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The Official Flame ThreadFollow

#102 Oct 04 2004 at 5:24 PM Rating: Decent
353 posts

**** mullets. Take your mullitude and get the hell out of the gene pool. This means YOU!

#103 Oct 05 2004 at 7:06 AM Rating: Good
363 posts
alright, here is my flame for the day...

The thing that pisses me off is when you're looking up info on a certain mob on this site (let's say AF1 NM's for ***** and giggles) and some cockmunch ******** decides to post some brainless thread about the fight like "Dude, this fight is SOO easy, just bring along a lvl 71 BLM and he's dead in no don't even have to use your 2 hrs". ******* brilliant einstein. "NO FAWKING WAY?? YOU BEAT AN AF1 MOB WITH A LVL 71?" WOW...YOU ARE U-B-E-R COOL MAN." It's like a goddamn bunch of grade 12's trying to gloat about beating up a grade 2 kid.
<Dumbass 1>'Yeah dude, we TOTALLY reamed him.' *high-five*
<Dumbass 2>'You see how quickly he fell when I kicked him in the family jewels?.'
<Dumbass 1>'Yeah dude, that was totally funny...let's go burn stuff now.'
The funny thing is these people are giving advice about the fight on top of that..Post some f*cking useful information
#104 Oct 05 2004 at 7:30 AM Rating: Good
425 posts
Couldn't agree with you more, Vimien. Anytime you look that kind of sh*t up on this site, the posts are always by some douchebags that say, "Yeah, I had a couple bored 70+s with me and we pwned (insert names of various NM here)."

First of all, cocksmoker, you didn't "pwn" a goddamn thing. They pwned it, and you sat in the back and sucked your thumb like the little ***** you are.

Second of all, wtf. Simply, what the f*ck. Can we get some real information on those pages? Some of us don't feel like blowing some level 70s to get this kinda crap done, and would like real information about these kinda fights.

While I'm at it, I'll just take this time to say the following: f*ck the cost of Sniper's Rings & f*ck the cost of Vassago's. What happened to those days when it was supposedly 50K a pop? Also, f*ck the cost of Haubergeon as well as Hauberk and the rest of the Thick set. F*ck the fact that I'm gonna have to level THF up to 37 now. Just the thought of it stinks to high heaven of new levels of douchebaggery. Going off to play in the Dunes again with the nooblets gives me such a hard on. And, I'll be a puller then, something that I've always f*cking hated to do anyways. Yeah, leveling THF to 37 is going to be a treat. Just like slamming your d*ck in a door.

So, in closing:

F*ck the police.
F*ck yo momma.
But, most of all, f*ck you.

Man, am I one pissed off son of a ***** when I first wake up in the morning.

Edited, Tue Oct 5 08:56:47 2004 by Xanoxonax
#105 Oct 05 2004 at 7:46 AM Rating: Decent
610 posts
OH yay a flame thread! I don't know why I didn't come here sooner! Ok so anyway: Vimien I know just what you mean! Of course you will end up kicking a NM's butt if you have high levels helping. But wow way to post that on the site to make all of us with NO high level help feel bad. I dunno about you but I have one heck of a time finding anyone more than like 3 levels above me to help me out. Which leads me to my little flame of the day, People not helping others.

Why is it that anyone of my friends that I ask for help, refuses to help me out? Oh but if I refused to help them, they wouldn't talk to me anymore! Oh sure, I can drop everything to go camp that NM or help with AF quests or rank missions, but when I need some help no one ever wants to give me any. Sure I could sit here and complain all day and still it wouldn't change a thing but I need to get it out of my system. I just wish people would be as helpful as me. Last night I was just about to quit this game because I couldn't get any help with my AF Hat and then thankfully I had someone offer to help me out and it made me feel so much better. A total stranger who only knows me from the boards is going to help me out. Wow that says a lot about my in-game friends doesn't it? I think I need to re-evaluate my friends list... x_X

So anyway to leave room for conversation, I vote we start to impose the whole idea of "Paying it forward" in this game. Why do people have to offer gil for someone's help? Why can't you simply agree to help out one other person for all the help you have recieved. Maybe then it would make this game a lot more enjoyable.

(I don't know if I'm complaining about the wrong thing for this thread but oh well it was a topic that was on my mind at the time.)

Edited, Tue Oct 5 08:48:51 2004 by Yekan
#106 Oct 05 2004 at 8:00 AM Rating: Decent
790 posts
Lol I see alot of people are on the "*" payroll too. Do you guys get over time if you use more than 40 *'s per week?

