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Anyone else scared by this generation of players?Follow

#1 Jun 16 2005 at 1:58 AM Rating: Decent
940 posts
So, after taking RDM to 65, i decided it was time for a change of pace and began leveling RNG. upon reaching my 40s, i am discovering a frightening trend of players doing things totally half assed. I am talking about RDMs that don't refresh, or pull out their swords and start meleeing when WHM is out of MP and we need them to heal, or level 12 NIN sub when main job is level 45+. seeing RNGs in their 40s also using level 17 beetle arrows to exp with as well. now, i don't know about the rest of bismarck, but i find this very disturbing. has anyone else had experiences like this?
#2 Jun 16 2005 at 2:39 AM Rating: Decent
145 posts
yeah it is becoming very disturbing, but people are becoming so desperate for parties the are ignoring those faults. FFXI is in a downward spiral :(
Retired July 2009

#3 Jun 16 2005 at 3:55 AM Rating: Decent
417 posts

I can agree, but do not worry too much. I mean, once those players who don't do their jobs get into a tough spot and don't get invites, less of a problem.
#4 Jun 16 2005 at 5:09 AM Rating: Decent
1,091 posts
i feel you aluus, when we partied together, things were still going well, now when i go to level other jobs i'm like omfgwtfnoobs.......
#5 Jun 16 2005 at 5:11 AM Rating: Excellent
On one hand, the 40s is still low enough, in my opinion, to let a lot slide...especially in the case of red mages. The whole job turns on its head at lvl 41, and acceptable play style at 39 just isn't any good anymore.
Refresh and not letting the tank die is kind of obvious though, so I don't know.

On the other hand the two examples you use, RDM and RNG, are in-demand jobs; people will get away with crap in these jobs that they shouldn't, because they're 'needed' in the party.
And if they can get away with it, they will, because they know they can still get parties carrying the AF sword and wearing Cuir gear, or using Beetle Arrows and a Self Bow or something. There isn't a way to check gear before inviting, which is probably a good thing if you ask me <.<

They'll probably get weeded out through the Kuftal Tunnel levels though, when making a dent in those Robber Crabs becomes an issue. ; ;
#6 Jun 16 2005 at 8:11 AM Rating: Good
I noticed that working on my THF in the jungle. I took the time to get really nice gear for that job (including borrowing an Empy Pin and Leaping Boots from an LS mate) and noticed that when I parsed XP parties I was doing the most damage of the group most of the time.

Kinda wish I had the time to level it up more so I could get out of that range but she's stuck at 28 and it's not looking good for me getting out of the jungle anytime soon (babytaru takes up a lot of time :D)
#7 Jun 16 2005 at 9:37 AM Rating: Good
790 posts
I think you guys are overreacting.

I've level many jobs in the past, two to 70+ and a bunch to 30+. I have seen my share of both good and bad players.

What I noticed is that as I am becoming more experienced, I have easier time spot short comings of other players. I think what is happening is that you guys are better at spotting bad gaming techniques.

Bad players are bad players period. They don't come in waves or preset pattern. Experienced players like you guys are just more aware of the bad techniques.
#8 Jun 16 2005 at 9:58 AM Rating: Decent
59 posts
I agree with emilyia on pretty much the same theme shared with the "powerlvling is bad" discussion awhile back. As i'm slowly kicking the doors down to 70 there are still some really really interesting people that don't believe in xp chains. BLMs that don't nuke/misses MBs but tosses up blink + stoneskin, RDMs that don't heal or backup enfeeb in a 2 rdm pt but yet has /whm, and um..thats all i can think of for now. Seems like I always have beef with lazy mages that makes my job harder =P.

So yeah, no matter what lvl bad players are here to stay ; ;
#9 Jun 16 2005 at 10:02 AM Rating: Decent
340 posts
Yesterday I pt with a blm name Chicken I asked him if he has erase but he told me he doesnt has it and he has underlevel whm sub what a gimp player I cant stand them
#10 Jun 16 2005 at 10:09 AM Rating: Good
716 posts
I've been privy to some of the worst parties in the world, both as WHM and as RDM. Y'ever get the feeling you're the only person in the party doing their job?

I've seen PLDs that don't voke, RDM that won't refresh, SMN that refuse to back-up heal and Melee alongside people (with Carbuncle out....), BLM that go AFK for half the party, THF that can't pull when nobody else can either...

You name it, I've seen it. But really though, it's no "new wave" of people. I've been seeing it since the NA release. Hell, I've been one of those bad jobs before.

