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Is FFXI Dying?Follow

#1 Jun 03 2005 at 1:39 PM Rating: Decent
I ask this cause everyday I see less and less people online,

I see in every aspect, from exp parties to AF hunting. I was able to get my WAR AF coffers with literally no competition.

There are days when I come online and seek all day with either my 75 Drk/Thf, or my 55 War/Nin, with no invites at all. There isnt even enough player character variety to make a good party at those times.

Even my LS, Call of Duty has seen a massive decline in the roster. As for my other LS HipnotikNation, I couldnt tell you....

There is always lower jobs to lvl, but that only denies the inevitable. How does one exp in these conditions? How do you all make it thru?

Lol one friend suggested I go Ranger or Whitemage, that would cure my invite problems. ROFLMAO. I really enjoy Warrior, but this recent decline in partys has proven most disheartning

In Recent weeks I took a month off and played Fable and some Forza Motorsport. I then returned and got my Drk to 75 and my War to 55. I come online excited and pumped and ready to exp! First I seek with War or Drk, and if those fail, my Nin. What goes from uber excitement after 2-3 hours of no party options turns from optimism to complete and udder disgust, and I find myself turning the PS2 off and going for Xbox LIVE.

Ahhh the Bismarck memories....

Does anyone else feel this way at times?

PS Thanks to my roomy Dealtaru & my friend Foresta, we took down the Tiger WSNM for my Ground Strike!
#2 Jun 03 2005 at 1:55 PM Rating: Decent
FFXI in terms of average MMORPG has hit and is past its peak. However, according to this site, nothing new of note is scheduled to come out until well into 2006. Guild Wars and WoW did take some people away, but many have returned, as for seeking, War/nin is rarely easy to get a pt with from random invites, mostly because everyone and their 8 cousins are leveling ranger or are in set parties. 75 dark, I think most people and their 8 cousins do merit points as blm/rng/mnk parties, so good luck. As for Linkshells, from my experience parties I've gathered most people are in some sort of HNM LS, or looking to join one by now, so social LS's have been taking a hit as people qualify for end-game linkshells and move. Many require you drop your other pearls. And recruiting new members is not as easy as it once was for social shells, everyone by this point is fairly comfortable with their shell and not really looking to move unless you offer them a ton of stuff to do. On a side note, some MMORPGs have lasted nearly 10 years, although I'm not sure what the eventual subscription total was.
#3 Jun 03 2005 at 2:01 PM Rating: Decent
Past its peak eh?

That kinda stinks! PS2ers kinda got the crappy end of the stick. I have only been on FFXI since March of 04 the PS2 release. ahh well.

As for WAR/NIN, look me up sometime, you will see how long I seek. I am good figher too, with really good gear....AF, Walkure's Mask, Snipers, Viking Axes..etc

#4 Jun 03 2005 at 2:11 PM Rating: Decent
Well thats only average lifespan, 3 years in NA. FFXI has a few things going for it. 1, its global, 2, people in JP love FF, 3, aside from a few other games, not much is out or coming out for another year, 4, we've only seen 2 expansions and 1 was released with the NA release, keep in mind though the game has been out in Japan for 3 years, so the JP subscriptions I believe have dropped. The amount of people should remain semi stable for the next year or so though. As for being on seek, with war/nin ive been on seek for hours, usually I read a book while looking, gear is hardly a factor, war/nin usually have great gear, the acc, rampage, 55+ is fun, but you're still not going to be first choice if a ranger is available, although you should get party before the drg.
#5 Jun 03 2005 at 2:22 PM Rating: Default
/slap Harker

I have some novels that got put off due to FFXI, thats a great idea! Thanks!

Yeah I gonna get the FFXI 360....

SE said that if PS3 and Revolution can support it, they will get it too. I wonder if this will help the population. SE did admit to have been working on the next expansion pack since COP released.

I wonder how many Exp packs SE will release without new jobs,,,and what excuses we will get. I think a handful of new jobs would help FFXI alot with all the people clamoring for it...

