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Gilsellers at the VE spawn...I need help.Follow

#1 May 08 2005 at 11:36 PM Rating: Default
97 posts
I needed gil for my upcoming Iron Musketeer armor set, so I decided I'd camp VE. Thrice were my efforts futile. *Sighs* They're everywhere, I swear, and they never leave either. If you're wondering who I mean by 'they', I'm reffering to those gilsellers that camp the NM day and night. There's a whole pt of them, spread all throughout the spawn, and once the damn fly pops, it's already claimed. I've memorized the names of four of those campers, they are Everwina, Anitalee, Gloribel, and Finley. Everwina I believe is apart of the Chaodicdestiny ls(No, I have nothing against them. I'm just curious as to wheter they know they have a gilseller amongst them).

Oh yeah, and you know what? It makes me sick that despite how obvious their illegal activity is, SE does nothing. They just sit on their *** and neglect all the complaints sent to them via GM call. I want this, I need this gil if I want to go any further as a Paladin. So would anyone be interested in helping me? I'd gladly split the gil. Some gil is better than no gil, right? I don't think anyone would turn down a share of one million gil.
#2 May 09 2005 at 1:58 AM Rating: Decent
139 posts
Everwina also camps lizzy.
#3 May 09 2005 at 6:17 AM Rating: Good
716 posts
#4 May 09 2005 at 8:11 AM Rating: Default
121 posts
Damn those other people that want to kill the one monster that you want to kill!!! When will they learn that you are the only one that should be able to kill the VE!!! OMFG stop crying, find a way to make money. Farm, mine, harvest. Here is a little something that not too many people know. EVERYTHING in FFXI takes time. Sure, the hairpin will get you some quick gil, however, it will take you time to actually get it to spawn, to actually get the claim, and to actually get the drop. If you do not enjoy camping the NM and attempting to fight it, then you need to find another way to make gil, look for a tissue while you are out there looking around, because no one wants to hear you *****.
#5 May 09 2005 at 12:12 PM Rating: Default
1,477 posts
Why are they gilsellers? Because they beat you to the claim? And don't say because they claim it all the time and nobody could have any legitimate uses for that gil, because someone could give me 999M gil and I could find a use for it other than selling it off.
#6 May 09 2005 at 7:04 PM Rating: Decent
I also have experience with these people, and anyone that does not believe they are gil sellers is just nieve. Each one stands at a different spawn points (yes, there are distinctive spawn points) and they claim it almost immediately when it pops. For the most part, nothing can be done unless you have about 5 friends that are willing to camp it with you for a day. I wish you luck.
#7 May 09 2005 at 9:23 PM Rating: Decent
121 posts
Well, let's say that they are actually people who camp and get the item. Then lets say that they sell the item for gil. Now, lets say that they actually sell the gil for real money. Who gives a ****, oh my god. If you are not good enough to do what they are doing then get better. I don't even play this game anymore, but the fact that people complain because some people are better at playing this game than you is just annoying.

I had a friend once who claimed he found a gil seller because this person was stealing all the rams from him in the Highlands. The char had only a weapon equipped and this was the reason he was being called a gil seller. As it turns out he just was trying to make money selling ram horns (the same thing my friend wanted to do), and the only reason he had 1 item equiped was because he wanted to carry 54 of them.

The fact is, if you are not good enough to make money the way that the "gil sellers" do, then you should either get better, or look for another way to do it
#8 May 09 2005 at 10:21 PM Rating: Default
Well, let's say that they are actually people who camp and get the item. Then lets say that they sell the item for gil. Now, lets say that they actually sell the gil for real money. Who gives a sh*t, oh my god. If you are not good enough to do what they are doing then get better. I don't even play this game anymore, but the fact that people complain because some people are better at playing this game than you is just annoying.

I had a friend once who claimed he found a gil seller because this person was stealing all the rams from him in the Highlands. The char had only a weapon equipped and this was the reason he was being called a gil seller. As it turns out he just was trying to make money selling ram horns (the same thing my friend wanted to do), and the only reason he had 1 item equiped was because he wanted to carry 54 of them.

