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Gils Sellser in Bismarck...Follow

#1 May 30 2005 at 11:25 AM Rating: Default
hi everyone i know people names: Toms gang ( TomGG, TomEE, TomCC, TomBB and the leader of his gang Windfod

camping always the same mob who drop a good drop of 600k and over ! please can we do something of these newb ? i try to call a gm and i got no reply ... im bored to see *** in a games who ruins the game ... a game is for play not a ocasion to make his life with seeling item for Real cashs ! plz help me out ! these Toms and *** they play 20 hour per day ( same camp ) :S ...

Edited, Mon May 30 12:26:06 2005 by Vetzna
#2 May 30 2005 at 11:38 AM Rating: Decent

Essentially there is nothing you can do.

#3 May 30 2005 at 2:13 PM Rating: Default
617 posts
Old, very old. Not only that but the language used here only speaks tomes of your personality. People have been counter camping the Toms and buddies for awhile now. You'll just have to learn to deal with it. They're not going anywhere.
#4 May 30 2005 at 2:21 PM Rating: Default
seraphimhunter wrote:
Not only that but the language used here only speaks tomes of your personality.

Seraph... He's from Quebec, Canada.....clearly english is not his mother tounge... not everyone speaks American (haha).

Edit: btw really original post topic.

/flame on

Edited, Mon May 30 15:27:09 2005 by Qinnydar
#5 May 30 2005 at 3:38 PM Rating: Good
He's from Quebec, Canada.....clearly english is not his mother tounge... not everyone speaks American (haha).

He used "***" as an insult.

I don't give a damn if he's from America, Canada, China, or Polaris, that's not cool.

Sentiment's nice, but expression wasn't.
#6 May 30 2005 at 4:14 PM Rating: Decent
347 posts
my question is (and not taking gs side) is if it wasnt toms it would be other players would they then get a gm call?
#7 May 30 2005 at 6:59 PM Rating: Default
lol yes i said gil seller are *** and what ? i just said the reality ... cmon the real life is not the games the games is for fun .. with friend and a a phobies ! not a the life 20h/24h ! ish ... anaway i dont care its jsut suck really suck ! that cut the fun of the game when i work 40h hour by week and i saw Jappanese who do nothing just play FFxi all their life and get their life from a game ! ish ! im sure im not alone who think it !
and yes im from quebec and im not good at english and you guys can you talk French ? ;) :P
#8 May 30 2005 at 8:26 PM Rating: Good
izland wrote:
my question is (and not taking gs side) is if it wasnt toms it would be other players would they then get a gm call?

Okay...normally I refuse to answer troll bait on principle. I hate drama in game, and I try my damnest to avoid it when I can in RW also (except for TNT, cause they DO know drama).

Gil sellers. First of all, SE is aware of them. Most of the GMs play on the various servers (including our own) when they are not working. The ONLY way that these GMs could NOT be aware of gil selling would be if they were all newb players who knew nothing about the game.

Keep that in mind.

What exactly CAN a GM do or not do?

I have asked GMs Tiyshen and GM Tapkaara before exactly what a GM can and cannot do.

First of all, a GM is a customer service rep in essence. What that means to all of you who don't know is that they have no real power. All a GM can do is take GM calls, and write reports of suspected wrong doing.

When a person tells a GM about a bot, gil seller, or anything of that sort, the GM has to make some sort of report about it. All gil seller reports are reported to SE's legal department, and the rest simply go up further in the company chain to be investigated.

The GMs cannot do anything on thier own. They can warp people to Mordion Goal, and they can move people who get stuck, but that is about it. Anything such as suspensions or account deactivations HAS to be Ok'd first higher up in the chain in SE.

Or to put it simply...


Keep that in mind. When you blame a GM for not doing his or her job, you are in fact blaming the wrong person. The GM -are- doing his or her job, and they know about and would like to get rid of the gil sellers as much as you do, but they can't.

