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The Official Flame ThreadFollow

#277 Dec 06 2004 at 11:21 AM Rating: Good
311 posts
Galkas dont reproduce asexualy, and they dont ***** each other.

They stare at penthouse and playboy and f.uck their fist. Where have you guys been? Oh right, too busy doing that yourself to notice.

Galkas are born from the little splash of *** stuck between the pages of the mag. Then they grow up to be stupid *** BUTTERSHEEP war/whm. The f.ucking ********

I have been reading and this quote got me to actually post here. Hey what I do with my fist is none of your business. I have my hand to hand skill past 100. Oh and how many times do i have to tell you ******* it is the big splashes not the little ones. Ok im gone you asshats.
PS I lurk in this thread but I don't rate u down just to clear the record
#278 Dec 06 2004 at 7:20 PM Rating: Decent
629 posts
I have my hand to hand skill past 100.

lol thats great ^^

God why the f.uck would I care about your mnk skill? Everyone knows mnks just watch the screen and beat off to the mithra thf right next to you. Course, most people/jobs do this. Well some I have met do this. OK I DO THIS GOD LEAVE ME ALONE!1!11!!1


#279 Dec 06 2004 at 7:31 PM Rating: Excellent
Here's a tutorial for you dagger-licking hoochie mamas.

To say 'fu[/b]ck':

Type 'fu ck', and in the middle of the word, use the formatting buttons above the entry field to put an empty tag.
You should end up with 'fu[ b][/ b]ck', without the spaces.

You guys with your and f'uck is giving me eyestrain.

ps, I'd like to give a big Sioux shout-out get-bent to the Toms, who have eaten Gusgen Mines like a Big Mac with fries. Every point in there was camped today, and man oh man did that pi[b]
ss me off. Spent all day sorting gear, moving a mule to Bastok, only to find Gusgen completely camped by Toms.

I thought they did something about that crap. -_-

If you see a Galka in Windy named Tinysmalls, you give that Galka some love, because that's my gear mule. He is stupid but he is good white mage. He come cure you and raise you and be great whm.

oh, and ***** you Zariko, thanks for the info today about Terrigan but otherwise, ***** you.


#280 Dec 07 2004 at 1:14 AM Rating: Good
232 posts
There is a Comic Named Dane Cook who said it Best, "Once someone says '' you thats it you cant come back from it, you cant come back from ' you' and say your Shoes Suck....Gaylord!!!!" "'' is such a Great word since you have the F the U and the CK!!!!!!!!"


BTW he is Awesome live and has a Hilarious Comedy Central Special

Edited, Tue Dec 7 01:19:25 2004 by Machtaru
#281 Dec 07 2004 at 2:07 PM Rating: Good
690 posts
fu[/b]ck, fu[b]ck, fu[/b]ck, fu[b]ck, fu[/b]ck, fu[b]ck... hey it works!

fu[/b]ck, fu[b]ck, fu[/b]ck, fu[b]ck, fu[/b]ck, fu[b]ck....

FU[b][/b]CK you!
Nothing that is so, is so.
#282 Dec 07 2004 at 10:18 PM Rating: Good
374 posts
fu[/b]ck fu[b]ck fu[/b]ck fu[b]ck fu[/b]ckamotherfu[b]ck mothermotherfu[/b]ckfu[b]ck motherfu[/b]ckmotherfu[b]ck noisenoisenoise onetwoonetwothreefour noisenoisenoise smokingweedsmokingweed doingcokedrinkingbeers drinkingbeersbeersbeers rollingphattiessmokingblunts whosmokestheblunts? wesmoketheblunts! rollingbluntsandsmokingbluntsand...