The fact is, if you are not good enough to make money the way that the "gil sellers" do, then you should either get better, or look for another way to do it

Hmmmm, I would call you a complete ******, but I don't want to be nice.
You are calling 4-5 people who stand in different spots in Valkurm Dunes for 40 hours + all week claiming Valkurm Emperor non gil sellers? Your ram example is the worst example of all time. Obviously, your friend is an idiot who is probably about level 20. I have camped against gil sellers many times (jerrys, toms, reapples, etc.) and I know how they act. Usually, when someone camps the same NM for over a month without moving except for going to jeuno, have no linkshell, and respond only with chinese insults (cao ni ma) are gil sellers. I think you need to understand the situation before you make a pitiful attempt at making an intelligent retort. Gil sellers are lower than low, and they are better than nobody on the server (except maybe Hoodlum, but meh, same thing). Give me 1 gil seller vs. me, and I will win claim 90% of the time. NMs arnt hard, gil sellers make them hard.
#9 May 10 2005 at 12:14 AM Rating: Default
105 posts
Hmmmm, I would call you a complete ******, but I don't want to be nice.


On-Topic: They are gil sellers, and they suck -.-
#10 May 10 2005 at 1:28 AM Rating: Good
716 posts
Rate-downs much?

Nice going, retards.
#11 May 10 2005 at 8:08 AM Rating: Default
1,477 posts
So because they stand in one spot camping VE...and group camp....and have no LS equipped...they're gilsellers.

I recently camped VE. With some friends of mine, who all had their own pin but were trying to help me get mine. I had read that because of the randomness of the pop and the crowdedness of the spawn area, it is best to stand in one spot and hope he pops within a short radius. I considered using Wide Scan, but several people told me that by the time I saw him on WS, he'd be claimed. So I got there, and everyone was using the same tactic: standing in one spot waiting. I had also been crafting earlier in the day and, because nobody on my LS was on at the time, I unequipped my pearl and left in in my mog safe.

So's a good thing I don't speak Chinese, huh? Because then I'd definitely be a gil seller.

I also watched Everwina claim VE while everyone in the vicinity /shouted about and whined like babies. Then, when I gathered all my gil from my mules, I decided to buy the pin. I checked the Jeuno AH history, only to see Everwina's name once, and multiple listings from the whiners. It struck me that people were able to claim it, but were just wretching when they weren't able to. I guess they thought NM camping was steady and reliable income.

Counter-troll rate-ups for everyone not jumping straight off a cliff just to reach a conclusion.
#12 May 10 2005 at 8:35 AM Rating: Decent
Dryus I have come to the conclusion you just want to argue sir.

A) Ryu, I wouldn't come here asking for help to have people camp a lucrative item only so you can sell for gil.

B) Don't assume that people are gillsellers cuz they /anon and what not.

C) Dryus - Stop looking for a fight, cuz you know it as well as everyone else, if someone is camping an NM for 24 hours a day 7 days a week you know damn well they are a ****** gillseller.

#13 May 10 2005 at 9:21 AM Rating: Default
You know why you only saw her name once? All 4-5 of them wait until they all have one, and then they all go to jeuno between a pop. I have seen it before, so I know it happens. Then they all dump their pins, and they make 5 mil. I am familiar with gil sellers, and you, obviously, are not.

Think before posting
#14 May 10 2005 at 10:40 AM Rating: Decent
448 posts
Wow! I know he might be wrong for assuming someone is a gilseller, but a lot of your reactions were pretty immature.

#15 May 10 2005 at 11:00 AM Rating: Decent
/em brandishes a wooden katana and grins to Kgo muttering "keep your mouth shut if yous knows whats good for joo!"

just j/k ^^
#16 May 10 2005 at 11:13 AM Rating: Decent
1,477 posts
Wha? Haha, no, I'm not looking for a fight. I'm just shaking my head at how easily someone gets labeled as a gilseller. The ram-farming example is a perfect analogy, as much as other people discounted it.

Likewise, I used to mine in Yughott. When I started there were already veterans running their routes who I'd talk to, and they told me to beware of a couple of people (in addition to Lucun and Doublening) because they were confirmed gil sellers. They told me it was okay to steal mining points from them...and that they even bot-mined! <gasp!> So I stole points from them, and they didn't complain. Eventually, I sent a /tell to them, and they responded, and we became friendly. You see, they were in the mines ALL the time because they didn't like farming or NM camping, so they had to mine a real lot in order to keep up with their expenses. People assumed they were gil-sellers, and even said it was "confirmed". They didn't respond to /says or /shouts simply because they were there to make money and not to participate in drama from people who were bitter about getting beat to mining points.