Thanks for the book idea^^
#6 Jun 03 2005 at 2:30 PM Rating: Default
All depends on subscriptions, in the end these guys are about making money, and you have to tip your hat to them on this one, cross-platforms, rolled out globally. Problem with jobs is they have to be FF based and how many are left? Blue mage is the one everyone mentions I believe. I think they are more likely to raise the level cap than create new jobs, a level cap of 80 I think would bring more people back than a new job.
#7 Jun 03 2005 at 2:50 PM Rating: Good
FFX1 is not even close...

there is still so much to see, I have just got access to Sea which not many people have yet... SE still needs to add in stuff like Gods and more updates to COP, they are not done yet!

BTW the CoP Story is just too awesome, its much like what you would expect from a good FF RPG.
#8 Jun 03 2005 at 2:58 PM Rating: Good
1,002 posts
i dont think its dying.. as a matter of fact, i get at least 1 or 2 /tell a day from friends that are coming back from games like WoW and other stuff!

I have heard from lots of old friends! but at the same time, i am seeing some of my current friends leave and it makes me sad.. Just wait till the stupid 360 xbox thing comes out, and we get a crapload of new gamers, and when the expansion comes out too..

I dont think FFXI is dying, i know that my LS has been getting a little packed lately, and we pretty much might have to cut off letting any new people in, because it jsut gets way out of hand sometimes, and its impossible to get everything done for everybody..

Especially a bunch of pot head, alcolholics like us.. lol

anywho.. dont fret harker, The game is still going, strong and hard! it just might seem like it sucks atm.. but it will get better.. just wait!
#9 Jun 03 2005 at 3:10 PM Rating: Decent
347 posts
nah its not dying people taking breaks it is summer and alot of schools out besides ffxi is coming to xbox also so id give it 3-4 years after that realse before ya start seeing it die
#10 Jun 03 2005 at 3:17 PM Rating: Good
215 posts
My sea party has been farming in sea for the past week and a half and we've only ever seen an alliance, at most out there. I know there are quite a few people who have it but there isn't much reason to go out there aside from trying out the obi's and gorget's that we've been trying to get.

I'd say FFXI is sort of evening out. The linkshells are sorting themselves out, the newer players are finding that there are a lot of things to do even earlier because most of them are here because of older players.

So, there are still some 2k people logged on at peak times. I've never had problems filling in parties made from mostly LS members and on the weekends you can't xp anywhere without getting all up on's another xp group or 12 (god bibiki bay is horrid).

We're almost to the last possible battle you can currently do in sea until they add new content but sea is so vast and huge that you can put just about anything in there! it's exciting and the story is spectacular.

I think they said that they're doing another expansion soon as well. It'll be fun to see how they add to it and if they'll add to the promathea story like promathea added to the zilart story.
#11 Jun 03 2005 at 3:28 PM Rating: Decent
347 posts
*highjack* grats on sea is it nice*end highjack*
#12 Jun 03 2005 at 4:48 PM Rating: Decent
There are a few ways to ask this question. Is the game itself dying? Not likely, look to Shadowbane if you want to see an example of MMORPG lifetime. Are the players getting bored? Highly possible, I think you are seeing the point at which the PC players are growing desperate for sunlight and the PS2 players have used up all of their attention span. I stopped playing and have rediscovered the wonder of having a "Social Life." It took a week almost because my friends didn't believe I was really free to go do things with them. "Don't you have to sharpen your blades or whatever it is you do on that game?" In my opinion, FFXI will not be blessed with such a long life as Shadowbane, simply because it doesn't provide the same customization possibilities that Shadowbane does/did. FFXI is much more homoginized (SP?) and universalized. People get bored and move on, or the game becomes outdated. I was fairly frustrated with the the CoP expansion, All of the missions felt too manufactured, they didn't seem to flow naturally with the story to me.