The current stance of SE's legal department is that they are trying to explore avenues of how to prosecute the gil selling companies who currently exist in Taiwan/China. Anyone who knows even an iota about international politics know that the Chinese aren't too thrilled with anyone who wants to press a lawsuit against a Chinese company. Perfect example of this for you scholars out there is the violation of the Viagra patent in China, and how the US company was refused by the Chinese government to be allowed to sue the Chinese company making knockoffs.

Yes, I know the ToS says that SE can ban anyone they want for whatever reason they want, but they want to be able to get the gil sellers at the source, so they can't come back in another reincarnation.

That is all according to the GMs I have talked to about this, GMs Tiyshen and Tapkaara, if you wish for my references.

EDIT: I will spell the GM names right eventually.

Edited, Mon May 30 21:27:14 2005 by Nightsintdreams
Proud citizen of Miranda.

-Currently on Pochacco Server of Hello Kitty Online.
#9 May 31 2005 at 12:10 AM Rating: Decent
347 posts
um night i was trying to say if it wasnt gill sellers itd be someone else trying to make a buck
#10 May 31 2005 at 2:54 AM Rating: Good
476 posts
lol yes i said gil seller are *** and what ? i just said the reality

The "reality" of gil sellers and their effect on our server has nothing to do with their sexuality. Using the word *** like that not only makes you look small minded, it shows a lack of maturity. If you don't see the problem with what you said, then I don't consider you to be any better for our server than the gil sellers.

P.S.: r8 v
#11 May 31 2005 at 5:59 AM Rating: Default
148 posts
that cut the fun of the game when i work 40h hour by week and i saw Jappanese who do nothing just play FFxi all their life and get their life from a game ! ish ! im sure im not alone who think it !

lol dont get me wrong im not saying its fair but thats life, in short life is not fair but we all have to live with it. lol now as for them geting their life from a game I don't know about others but if i had their job just siting on my *** doing something i love to do like play games and get paid for it i would do it to lol.
#12 May 31 2005 at 6:49 AM Rating: Decent
716 posts
It's sad...

I tried to read this, but I couldn't.

So, I went to babelfish, translated it from English to French... still couldn't read it...

Translated from French to English, and got this:

to always camp the same crowd which drops a good fall from 600k and of surplus! can we want to do something of these newb? I try to call a GM and I did not obtain any tedious answer... im to see dries it in plays which ruins the play... that a play is for the play not a ocasion to make its life with the article seeling for truths cashs! the plz repair me! these Toms and *** they play 20 hours per day (the same camp)

And sadly, it makes more sense.
#13 May 31 2005 at 10:42 AM Rating: Decent
I dont think gil sellers are really all that bad. They do certain things quite predictably and can be counted on to keep a supply at the AH. You just have to work around them and do something else for gil. Which is usually rather easy. Let the gil sellers have the jujitsu gi's and archer rings, there's a lot of other ways to make gil. I dont see why people are complaining about not being able to camp something where the drop rate is so crappy it makes you want to go die.
#14 May 31 2005 at 10:44 AM Rating: Decent
448 posts

GM's do have power. I have become stuck in Windurst Water, Windurst Walls in water, stuck in walls, lost movement after zone, and had model errors. A call to gm fixed all of that. While stuck in water and in walls, they moved me to another location in zone. With loosing operability of character, they have reloaded me into the zone. With model errors, they have have reloaded my model after I unequipped everything.

So they have power, and they have a management console.
#15 May 31 2005 at 1:36 PM Rating: Decent
617 posts
Nights said they had those powers.

And for those people who obviously cannot see what I was referring to, Seekerafterchaos was right, I was referring to "***." If you have to use those words to get your point across, you've already lost me in respect. Maybe it doesn't mean anything to you, that doesn't really matter to me. But if English isn't your first language, you'd do well to learn words other than slang and insults. And it's obvious you knew what it meant too. Being angry is fine know this just isn't going to rally much support and it's obvious that was your intention.