I just don't think it's fair to jump to the conclusion that X does Y simply because they do Z well and/or do it a lot.

EDIT: This should probably be the last time I post about gil sellers. Sure, those who buy/sell gil bother me as much as they do anyone else. It just seems that some people think they can fix it by throwing sour posts at the problem, and in the process a lot of things are said that are...not thought out very well. And anyone who says that posting about it one hundred times doesn't solve anything lays in the wake of such a crusade. Thanks for the rate-downs. /sigh

Edited, Tue May 10 12:42:58 2005 by Dryhus
#17 May 10 2005 at 12:50 PM Rating: Decent

You're nieve. I have had conversations with Jelly and Forlove in Kuftal tunnel etc. They even said if I need help for sky their "office" would do so. (I GOT SKY ON MY OWN THANKS THOUGH!!! not with any of their help....)

Yet, these characters are on 24/7 and do nothing but camp NMs and /sigh HNMs now...does this under your understanding make them no longer lowly gillsellers? or just legitmate players with a bad reputation?

Your mining example sure these people could mine a lot @ the same times as you....but, we're they on 24 hours a day 7 days a week doing this mining? That's not humanly possible....therefore 95% chance they are shiftworkers and sell their proceeds to IGE.

I'm not knocking you Dryus but man, wake up...

#18 May 10 2005 at 1:16 PM Rating: Good
476 posts
When I questioned Tomgg on WHY he'd need so many archer rings, he said "I need gil for goldsmithing." Right... he stopped responding when I said he can't do any goldsmithing if he's in Ordelles 24/7 Actually, they were gone for about 30 minutes or so. I guess it was a lunch break or something. Was funny how they all signed back on at almost exactly the same moment though.

To Ryuumaru, you might want to consider other methods of making gil. NM camping is a hit or miss sort of thing, and considering how heavily camped VE is (and I mean by legit players) you'd be better off going for something else. Try fishing, or mining as Alauce suggested. Even farming or harvesting. It might seem like less gil, but it's more consistent. Also much less boring.
#19 May 10 2005 at 2:19 PM Rating: Decent
1,477 posts
Qinny, I'm awake. I have no illusions about the Redapples, the Toms, the Jerrys, etc. I am not so naïve as to think gil sellers do not exist in this game. I just think it's a little overboard to say things like "It makes me sick that despite how obvious their illegal activity is" and SE "sit(s) on their *** and neglect(s) all the complaints sent to them via GM call".

Really, they're doing illegal activity, and it's obvious? It seems more like speculation to me. All "Chinese gilseller" claims are. And perhaps SE is not addressing it because you haven't made an ample case for the fact that they're gilsellers.

[GM]Sundi>>: How do you know they sell gil?
>>Sundi: becuz they camp allz the time! *** on!
[GM]Sundi>>: Why does that necessarily mean they sell gil?
>>Sundi: becuz i needz the gilz for to level my pally wtf
[GM]Sundi>>: OK, so you don't have anything else to indicate they sell gil? Have they told you in private chat recently?
>>Sundi: no i just knoz they do
[GM]Sundi>>: Eh, right. I'll look into the matter. Is there anythign else I can help you with today?
>>Sundi: f u se

Also, although I don't agree with it, I'm sure everyone sees the business perspective. If SE looks the other way, the worst thing that happens is some players go and complain a real lot on a web forum while continuing to play. A few may leave, but this will be far overshadowed by the continuing influx of new players.

If SE kicked all the gilsellers, they would lose all those accounts as well as the accounts of people who buy gil (I'm assuming if they are too lazy to work for their gil now, the same will be true if RMT became impossible). In turn, honest players would stay, at which point they would start complaining about something else on a web forum while continuing to play.

Posting about gilsellers is a waste of time and throwing that label about carelessly is an imprudent way to vent your frustration. Yes, we all hate them, but not so much that I want to see this turn into a witch hunt.

Edited, Tue May 10 15:31:36 2005 by Dryhus
#20 May 10 2005 at 2:47 PM Rating: Decent
I say bring back the witch hunts! Made everyone happy way back in the day.