I digress, the point remains, enjoy the game until it gets boring >:p.
#13 Jun 03 2005 at 4:52 PM Rating: Decent
448 posts
Well, at japanese Peak last Friday/Saturday, it hit 4500 players online in known areas.

Also, it's harder to get parties at higher levels anyway. Yes, it's slighly harder to get in parties in Dunes, but that's mainly because you can get a good 10-20 PT to go anywhere now, from Tunnel to Maze.

On average I see between 2000-3500 people online depending on what peak it is. Rarely have I seen it drop below 2000. The only time I saw it hit below 1000 was during a DDoS attack.

They do need more updates. But look how old Everquest 1 is and it's still going.

#14 Jun 03 2005 at 8:55 PM Rating: Decent
62 posts
FFXI can't compare other MMORPG that lived for 10 years out there.
Example UO or Shadowbane. Those game you are able to advance your lvl by solo exp. FFXI is almost strictly on PT set up to be able to exp. FFXI is almost impossible to solo exp except BST. So UO and Shadowbane are able to survived for nearly 10 years because people are able to play solo, small base of players per-server is still acceptable. FFXI can't. If you are lack of players and unable to form PT to continue to advance your job lvl, You find yourself in jueno or somewhere for hours to end doing nothing. Even end game lvl players are found in Jueno most the time just waiting for something to happen.

Just go on and use seach all 75 and see the base of lvl 75 players and compare to other lvl players. Not to mention most lvl 75 players usually only set exp with another lvl 75 players when they start a lower lvl jobs. There isn't much chance to new players. The day when lvl 75 players reach over 50% while all other lvl players are just too low to even form any PT, it's the sights of FFXI slowly dying. Not to mention most lvl 75 players usually have this elitism, they just generally doesn't like to have new players to enter their "Good PT".

Also prices on items are getting higher and higher each day, this only makes it more difficult for new players to servive. So next time when you make fun of a newbie who doesn't have good expensive items like you do, remember by making them feel like **** and leave the game, you also killing FFXI faster.

FFXI will not be able to servive with low pupulation like every other MMORPG. Pupulation growth is the only way for FFXI to keep going.
#15 Jun 03 2005 at 9:05 PM Rating: Decent
35 posts
I have some novels that got put off due to FFXI, thats a great idea! Thanks!

Lol, I finished the entire released Harry Potter set while waiting for a party as my drg. ^^

Last night I waited an hour with no invite as a 30 bard/whm!

I had to check a few times to make sure I wasnt /anon

lol, the jobs I started to feel popular aren't working anymore! My drg invite-disease is spreading to my other jobs!
#16 Jun 03 2005 at 9:08 PM Rating: Decent
62 posts
Well on the other hand, FFXI is SE's first MMORPG. I could imagin this title is more like an experiment for them since is their first step to enter MMORPG market. They should probably learning from each mistake they make.

Making the game so strictly on Lv, Job choise to exp was a big mistake they make. I can see them making changes in the game to correct their mistake. See how many lvl restricted areas they released from last expension? They noticed the percentage of low lvl players are getting difficult to form PT with 2 lvl difference. It's not going to be long before people start forming PT from all range of lvl and go EXP on those lvl restricted areas.
#17 Jun 03 2005 at 9:25 PM Rating: Decent
62 posts
I am just waiting for SE to release a new Lv 40 restrict area with all our favorite EXP monster in it. Such as Crabs and Crawlers. By then the difficulty to form a PT will be no more because you can form a exp with lvl range from 40-75, just need to keep a good set of lvl 40 gear. ;)
#18 Jun 03 2005 at 9:28 PM Rating: Decent
197 posts
i dunno if FFXI gonna pass its critical condition after Xbox 360 released. But Ive seen FFXI screen shot on Xbox 360, looks so pretty. I believe most of ppl will switch from PS2 or PC to Xbox 360. About other matters like additional fee to play FFXI on Xbox live that might not attract more people, well i dunno about that one, I never play Xbox live before, since I dont have one hehe..