It's no use whinging, though. Why not try to help them fix their shortcomings? Who knows, maybe you have some you don't notice, as well
#11 Jun 16 2005 at 10:23 AM Rating: Decent
340 posts
It's no use whinging, though. Why not try to help them fix their shortcomings? Who knows, maybe you have some you don't notice, as well

Well said!
#12 Jun 16 2005 at 10:24 AM Rating: Decent
Most are terrible, but I have seen a lot of actually good PLD lately, then again there was rdm/drg for jump, the rdm/war who says he can tank chain 5 cause he has more mp than PLD. All I do now is blist, blist, blist so I dont run into these people again. And why blist? Have you tried suggesting how these people play their jobs? For example: Fighting hobgoblin alastor at lvl 64, acc and sushi, im having some trouble hitting, so is the thf, blm out of mp, whm out of mp, blm decides to melee instead of rest. After I say, blm please rest when out of mp, he goes, "OMG STFU, dont tell me how to play" So there is some hope out there, but a lot of people aren't willing to listen to basic suggestions, if I am ******** up a job I would like some help, why? Because it will save time and food. Oh, and if you die due to one of these idiots, I'd just home point, you know they will disband after they level anyway with about 2 seconds notice. Oh I forgot to include my favorite player, the rdm who said pld should just use juice because the pld doesnt have much mp so he doesn't need refresh. So I hope all you pld have your cooking leveled up, cause you should be using juice, stop wasting the rdm time on your measly mp pool.
#13 Jun 16 2005 at 10:51 AM Rating: Decent
Alauce wrote:
BLM that go AFK for half the party,

NOT GUILTY!!! well mostly.

Oh, since we are on the rant here I would love to add this.


like who the **** do these asshats think they are? I have had the displeasure of goruping with one of these indiviuals...only one in existance that I know of level 68ish...
I couldnt believe it, they would only refresh themselves and their friend (PLD tank) who they always grouped with. They wouldnt debuff becuase she said it would never stick anyway.. 0o

She also wouldnt help heal and was scared to convert mid-fight when needed most.

And they thought they were doing good dmg meleeing with their mighty /rng....I don't think they ever built up enough tp for 1 sidewinder...

Delite 68 RDM/RNG they travel with Gutseo (PLD). Guteso isn't bad at all don't get me wrong but I will never accept another invite from him. I did twice, and the second time i insisted that RDM change SJ, he said he will make her, so she went /anon and 20 mins later whipped out the bow and arrows.... /sigh

Sry strayed a bit off there, perhaps I shoulda put the last of that rant in the Bad Players Thread.

Edited, Thu Jun 16 12:00:06 2005 by Qinnydar
#14 Jun 16 2005 at 10:54 AM Rating: Decent
59 posts
lol well said darth. once i told that lazy blm to "nuke more..stop playing with your 2 non-elemental enfeeb macros" he began to nuke like a headless chicken and actually started to waste mp! 80% of your mp gone getting to chain #1? excellent! (eventually he took his job more serious when I got too many complements for busting out my hot hot RDM nuking powers during MBs..677 damage on a light SC with Aero III on a windsday is E-peen envious =D)

Some people are just beyond help that avoids simple suggestions but just like how there are bad players at all levels there are also very good ones too. Its just a necessary evil in the wonderful world of Vana'diel.
#15 Jun 16 2005 at 11:31 AM Rating: Good
Most of us that started playing in the early NA released were blessed with NA players that were willing to learn, not saying those leveling arent. But we also had good JPN players that were leaving SJs and 2nd-3rd jobs as well. I have seen the those awesome JPN parties gone. When I leveled my warrior to 75 to couple months ago, I did it in mostly a LS party but at times we had to invite a random person. This was sometimes a good experience but mostly if the person was doing something incorrectly and if we tried to help we got I know my job and if you dont like it I will leave. So yeah there will be always be bad players out there, all you can do is try to help them out, but if they dont want advice than nothing more you can do.

One thing I noticed, I took over an account for an ex-LS member, and I went to Dunes to level the WHM SJ for the account, and I sat there LFG for a really long time. WHM LFG? SO I took a look around and found that just about every PT was 6 DD with an outside PL. I really blame this on why SOME people dont seem to know their jobs. Cause if you send most of early levels with an outside healer tanking as you beat crap down, than what did you learn from it? People dont understand the value of how to play in a Party when they havent had to deal with a proper party and are use to getting free 300 exp chains cause someone outside the party is doing all the work.
#16 Jun 16 2005 at 12:00 PM Rating: Excellent
425 posts
Speaking of BLMs going AFK for half the fight, I had a BLM in the GC the other day that went, "Time for breakfast. I'm going AFK for 10-15 minutes. Just keep pulling."

