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#302 Jan 25 2005 at 2:39 PM Rating: Decent
292 posts
nataraja the Puissant wrote:
Lady Zylle wrote:
Reinstalling XP doesn't clear your web browser's cache. =P

Er... even with a reformatting?

Yeah, a reformatting wipes everything clean, so that'd definitely do it. ^^;; You can reinstall XP without reformatting, though, and I thought that was the case. /blush

In that case, I'm stumped - works for me in Firefox 1.0. :/

#303 Jan 25 2005 at 2:50 PM Rating: Good
Lady Zylle wrote:
nataraja the Puissant wrote:
Lady Zylle wrote:
Reinstalling XP doesn't clear your web browser's cache. =P

Er... even with a reformatting?

Yeah, a reformatting wipes everything clean, so that'd definitely do it. ^^;; You can reinstall XP without reformatting, though, and I thought that was the case. /blush

In that case, I'm stumped - works for me in Firefox 1.0. :/

Incidentally, I'm using IE. I've never gone in for the browser wars. It functions, which is enough for me. Smiley: tongue

And pretty much all settings are standard. I have SP2, but is cleared for cookies. I've left almost everything else alone.

The only settings I have changed was to get rid of the reserved bandwidth in GPedit.msc and tweaked the registry to allow more than two downloads at any given time. And I don't see how that could have any effect on the searching here. ><
#304 Jan 25 2005 at 2:53 PM Rating: Good
8,507 posts
Searching's been disabled since before christmas. Take a look here.
#305 Jan 25 2005 at 2:55 PM Rating: Decent
292 posts
Now how did I get forum search mixed up with all the kinds that do work.

/slap Zylle
#306 Jan 25 2005 at 3:02 PM Rating: Good
Alienone the Shady wrote:
Searching's been disabled since before christmas. Take a look here.

Well! That certainly clears things up. I really should venture into other forums from time to time.

No time for that today, of course. There are flame threads to hijack! ^^

Thanks for pointing that out, and thanks also for the help Zylle. ^^
#307 Jan 25 2005 at 3:47 PM Rating: Decent
161 posts
Ok, I need to know the answer to this:

When glancing at comments which I do from time to time, in exp party comments, I see 'sky' mentioned a lot.

What the heck is that referring to? An ability? An item?

Ok when I put 'an item' it made me think of 'item lookup'. I looked up sky and got 'sky orb'. Is that what that means?? It's for BCNMs?

Edited, Tue Jan 25 15:47:50 2005 by Dawntreader
#308 Jan 25 2005 at 4:35 PM Rating: Good
1,275 posts
I don't know much of the backstory, so I won't comment on that. I can tell you that Sky is a high level area where those in the 70's can go to XP, and also where god fights take place (and ultimately the showdown with Kirin). To gain unlimited access to Sky, you have to complete all of the Zilart missions. That's most likely what you're seeing in search comments: "{Sky} OK^^" or such.

I'm sure someone who's actually BEEN there could give you more info on it, but thats the basic gist of it.
#309 Jan 26 2005 at 7:22 AM Rating: Good
363 posts
'Sky' just means you have access to the crag in the sky. It requires you to finish the first 12 Zilart missions. To actually complete the zilart missions you have to fight the crystal warriors and one final boss (who i won't divulge for spoiler purposes). But you are correct, this is used as a lvl'n spot for 70+ and also a gateway for fighting gods, such as Kirin.
#310 Jan 26 2005 at 8:02 AM Rating: Decent
1,315 posts
A question I am too afraid to ask...Hmmm, that's a tough one.

Ok, I got one.

If I found Brad Pitt attractive for a split second once when I watched Legends of the Fall, does that make me gay?
#311 Jan 26 2005 at 8:08 AM Rating: Decent
374 posts
question I am too afraid to ask...Hmmm, that's a tough one.

Ok, I got one.

If I found Brad Pitt attractive for a split second once when I watched Legends of the Fall, does that make me gay?

That depends on your point of view, now doesn't it? I for one say no it does not ^^ And he is an attractive man. As far as I am concerned I find Sean Connery extremely attractive...I think it's his total badassery, charm and distinguishness

I think I just made up some words... ><;;

Forgot my question ><

How does a non-subscriber look up his posts?

Edited, Wed Jan 26 08:12:03 2005 by YukioOfBismarck
#312 Jan 26 2005 at 9:57 AM Rating: Good
363 posts
A question I am too afraid to ask...Hmmm, that's a tough one.

Ok, I got one.

If I found Brad Pitt attractive for a split second once when I watched Legends of the Fall, does that make me gay?

that's an easy one. You turned gay the second you pressed 'play' and watched the said movie ;P

edit: of course there are some exceptions to this rule:
1. A member of the female gender must be present and either:
a)be holding a gun to your head
b)be willing to offer sex as compensation

If you meet any of these criteria's, no, you are not gay. Even if Brad Pitt does have those sexy eyes, toned muscles, blond locky hai..../slaps self and does something manly like pissing in the snow or break a beer can on his head.

