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Dragonice, DIAMOND, and unhonorable behaviorFollow

#1 May 08 2005 at 9:16 PM Rating: Excellent
41 posts
Well ladies and gents, it had been a while I hadnt posted here.

If some of you remember me, I am mostly harmless, in a mostly harmless LS, the Renkeidorz. We are in no way a powerhouse in any kind, and are not interested in becoming one either. More like a LS of friends. We manage on our own, get creative when we need stuff, and mostly enjoy an anonymous life as one of the oldest (if not the oldest)never broken NA LS.

Well since weve all slowly got to 75, were trying our luck at sky farming and gods popping. As some of you may know, the place is now incredibly packed, filled with powerhouses like AD, Lunies, Iron, BS, Aurora etc farming God items on a regular basis.

Tis all good thou, some people put a lot more energy in this game, get TODS and stuff so they have an advantage over us, and well competition is all fine: we are not as commited as these big LS's are, so obviously, we wont get as many triggers etc.

We accept this.

Tonight, we were at zippy pop for a good 40 minutes, (I had previously passed some pretty boring 2 hour earlier to get TOD) trying to get our stone for Genbu. We found, him, we are on the right side, and we are getting ready to pull. No one is here yet.

A rng, Elfry, DIAMOND LS, rushes trough and aggroes the detector.

Now we are nice people. Maybe this is what you cynical bastards will all tell me once you read this post. Maybe youll tell me, dont be such wussies, let her die next time. Maybe youll imply, (like the leader of the Diamond shell told me - but im jumping ahead of myself), that this was our fault.

We picked up the aggro. Detector popped a robot, we killed it
We even got a {thank you}

While we were doing this, Elfry went and shadowbinded Zippy, so the others from her LS managed to make in in time to kill it.

When faced with these facts after the fight, the leader, Dragonice said the following:

1) Calm Down
2) We are all here for the same things, it happens

For the record, and so everyone knows, I think I lost it at that point, and replied with some well chosen curses, which i repeated 3 times. Got blacklisted... I mean anyways, what can you possibly answer to this.

Then to top it all, another leader, Elite, who wasnt there hits me up and asks,

Whats the problem?

I told him the story again. his great findings were the following:

1) Weve had it done to us, so we are doing it to you. (summary)
When faced with the question : "what has my Ls ever done to you" his answer was: "I am blisting you"

2) Elfry is dishonorable, not DIAMOND.

3) oh ya, this is a game, dont go ******** blablabla

I am still a little speechless about this. I guess what hits me the most is the sheer arrogance, the lack of any kind of apology, almost like its our fault for being bloody idiots for saving their rng.

Anyways, this is the story, I'll let you draw your own conclusions about Elfry, Dragonice, Elite and the LS DIAMOND.

#2 May 08 2005 at 10:04 PM Rating: Decent
955 posts
Yoy never had claim so it was fair game. Unless you had claimed it and they took it when it went unclaimed, then they did nothing wrong.
#3 May 08 2005 at 10:50 PM Rating: Decent
124 posts
Alright situation. If you got aggro from a mob while camping a NM and someone takes it off you, are you just going to sit there and let them take the NM 'cause they helped you out? I wouldn't imagine many actually doing this. If you see a NM, you claim it and hope for the drop. Maybe you helped her out with her aggro, but why would she waste time and not go after zip. Her main objective at the time was to claim zip and the fact that you helped her allowed them to claim it. If I were in charge i'd say "Let her die and give her a R3." so you still get your trigger and she lose minimal exp. Maybe i'm selfish in my point of view, but that's just how I see that.

Edited, Sun May 8 23:59:24 2005 by Strazer
#4 May 09 2005 at 1:20 AM Rating: Decent
305 posts
You should of left the Detecter to Elfry and went of Zippy since that was ur main goal. If Elfry died to the detecter, good for him since he got the aggro and could of killed it with 1 shot. I say just suck it up and move on since its not the end of the world by that one event.