Excuse me? I think not. Yeah, you're 200 XP tnl and good for you and all that crap, but you're not going to sponge free XP while I've got five other people busting their humps. No thanks. I booted him, blacklisted him and invited a SMN.

Then again, this BLM telling me to go fu[b][/b]ck myself earlier in the party might have also led to my decision to kick him when the leader left and gave leadership to me.

#17 Jun 16 2005 at 1:05 PM Rating: Decent
84 posts
I have to say that my best BLM afk story happened just recently. Our BLM had been doing ok for most of the pt, then he suddenly started medding for the first 25 percent of fights (with full MP), missing every MB, and generally doing a horrible job. So I ask him if he's having problems seeing the SC or something (the melee didn't have a /p warning macroed in, so I could picture him not being able to see when it was happening if he had certain filters on).

But no, as it turned out, a movie he liked had come on and he was spending more time watching that than nuking.

Edited, Thu Jun 16 14:08:57 2005 by Vimesrdm
#18 Jun 16 2005 at 1:22 PM Rating: Decent
384 posts
i'm sure someone's said this:

but how many of us, had our gimped jobs either via equipment, or subjob.

Hell, i was a WAR30/MNK10 when i left Kazham to get Bard, Spear Weilder at that. (Spear / Gsword)

it wasn't till after i came back to WAR, that i picked up a Gaxe, leveled my Sub, and went at it again. (because people told me my faults)

just tell the people what's wrong, and BE NICE about it.

saying "OMFG get better equipment you gimp" is not going to have them change >_>
#19 Jun 16 2005 at 2:18 PM Rating: Decent
75 posts
I do think some people need to get over only letting people play a job 1 way. Deltie is a friend and plays the game for fun. She got tried of rdm/blm, so plays rdm/ranger. She isn't the least bit selfish so refusing to refresh people doesn't seem likely. It might not be as useful to the pty as rdm/blm, but just don't play with her over ******** about her.

It is just like everyone wanting a ninja tank at 72+ even though your in over crowded sky and a whm mp never leads to lack of exp with a pld tank. I've never had a pty wait on the whm mp to pull when leveling in sky. But someone said ninja tank is better, so everyone grabs a ninja or worse no tank at all. Even though DD have to hold back on DD more with a ninja over a pld. Yes, I'm bitter about lfg for 30 hours+ per pty invite for a pty. I'm less wanted then a drg now.

I probably pl people more then anyone. Ok, I know for 100% fact I do. I've pled more then 1 job 1-37, actually done it 4 times. All pl does is lets people constantly pull. This game isn't that hard, it doesn't take much skill to play it. I also found that people that claim to hate pl change fast when they are in the pled pty. I only remember 1 person ever leaving a pty I pled because they didn't like pl. I've been ******* at for ruining the game by people in other ptys who later joined the pty I was pling and now had no problem with it. The only thing I think is bad about pl is it makes it unfair for the other ptys that are competing for pulls. I've pled pty in kazham where my pty pulled 3 onions at a time, because I could pull hate and they could kill them 1 at a time then the other ptys were getting crap exp from it.
#20 Jun 16 2005 at 6:23 PM Rating: Default
940 posts
My comment about the RNG with the beetles arrows. In that party, several members approached her, and were friendly about it, the THF even offering to buy her some scorpions. She said what was the point? Her arrows were just fine etc, and even after we explained flat out that the scorpions will do nearly twice as much damage, and if you know where to shop, cost just as much, if not less than the beetle arrows, she still argued about it. as for the level 12 NIN sub i am seeing, people tend to respond that they only need it to twelve for dual wield and utsusemi, and there is no point in leveling it farther.
#21 Jun 16 2005 at 6:25 PM Rating: Decent
391 posts
Yeah, I'm on my 4th job going into the 30s tonight (PLD, WAR, THF, and now DRG) and I've been seeing a declining amount of ability each time I go through the Dunes and Jungles. Again, like many, I'd have to say that a large cause of this is due to the overPLing of many new players, I don't mind if it's with a group of experience people who know how to play their job well and just want out of dunes (believe me, I've done it at least once) but I feel that people who don't know so well need to learn, and aren't. Thus when they hit the Jungles and the PLs become less availible they're kinda clueless as to why their EXP is so low and everyone in the party is feeling pretty beat up... The thought of EXP chains, links that *can* and *will* kill you (Gobby them Smithys) they're not prepared for. Though I have found many great partys as well, with people leveling some of their 2nd or 3rd jobs. Found one with a great summoner and bard who were leveling together, and I ended up getting a 2nd invite to another PT they made because they had a chance to fight with me before and I was ending up doing like 50% of the mobs hp in damage every fight (<3 Daggerot's Fenrir ;)
Anyway, I feel there is a good mix of people, and when a lot of them start to get yelled at by a lot of people things may change in them, happened with my Warrior tank the other day. It started out as "just voke already GDit!" then it turned into "ok, good job keeping hate" because he eventually wanted to learn how to do it correctly because he realized he wasn't doing very well.

