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A thread of thanksFollow

#27 Jan 29 2005 at 3:06 AM Rating: Good
Thanks to Wintaru, Catgirl, and their companion (whose name I forget -_-) for the events of this evening in Xarcabard.

I brought an LS mate to Beaucidine Glacier for his SMN Ice element, and he managed to get killed while I was feeling blindly, without a map, to Xarcabard for my Vahlz gate crystal.

They were kind enough to be willing to go out of their way to give him a raise, and while this didn't happen, as he just zoned to HP, it was appreciated nonetheless. ^^

P.S. You know, it's REALLY cold in Xarcabard when you're naked... >.>
#28 Jan 29 2005 at 1:37 PM Rating: Decent
446 posts
Thank you to Jnag for the brillant scheme he concocted for leveling in the dunes yesterday. WAR Lv 15 woot!!

And special thanks to Illuminati .....

you know what I mean
#29 Feb 01 2005 at 3:27 AM Rating: Good
690 posts
Tonight's thanks go to:


for helping me camp my Shaman's Cloak. 2 hours, some fun, one claim, one drop. Thanks guys! You are awesome.

--Arondight, Bismarck

Oh... and maybe an honorable mention of Yekan for providing us with the free teleport. ^^ Thanks Yekan.
Nothing that is so, is so.
#30 Feb 01 2005 at 4:08 AM Rating: Good
1,002 posts
That was so awesome tonight. I had a blast.
The feeling i got when that cloak dropped for you was like..


wootaru man, Good times, and had a good time passin the Cigarette around afterwards.
#31 Feb 01 2005 at 7:59 AM Rating: Good
883 posts
Twenty pounds of thanks in a five-pound bucket to Chops, Duwienator, Mazrim, Brock, Primetime, and Frugel for getting me through ZMs 6-8 last night despite my fevered crankiness. In retrospect it wasn't nearly as bad as I made it out to be but when you're running at 102 degrees and barely able to breathe for coughing, Kam'lanaut doesn't seem like the easiest thing in the world...

Look Chops, I'm putting it in writing so you can harp on it forever. I'm sorry I ever doubted you.
#32 Feb 02 2005 at 9:43 AM Rating: Decent
477 posts
FINALLY after about 2 weeks of waiting >.< I got G1 done. I wanted to thank Vanis, our lvl 63 WHM (sweetest whm EVER), Izland our lvl 56 DRG (the hundred fists then having the lich drop the paper was classic. Shows that if you hit things hard enough they give you what you want. *lol*), Semaj lvl 50 PLD (also completing G1), and Gunslinger... I cannot remember what Gun's lvl was.. I think it was 70+. The reason I make special mention is because he is a beastmater. He single handedly showed me that not all BSTs are complete asses/
#33 Feb 02 2005 at 11:41 AM Rating: Excellent
610 posts
sagashe wrote:

Oh... and maybe an honorable mention of Yekan for providing us with the free teleport. ^^ Thanks Yekan.

It wasn't free.... I'm still waiting for my payment dammit! >.< Just kidding.. Congrats on your spiffy new cloak!
#34 Feb 02 2005 at 9:12 PM Rating: Decent
105 posts
My thanks too:

-Shadoween (tries to be a tough guy, but really, inside he's just a Taru. He is pretty much know as our LS' "help" guy. He is asked to help with everything, and he always does, and he never accepts money because he's just that cool :P)

-Shaman (on of the nicest guys on our server, willing to help almost anyone.)

- Yekan (Helped me past the Banishing Gates this weekend, knew what she was doing, couldn't have done it without her)

Hiptaru-(accompanied Yekan and I)

Kazin-(well... he's just a friendly guy. Been on my friendslist for about 6 months. Great Guy.)
#35 Feb 04 2005 at 10:09 AM Rating: Good
649 posts
Huge thanks to the StercusApperuit alliance last night in Eldieme and GC. You know who you are. :)
#36 Feb 04 2005 at 10:37 AM Rating: Decent
512 posts
thanks to two ninja who helped me in the dunes this morning from Oribits(sp?) LS, Chidahlia and Raquelcasull.

they were more than just a good pair of blinktanks, they were having fun and that made it great.
#37 Feb 04 2005 at 10:39 AM Rating: Good
302 posts
Yeks for something I still don't feel I deserve >.<

Edited, Fri Feb 4 10:41:35 2005 by Awias
#38 Feb 05 2005 at 2:41 PM Rating: Decent
542 posts
I want to thank Merodi for raising my butt while passing through the dunes this morning. Everyone knows what dying in the dunes is like so Im not going into details.