Yeah cocky noobies suck, especialy the one that ride the coattail of the others. I really don't understand why noobies think they are the sh*t when someone else did their dirty work. They should be ashamed for their inability.

Xanoxonax you need to cutt down on those quadruple shot expressos in the morning, and give them to me. ;P

#107 Oct 05 2004 at 8:33 AM Rating: Decent
425 posts
Ah Emilyia, my high leveled Dark Knight Goddess, you've got it all wrong. See, I haven't drank any of those "quadruple shot expressos" that you speak of. I actually just rolled out of bed in that state of venom and bad energy. Then again, that's an easy thing to do when you're a misanthrope.

And, as for the use of *s, I actually get paid triple time for them because I'm a *-farmer.

On a serious note, I have some questions for you Emilyia about some job related crap, so be prepared for some random tells the next time I'm on game, little Hume girl. Don't worry though, I won't bug you too much if you're in some area that my mid-level *** hasn't even heard of =P
#108 Oct 05 2004 at 11:29 AM Rating: Good
690 posts
Look! New people on the thread! What? Think you can just jump in here at your own will and post? Get the f*ck outta here.

We don't serve your kind in here.

Where were you at the start? Nowhere, that's where. Just decided to jump on the f*cking bandwagon, did ya? Well, f*ck you, trying to make it seem as if you know how to flame. What a bunch of ********

Yekan - pay it forward? Are you f*cking insane? How about pay it back, b*tch! At twice what you were given. Three times. F*ck it, gimmie everything you got.

Hey ee-mil-lee-ah - You've got some f*cking balls putting in your name pronunciation like that. What? You think that we can't pronouce phonetically (pho-net-i-cal-ly)? Take your holier than thou self out back and beat the sh*t outta yourself.

Vimien... don't even get me started. Just f*ck off.

Trizz... ahhh, Trizz, the little girl. Did you teach Vimien how to scream yet, b*tch?

That's about all the patience I have to write about you f*ckers. So **** off, have a nice day, and f*ck you very much you bunch of snot-nosed, whining, begging, pieces of sh*t. F*ck every last one of you. Including me. F*ck me!

--Arondight, Bismarck

Sioux, did you think I'd forget about you? Scared you off, did I, b*tch? What's the matter? Hanson called and invited you over to play? Let's see some teeth, mother f*cker!
Nothing that is so, is so.
#109 Oct 05 2004 at 11:48 AM Rating: Good
363 posts
Arondight you ***, is that all you got for me? I came to expect a little more from you you ******** Thought you pussed out of here and went back to home, cried to mommy a bit and went back to ******** the family sheep. Come back when you grow your balls or remove the ones you were sucking on from your ***.
#110 Oct 05 2004 at 12:08 PM Rating: Decent
35 posts
i just want to say that i hate seeing warriors with casting subs when they reach kazham. in terms of stats it contributes nothing, if anything at all, and abilities that would be FAR more useful to a melee class (such as boost, sneak attack, etc.) are chosen over a couple of cures. big fraggin woop.

warriors who just don't know how to tank or deal damage. since when the hell is using berserk while getting the crap beaten out of you a good idea? since when r u supposed to use defender if ur NOT tanking? and what's the benefit of turning them BOTH on at the same time?!

i'd also like to flame the little ***** in the dunes that told my paladin not to cure himself because "i'd keep the hate." no freakin wonder those lizards wouldn't stop hitting me.
#111 Oct 05 2004 at 12:13 PM Rating: Good
690 posts
Why you f*cking little pussywhipped, wannabe, shiveled-*****, little Elvaan, taru-pole sucking WHM. You wanna piece of me? You got it.

First of all, what made you ever DREAM that you could be a competent white mage? Not only are you an Elvaan b*tch, you don't even know your role. Why, the last time I saw you, you were trying to be the main tank. It's a good thing the party leader had a lot of patience. I would have booted your *** outta there the second I saw your mutilated, ugly face.

Second, I see you have a SMN sub? Not only are you an incompetant WHM, you don't have a f*cking clue either. Why SMN, man? So you can call out your underleveled carbuncle and have him suck on your d*ck while you try and beat on stuff with your club?

And on that note, why are you using a club, f*cktard? Making up for what's not there between your legs? Oh wait... you do have something there. A hole. 2 holes. 6 inches apart. And you like them filled at the same time, I'm sure, you perverted little Frenchman.

So stop talking smack when you don't know how. This is not your place, big-brown-eyehat. Go back to the kiddie corner and let the adults have their conversation without your insolent, childish remarks getting in the way. I swear... we get bigger and bigger kids coming 'round everyday. F*ck.