Anyway, I'm hoping things just start to improve with the subs and all, just try to teach your less experienced members instead of yell incomprehensibly at them, they may not know a lot of the terms people use (NM, Aggro, Link, omgwtfbbq you noob, etc...) so just try to help em out as they go. That's how I learned so quickly.

#22 Jun 17 2005 at 12:36 AM Rating: Default
Hey start posting on the revival of bismarck yearbook. This year of players of today. Hmmmm? WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!

<puts tape on Aluus and sits in the corner> Blah Blah Blah!!

Smallville is EVIL- check my post. Hallo grimmy !! REEAAaaap.....perrrrrrrrr! Gah! <pokes Aluus then keeps poking Grimson> DooM! what dat do? what dat do?

Edited, Fri Jun 17 01:38:01 2005 by Duerga
#23 Jun 17 2005 at 1:14 AM Rating: Decent
215 posts
The other day we were partying in the Jungle. I was on RNG and a friend of mine was on SMN and we invited this blm to come and party with us. The first few mobs were rough as we had to party in an unsafe camp but we scrapped through (mostly because ranger is just retarded at these levels). The thing that kept happening though was this BLM was just nuking and nuking and nuking and nearly died several times.

So, when our Ninja left suddenly we took some time out to teach the BLM how to tone it down a little, and more importantly, how to magic burst. I was sort of rough with my explaining as I was pulling in some fierce competition but the SMN took the time to talk him through it in tells and explain how BLM works.

We partied for about 4 or 5 hours that night and got some really nice XP. Nothing fancy, but it was still fun. What's more fun is, the BLM really got to understand how to MB, how his equip works, and a variety of other things. He was really eager to learn once we got past our "OMGWTFNOOB mentality" and just talked to him rationally.

The one thing that has always frustrated me about this game is the frightening amount of fierce individuality a lot of American players seem to have. It's fine that you want to run around in RDM/RNG mode when you're soloing; however, this is a game about groups and people working at their best, together. Unnessecary subjobs and unnessecary attitude about it just hinder progress of all players and add unneeded stress to people who want you for job, but don't want to deal with the individualism that just isn't logical.
#24 Jun 17 2005 at 2:34 AM Rating: Default
591 posts
(Winterdreams) need I say more redmage mithra sucks bad bad I died as pld 3 times asked nicely for refresh but was doing fine with out it for while then I died everyone asked him to do this 3 times everyones out of mana here he is with 200 mp I died still heh yes everything has changed since I been here its not the same as the past =(

Wife: Akirah
#25 Jun 17 2005 at 4:54 AM Rating: Good
45 posts
Then again, this BLM telling me to go **** myself earlier in the party might have also led to my decision to kick him when the leader left and gave leadership to me.

I remember this.... I was so stoked when you got leader. Even funnier when he kept pushing you after warning.Friggin ppl never learn.... there is no reason to be an *** in this game. Remember the mnk we had and all his wise advice! Two great things came out of that pt...Friendships with you and Sioux. It was an honor and a blast to pt with the both of you, and I got to show off my mnk tankin skills. Thats right ppl-Monk tank!!!!!!!!

Edited, Sat Jun 18 04:11:15 2005 by xAlkix
#26 Jun 17 2005 at 10:40 PM Rating: Decent
512 posts
Darthalia wrote:

the rdm/war who says he can tank chain 5 cause he has more mp than PLD.

i think you're referring to me. >.>

thing is though, if you are, we pt'd together on your thf/nin and my war/thf in SSG.. you just told me i couldn't do what i have been doing as rdm/war and we left it at that.. you haven't seen my rdm/war, my gearset, or how i play that job..

no hard feelings or anything. i understand why you wouldn't want to risk your xp on my 'experimental' job combo.. but please, if you were referring to me, pt with me first, or ask someone who has.

btw, i never claimed to tank chain 5, at least not yet. i generally am capable of tanking chain 4. the best i remember seeing was chain 4 288xp in CN against Nest Beetles.



to the OP, i think emilyia nailed it. i don't have a job over 50 yet, but i have 4 past 35 and two more to 25.. as i have become a more experienced player i have gotten a LOT better at building pts and at avoiding the doomed ones versus the ones that may just kind of suck.

now once we get the xbox 360 people.. it'll be a period of adjustment, for sure. but it'll all sort itself out. no worries.
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