/em jumps around all Wolverine Beserker style

just my two cents...
#283 Dec 08 2004 at 1:11 AM Rating: Decent
YukioOfBismarck wrote:
fu[/b]ck fu[b]ck fu[/b]ck fu[b]ck fu[/b]ckamotherfu[b]ck mothermotherfu[/b]ckfu[b]ck motherfu[/b]ckmotherfu[b]ck noisenoisenoise onetwoonetwothreefour noisenoisenoise smokingweedsmokingweed doingcokedrinkingbeers drinkingbeersbeersbeers rollingphattiessmokingblunts whosmokestheblunts? wesmoketheblunts! rollingbluntsandsmokingbluntsand...

/em jumps around all Wolverine Beserker style

just my two cents...

Okay, that made my *******[b][/b] day. ^^
#284 Dec 08 2004 at 7:35 AM Rating: Excellent
425 posts
Aw, look. All the little kiddies have a new toy to play with now.

Shame it took Sioux's post to teach out all how to do this.

Fu[b][/b]cking morons.

Edited, Wed Dec 8 10:24:03 2004 by Xanoxonax
#285 Dec 08 2004 at 10:22 AM Rating: Excellent
Shame it too Sioux's post to teach out all how to do this.

Smiley: eek

Domo arigato, Mr. Xonax ^^
#286 Dec 08 2004 at 10:34 AM Rating: Excellent
425 posts
Showing your age and geekness by dropping that fu[b][/b]cking Styx reference, aren't you? Bet you had your copy of Kilroy Was Here playing in the background while you wrote that post.

Doumo arigatou, Mr. Xonax indeed. ~.^
#287 Dec 08 2004 at 10:37 AM Rating: Excellent



Oh wait, I'm supposed to be flaming you.

That wasn't Styx you nerd, that was Lost In Space. ^^
Sheesh. Freaking....Dark Knights....anyway.

Congrats Xano ;)
#288 Dec 08 2004 at 10:45 AM Rating: Excellent
425 posts

My rating is right on the border, actually. By me writing this post, I will more than likely be throwing myself back into Scholar. So it goes, as Vonnegut would say.

/end hijack

Lost in Space my ***, you HOOORRRRRRRRRRR of 80s culture. Go crank "Batdance" to 11 and dance like the fu[/b]cking geek you are.

While you're at it, go get the rest of your AF so you can look like some Three Musketeers reject. Where the fu[b]
ck is the Reign of Terror when I need it?
#289 Dec 08 2004 at 11:02 AM Rating: Excellent
Oh sure, you would know about Batdance, wouldn't you? Speaking of AF, the only reason you picked DRK was so that you could look like your personal hero and savior, Batman (The 'Dark Knight'), at level 60. No one's in the dark about this.

And as for your Batdance fetish, I might have Kilroy Was Here on the radio, but I know what's on YOUR Winamp. Good lord Xano, give it a rest already with the Batdance.


#290 Dec 08 2004 at 5:12 PM Rating: Good
1,315 posts
Double posts are ghey.

Edited, Wed Dec 8 17:14:38 2004 by Trizzoro
#291 Dec 08 2004 at 5:12 PM Rating: Excellent
1,315 posts
Like Cartman said when he acted like Butters' play robot and Butters told Kyle they "had a slumber party," "Weak..."

I have to visit here once in awhile to see how my monster has turned out, and I'll have to say you fu[b][/b]ckers are ignorant. I've yet to see any of you pick on one anothers Moms, tisk, tisk. I picked on Vimien's mom once but she rose up outta my lap and slapped me!

Anyhow, Xano, do you have a Taru mule (camping the S.Sandy Mog entrance)with a name close to yours but with Z's (like Zanozanox or something)? Cause if you do, my mule Poopants pooped in his little lap.
#292 Dec 08 2004 at 5:24 PM Rating: Good
425 posts
Way to go with the double post, dipsh[/b]it. Get your hands off of Vimien's mom and back on the keyboard. Or rather, get your hands off you di[b]ck while thinking about Vimien's mom and get them back on the keyboard.