Thanks Merodi!!
#39 Feb 05 2005 at 3:16 PM Rating: Good
13,048 posts
This is waaaaay late, seeing as I've had most of my AF since I hit 52, but last night I dinged 58 and now I look like a real RNG, so I feel obligated to everyone who ever helped me get this far. Most of that tanks go to StercusApperuit, the best LS I've had the pleasure of joining. We have some of the best members and friends that I've met inside the game, and it's an honor to even hold a pearl to this LS, much less be a sackholder.

Huge thanks go to my party last night, who were immensely patient when I asked for a 30 minute break to eat and go craft some arrows so I could finish out level 57 and actually wear my Hunter's Jerkin. Those people are (this was the best party ever, by far the most fun I've had while leveling): Frizzle (BLM), Noxx (WHM), Vimes (RDM), Xanoxonax (DRK), Teets (PLD), and of course, me (RNG). You guys are awesome, and each one of you is the best there can be at your job. Yeah, even you Xano.

Anyway, I'd also send out a huge thanks to Trizzoro, who let me tag along on his AF3 fight, and who asked everyone there to fight Koenigstiger again. I've asked his advice a few times on how to be a good RNG, and he's always come through for me.

Other people that were on that AF3 runs include (sorry if I forget anyone, that was like a month ago ><): Singular, Leeluu (cause you know you can't find Sing without Leeluu >.>), Testsuo, Trizzoro, Melchoir (who tanked as PLD/BLM, rofl), Raikku (even though I did pwn him in Ballista at level 52 >.>), Zariko (damn you for leaving the game, Barney! ; ;), Eleusynia (queen of BLM), Arria, Pyronn, and Granray. You guys were all awesome and helped me even when you only came for Triz's AF. Thank you.

Also on this list is Ishido, who just got notified today from POL that Noxx's and my wedding application went through, and we'll be getting married in-game on March 9th. Thanks bro, for being so patient and doing that for us. Couldn't ask for a nicer and cooler younger brother.

Also, Noxx will be gone for the next week and a half, so if anyone needs a RNG to help with something, send me a tell. ^^

Edited, Sat Feb 5 15:51:21 2005 by Theophany
#40 Feb 06 2005 at 3:41 AM Rating: Excellent
610 posts
Awias wrote:
Yeks for something I still don't feel I deserve >.<

You deserve it and so much more Awias! You're one of the greatest people out there. Thanks for everything you have done for me.

I would also like to thank Hiptaru, Arondight and of course the wonderful Eleusynia for some things that I don't feel I deserved. You are all truly amazing friends.

Also I want to thank my Linkshell for being such amazing and fun people but most of all my Pearlsack holders: Noxx, Ishido, Theophany, Vimes, Awias and Camazarin. I don't know what I would do without all of your help guys. You are amazing people.

Edited for poor spelling >.<

Edited, Sun Feb 6 15:48:13 2005 by Yekan
#41 Feb 06 2005 at 10:07 AM Rating: Decent
477 posts
A special thanks to Vanis (Lvl 63 WHM) for helping me with... well everthing. Seriously.. this guy is like the uber WHM that ever mid-lvl person dreams about. He is always willing to help. Also I would like to thanks Caliber (lvl 75 PLD) that just out of no where accepted a plea for help when I was trying to fight the bird for my AF2. Great... now I just have to fight the two NMs in the dunes... I think the gods hate me oO

Edit update...

I got the AF 2 Boots! Yay me! Thankd to Archadian (lvl 66SAM), Lina (Lvl 60SAM) Shuyjo (lvl 66 SAM .. I really hope I spelled that right), DarthMaul (lvl 58 NIN), and Semaj (The lvl 51PLD of legend)

We owned the shadow any the ghost is less them 2 minutes ^^ Thanks again guys

Edited, Mon Feb 7 13:16:10 2005 by JadenNyte
#42 Feb 06 2005 at 3:42 PM Rating: Good
690 posts
Yekan wrote:
I would also like to thank Hiptaru, Arondight and of course the wonderful Eleusynia for some things that I don't feel I deserved. You are all truely amazing friends.

You spelled truly wrong.

Ahem, anyway... ^^

Refer yourself to the statement you made to Awias, and just so you don't have to scroll up, here it is:

Yekan wrote:
You deserve it and so much more Awias! You're one of the greatest people out there. Thanks for everything you have done for me.