Edited, Tue May 31 14:46:06 2005 by seraphimhunter
#16 May 31 2005 at 2:55 PM Rating: Decent
282 posts
apparently they can also turn off your CFH now.
#17 May 31 2005 at 6:14 PM Rating: Decent
94 posts
I think there is nothing more retarded of square enix to say they condemn gil selling, yet they let it happen without any struggle! What a hypocritical self-righteous business SE is becoming :(

"Gil selling is strictly against the ToS, but the fact that there are countless websites that cater to MMORPG gil buyers, oh, we don't beed to do anything about that."
#18 May 31 2005 at 7:25 PM Rating: Decent
Well look at it this way, without gilsellers it would be too easy. And as you might know, nothing comes easy in the game. I was thinking about this, and i got this crazy idea that maybe its SE that controls them lol... I mean maybe they are trying to make it harder and more exciting for us?

And for you Vetzna, you might think that its all camping and stuff, but its there life you know lol, they make a living of that. You might not find it fun, but its there choice lol. You can swear at them for making the wrong choices.

Edited, Tue May 31 20:28:40 2005 by ZeroIShift

Edited, Tue May 31 20:37:54 2005 by ZeroIShift
#19 Jun 01 2005 at 7:51 AM Rating: Decent
1,477 posts
Nightsintdreams, pet mage of Jabober wrote:
The current stance of SE's legal department is that they are trying to explore avenues of how to prosecute the gil selling companies who currently exist in Taiwan/China. Anyone who knows even an iota about international politics know that the Chinese aren't too thrilled with anyone who wants to press a lawsuit against a Chinese company. Perfect example of this for you scholars out there is the violation of the Viagra patent in China, and how the US company was refused by the Chinese government to be allowed to sue the Chinese company making knockoffs.

The difference is that there are patent laws and copyright laws, while there are no gil-selling laws. Buying/selling gil is not illegal in any way, shape, or form. There are no avenues for prosecution.
#20 Jun 01 2005 at 2:59 PM Rating: Decent
282 posts
It really really not that hard to know who the gilsellers are and I bet it take SE employees less than a day to round up all the sellers on a particular server. They ofcourse can not go to court with IGE, instead just keep on banning them, the faster IGE buys account the faster SE can ban them. We'll see how profitable IGE becomes eventually if their up and coming newly PL drg/whm get banned immediately after their first train or if that shiny level 75 account IGE bought to farm serket with get ban first thing.

Yet SE in their wisdom choose to earn that extra 1500 dollars or so a month per server rather than to keep the population happy, so I guessed that's their choice. SE choose to play by the book and its only fair. Critic of the banning method said that it'll turn the server into a witch hunt, with parties accusing each other of being gil sellers, ultimately causing more headaches. Again this is not really plausible since we ALL know who is farming gil to sell, all it takes is less than an hour of research.
#21REDACTED, Posted: Jun 02 2005 at 12:59 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) I called Gm on these guy's they said they have to see it in order to do anything about it and if they was it would only be jail time since they pay for the game they can't refund the money they put in and there not the higher up's.
#22 Jun 02 2005 at 3:26 AM Rating: Decent
There are many issues that SE has to deal with: Legally they deal with a one way street, They cant get the Chinese government help them to go after these companies, but if they were to ban an account without the "proper" investigations and back up proof, dont you think SE would be sued left and right if they banned 2000 accounts a day.

Also, the main problem is finding the money transactions. I have never bought gil, but I guess Redapplexx isnt sending gil to your mog house. The gil farmers sell it to companies like IGE than they resend the money on mules, I am sure they cant even keep the money on mule cause all SE has to do is buy gil and ban the charactor that mailed the money, so I am sure they gil spread out on different banks. Just guessing cause the answer is simple SE buys gil and than bans the account of the bank of IGE and IGE has no supply.

The other problem is normal players can be caught up in these money transactions. How many players store money on mules, how many HNMLSs send out million from one central player to the LS members through the bank. Think about if the leader of a HNMLS was suspended cause they had high levels of money transactions in a small amount of time. What if your account was suspended cause you store money on mules and it looks like your getting ready to ship money out to RMTers.