Edited, Wed Jan 26 10:06:44 2005 by Vimien
#313 Jan 26 2005 at 12:19 PM Rating: Decent
161 posts
Thank you GailC and Vimien!

I had absolutely no idea there was an area 'sky' :-/

#314 Jan 26 2005 at 12:32 PM Rating: Good
8,507 posts
It's actually listed on the regional map as Tu'Lia.

"Sky" was released with Zilart.

"Sea" was released with Promathia, though I don't think they've released enough of the storyline that anyone can access it yet. (I could be wrong, I'm only on 2-5.)
#315 Jan 26 2005 at 1:13 PM Rating: Good
Yeah, <sea> we believe to be Al'Taieu, and perhaps a couple of related areas. It's not available, but is supposed to be available soon.

I've a thread up about it, I'll grab you a link.

One moment please...


There you go. Not a lot of info there yet, but I hunt for it daily. Smiley: grin

Edited, Wed Jan 26 13:14:37 2005 by nataraja
#316 Jan 27 2005 at 2:57 AM Rating: Good
425 posts
Is there an ignore list here on allakhazam, so that you can just filter out individual posters?
#317 Jan 27 2005 at 12:43 PM Rating: Good
1,315 posts
One thing I must ask in total curiousity, not in spite.

Nataraja, do you actually play the game, or just post here all day long. You have to be the biggest post ***** since Totem in the Asylum lol. I barely find even one thread that you have not posted something in, typically multiple times. How do you find the time?
#318 Jan 27 2005 at 5:50 PM Rating: Good
346 posts
Nataraja might have two computers maybe? Or posting from work?
#319 Jan 27 2005 at 6:48 PM Rating: Good
I'm out of a job actually, and despite hunting through the entirity of my county and two neighboring counties I have been unable to locate one.

So I've got a bit of free time.

And yes, I do play the game. Just intermittantly. I go through bouts where I don't play much. And I'm on here often when I need a break.

For example, I've been mining non-stop since 11 AM. I'm here because if I saw the words pebble, pickaxe, and break in the same sentance one more time, I was going to scream, rip out my hair, shove it up my bum, and break my tv with my forehead.
#320 Jan 27 2005 at 8:16 PM Rating: Decent
35 posts
Ok bear with me... I know PLD is the best Tank for the Jungles but i need to lvl my sub which is WAR...My War is lvl 26 and i haven't lvled MNK and i don't plan on it... My NIN is lvl 12 but i haven't felt the need to spent countless hours farming to buy Utsusemi: Ichi (YET<--PLZ NOTE)...and the tools so i sub my argument is that is PLD not the best sub for WAR in the Yuhtunga and Yhoator Jungle? My Points 1)PLD has a slightly higher Def.(given) 2)We all know the mandy's love to put u to sleep and although MP is limited(expecially on Elveen) when subin PLD it's still enough to cast cure on the WHM and wake him/her up 3)The Mandy's kill a NIN's shawdows(or so i've been told i really don't know) So i guess my question is do i need to get off my lazy butt and be slaped and just go farm 200K for Utsusemi: Ichi and about another 20K for the tools and lvl my NIN to 18 and just sub it?I wouldn't mind doing it but i beleive that PLD is best sub for WAR until 31-32(at that point my PLD would be 60 and it would be a little easier to farm the 220K)
#321 Jan 28 2005 at 11:45 AM Rating: Good
1,275 posts
Ninja is a poor subjob for Warrior before level 30 (at the earliest). At level 24 you get Utsusemi: Ichi... which mandies will rip right through (even goblin smithies will give you a hard time with their double attack). With Dual Weild I, you're attacking as slowly as a great axe and probably doing less damage. You also lose your ability to effectively hold hate, relying totally on Provoke and Utsusemi (which is a pain in the *** to recast a second time during any fight with a monk type mob, or one that double attacks... like the mandies and smithies).

If you're only using Warrior as a subjob, don't bother with Ninja: you won't need it. If you want to take Warrior past 37, then you'll want to eventually invest in Utsusemi so you can have ninja as an optional subjob as you close in on Warrior 50.

Your best bet is to sub Monk through the jungle at least. War/Pld doesn't give you anything War/Mnk doesn't give you (besides a Cure I: the first defense bonus you get from Pld doesn't stack with the one from Warrior), but War/Mnk gives you a few extra tricks War/Pld is lacking (Boost, for instance, which is like a mini provoke every 15 seconds). Honestly, War/Mnk is probably the best tank for the jungles, with Paladin coming in second.

If you don't want to level monk, then don't sweat it too much: at that level, just about any melee can act as a tank with the right gear, so you could take War/Pld through the jungle. When you hit 30 though, you'll be kicking yourself. In Garliage, you're only effective means of holding hate will be Provoke (you won't have enough MP to cure for hate... as a 55 War / 27 Pld I would have about enough MP for 2 cure II's and a Cure I ><... it wasn't until 48 War that I could even milk 2 cure II's out of a paladin sub, and I'm hume). That's just not enough when the mobs are hitting you as hard as they do in the citadel. You could sub Nin at this point, but you'd want a Sharashi belt to enhance dual weild.. which adds another 350k or so onto the pricetag of subbing ninja.

