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Questions your too afraid to ask threadFollow

#1 Oct 12 2004 at 10:13 AM Rating: Excellent
363 posts
Ok, to continue with the theme from a few posts from a recent thread, I think it would be a good idea to start a thread where anyone could ask ANY question they have ever had (no matter how stupid you think it is). So go ahead and ask your questions, and don't be a **** and rate people down for asking them, because none of us know EVERYTHING there is to know about this game. Share your knowledge if you have it people. I will start with my question:

-we all have starting stats: Strength, Vitality, Dexterity, Agility, Mind, Intelligence, Charisma.

Now, with the exception of Strength (which is pretty obvious), I'm still confused on what each of these stats actually do. We all here that WHM need mind, BLM need intelligence, etc..but what do these stats actually DO?

Oh, here's do 'bots' actually work? How the hell can someone get a NM claimed before it even spawns. I understand as far as it's a program..but how would you even incorporate it into the game? That doesn't make sense to me. Can i **** them up somehow? (trying to learn about my
enemy...heh heh...) your "I've always wondered about" questions and reply if you have answers !

Edited, Wed Nov 10 20:30:12 2004 by Kaolian

Edited, Thu Jan 20 17:29:41 2005 by Railus
#2 Oct 12 2004 at 10:16 AM Rating: Decent
71 posts
Why does it burn when i pee?
#3 Oct 12 2004 at 10:23 AM Rating: Decent
215 posts
Now, with the exception of Strength (which is pretty obvious), I'm still confused on what each of these stats actually do. We all here that WHM need mind, BLM need intelligence, etc..but what do these stats actually DO?

INT helps the Black Mage's spells hurt more
MND helps the White mage land, and red mage, land things like paralyze, slow, and silence.

As to the NM's. I've HEARD that the way these bots work is that they stand in a known spawn area and constantly select target. If the target = "Monster ID#" then it claims it with whatever class the bot is fastest spell. As the bot is looking for a specific mob or mob id#, it can claim it before it is even fully on screen. The only real way to mess them up is to somehow train high enough level mobs onto him. But, with these guys it is more than likely they're level 75 whatever just so that can't happen.

If you see a glaring error please tell me! I'm only saying what i've heard, observed, and learned.^^

#4 Oct 12 2004 at 10:25 AM Rating: Good
790 posts

Strength: increase max melee damage.
Vitality: reduce physical damage taken.
Dexterity: increase melee accuracy and chance of scoring crit. Increase Sneak Attack damage.
Agility: increase ranged accuracy and reduce chance of taking crit damage. Increase Trick Attack damage.
Mind: spell damage/debuff/ailment resistance, cure potency, and buff/debuff duration, chance of MND based debuff sticking
Intelligence: max elemental spell damage, chance of INT based debuff sticking.
Charisma: chance of charming a mob, chance of BRD making debuff/sleep spell sticking. Increase hate generated through Provoke.
#5 Oct 12 2004 at 10:27 AM Rating: Decent
I'm not entirely clear on the stats myself. Here's what I do know.

Strength influences Attack.
Vitality influences Defense.
Dexterity influences Accuracy, # of crits.
Agility influences Atttack Speed and Evade %.
Mind influences Wh. Magic and Magic Defense.
Intelligence influences Bl. Magic.
Charisma influences Songs and monster charming.

If I'm incorrect on any of that, someone feel free to correct me.

The only thing I don't know is what impact stats play on SMN and Ninjitsu.

Why does it burn when i pee?

It's acid. One day it will burn your peepee clean off. >.>
#6 Oct 12 2004 at 10:29 AM Rating: Good
363 posts
ok, mind and intelligence, check, what about the others?

Oh, and Verd, remember that memorable night when the beer goggles started working TO good, and you had to chew your arm off when you woke up beside the wookie that looked like it was keeping you there so it could eat you when you woke up? Well, that's why it hurts when I ;)

edit: you guys are too quick! Emilyia & co. thanks for those answers ^^

Edited, Tue Oct 12 11:31:51 2004 by Vimien
#7 Oct 12 2004 at 10:30 AM Rating: Decent
Wow, emilyia beat me to the punch. I think she has a posting bot >.>

If Targetname = "Stat question"
/ma Post

Seriously though that's great info emilyia. Thank you!

Shameless rate up ^^
#8 Oct 12 2004 at 10:31 AM Rating: Decent
1,315 posts
I can answer a couple of these Vim.

DEX increases your ability to hit (ACC) and percentage chance to get Critical Hits. I think the ratio is, but may be worng on this, 2 DEX points = 1 ACC point.

AGI assists in Ranged ACC and Evasion. Same kinda theory...2 AGI points = 1 EVA, and so on.

