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#127 Oct 11 2004 at 8:55 AM Rating: Decent
107 posts
Bump just because sometimes I poke Zanturion when he's not looking and well I feel guilty.

RANT about Shadows spamming dimensional Death. BOO. They should have like ONE that doesn't do that so I can play with him.... -_-
#128 Oct 11 2004 at 5:51 PM Rating: Decent
446 posts
Iverin wrote:
Bump just because sometimes I poke Zanturion when he's not looking and well I feel guilty.

RANT about Shadows spamming dimensional Death. BOO. They should have like ONE that doesn't do that so I can play with him.... -_-

Don't think I don't know who you are. I'm the one that ran by you the other day and Slapped you repeatedly and made fun of you for not yet having your pimp hat calling you uber n00b!!

#129 Oct 11 2004 at 11:03 PM Rating: Decent
107 posts
zandertheredmage wrote:
Iverin wrote:
Bump just because sometimes I poke Zanturion when he's not looking and well I feel guilty.

RANT about Shadows spamming dimensional Death. BOO. They should have like ONE that doesn't do that so I can play with him.... -_-

Don't think I don't know who you are. I'm the one that ran by you the other day and Slapped you repeatedly and made fun of you for not yet having your pimp hat calling you uber n00b!!


Yeah I suck. I'ma rant about how much I suck ;-P
LOL I just see you EVERYWHERE and I /wave..... you don't love me... man. Hate you.
#130 Oct 13 2004 at 12:38 PM Rating: Good
1,315 posts
For real bi[/b]tch from last night.

Farming in Pashhow (shocker), got a Goob on Widescan. I'm running towards it and this DRK (no named mentioned...fu[b]
ck it, Imortalsoul was it..) starts basically running in the same direction I am running. However, on my screen he was a few paces BEHIND me.

So, being that people go feverishly after Goobs like they are NM's I always have Shadowbind saved for these occasions. I hit it, claim the Goob, then Imortalsoul starts casting something, who knows. His casting interrupts after I claim it and he types in /say "a[/b]sshole."

Now why am I an a[b]
sshole? For farming the same things he is? For beating him to the mob? Was he going to get mad if he claimed it first? I doubt it. People need to realize when farming...guess what, I'm farming, too. Was he going to stop and just let me have it? Or, was he trying just as hard to get to it first before I did, therefore got pissed because I won? I think the latter applies.

Therefore when farming or NM hunting realize the mobs are NOT YOUR'S. They are NOBODY'S until claimed. So, if you are farming the same thing I am and you get there first, I don't say sh[/b]it. EVER. If I get it first and you don't like that call your fu[b]ckin' mommy and bi[b][/b]tch cause I ain't hearin' it.
#131 Oct 13 2004 at 1:15 PM Rating: Good
363 posts
Oh boo ******* who. he had TOTAL right be mad at you and calling you an *******. You are an *** for doing that to someone Triz. He's how you should have dealt with the situation. First, you should have 'advised' him that you have located a goobue on your widescan, then after you get his acknowledgement, you should have both lined up side-by-side with a third party person countdown 3-2-1...GO! and both proceed to make your way to the goobue. ONLY then will claiming the goobue make it 'fair'. Better yet. when you enter a zone, you should have to 'sign-up' for a section of the area and you are not allowed to farm beyond the boundries assigned to you for that time-slot. Penalties for breaking these rules would result in a 10 min tie-down ***-pounding by Arondight, the resident bismarck fruitcake. -ZING!- I'M BACK BABY!

BTW TRIZ..hurry up with my PLD give him back to me
#132 Oct 13 2004 at 1:43 PM Rating: Good
1,315 posts
Let me guess Vim, this guy was your boyfriend. Well, I don't want any bad blood so when your reeming his a[/b]ss tonight with your twizzle stick, tell him I'm sorry. Whenever he is in a zone I will immediately vacate and leave all the mobs to him.

And you'll get your PLD back when we are good and da[b]
mn well ready. If he even wants to come back to your 3rd grader party.

Should be at the end of next week, barring any fu[b][/b]cking cancellations or disasters.
#133 Oct 13 2004 at 1:48 PM Rating: Good
363 posts
Let me guess Vim, this guy was your boyfriend. Well, I don't want any bad blood so when your reeming his *** tonight with your twizzle stick, tell him I'm sorry. Whenever he is in a zone I will immediately vacate and leave all the mobs to him.

And you'll get your PLD back when we are good and damn well ready. If he even wants to come back to your 3rd grader party.

Hell ya...I'll tell him when we're cuddling. He came home crying last night. And we graduated 3rd grade you dumbass, we're in grade 4 now...and edumacated.

cool, only need him by Nov 1st (gone on vacation/marathon in Ireland from 21-30)...he's afraid he won't keep hate (his pride) with your kickass party. I'm sure he's doing fine thought
#134 Oct 14 2004 at 8:27 AM Rating: Decent
790 posts
RDM and WHM especially should be a hume female only job. Elvaan male WHM is just fugly. In fact all elvaan should wear a mask to cover up their ugly mugs. @#$%^& any non hume female RDM and WHMs. You are all ugly. ;P
#135 Oct 14 2004 at 8:29 AM Rating: Good
lol, you cant say that, and you know it....

mithra are the sexiest rdm out there

#136 Oct 14 2004 at 8:32 AM Rating: Decent
790 posts
Pffff.......Mithra be better RDMs if they cut their tails off!!! Their CHR is so low because they never clean their own litter box!!! Refresh is not so refreshing with that smell!! ;P
#137 Oct 14 2004 at 9:04 AM Rating: Good
363 posts
[RDM and WHM especially should be a hume female only job. Elvaan male WHM is just fugly. In fact all elvaan should wear a mask to cover up their ugly mugs. @#$%^& any non hume female RDM and WHMs. You are all ugly. ;P

