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#177 Nov 21 2004 at 7:06 PM Rating: Good

That would explain it. I'm a PS2 user.

I was assured by countless people that the trick could be done on PS2, and was left feeling rather dumb, as I was never able to accomplish it.

Now I know why. ^^

Thanks for the link. *click* Let amusement ensue!
#178 Nov 22 2004 at 4:57 AM Rating: Good
Ooh, look another of my dumbass questions.

I've never been exactly sure how to tell the difference between the various Skillchains.

Case in point, my pt was doing Blade:Rin -> Wasp Sting, which should result in a Distortion (Ice/Water). Is Distortion SUPPOSED to be green?

If it is, I never noticed before, but then I don't remember ever seeing a BLUE SC2 before...
#179 Nov 22 2004 at 2:22 PM Rating: Good
363 posts
Ooh, look another of my dumbass questions.

I've never been exactly sure how to tell the difference between the various Skillchains.

Case in point, my pt was doing Blade:Rin -> Wasp Sting, which should result in a Distortion (Ice/Water). Is Distortion SUPPOSED to be green?

If it is, I never noticed before, but then I don't remember ever seeing a BLUE SC2 before...

Bud, I don't know how to exactly answer your question but I have this website here that will actually calculate a SC for you and give you the element it's associated with. hope it helps

Edited, Mon Nov 22 14:23:08 2004 by Vimien
#180 Nov 23 2004 at 1:36 AM Rating: Good
Thanks for the link Vim, that makes life a hell of a lot easier. ^^

The calculator also agrees that the renkei we were doing was distortion.

So I guess it's green after all, for all that it's composed of Ice and Water. =P

Thank you very much. =)
#181 Nov 24 2004 at 2:53 AM Rating: Good
I ask more questions than my five-year-old nephew... better change the thread name to Nataraja's Endless stream of questions. ^.^

Can someone explain to me the concept and details surrounding Guild Points?
#182 Nov 24 2004 at 10:44 AM Rating: Good
I believe I can.

The basic idea is that you can raise all your crafts up to sixty without a problem.

After that point, you get 40 guild points to spend between all the other various synth things. Like if your alchemy and clothcraft is at level sixty, you can choose to max out your alchemy (take it to 100), and use up all of your guild points. Once you use up all your guild points, you wont be able to take any other craft beyond sixty. You can also split up the points. Taking the above example, you could take both clothcraft and alchemy to level eighty (for a total of 40 points), and you would not be able to raise either of them any further.

Does that make sense?
Proud citizen of Miranda.

-Currently on Pochacco Server of Hello Kitty Online.
#183 Nov 24 2004 at 11:18 AM Rating: Good
363 posts
heres a question for ya Nights. Let say I've brought Clothscraft up to 100 and I have the rest at 60. Lets say i decide that I now want to bring Cooking up to 100. If I sign the guild contract with cooking, my clothscrafy goes back down to 60? What if i wanted to just bring cooking up to 80, and my clothscraft is up to 100 already. Can i just drop 20 lvl's in Clothscraft and take cooking up to 80? I guess what i'm trying to say is are these 40 guild points interchangable in anyway you like them? or do you have to pick where you want them before you use them? hope this makes sense.

#184 Nov 24 2004 at 5:12 PM Rating: Good
I've seen some discussion in a few item comments about spending GP on guild-specific key items that relate to the crafting of certain items.

The Warp Cudgel would be a good example. I believe the key item cost something like 40k GP

If no one's sure about it here, I suppose I could take it to the tradeskill forum. But I try to avoid posting in the general forums; my lurking has shown me that karma trolls are more prevalent there. -_-
#185 Nov 25 2004 at 2:55 AM Rating: Decent
385 posts
is the warp cudgel available at ALL guilds or just one...

if so, which one would that be, just out of curiousity?

With my woodworking still at 28, i probably still have a long way to go, but i figured i'd get the info just in case...
#186 Nov 25 2004 at 3:02 AM Rating: Good

Warp Cudgel

Smiley: sly
#187 Nov 25 2004 at 3:09 AM Rating: Good
I have answered my own question regarding Guild Points.

The following information is taken from http://ffxi.cannotlinkto

New Crafting Tool Key Items

New key items are available for purchase with Guild Points at all the crafting (and fishing) guilds. All the ones from crafting guilds are required in order to make some brand new recipes that were added.

What do these things do, anyway?
Having one of these key items lets you craft recipes that wouldn't be otherwise available. There are new recipes available from the Sept 13 patch that require having one of these keyitems to craft them. Once you have a Guild Point keyitem you can use it to make as many recipes as you like; it is a tool that unlocks new recipes, not an ingredient. Once you have the tool you can keep it and make as many of the recipes as you wish. You can get as many different Guild Point keyitems as you like, if you acquire enough Guild Points. Of course, you can only be commissioned with one guild at a time to gain and spend points, so this will take a while.