--Arondight, Bismarck

Incidentally, if you're going to ***** a sheep, best to do it at the edge of a cliff, so it'll push back.
Nothing that is so, is so.
#112 Oct 05 2004 at 12:45 PM Rating: Good
363 posts
oooo, you think you got skill? PUUULLEEAAASSEEE. You got nothing you tithole. First of all, if your gonna make up some sorry *** story, make your you got a little tanking?? I only tank when **** like you can't do there job properly and I have to save their ***.

Oh, and just so you know, Carby gives some of the best hummers in the game. But that's not the only reason I sub smn you ill-informed nooblet, get past Kazham first (yeah..I see you shouting like a little pissant you are there). For now let mommy and daddy take care of big-people business for now. I don't see you advertise what your job is? what, you a lvl 26 WAR rank 1 Bastok ****** with with a lvl 8 BLM as your sub? I bet you equip a long sword cause you like to shove it up your *** when your LFG to pass the time. The longer the better eh?

Oh, and learn to spell you illerate ***. it's SHRIVELED *****, not shiveled ***** you tard. You think you would learn after your 5th time going thru grade 4.

Oh, and for your information, I use a staff, not a club as a weapon...and DAMN do I stroke it well. So go back and play with your little dagger (makes you feel good eh)...that family sheep is also waiting for his daily milking..

rofl...that cliff thing made me laugh out loud while a client of mine was giving me this sob story..she thought i was laughing at her lol
#113 Oct 05 2004 at 1:17 PM Rating: Decent
690 posts
You prove my point with your own words, douchebag.

You're right. I do a pathetic job at tanking. That's why I'm a BLACK MAGE, mother f*cker! Do a little homework before you decide to make up professions for people. I'm not the one running around yelling at the paladin to stop taking hate because I can tank better than he can. Where the f*ck do you get off?

Advertise what my job it? Are you f*cking retarded? All it takes is a little click of the profile link. Do some work... I bet you're the type of person who wants everything handed to him on a silver platter and whines like the little b*tch you are when you don't get it that way. Oh wait, you're an San D'orian Elvaan... you ARE a little b*tch. My bad. You and Sioux would get along famously, even though you wouldn't be able to satisfy her.

As far as the longsword goes, I got something for ya:
{I'm sorry, I'm busy now} {Longsword} {Jerkin} {Long time}

And there you go again, pointing out spelling mistakes because of your incompetance at flaming. Is that the best you can do? Alright, Mr. English teacher, it's S-H-R-I-V-E-L-E-D (shriv-eled... how do you like that one, ee-mil-lee-ah?). Any way you look at it... you need a magnifying glass to look at it anyway. And a pair of tweezers to DO anything with it. I bet your chocobo wonders why you haven't put it in yet after your 15 minutes of attempted pounding... or is that 15 seconds, you little sh*t?

So you use a staff? Even a bigger reinforcement of making up for what's not there. You're making it too easy for me, man. Just admit your permanent shrinkage and be done with it. Ever go for a cold swim? I bet it disappears.

Come back at me when you have something to come back with. Otherwise, you have lost your privilidge to post. Permanently.

--Arondight, Bismarck

And don't lie, dude. You WERE laughing at the sob story. The cliff statement just brought the laugh out. ^^

Edited, Tue Oct 5 14:19:02 2004 by sagashe

Edited twice, just because I'm cool... and you're not.

Edited, Tue Oct 5 14:24:16 2004 by sagashe
Nothing that is so, is so.
#114 Oct 05 2004 at 5:35 PM Rating: Excellent
Sh*t, you guys are so busted. I found some pictures of you all and boy are you losers!

Vimien trying to make money at the airport:

Sioux in RL with her THF friend:

Trizz looking for a PT:


#115 Oct 05 2004 at 5:43 PM Rating: Decent
425 posts

That is the funniest sh*t I've seen in ages.

WTF campus of Rutgers was this at? I'd have to say up north in New Brunswick, because there's no way in hell that sh*t was happening down in Camden. Trust me, if that was going on at the Camden campus, people would be giving free blow jobs for a Warp II.

{Tele-BurlCo} {Can I have it?} 500 gil, and make it quick, goddamnit!

Solrain, mad props for finding that sh*t and for that, a rate up.

#116 Oct 05 2004 at 9:27 PM Rating: Good

.....oh god, you so got me, I can't even come back to that

Rate up!!!
#117 Oct 05 2004 at 10:46 PM Rating: Good
363 posts

HA! Love it!