The problem is the law. IGE has offices in different countries and even in different states,Hell, you can do a crime in New Jersey and if you live in New York and what you did in NJ isnt against the law in NY than the NY State Police wont hand you over to the New Jersey State Police. Now think about international laws. Going into court of law saying, well we know they are gilfarmers cause well we know they are, isnt going to stand up. Also, I hate to say it, but some of the gilfarmers are just doing what anyone in the game can do, make up a group of people to go out and farm for money. The difference is they tend to use MPK and training tactics or try to drive you out of the area, But when did 50 players ever get together to just over camp the gilfarmers? Again, I do not think what they are doing is right, and I wish they would be banned, but I feel SE knows a lot more about these issues than we do, and I have faith that they are working to correct the issue, but really, it maybe too late for FFXI, by the time they even get these cases into court, the game could be shut down.

You have to go after the RMTers, the one that buy the gil do a lot more harm than the ones that sell it. I hate to say but it is true. Cause your buying money at times to pay the raised prices that the gilsellers are marking up. So you buy money to afford to buy the items that they are camping. Sad cycle really.
#23 Jun 02 2005 at 4:19 AM Rating: Decent
617 posts
You've pretty much given all the right answers there. But I wanted to bring this up:

but if they were to ban an account without the "proper" investigations and back up proof, dont you think SE would be sued left and right if they banned 2000 accounts a day.

I'm not so sure about that, since before you're even allowed to select a character, you must click the I Agree button, and by doing so you're legally bound to the ToS contract, within which they say that they reserve said right to ban without reason.

But yes, it is an international law problem. What they could and really *should* do is ban the specific characters that are doing these "grief crimes." But they don't. It may be easier to take the problem out at the source, and that does make the most sense, but in this case it's the most roundabout method that is not only time consuming, but while they're jumping through the hoops, the gil sellers are continuing to do what they do. Which is why I was happy when they made the annoucnment for the mass banning they did awhile back.

If they truly are looking to take the problem out at the source, then that is why to us it looks like they're doing nothing and don't care. That's just as damaging as not doing anything, because already people have left because they lost faith in SE, I know of at least four people who left this game because of that very reason and have read about so many more. They should keep the gaming community updated more, and not just by saying "we're investigating the matter" because that could simply mean "we're watching them but not doing anything."

It's a tricky situation for them and they dug a very deep hole, and I don't know if it's going to be possible for them to get out of it until the game loses enough popularity to make the gil sellers look for a more profitable game. Which of course by then it's too late.
#24 Jun 02 2005 at 4:41 AM Rating: Decent
282 posts
All the problems mentioned above of finding proof to ban Gilseller can be taken care of if they just hired an extra guy to do some reasearch. We all know who the gil sellers are, even if someone is suspected of gil farming to sell, a quick conversation or a few minute of research on the individual can just clear things right up. SE choose to keep things mechanical with procedures that doesn't allow them much lee way, so this is the end result.
#25 Jun 02 2005 at 9:32 AM Rating: Decent
In the time it took you guys to write out the responses and post, you could have been farming gil. But I think I've noticed something, no one complained nearly as much until cannotlinkto stopped buying gil from the general public. Also, its easy to say certain people sell gil, but look at redapple, check their equip, these guys know what they're doing, they're not selling all that gil. And I dont see how they are any different from other HNM LS (except for the possible MPK), they camp ****, they get the claim, they sell the item, only difference is maybe they pass that gil on? Every item in this game can be obtained without buying it, it just takes time. You guys should do something useful instead of complaining about supposed gil sellers, like PLing low lvl bsts.
#26 Jun 06 2005 at 2:34 PM Rating: Decent
man when i start that topic im sure of that why ? because ? check when you will play /sea all TOM

you will see Tomee , Tomcc , Tombb , Tomgg , a the leader of his gang : Windfod
they stay 20 hour per day to camp the same **** mob : Archer Ring : 600-700k check on AH to proff it all all the price history is the TOMS guys people who always camp that mob 20 hour per day mean Gil seller because they are all lvl 45-55 not more they just gil farm , gil sell 1M for 20$ US Lol lmao they problably Poor in the real life ... poor guys !
when i saw some gil seller i just laugh laugh and laugh !* they have no life * its better to die ! lmao :D

i like more my live ... i will never play 20h per day all of my life ... god damn ! :S
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