asscrack. **** off.

Edited, Tue Sep 28 14:54:02 2004 by Zariko
#25 Sep 28 2004 at 1:49 PM Rating: Good
Run Chisusu Run!!!

All posters in this thread suck galka nuts...



runs off to wherever Chisusu went...
#26 Sep 28 2004 at 1:58 PM Rating: Good
690 posts
Windurst sucks? You've got to be kidding. Oh wait...humor requires intelligence. So you were serious. Bastok looks like the developers of the game were on a tight schedule and just forgot to add color or anything interesting to the whole damn area. Plus, bastok must enjoy to have the long *** signet, only reason they shoot for last each and every week.

The only reason Windurst gets rankings is because of all the pre-pubescent little boys like yourself who like to play as girls or little midget footballs.

It takes stones to own up to a place like Bastok. You call it what you will, you midget-worshipping freak. I swear, you must have some incredibly low self esteem to be part of a nation with 3-foot tall pecks as its leaders. And a hume, to boot... where did your folks go wrong, sir, having you give your allegiance over to dinner?

--Arondight, Bismarck

Quittin' time for me. You made my workday that much more fun. Thanks Trizz! I hate you, anyway.
Nothing that is so, is so.
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