OH REALLY? like you look hot as a woman doing a man's job in your DRK suit you tomboy. Hume female DRK smell like B.O. Go back to your muff diving.
#138 Oct 14 2004 at 10:33 AM Rating: Decent
790 posts
Speaking of fugly WHM male elvaans. Elvaan male in WHM Cheerleader-looking outfit is just fruiTAY. Elvaan male in WHM outfit will take home the gold in drag queen contest everytime, hands down. Try put on a Sublingar too. Rupaul will be proud. XD

Lol Vimien, how are you? Genkai 1 done yet? I am going to assume you finished it. Your sig says you are 51. (^-^)/
#139 Oct 14 2004 at 11:03 AM Rating: Good
363 posts
Oh YEAH! well, DRK Hume females are like white-trash trailer park truck drivers. Shave your legs lately? Bet all of them watch WWE RAW and take notes. Cause I think having NO teeth is REAL can go down on my whm elvaan pole anyday. ;P

yeah all done ^^ (thx god) thx again btw. right now I'm just picking my nose waiting for most of my new static to get up to lvl 50, so if you want to take me somewhere's cool with your kick-assness, let me know :)
#140 Oct 30 2004 at 10:44 PM Rating: Default
111 posts
hmmm, this looks like fun, ill try
f*ck kerry, if i wanted a chicken sh*t coward for pres, id vote for a canadian.

***** blms, i dont really have a reason why, im just racist towards blms, mithras, humes, galkas, and tarus.

f*ck grammar, ill mispell any damned thing i want to and use commas for periods,

i hate all jobs, i want a new job added, a green mage. he gets drunk and just watches the fights without helping out any, just leeching xp. maybe add in a heckle ability or sumthin, but nuthin fancy. let his af be a pair of jeans with a skoal can ring in the *** of them, and a sleeveless shirt. cant be any worse than a drg in a pt.

i applaud the gil farmers, they give us all someone to hate. its so fun to hate people, cause being racist is fun. dont let any liberal do-gooders tell you different. lets all hate someone tomorrow and feel good about it.

thats all i feel like hateing for now...

just remember, i may suck. you may think i suck more than anyone has ever sucked before,
but you swallow
#141 Nov 05 2004 at 2:29 PM Rating: Good
363 posts
to good to let it die.

Here's a new one for ya; Shut the f*ck up about goddamn gil sellers. If I hear one more f*cking post about how gil sellers are 'ruining my gaming experience', I think i'm gonna lose it. For God sakes, we all know who they are, we've been told 254 times already. It's like that itch in your crotch or taking your morning sh*t, you can't do nothing about it so let it go. So buck up, shut it and f*ck off. And don't give me **** about how we need to 'inform' the public. F*ck, I don't think we have enough 'gil seller' information threads. We should make a 'who's your favorite gil-seller of all time' or 'are gil-sellers republican or democrats'. how about 'If i were a gil-seller, i would...'

-VIM, Bismarck, cause I'm cooler then Arondight
#142 Nov 05 2004 at 2:43 PM Rating: Good
649 posts
Well said! And F**K me too for posting a thread on gil sellers! I'm such an @$$ but you know what, Who the F**K gives a S#!T what i think anyways.

***** you all :)
#143 Nov 06 2004 at 10:41 AM Rating: Good
690 posts
F*ck you, Vim.

I love gilsellers.

There, I said it. You got a problem? Well, go f*ck yourself! Not only are they providing a valuable service to our community by monopolizing the high-end sh*t, they are feeding their families. Think about the children, Vim, the children!

...on second thought, f*ck the children, f*ck the gilsellers, and above all, f*ck you!

--Bismarck, Arondight, because Vimien has no *****
Nothing that is so, is so.
#144 Nov 06 2004 at 4:58 PM Rating: Excellent
I have one thing to say to you people.


This flame thread is a pain in my ***. I will never post in it. That is all.
#145 Nov 08 2004 at 12:24 PM Rating: Good
690 posts
You think you're too cool for us? Well, you're not. Sit down and rotate, Sioux.

--Arondight, Bismarck
Nothing that is so, is so.
#146 Nov 08 2004 at 1:24 PM Rating: Good
363 posts
Yeah Sioux, Go play in traffic. I own Arnold.

-Vimien, Bismarck, Arondight's my b*tch
#147 Nov 08 2004 at 1:31 PM Rating: Good
690 posts
Typing it here doesn't make it true, Vim, you poor deluded boy.

--Arondight, Bismarck, because Vim can't be original.

I eat kittens.
Nothing that is so, is so.
#148 Nov 08 2004 at 3:56 PM Rating: Good
Oh sure boys, just gang up on me, why don't you. Go ahead. Gangbang me. Go for it. I know you guys are secretly looking at each other the whole time anyway.

PS: Arnold was talking to you momos, what he actually said was "SHUT THE FU[sm][/sm]CK UP VIMIEN AND ARONDIGHT" but the jpeg was just a bit too big.
#149 Nov 08 2004 at 4:08 PM Rating: Good
1,315 posts
You guys are some stupid fu[b][/b]ckers.
#150 Nov 08 2004 at 4:22 PM Rating: Decent
Eden is New Brunswick. I went to cook so we had eden
#151 Nov 08 2004 at 4:47 PM Rating: Good
It's about time somebody said something that made some kind of goddamn sense.
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