New recipes? Like what?
The cooking guild has a bundle of new sushi recipes that all require Raw Fish Handling. Alchemy has a lot of new anima-related recipes that require Anima Synthesis. Fishing has Frog Fishing for some of the newer amphibians, and Woodworking crafters with the Lumberjack keyitem can do new higher level recipes that create more lumber per log synth'd. The rest of the recipes require the Purification and Ensorcellment keyitems, which are used to make certain special crafting materials that are then utilized to make all that new Enchantment equipment and weapons. These new crafting materials are listed below, near the bottom. Recipes that utilize these new crafting tools are listed below; you can also use the recipe search to pull up recipes that require a specific crafting tool.

How do I get these tools?
You purchase them with Guild Points, which are obtained by turning in specific crafted items to the Guildworker's Union Representative at the respective guilds. Look for the NPC at your guild with the funky apron on, and they'll explain it all.

The New Tools

Anima Synthesis - 30000 Guild Points
Bone Purification - 40000 Guild Points
Bone Ensorcellment - 50000 Guild Points
Cloth Purification - 40000 Guild Points
Cloth Ensorcellment - 50000 Guild Points
Raw Fish Handling - 30000 Guild Points
Frog Fishing - 30000 Guild Points
Gold Purification - 40000 Guild Points
Gold Ensorcellment - 40000 Guild Points
Leather Purification - 40000 Guild Points
Leather Ensorcellment - 40000 Guild Points
Metal Purification - 40000 Guild Points
Metal Ensorcellment - 40000 Guild Points
Lumberjack - 10000 Guild Points
Wood Purification - 40000 Guild Points
Wood Ensorcellment - 40000 Guild Points
#188 Nov 26 2004 at 1:26 AM Rating: Decent
1,497 posts
Ok Im not good at making marco's but I need to know how to make a fishing marco I dont have to see "you must wait longer to use this action note" thanks in advance
#189 Nov 26 2004 at 2:37 AM Rating: Good
This is what I would recommend for a macro.

/echo Fishing.
/wait 15
/wait 15
/echo Press fishing macro.

/echo is a command which displays a text message only you can see. The idea of this macro is that it gives you a notice letting you know for sure that your fishing macro has activated. It then fishes twice at the appropriate time, and notifies you that you need to press your macro shortcut again.

You may have to play with the actual time the macro waits depending on your lag.

I would also recommend the following macro:

/equip Ammo "x"

... where x is the type of bait you are using. This will allow you to quickly equip more bait when your current stack runs out.

Note that you will need to spell the bait's name exactly, including capitalization where appropriate.

Macro's are incredibly useful in this game, allowing you to access a wide range of more complicated tasks at the press of a button.

There is some macro information to be gleaned here, and you are likely to find detailed macro advice pertaining to your job in the job forums.
#190 Nov 26 2004 at 2:57 AM Rating: Decent
374 posts
Ok a few "stupid" questions...

Where can I find spawn times and respawn times for NMs? Like I know the Spook spawns at 2000 and 0000, but I've never been able to find that or any other info posted anywhere...

What can I do to make my fishing level quicker? If there is anything I can do...

Are the PS2 players at a disadvantage when it comes to macros and hunting? Please no PS2/PC sucks comments, I'm a PS2 user and just curious about speed and stuff, I use a cable modem but sometimes seem to move slower than my friend with a PC who uses dial-up...

I'm sure I'll think of more later ><

Edited, Fri Nov 26 02:59:02 2004 by YukioOfBismarck
#191 Nov 26 2004 at 4:06 AM Rating: Good
YukioOfBismarck wrote:
Are the PS2 players at a disadvantage when it comes to macros and hunting? Please no PS2/PC sucks comments, I'm a PS2 user and just curious about speed and stuff, I use a cable modem but sometimes seem to move slower than my friend with a PC who uses dial-up...

PC users DO have the option of turning off certain effects such as weather to decrease the load on their processors, an option not available to PS2 users. Also, a completely tricked out beast of a machine is going to out-perform your somewhat dated PS2 technology hands down. If your friend falls into either of these catagories it could account for some of the difference in lag issues.

Honestly though in my experience there's very little detrement to playing through a dial-up service, as far as the actual game goes. It takes forever to download updates, but actual play is not adversely affected. And the dial-up user will have the benefit of not suffering from as much latency caused by peak times of internet usage as you might.

Or so I would surmise. I must admit some of that is conjecture. Others more tech-savvy will probably provide more lucid response, but I thought I'd give you something of an answer to one of your questions, since I was here.
#192 Nov 26 2004 at 11:00 AM Rating: Good
nataraja the Puissant wrote:
[quote=YukioOfBismarck] I use a cable modem but sometimes seem to move slower than my friend with a PC who uses dial-up...

I talked recently with a tech person (I had to place a call about a flaw that I found within the world...) and I asked them this. He said that the game was made for the lowest common denominator, dial-up. So I think it might be due to just some lag^^.
Proud citizen of Miranda.

-Currently on Pochacco Server of Hello Kitty Online.
#193 Nov 26 2004 at 12:44 PM Rating: Good
YukioOfBismarck wrote:
Where can I find spawn times and respawn times for NMs? Like I know the Spook spawns at 2000 and 0000, but I've never been able to find that or any other info posted anywhere...