So what it comes down to is that going War/Pld would be the easiest (in terms of effort), and also least efficient way of reaching 37 on Warrior. War/Nin would be the most expensive, most time consuming (farming up 500k or so for all the equip and tools you need) way to go, and would end up being only a little more effective than War/Pld (you'd get 6 shadows to play with at the beginning of each fight... after that, it's back to you, the mob, and provoke).

If you want to play War well, and without investing a ton of gil into equipment, your best bet is to either level Monk up to 18 so you can go War/Mnk to tank straight to 37 (and trust me, past the jungle, it will get frustrating... but thats why you need all the hate keeping tools that War/Mnk provides) or level up Thief to 18 so you can go War/Thf to DD once you hit 30, and take that the rest of the way.

Another option, if you have it, would be War/Rng. This isn't a tank class: you'd be there as a DD (although Sharpshot does pull hate, it doesn't make up for losing Boost). This would be viable right up to around 40, so it could take you to the cutoff point for subjob level. Of course, you might not have much luck finding parties ; ;

For the jungle, another option would be War/Drg or War/Drk. These are again, meant for damage dealing, not tanking, although as with War/Pld, you'd be able to get by as a tank, but there are better ways of doing it. Drg and Drk both offer War an attack bonus around level 20-29 (at level 30, warrior gets an attack bonus that doesn't stack with the one from these two jobs, so at that point it's less viable to sub these jobs). Drg also offers Jump (jump will still do nice damage subbed, at least around htat level range), so it would be slightly better than Drk at this level range, as far as damage dealing goes (although the added Str from Drk is nice, as is Drain). But like War/Rng, it would be hard to find parties with these combos (most people wouldn't understand your reason for subbing them, and would assume you were teh suxor n00b.) At 30, if you wanted to stay a DD, you'd want to sub Thief for sneak attack.

But again, if you want to tank, the best advice I can give you is to level up Monk. I know it's not the answer you want, but the other alternatives aren't very good :\
#322 Jan 29 2005 at 1:08 AM Rating: Decent
35 posts
Thanks for the input i'm taking your advice and lvling MNK to 18... Cheap and efficant... i like it...thanks for the help...
#323 Jan 29 2005 at 3:29 AM Rating: Good
Gail pretty much covered everything. The only two things I could add would be as follows:

WAR/NIN becomes instantly more effective in the jungles if you have someone to voke whenever you need to recast Utsu. I was such a WAR back-up tank for a WAR/NIN in the jungle and once I got the timing down it worked to great effect; one of my best jungle parties.

If you want to do WAR/PLD I recommend an astral ring on top of other mp boosting gear you might consider. It will cover an additional Cure II. I'm not sure how much more viable that would make this combo, but it would do some good I think.
#324 Jan 29 2005 at 1:33 PM Rating: Good
1,275 posts
Nataraja's right: if you go War/Nin and you get into a party with another War/Nin or a Nin/War, it becomes a whole new ballgame. With two blinktanks, you can trade off hate to keep shadows up near indefinately. It's rough with mandies, but as a War, you won't be taking much damage anyway so its not so much of a problem. A Nin/War might have some trouble getting hate back if you're using Berserk (especially if they're using attack - evasion gear), but another War/Nin should be able to balance the hate fairly well.

Also, I want to make sure you realize that no matter what subjob you pick, the citadel will be a huge pain for a War (you don't have Warcry yet, but you'll be wishing to god you did ><). I've only been through there on War/Mnk, and I took quite a beating. Since you already leveled up paladin, you might have some good Vit and Defense gear laying around: you'll need that stuff, and you'll want some good defense food too. I can't imagine what it would have been like on War/Nin.

Luckily, you don't have to worry much about that till 60 pld :D but it can be nice to get it out of the way.
#325 Jan 29 2005 at 8:39 PM Rating: Good
I should add that even a back-up WAR tank w/o NIN subbed can still be effective at disrupting the mandies attempts to interrupt Utsu. It lies in good timing. We eventually got it down such that right as soon as his last shadow got eaten I was voking, and he had his shadows back up and hate back on him when I'd only been hit once (well, twice technically).

Two blink-tanks trading off would be even better at reducing down-time, but in a pinch anyone with voke and a good head for timing and patterns will serve almost as well.
#326 Jan 31 2005 at 10:10 AM Rating: Decent
292 posts
Okay, here's one:

What's the bare minimum of equipment and anima that a WHM/BLM (or WHM/SMN if I get that levelled enough and get my avatars, not that I'll actually get to use them) can get by with going after Promyvion bosses?

My current level 30 equipment is here:

Yes, I know my neckpiece is gimped. ; ; I'll be farming like mad the next week or so for a Holy Phial.
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