VIT assists your HP and basically DEF, or abilty to take less dmg. This answer I am the least confident in, to be honest. I am pretty sure about the HP part, yet just assuming on the less dmg. taken part.

I don't do "mage" class jobs, so I rarely if ever pay much attention to the remaining categories such as CHR and MND. MND is not only for mages, however. It is a very important stat to MNKs later on for Chi Blast.

#9 Oct 12 2004 at 10:34 AM Rating: Decent
I have some confusion of a game term:

HNM = ? Notorious Monster

What's the "H" for? Huge? lol

Also, how do Dynamis runs work? As far as why do people do them other than to get drops?

#10 Oct 12 2004 at 10:39 AM Rating: Decent
790 posts
JPN players claim faster because the servers are physically located closer to them, thus giving them a lower latency advantage. They see the spawn a fraction of a second faster and thus have an advantage.

There are no "bots" for claiming. Some people use game pads with turbo options that have the ability to spam Provoke continiously. Gil farmers prolly have 1 guy controlling multiple characters to spam Turbo-voke 24-7 at the spawn site.
#11 Oct 12 2004 at 10:40 AM Rating: Good
I don't think Vit has any impact on HP, as I have equiped various Vit boosting items and never noticed a rise in HP.

Here's a related question. Once leeching stat effects like Poison, Dia, etc. actually land, do your stats play any roll in how fast the leeching effect drains you, and how long it lasts? If so, which ones?

And another one. Does anyone know how effective the armor w/ Empty Killer is against the empty mobs in Promyvion? i.e. does it make a PLD a viable option as a tank? All info available thus far recommends NIN over the stalwart pally, but no one ever mentions this gear, and I'm wondering if I'll be able to take my beloved defender there or not.
#12 Oct 12 2004 at 10:41 AM Rating: Decent
161 posts
I second that HNM question.

And why do I keep hearing about HNM Linkshells? What exactly are they? They just HNM hunt? Are these only 75 level people?
#13 Oct 12 2004 at 10:42 AM Rating: Good
363 posts
HNM = ? Notorious Monster

What's the "H" for? Huge? lol

I could be wrong (probably am) but I think H stand for "High LVL" or "Hard"
#14 Oct 12 2004 at 10:43 AM Rating: Decent
Humongous I think. Which isn't even a word. =P

Regarding JP players being physically closer, I think SEI should get into realestate. Put up apartments next to SEI HQ in JP so all us major addicts can move there and gain that 0.00000001 seconds in connection speed ^^
#15 Oct 12 2004 at 10:45 AM Rating: Decent
Dawntreader wrote:
I second that HNM question.

And why do I keep hearing about HNM Linkshells? What exactly are they? They just HNM hunt? Are these only 75 level people?

Yep. Very hard to get into. I know a number of people who are trying to get into them. Imma start suggesting they just start their own. =P
#16 Oct 12 2004 at 10:50 AM Rating: Decent
790 posts
High level Notorius Monster(HNM): monster that usually requires a party/alliance of high level (hence the name) players to take down. HNM usually drops nice loot like Serket Ring and Scorpion Harness and such.

HNM LS is linkshell where high levels coordinate raids on taking down HNMs. HNM linkshell are needed to set up time and alliance formations before taking on the HNM. After the raid, HNM LS is also responsible to distribute the loot however they see fit. HNM LS usually look for level 70-75 players with special emphasis on mages.
#17 Oct 12 2004 at 10:53 AM Rating: Decent
251 posts
OK since HNM is out of the way, I ask this:

What is a BCNM?

I've seen like BCNM 40 and things like that.... please explain

#18 Oct 12 2004 at 10:57 AM Rating: Decent
Burning Circle Notorious Monster.

Like the dragon you fight to get to rank 3 for example.

Bosses, basically. Only up to 6 ppl can enter at a time (no alliances).

BCNM##, such as BCNM40, are essentially like optional bosses. And are typically tough as nails.

You get in by trading a certain number of beastman seals (equal to the number of the BCNM) to get a special orb, which is then used to fight each BCNM.

Each BCNM also carries a level cap equivalent to it's number.
#19 Oct 12 2004 at 10:58 AM Rating: Decent
Oh, here's do 'bots' actually work?

Bots? I actually did some research into them and what exactly they ARE when I first heard about them not long after I started the game.

For this, I shall use the classic fishing bot AerisFisher (no idea what version they are up to nowadays, just looking at some old notes I took covering this topic).

Basically, when you use a fishing bot, you are using a set of coding created on notepad.exe that someone created to loop a fishing macro over and over again, ad infinitium. You then launch the game THROUGH that coding by way of another program like ACTool...

The main ability of these bots seem to be the fact that the botter can turn the ability on or off at will with a simple keystroke command, and thus can play normally, or just sit there and bot for six hours or more.