Edited, Mon May 9 02:20:57 2005 by Terraforce
#5 May 09 2005 at 1:31 AM Rating: Excellent
340 posts
Didnt want to reply this thread until I saw all those negative comments...

So.. "nice guy always go last"? thats pretty sh1ty.. what about the "moral"?

Edited, Mon May 9 02:33:57 2005 by Invoky
#6 May 09 2005 at 1:45 AM Rating: Decent
955 posts
Invoky, you've seen the "morals" a few people have on this server.
#7 May 09 2005 at 1:47 AM Rating: Excellent
340 posts
I dont get what you are saying man =/
#8 May 09 2005 at 1:49 AM Rating: Decent
104 posts
Welcome to the wonderful world of HNM drama. ><

Were they wrong for taking it after you spent time popping it and they had just shown up? In my eyes yes.

If you spent hours trying to pop it, and they just showed up and took it with no effort on thier part, its not very nice.

But it does happen unfortunately.

As was said in another post, the RNG could have very easily one shotted the detector without a thought. He was likely running in to claim Zip without a thought for agro before you did.

If he got agro to keep you busy while they claimed Zipacna....well..
#9 May 09 2005 at 2:15 AM Rating: Decent
955 posts
If I spend hours trying to pop the rabbit NM in ronfaure and someone claims it, does that make it wrong?

Invoky, I may have misread what you were trying to say so I dunno.
#10 May 09 2005 at 6:14 AM Rating: Good
145 posts
Though morally you are right man. The rules of the game rely on sneakiness and backstabbing to get ahead. All I know is I am putting off Sky for as long as I can....
Retired July 2009

#11 May 09 2005 at 6:16 AM Rating: Excellent
345 posts
That is why sky is such a lovely place lately since more and more people reach 75 ;x It sucks that it was done to you, but it is only a honor thing and not many people care for that. Just retry to get zipacna later and not let it fall into the hands of TOMATO ^^
#12 May 09 2005 at 6:37 AM Rating: Excellent
I must say, Diamond has lost a lot of respect in our eyes. Nobody was very happy from the results of last night (I logged on right as it was happening). If not from the event itself at least from the way it was handled.

You guys say "tough crap" and "you should have let them die" ....what happens when we see one of your players go down due to some unfortunate event? You would be howling for blood because we didn't help you out. Or it would get out that Dorkz are not of the best reputation (which I like to think we are).

Truth be told there's no good way for a scenario like that to end when you have someone who is unscrupulous do something like that. Next time we'll know, let the jerk die and leave it at that.

Edited to get my point across without swearing.

Edited, Mon May 9 08:18:21 2005 by Wintaru
#13 May 09 2005 at 8:24 AM Rating: Good
37 posts
Didnt want to reply this thread until I saw all those negative comments...

So.. "nice guy always go last"? thats pretty sh1ty.. what about the "moral"?

You're right Voky, I have been nice to alot of people in game just for them to turn on me later.

Sad thing about it all not only do the "nice guys always come in last", but I play Dynamis twice a week with Elfry... would think I'd get alittle more respect from people I alliance with.

#14 May 09 2005 at 10:21 AM Rating: Decent
'Tis a hound eat hound world.

I woulda just let the blasted RNG die. They were there same reason as you, thus the pop and the claim. Competition is a *****,and you have to be underhanded to succeed.
#15 May 09 2005 at 10:25 AM Rating: Excellent
169 posts
I think the point that Kpp is trying to make is that he knows what choices the Dorkz had and when faced with the decision, they helped rather than ignored another player.

I was not there, but I can vouch for Kpp. He's not one to get pissed off for nothing.

This is one of the main reasons that I have only been to Sky once since I got access. I've read the discussions here on how there is a certain etiquette that higher level members have in Sky and that you learn as you go along. Seems like that "etiquette" changes when it's convenient.

It's mighty hypocritical of those that posted here to say that the RNG did nothing wrong. If anything he/she is helping to ruin the spirit of this game.