#118 Oct 06 2004 at 8:59 AM Rating: Decent
790 posts
Hahahhahaha I was at Otakon2004 too. There's another WHM and RDM in full cosplay AF running around.
#119 Oct 06 2004 at 1:08 PM Rating: Decent
107 posts
Flaaaaaames! Burn!

Party-jumping... THIS is my RANT!

Okay, so you're in the dunes... and your PLD is too stupid to do anything. He can't keep hate for anything, he doesn't heal himself, and he keeps lotting in the middle of battle... spam spam spam stupid. So you decide to ask him politely (yes, politely, damn it) to stop lotting/heal self/voke/whatever... and he warps out of party! NO explanation... AFTER he'd lectured you for 40 minutes on how PLD was his lowest job and he was so fookin 1337... *cough*Ceomyr*cough* I'll excuse it... perhaps it was a noob moment.

SO I'm on the RDM... at level 45... and the other RDM doesn't sneak herself while we're running from Altep crystal to Quicksand Caves.... she dies because she just keeps running, then once we raise her, she warps out, yells at us, then disbands! Whaaaaat the fook? I mean, really... if it's your fault, own up to it and be a man or woman or galka about it. I'm not going to say who it was because i understand she has a good rep and I don't want to get her yelled at for a moment of frustration.... but still....

I don't care how bad it gets...if you ***** up or it's some minor little thing, DON'T JUST JUMP PARTY! Make up an excuse or something, or tell someone that they've screwed up.. don't leave them looking for a replacement just because you feel like wimping out.

Okay I feel better now.
#120 Oct 06 2004 at 1:26 PM Rating: Good
1,315 posts
Solrain, fu[/b]ck that. That dude is like 5 ft. tall! I'm 6'3", about 245 IRL.

That is funnier than hell, though. I've always loved this kinda sh[b]
it but highly doubt I'll ever make a RL costume and kick it. Funny sh[b][/b]it.

Edited, Wed Oct 6 14:27:05 2004 by Trizzoro
#121 Oct 07 2004 at 8:54 AM Rating: Decent
790 posts
That's some Class A A-hole for a tank you got there. BTW no highe level will ever brag about their job. Letting lowbies know that you have a well developed job will result in a flood of begs for money/PL/quest help. You PLD is definatly some noob, and an *** at that too.

Once I had a level 4 RDM with no subjob and a "?" next to his name asking me for gils. He told me that he's not really a noobie and he's got a level 80 WAR and "its gets boring" playing his level 80 WAR. I told him the max level is 75. Then he promply walks away. (&#$%#$% lying noobs!!!)

Since this is a flaming thread, I would like to say I hate all %#$%^#%ing noobies that think they are so cool with their imaginary high level job. They are such retarded losers that they don't even earn the right be be called losers.
#122 Oct 10 2004 at 12:54 PM Rating: Decent
425 posts
I just wanted to say fu[/b]ck all you douchebags that let the flame thread get low on the main page thread list. Shame on you, you worthless ********

ck you all and see you Thursday.
#123 Oct 10 2004 at 2:36 PM Rating: Decent
690 posts
F*ck you six ways from Thursday, Xano. F*ck you all.

--Arondight, Bismarck
Nothing that is so, is so.
#124 Oct 10 2004 at 4:43 PM Rating: Decent
446 posts
Zander starts casting Bump on The Official Flame Thread.
The Official Flame Thread recieves the effect of Bump!
Zander's Bump skill rises 0.5
Zander readies ***** Slap.
Zander ***** Slaps everyone in the thread.
Zander's ***** Slap skill rises 1.0
#125 Oct 10 2004 at 6:40 PM Rating: Good
690 posts
zandertheredmage wrote:
Zander starts casting Bump on The Official Flame Thread.
The Official Flame Thread recieves the effect of Bump!
Zander's Bump skill rises 0.5
Zander readies ***** Slap.
Zander ***** Slaps everyone in the thread.
Zander's ***** Slap skill rises 1.0

Zander is English (or retarded).

That is all.

--Arondight, Bismarck
Nothing that is so, is so.
#126 Oct 10 2004 at 7:06 PM Rating: Decent
446 posts
sagashe wrote:
zandertheredmage wrote:
Zander starts casting Bump on The Official Flame Thread.
The Official Flame Thread recieves the effect of Bump!
Zander's Bump skill rises 0.5
Zander readies ***** Slap.
Zander ***** Slaps everyone in the thread.
Zander's ***** Slap skill rises 1.0

Zander is English (or retarded).

That is all.

--Arondight, Bismarck

Zander is at work and extemly bored =/
Rate Up for calling me retarded!!
ha ha ha ha ha ha
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