I assume that return to vanadiel campaign might bring some ppl back to the game, but not for me I already enjoy my fun retirement from FFXI hehehe

For me FFXI population consists of more than 75% Japanese loyal player population, the rest are NA loyalist player. Im not talking about the whole population but I just count based on loyality to the game.

FFXI was so fun back there, but it slowly degrading my interest. Time consuming, lack of sleep, HNM LS dramas and other not fun factors.
I feel that SE might wanna fix some problems so they wont loose their customers. I dunno about FFXI live time, is it gonna be gone replaced by other type of SE MMORPG or it will stay there for longer time.
#19 Jun 03 2005 at 9:56 PM Rating: Decent
292 posts
#20 Jun 04 2005 at 1:38 PM Rating: Decent
215 posts

Just go on and use seach all 75 and see the base of lvl 75 players and compare to other lvl players. Not to mention most lvl 75 players usually only set exp with another lvl 75 players when they start a lower lvl jobs. There isn't much chance to new players. The day when lvl 75 players reach over 50% while all other lvl players are just too low to even form any PT, it's the sights of FFXI slowly dying. Not to mention most lvl 75 players usually have this elitism, they just generally doesn't like to have new players to enter their "Good PT".

While this is somewhat true, a strange thing happens when you hit 75. You stop logging off. I can't say why or give any theories, but you just leave the game on and go off and do something else. It sort of becomes like aim or mIRC, i spose.

But yeah, as LS's grow tighter, parties at upper levels become harder to find with just lfg. I don't even remember the last time I did anything without a few LS members in my party.
#21 Jun 04 2005 at 3:31 PM Rating: Decent
Well since I'm the only 75 in my LS, you can find a party at 75 with just lfp, but more often than not you will find you party with the same few people anyway. On my blm, I was always in party from 69-75 with Shamanking and Snoopywoopy, while we weren't an official set pt or in the same LS, we just leveled together. Sometimes I still get offers to go in blm pt with Snoopywoopy, but the rest of the party all tends to be from the same LS. So in short, bug the people that you leveled up with for those last few levels for a party, or look for a LS with people who do merits.
#22 Jun 05 2005 at 4:21 PM Rating: Decent
406 posts
I was wondering when I was going to see another thread with this title :D

I think the Daylight got to them too. I seem to like it...
Even though I do think the sun is still scary from time to time.

The only thing I really do is go online to camp with the Linkshell that I am in. (So if you see me online and you try talking to me with no response I'm usually AFK)

I think it's just more and more people taking a break from all the bullsh[b][/b]it in game.

SimCity4 Unlimited /joy !!!!!
#23 Jun 06 2005 at 2:20 AM Rating: Decent
6,424 posts
kgochtguerre wrote:
They do need more updates. But look how old Everquest 1 is and it's still going.

EQ1 is rapidly dwindling into oblivion. Last I heard, most hardcore players already left for other MMORPGs, and casual players are slowly ebbing away to join their friends in those other MMORPGs as well. I assume SOE will keep reducing servers and updates until it's no longer viable to keep it online.

Edited, Mon Jun 6 03:28:12 2005 by Seedling
#24 Jun 06 2005 at 10:52 AM Rating: Decent
919 posts
FFXI handed me a paycheck and i said i worked harder than this.
#25 Jun 07 2005 at 9:01 PM Rating: Decent
92 posts
high lvl people are the most common leaving, because they have seen all they want to see and $12+ a month to do the same thing over and over isnt really that fun a common thing is just switching MMOs
#26 Jun 08 2005 at 6:49 AM Rating: Decent
790 posts
FFXI have been dying 6 months ago. Most high level ppl have seen everything, done/killed everything, and left.

With newer mmorpgs such as WoW and Guild Wars, the older players have even less incentive to stick around.

I am actually surprised that FFXI is still around. The FFXI economy as a whole has gone to hell and is almost impossible for newer players to join. The only reason for old players to stick around is because they cannot part with their account.

Everything have an ending.
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