Dorkz/IC - Please don't let one player or HNMLS leader change your atitude about doing the right thing people. There are not enough decent people in this game, let alone in real life. Don't let them change who you are.

#16 May 09 2005 at 10:33 AM Rating: Good
You're a Dork too now Cat :D

I don't think we'll ever stop helping people out where we can and trying to do the right thing, but something has definately changed from this episode.

Our eyes have been opened as to what is required to do certain end game things. It's like when we got Simurgh or Roc for the first time, and then tried to get them again. The whole thing leaves a bad taste in your mouth and as a result we haven't camped either of those ever again.

Hopefully I can get the urge to level WHM again and if I do, Zenith stuff would be nice, but at what price?
#17 May 09 2005 at 10:40 AM Rating: Default
did i missread the OP? for some reason the title is "Dragonice, Diamond, and unhonorable behavior" but yet you listed nothing in your post about dragonice or anything he did to be considered unhonorable behavior. slander much?

i wont put my opinion about the situation since its none of my business.

#18 May 09 2005 at 10:50 AM Rating: Excellent
169 posts
id i missread the OP? for some reason the title is "Dragonice, Diamond, and unhonorable behavior" but yet you listed nothing in your post about dragonice or anything he did to be considered unhonorable behavior. slander much?

You misread the post. There was discussion between Kpp and Dragonice. Read the numbered items.

Wint - I specifically said Dorkz because I wasn't there. Just wanted to voice my opinion to let others know that Kpp doesn't just post this type of thing for no reason.


Edited, Mon May 9 11:52:21 2005 by lgordon
#19 May 09 2005 at 11:24 AM Rating: Excellent
163 posts
Welcome to end game HNM drama.

When I played, I remember being in Sky and battling Steam Cleaner. It was bad and our alliance was almost dead. Steam Cleaner literaly had a sliver of life, and at this point a JP alliance showed up. I swear we were a cure III away from winning, but they just sat and watched us die.

But the good thing is, other LS arent like this.

Lunarians and AD will actualy ask what you are camping that way to avoid butting heads whenever possible. And in a jam, because of their reputation, I bet they would do the right thing.

I suppose what I want to say, I'm sorry your first experience in Sky was poor, it won't be the last time either. But don't be upset, there are a lot of good LS and this hopefully won't be the common trend.

As far as DIAMOND, what do you expect from a LS that advertized Hakutaku runs for their own personal profit on the main page of their web site? What would make you think they are for anything but their own personal gain?

#20 May 09 2005 at 11:28 AM Rating: Decent
Heh, nice generalization...

You would think this type of post would anger me, but it's quite the other way around. Next time I see you in-game I'll /comfort you, b/c you have learned your first lesson in sky. OMG!@# It's competitive?!?

As far as Diamond goes, Ralph or myself usually lead all Diamond raids. Refer to one of us with any issues to be handled. Generally cussing in shouts, sending hate /tells and posting “unhonorable behavior” in public forums to drag our name through the mud isn’t the best way to go about it, but that’s just me. Didn't seem you were too 'harmless'. I won’t read too much into this b/c as you mention you are new to sky.

We started out just like you, nice guys trying to get ahead. We went to sky and just like you we came up short. LS's like AD and Lunie (no offense ~.^) took every mob in sight. There was even this one time when AD stormed in as we were prepping for MG, in a hurry we had to claim w/ only 10 ppl and wiped when it was @ 20% left.. which AD easily finished off. And just like you we wanted blood. But since then we learned our lesson, as will you in time. The lesson isn't about lowering yourself to the rest or being "unhonorable" (dishonorable?), it's about rising your game and knowing that everyone is after the same things so it might get intense at times. Now I coordinate w/ most HNMls up there whenever possible so we don't end up running for the same thing.