Yeah, Zanozonax is my mule. Pooped in his lap, did you? Real cute, you lousy fu[/b]ck. Like the poor Taru doesn't have a crappy enough life of sitting there in South Sandy selling garbage. Now you gotta fu[b]cking sh[/b]it in the poor guy's lap. You worthless son of a bi[b]tch.

Actually, I'm trying to figure out who the hell Targetaru is. And that mithra who I've had kneeling in my lap once. The Mithra is usually out there, and I think is a Japanese mule, due to the bazaar comments. Targetaru has recently showed up on the scene though. Curiouser and curiouser.
#293 Dec 08 2004 at 5:41 PM Rating: Good
690 posts
Your monster? YOUR monster!?

Why you arrogant little fu[/b]ck.

What gives you the right to call it yours, eh? Just because you were the original poster, you have the stones to claim this piece of art as your own? What the fu[b]

I tell you what, Trizz. Take Vimien's mom off your lap, sit her down in the chair, and then go shoot yourself, fu[/b]cktard. I swear, I'd reach through my monitor and bit[b]ch slap you if I could, you presumptuous, closeted, homophobic little sh[/b]it.

The title of this piece is the "Official Flame Thread," my friend, not "Toothpick Trizzoro's Flame Thread." You may have started the spark, but the thread took on a life of its own. Your monster. Jesus fu[b]
cking christ.

As for you, Xano, I'm sorry it took Sioux the *****'s post to show me how to bypass the chat filters, ok? I'm sorry I don't spend my days scavenging message boards and figuring out nifty ways to bypass the protective features installed. I'm sorry I have a real life, you fu[/b]cking pederast. Try it sometime, you might like it. Or, don't, and keep listening to that Batdance, you snot-nosed, donkey raping, grandmother fu[b]cking, trip ********* hermaphrodite. Oh yeah, and go fu[b][/b]ck yourself while you're at it.

I'm back, boys (and ********* Bring it.

--Arondight, Bismarck

Nothing that is so, is so.
#294 Dec 08 2004 at 6:04 PM Rating: Good
425 posts
Arondight the Douche wrote:

Nothing that is so, is so.

Wow, that's rather witty. What were you, a philosophy major? Good job wasting about four years or so of you life, fu[b][/b]cktard. Do us all a favor: quit breathing, because you're wasting some of that precious oxygen. And, while you're at it, take your lower lip, pull it over your head and swallow, you taint munching prick.
#295 Dec 08 2004 at 7:44 PM Rating: Good
690 posts
Hey Xano, here's how it's done:

Xanoxonax the Incompetant wrote:
Wow, that's rather witty. What were you, a philosophy major? Good job wasting about four years or so of you life, ********* Do us all a favor: quit breathing, because you're wasting some of that precious oxygen. And, while you're at it, take your lower lip, pull it over your head and swallow, you taint munching prick.

That's it? That's the best you've got? Wow... tell me, did you go to school on the short bus?

You really put stock into the signature attachments? Wow... you're more sad and pathetic than I thought. Here, I was just assuming you're a message board troll, and now I find that you are, in fact, a witless loser who trolls message boards because he has no friends aside from the virtual ones. I'm sure Sioux is just being nice to your retarded *** (and she's retarded for being nice to your retarded ***, making her doubly retarded. Get it, ******?).

You know what that quote it? It's some stupid sh[/b]it my English teacher told us in high school, and I put it up there for the specific reason of having fu[b]cksticks like you try to read into it. Which is what you did. Fu[/b]ckstick.

Do a little thinking before you post next time, and make sure to have some Asprin handy, because we all know a little spark in your head causes massive trauma and headache, and as retarded and pathetic as you are, I don't wanna see anyone die. Well, except maybe Vimien.

/sigh. I could go on, but why bother? You don't have the marbles to comprehend it anyway. So I'll put it in simple words so you can understand: Fu[b]
ck. Off.