I think botting is banned from the game on two fronts. First of all, you are playing without actually being there. That in itself is just wrong morally...

The second issue is the fact that since you are launching the game in a modified form, you are modifying SE's game source coding without their permission...and I think are right to be unhappy with that.

I hope that answered your question!

Edited, Tue Oct 12 12:00:22 2004 by Nightsintdreams
Proud citizen of Miranda.

-Currently on Pochacco Server of Hello Kitty Online.
#20 Oct 12 2004 at 11:03 AM Rating: Decent
790 posts
I am told that armor with Empty Killer trait is very good against Promyvion mobs. All melee damagers should get the full set.

WAR/NIN and PLD/WAR should be better alternative tank compare to NIN/WAR. NIN/WAR with level 30 cap only get one Utsusemi blinks. WAR/NIN at level 30 cap should be the best tank for Promyvion raids. They will have NIN's blink and Defender ability.
#21 Oct 12 2004 at 11:08 AM Rating: Good
363 posts
Thx night for that info, some people go to great lengths with these bots.....sad.

As far as BCNM (btw I was the one who thought it was BSNM (Beastman seal notorious monster) for the LONGEST time)is what was already said: Burning circle notorious monster).

It's true that it is a 6 person battle where there is a lvl cap to whatever BCNM you are doing. There are 3 people battles too, but these are BCNM20 and BCNM30. you get to 6 people fights once you get to BCNM40 (with the exception of the BCNM40 in fei'yin which is a 3 person one as well). They are HARD fights that require lots of strategy and drop some very valuable items. Keep all the beastman seals you acquire since you need to trade the same number of seals depending on the BCNM you decide to do (ie. 20 seals for a BCNM20).You trade your seals to Shami in port jueno who in turn gives you a orb which you trade to the burning circle to enter the battle field. These orbs are a one-time use only whether you win or lose. Hope that answers your question
#22 Oct 12 2004 at 11:10 AM Rating: Decent
Thanks Emilyia. ^^ I really want to get to Tavnazia, but was worried I might not be able to do so with Paladin.

Answers bread more questions, and appropriately another has come to mind. My LS and I were discussing Blink vs. Utsusemi last night. Correct me if my understanding is off.

Blink = 2 shadows, only castable on self
Utsusemi = 3 shadows, only castable on self

It came up at some point that SMN have a way they can blink someone other than themselves. What exactly is that? Is it AOE, or just a 1-person-at-a-time deal.

It just occurs to me that such might well make a SMN a PLD's best friend in situations where shadows would help more than hate control (AM comes to mind).

[Edit for clarity.]

Edited, Tue Oct 12 12:13:49 2004 by nataraja
#23 Oct 12 2004 at 11:17 AM Rating: Decent
1,315 posts
Wintaru wrote:
I have some confusion of a game term:

HNM = ? Notorious Monster

What's the "H" for? Huge? lol

Also, how do Dynamis runs work? As far as why do people do them other than to get drops?

HNM = Hyper Notorous Monster

This basically means they are hard as hell, and typically require and Alliance of applicably high level players to defeat them, and many times there is an extra party or two wating in the wings to sub in when members of the first alliance fall. When an HNM is given a suggested level, say King Arthro at lvl 55, this does NOT mean a level 60 toon can solo them. This means that mob will give the same amount of experience points as a normal lvl 55 mob.

HNM Linkshells are formed for higher level players to participate in higher level events with other players of their level, such as Dynamis and HNM hunts. Dynamis is basically a very difficult BCNM battle, requiring full alliances and fighting more than one mob, typically several at one time.

BTW, the only true way to stop a suspected NM botter that does not break any ToS rules is to bring a dedicated WHM or RDM along and Cure them repeatedly. Curing causes the player's functionality to stop for the period of time they are being cured, therefore hindering their ability to move, Provoke, etc.

Edited, Tue Oct 12 12:25:56 2004 by Trizzoro
#24 Oct 12 2004 at 11:24 AM Rating: Decent
Additional Dynamis questions. The game's manual says you can have a group of up to 64 in Dynamis. How does that work, do you actually see stats for each pt in the group? *imagines the screen completely covered with little pt windows*

Also, can you encounter other ppl who are doing Dynamis while in one?

What are the rewards for Dynamis?
#25 Oct 12 2004 at 11:24 AM Rating: Decent
Hmm...the term HNM was created by the Japanese...

Knowing their culture, and the value that is placed on the rare and extremely hard higher-than-yourself being...

Could the "H" have stood originally for Honorific?
Proud citizen of Miranda.

-Currently on Pochacco Server of Hello Kitty Online.
#26 Oct 12 2004 at 11:25 AM Rating: Decent
And another one!

Is Balista any fun?
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