Now as for Zip.. Everyone knows Zipacna is camped by the gilsellers for a little over a month now. Claiming him has been some task. If a LS knows he’s up and not claimed it’s usually a scramble. With this being said it will probably take more than you pulling detector aggro from them for them to not claim. I happen to know Elfry, he's a great guy, and a great player, to say our LS is "unhonorable" b/c he pulled Zip that was unclaimed that you "intended" to get.. well you see my point. There is no LS up there that wouldn't have done the same. Please claim asap.

If one of our members MPK's, steal after claim, or any other legitimate complaint about this linkshell send me a /tell in-game and I'll handle it. Til then I say 'Sweet pull', happy hunting.

If you disagree, just bookmark this post, spend a month in sky, then come back and read. ;)

Edited, Mon May 9 12:37:23 2005 by Bodkn
#21 May 09 2005 at 11:35 AM Rating: Decent
340 posts
As far as I know AD pulled MG "after" you guys wiped on your own, not because you tried to save AD member =/

Bodkn is a good guy he gave us Curtana when they had too much, and Diamond arent all bad. Dont want to see everyone curse a LS coz one indicent =/
#22 May 09 2005 at 11:40 AM Rating: Decent
163 posts
... I'll let you draw your own conclusions about Elfry, Dragonice, Elite and the LS DIAMOND.

Then please allow us to form our own unbiased opinions through our personal experiences with these people and help "clear the air" of these forums of unnessary and unwarranted drama.

Let this topic die please.
#23 May 09 2005 at 11:48 AM Rating: Default
Yeah, Voky that's correct, sorry should have been more clear. We were prepping for pull and AD started coming through port. We all waved at each other and then AD started prepping for pull. In a rush we had to pull while some still weakened and some still on their way and wiped on our own w/ 20% left w/ 10 ppl. AD finished it off and helped w/ raises. At the time we were new to sky and thought this to be offensive b/c AD knew we were there for it, but since learned that everyone needs these items just as we do. Now I just say nice kill for you guys. :)

This is no longer an issue, only brought it up b/c it put us in a similar situation. ^.~ AD is a good shell.
#24 May 09 2005 at 11:49 AM Rating: Decent
21 posts
There was even this one time when AD stormed in as we were prepping for MG, in a hurry we had to claim w/ only 10 ppl and wiped when it was @ 20% left.. which AD easily finished off. And just like you we wanted blood. But since then we learned our lesson, as will you in time.

As far as i could remember, you guys wiped twice on MG before AD got there. Your own fault for rushing the 3rd time. I see nothing wrong with finishing it off after you guys wiped for the 3rd time.
#25 May 09 2005 at 12:08 PM Rating: Excellent
37 posts
OMFG, you all don't get it. We are not here to ***** and whine that we lost a mob. We are clearly stateing facts in an undesirable incident that happened to inform others how certain HNMLS's/people preform.

Kpp and I are not strangers to sky either. And when possible we do goto other HNMLS leaders in sky to collaborate on mobs. We (Kpp and I) alliance our ls's to give the our members a chance to do the fun end-game stuff without haveing to join a HNMLS, which most shutter at.

This thread just proves that most people would rather **** on you than help, that nice people are just "dumb" ... nice society we live in these days.

That's all I have left to say, flame away.. it's inevitable.
#26 May 09 2005 at 12:21 PM Rating: Decent
104 posts
this is really just more or less a's just one of those things where you only have seconds to decide on what to do...seldom happens and noone's really at fault...Dorkz decided to be the "nice guys" in which case it wasn't really needed(efry could have killed)and Efry continued on with his objective...

most important thing to remember is that all god-item NM's in Sky are simply that...Notorious's like if someone claims Adamantoise but can't handle the LS is gonna help the ones that claimed....I wouldn't call that being "underhanded" or "immoral"'s just the nature of the game....

there will be many, many, many more Zip that you guys will win some you lose some....and that goes for all of us...that doesn't mean that LS's from time to time won't be extra-courteous, cuz AD and many other shells will when the circumstance arises...just need to remember that it's not "expected"....

best of luck in Sky guys...whoop some ***
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