YukioOfBismarck wrote:
Ok a few "stupid" questions...

No such thing. Asking questions is the only way you learn anything useful. Smiley: wink2

Edited, Fri Nov 26 12:44:54 2004 by nataraja
#194 Nov 26 2004 at 3:45 PM Rating: Decent
374 posts
Im glad I signed up to post here on Allakhazam, everyone has been helpful and I thank you all for that. Helloooooo Nights, how have you been? And Nata is here for me again, heh ^^

New question! WTF is a bump? I keep seeing them in the threads...what does it mean?

Thanks again all, rates up for those who helped ^^
#195 Nov 26 2004 at 4:09 PM Rating: Good
649 posts
A bump moves a thread to the top of the pile. It's just a post made for no other reason than to put the thread where everyone sees it.... first.
#196 Nov 26 2004 at 5:32 PM Rating: Decent
1,497 posts
Hey the fish marco doesnt work because /wait 15 isnt long enough and I have been adding 10 and right now its at /wait 45 umm it still isnt long enough is there a way to make it work like no matter what lv my fishing is. (Fishing Lv1)
#197 Nov 26 2004 at 10:16 PM Rating: Good
Two replies in one. Two birds should always be killed with one stone, provided you can find a big enough damned rock to bludgeon them, or are able to con them into standing close together.

Big rock at the ready.

The link I game you, Yukio, was actually in response to your fishing question, not your NM question. I goofed on the quote.

Smiley: banghead

Nevertheless, glad I could be of service.

I'm the official Bismarck post *****. I'm just about ALWAYS here, unless I'm asleep, in an xp party, or at work. Mashing that F5 button roughly twice a minute.

Smiley: oyvey

Shykin, I'm actually not a fisher myself. That was what was recommended to me by someone I can't remember. So if the wait time is way off it's their fault, and as soon as I can remember who it was I'll be sure to give you their name and address. Smiley: tongue

Silliness aside, the wait macro can be extended to a 60 second wait. If that still isn't long enough then I'm afraid you're out of luck. But I would still recommend at least determining how long the wait is, and doing this:

/echo Fishing.
/wait x
/echo Fish some more!

(x being the amount of time before you can fish again, based on your own experience.) If it's more than 60 seconds you will have to configure your /wait commands to look something like what I'll put below.

For example, if the wait is actually 90 seconds.

/wait 60
/wait 30


Sorry I don't have any clearer answer. I'm a miner, not a fisher.

There are plenty of actual fishermen around though, so perhaps one will mosey in and provide a better answer than mine.

Just trying to help as I can.
#198 Nov 26 2004 at 10:37 PM Rating: Decent
374 posts
The link I game you, Yukio, was actually in response to your fishing question, not your NM question. I goofed on the quote.

Nevertheless, glad I could be of service.

I appreciate even though I didnt ask a fishing question :)

So where can I get spawn and respawn times for NMs?

Thanks again ^^
#199 Nov 26 2004 at 10:53 PM Rating: Good
YukioOfBismarck wrote:
I appreciate even though I didnt ask a fishing question :)

Yes you did. See? ^^

YukioOfBismarck wrote:
What can I do to make my fishing level quicker? If there is anything I can do...

Smiley: tongue I directed you to a long sticky in the tradeskills forum with all sorts of helpful links, including some fishing guides. Smiley: wink2

YukioOfBismarck wrote:
So where can I get spawn and respawn times for NMs?

This is another question I'm fairly ill qualified to answer, but I might be able to provide a little bit of info.

I typically don't hunt NMs, especially heavily camped ones. My internet connection is such that I suffer from a roughly 4 second lag. It causes no problems in XP pt most of the time, but puts me 4 seconds behind when an NM pops.


Most NM run on a somewhat randomized timer. For example, the fairly infamous Leaping Lizzy in South Gustaberg runs on roughly an hour timer (iirc). Roughly I say, because she might pop a bit early, or a bit late.

Most NM don't pop at specific hours, but instead over certain intervals.

That being said...

this is a link to the NM lists on Allakhazam. While alla generally doesn't keep pop timers in it's info, some of the comments below each NM might list it, so it's worth perusing.

Here's the NM list from cannotlinkto Somepage does seem to keep rough pop timer info. (i.e. Leaping Lizzy 60-90 min)

Here's a search page for cannotlinkto's NM DB

And if all else fails, you can ask about a specific NM here, and hopefully someone with experience with that particular NM can tell you.
#200 Nov 26 2004 at 11:37 PM Rating: Decent
374 posts
Thanks again Nataraja...I seem to be not keeping my mind straight and apologize profusely *bows and kisses the floor*

with all that has been going on I think I might have an excuse >,<

Anyways thank you very much!

Edited, Fri Nov 26 23:39:18 2004 by YukioOfBismarck
#201 Nov 27 2004 at 12:26 AM Rating: Good
Think nothing of it. /bow

And no /kneeling! Smiley: banghead
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