Ditto to you, Yekan. Enjoy your present! ^^

--Arondight, Bismarck
Nothing that is so, is so.
#43 Feb 07 2005 at 8:19 AM Rating: Good
425 posts
I just wanted to thank yesterday's Castle Oz participants. Was a good time, as always. They are:


Congrats to Hito, Vimes and Rubix for also getting your coffer keys and once again, thanks to everyone that was there. Now I have my Chaos Cuirass, and am one step closer to getting the first set of AF I need completed. ^^

Edited, Mon Feb 7 11:12:33 2005 by Xanoxonax
#44 Feb 07 2005 at 9:22 AM Rating: Good
649 posts
Xano... while I appreciate the mention bro, It's Garan <----

grats on the key!!!
#45 Feb 07 2005 at 9:25 AM Rating: Good
425 posts
Goddamnit, I was wondering who the hell Caran was. Perhaps I need to get new glasses. >.>

Fixing that right now...haha. Sorry about that.
#46 Feb 07 2005 at 10:49 AM Rating: Decent
175 posts
Thanks to a few people in my quest for the o-bow:

Vormav - for making me stay down there as long as I did -- over seven hours
Alauce - for coming down to help for several hours.
Jwb - for coming down to help for several hours.
Snuggles - for coming down to help for several hours.

At this point, we still didn't get the stupid Goblin, but thanks all the same to these guys who camed and stayed for as long as they could. After this, it was just Vormav and me left. Still waiting for him.

As the seventh hour since last ToD approached, he finally spawned. At this point, thanks to the following people for dropping everything they were doing and rushing down to help kill him:
Oddies - His TH2 goes to eleven *_*
(the above three people are members of the ApocalypseTribe linkshell)

I have a bad feeling that I left somebody out of this list. When I get home from work, I'll double check my screenshots to see if I did. It was 6:00 AM by the time he was dead and I was in bad need of sleep. Richard Nixon could have come down there and talked him to death and I may well have forgotten it.

Anywas. Much thanks to these folks.
#47 Feb 07 2005 at 10:56 AM Rating: Decent
83 posts
I'd just like to thank everyone who was there for the BLM AF3 NM fight. too many people to list but you know who you are ^^
#48 Feb 07 2005 at 1:54 PM Rating: Decent
47 posts
Along with Kakashisan, I'd like to thank everyone who helped out for Blm AF3 as well. Aside from the huge train that was pulled and the deaths (which again, I'm sorry Eleusynia and Sele ><), it went well. Yekan and I had to duo a couple skeles and bats here and there (Hexa Strike owns ^^) but we got through that link fest.

Lots of people to list but thanks to each and everyone of you. Congrats to the Blm's on their new hat =)
#49 Feb 08 2005 at 1:50 PM Rating: Good
73 posts
Hey all. I've got a few thank-yous of my out to hand out. Over the last several days I completed my AF1 and AF2 quests with some excellent friends.

Nightsintodream, Ayre, and Ferra helped me whoop up on a couple 'o orcs so I could get my axe. Then Merodi, Luathas, and Shukaku helped me kill the turtle NM for the first half of my AF2 quest. It was a fun fight, I always enjoy killing paladin type mosters (hehehe).

Ferra was my mage back-up for the leech kill. But any prospective warriors out there don't be fooled into thinking this last part is as easy as they make it seem to be. The place is packed with wandering higher tier Yags, and the leeches link. In fact Ferra and I had some troubles with Yags untill a higher level paladin named Gameslave came and basicaly rescued us.

So, my deepest thanks to: Ayre, Ferra, Gameslave, Luathas, Merodi, Nightsintodream, and Shukaku. Thanks to ya'll I have my new red shoes!
#50 Feb 10 2005 at 1:15 AM Rating: Good
33 posts
i would like to thank

Maldor "Uber Drg dude" with Duke
and Pooters

for help with my Drgoon Af pants tonight
thank you all again for your help

Edited, Duh i forgot Awias and her big bad wolf

Edited, Thu Feb 10 01:17:03 2005 by EmmaGraceFrost

Edited, Thu Feb 10 01:15:46 2005 by EmmaGraceFrost
#51 Feb 10 2005 at 4:33 AM Rating: Excellent
471 posts
Awi, Ishi, and Baba, (Yeks too) deserve big thankies for my night of feelin' uber icky >.< They stayed up with me when I was down in the dumps and let me know why I still play.

Good friends I care about a lot <3

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