--Arondight, Bismarck

Nothing that is so, is so.
#296 Dec 08 2004 at 8:00 PM Rating: Good
996 posts
Can I get a big FU[/i]CK Y[i]OU to Squeenix?
#297 Dec 09 2004 at 12:08 PM Rating: Good
690 posts
Preach on, my brotha.

It took me 12 hours to get that update fully installed. I left it running overnight, and whenever something that goes bump in the night woke me up, I'd check up on it. Connection lost. Arrrgh!

It finally went through at around 8am today.

So, as Valcrist said, FU[b][/b]CK YOU, Squeenix.

--Arondight, Bismarck
Nothing that is so, is so.
#298 Dec 09 2004 at 12:47 PM Rating: Good
510 posts
What's Squeenix? You stupid mother fu[/b]ckers. Insults to all of you in 3.5 seconds. (According to how you retards read it could be 10-20 seconds.)

Trixx, You're a gimped pansy. Ask the Dragoon for help.

Arondight, You're just fu[b]
cking ugly.

Sioux, Fu[/b]cking ****. =)

Xanonoxanoxnaonxaonxonaox, You're a fu[b]
cking ******.
#299 Dec 09 2004 at 12:48 PM Rating: Excellent
363 posts
Arondight the smrt wrote:
Do a little thinking before you post next time, and make sure to have some Asprin handy, because we all know a little spark in your head causes massive trauma and headache, and as retarded and pathetic as you are, I don't wanna see anyone die. Well, except maybe Vimien.

Wow, don't I feel fu[/b]cking special. Good to know I get the appreciation from someone who doesn't know the difference between his head and his ***, althought getting some attention from you is like getting attention from my 7 year old Golden retriever, fu[b]cking cute. At least the dog humps my leg less than you do, and he's a hell of a lot smarter too. Fu[/b]ck, you're the reason why there should be a legislation passed so you fu[b]cks with I.Q.'s lower than an onion can't pollute the gene pool any more and reproduce. S'ok Arondight, Annie you're blow up doll can't get pregnant, so she wouldn't count. Neither is giving it to you're pet goat either, so you can sleep a little better tonight.

Xano, they having a special event on giving out sage status this week? Must be ****** week. Wow, the admin's are digging pretty low to let you have any kind of status here. The only thing you've been able to contribute in here is the amount of time it take me to rummage thru the garbage you write so i can read something that makes sense. Did a fu[/b]cking 3 yr old teach you how to write?

And all you fu[b]
cks who have anything to say about my mom, fu[b][/b]ck off. Every word that has been spoken about her will be repeated back to her...after she gets back from Triz's house.

Xano, congrats on the sage status dude ^^
Nice to see you back in here arondight ;)
Sioux, you are a goddess for showing me how i can uncensor tha F word :)
#300 Dec 09 2004 at 1:47 PM Rating: Good
690 posts
Annie got popped after she fell off the bed and onto the pile of nails I keep on the floor, and my goat fell off the cliff while we were... busy. I'm so sad.

Vim, the only reason I included your name was becuase I figured you were feeling lonely, what with your mom leaving you for Toothpick Trizz and all. Which says a lot about your prowess, or lack thereof. I mean, c'mon. A drunken chipmunk could get your mom off, yet you still fail? Hell, a pebble tied to a shoelace would do it, but you can't? You have my sympathy. Now go do something useful, like manually masterbuating caged animals for artificial insemination.

The reason I refuse to reproduce is because I see witless fu[/b]cktards like yourself and Xano roaming around. Listening to the sh[b]it that comes out of your mouths is enough to make anyone have second thought about having offspring. After all, they may very well end up like you, making the world a dumber place, one ****** at a time.

Oh, and whenever you do speak to your mother, be sure to tell her that her last servicing call was sub par at best. She better brush up on her techinique.

--Arondight, Bismarck

Nothing that is so, is so.
#301 Dec 09 2004 at 2:53 PM Rating: Decent
199 posts
I havent posted last post :P But just remember flamers..:P Canada rulz >=) Thats it, Thats all. :D
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