Anyway, yes, what you say is true.... SEs is too lazy to enforce their policy. Enough said.

If they wanted proof they can get it.

But your right, theres not a thing the players can do about it....
#21 May 10 2005 at 3:08 PM Rating: Decent
448 posts
I think botters are more damaging than generic gilsellers. But I do feel people are quick to label someone who is a regular camper a gilseller.

But people tend to forget bots, which do give an unfair advantage to anyone.

#22 May 10 2005 at 4:02 PM Rating: Decent
384 posts
"Well, let's say that they are actually people who camp and get the item. Then lets say that they sell the item for gil. Now, lets say that they actually sell the gil for real money. Who gives a sh*t, oh my god. If you are not good enough to do what they are doing then get better. I don't even play this game anymore, but the fact that people complain because some people are better at playing this game than you is just annoying.

I had a friend once who claimed he found a gil seller because this person was stealing all the rams from him in the Highlands. The char had only a weapon equipped and this was the reason he was being called a gil seller. As it turns out he just was trying to make money selling ram horns (the same thing my friend wanted to do), and the only reason he had 1 item equiped was because he wanted to carry 54 of them.

The fact is, if you are not good enough to make money the way that the "gil sellers" do, then you should either get better, or look for another way to do it"

>_> you realize, you sound like a complete jackass, and are pretty much saying you condone the selling of gil for real money, yes? because it's idiots like -you- that make 3/4 of the populous want to quit.

and as for the "if you are not good enough to make money the way that the 'Gil sellers' do" bit,

you know, Gil Sellers tend to bot their camping, or do what IRON did, so they only see that mob when it spawns. (depending on the size of the spawn area) so it's not that we're not good enough, it's that we're HONEST enough not to cheat the game.

#23 May 10 2005 at 5:04 PM Rating: Decent
617 posts
Dryhus, don't call people on typos when you do it yourself.

[GM]Sundi>>: Eh, right. I'll look into the matter. Is there anythign else I can help you with today?

And all of you, if you're all so upset, instead of complaining about it, do what several people have done in the past: Make parties to camp the NMs you want the drops for. But you really must understand that NM hunting is amongst the most inefficent methods of making money. The only reason it works for these gilsellers and alleged gilsellers is because that's what they do! They make parties! Regardless of whether or not they're in there 24/7, they have strength in numbers, and you can too. Gather a few of your friends, and do the same thing. But do *not* get upset if you don't get the claim.

I would suggest mining and logging for a better source of income. Even elemental farming can bring in steady money. NMs are just not a good idea for a primary source of income.
#24 May 10 2005 at 5:51 PM Rating: Decent
So now you use a mining example? I never said gil sellers mine, so that example is irrelevent. 99% of the gil sellers camp NMs either solo, or in a group. If they are there 24/7, speak chinese, have no linkshell (some actually do now), and have retarded names (besides cloudXXX or sephirothXXX or ssjZZZ), they are gil sellers.
#25 May 11 2005 at 6:24 AM Rating: Decent
1,477 posts
seraphimhunter wrote:
Dryhus, don't call people on typos when you do it yourself.

[GM]Sundi>>: Eh, right. I'll look into the matter. Is there anythign else I can help you with today?

Heh, touché. :D I only bolded "naïve" because two people spelled it the same incorrect way in this thread. Not really a typo, so I was just pointing out the correct way to spell it. I don't care if people are typing and hit a wrong key or something, if that matters. But all the same, you got me.

Edited, Wed May 11 09:38:38 2005 by Dryhus
#26 May 11 2005 at 7:46 AM Rating: Decent
in no way, shape, or form do i agree with gil sellers... i do feel the need to ask to see my opinion on something. i don't really help people camp a NM for money. if you needed the emp. pin to wear, that's a different story, but you don't. you want to sell it...

it's not that i don't agree with selling NM drops for money, i just don't see why anyone would help you in this. spend all that time hoping for claim, then hoping for drop, then watching you sell it... i'm sorry, i'd rather join a skill party, or help a random shout in lower jeuno for help on a mission or AF NM.

not trying to be a jerk, just seriously man... this was just a wasted post. next time, flame to your linkshell... maybe they'll help.
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