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500k do u need itFollow

#1 Jun 22 2005 at 2:59 AM Rating: Decent
19 posts
I am 0/5 on Fenrir Battle, I really want this summon so I can level smn/blm and not have as many problems finding a party.
I have 500k, which i will gladly give to be split up between the 4 or 5 people willing to help me with this battle.
I have been trying to get Fenrir for quite a long time, its been really hard to get motivated to do any other things in the game, so hard in fact I am thinking about leaving the game. Now before you rate me down for that please keep in mind that I have always been willing to help people and this is the umpteen time i have put SMN job away so that I could level RDM to get the summons I needed for the job. If you are willing to help please post a reply
Bismark please help me out!

Edited, Wed Jun 22 04:12:31 2005 by megadank
#2 Jun 22 2005 at 8:02 AM Rating: Good
416 posts
Not gonna rate you down, but since that's what alot of people do in these forums.. But there is already a post on the Prime Avatar fights that are going to be done.. Not sure how many need the big puppy yet (I can only get 2 of the Primes right now, but I wanted to level Smn with as many avatars as possible)

Post your request here and maybe someone will pick you up to help out:
#3 Jun 22 2005 at 11:49 AM Rating: Decent
19 posts
Thanks for your suggestion, even though I have my Moon Bauble I have been on a few Prime fights to try to get other people there bauble to help. Unfortunately a 60 blm is too low for Fenrir. There is an unwritten law in Jueno you have to be 70+ mage or melee to be able to get a group for Fenrir and that is why I leveled RDM to 70.
There are quite a few people I wanted to thank, most are in my linkshell Deveron,Kaio,Annatar,Rajakang,Nukia,Kerrigan,Bluelady and Clarrisa Thanks for all the help and putting up with my whining.Thank you
Lilpea,Buddah,Alexes,Tylerden these people have goneout of their way to help me.Thank you
I am very sorry if I missed anyone I am pretty bummed out about the Whole thing
Thank you I had Fun

#4 Jun 22 2005 at 11:55 AM Rating: Decent
I have never fought an avatar, I haven't really cared since I havent unlocked SMN...if I can go I will help out... 71 BLM.
#5 Jun 22 2005 at 12:08 PM Rating: Good
476 posts

I don't know whether you're going to have a static or not, but please read that. That's all I'm going to say.
#6 Jun 22 2005 at 12:46 PM Rating: Decent
215 posts




Fenrir won't help you get party invites. Read the Tatl thread! Read the Tatl Thread!!!!!!!

Edited, Wed Jun 22 13:51:59 2005 by Namfoodle
#7 Jun 22 2005 at 2:12 PM Rating: Good
416 posts
Once again we fall under the "rules of FFXI"... So what if he wants to use Smn/Blm..

This game was designed so that you could use a wide range of job combinations.. If certain jobs were only meant to have a certain /sub, then you wouldn't be able to sub whatever you wanted..

Although my Smn is only a low, low, low level 3-4 (can't remember) I was waiting until I can get to do some of the prime fights on my main so that I can play with that as a new job for me to do...

Now on a side note... In past Final Fantasy games Smn was a DD type job.. In FFXI it's a alternate when there is no Whm around.. I have been in many parties were the only time a Smn pulls out an avatar is to buff up the party, other then that he/she can hardly keep it out for much of the fight due to the amount of mp he/she uses to be the main healer..

Stop telling people what jobs they should only /sub because thier main is this {Insert Main Job Here}... Let people play how they like. just because you wouldn't invite them doesn't mean I won't.. Besides a Smn is almost the same as a Bst (depending on what avatars they have) and could solo alot of exp if they wanted to..

I'm sorry if many of you disagree with me (which I know you will) I feel this game has alot of possiblities that people shy away from just because it's "Noooo you can't sub this with that.. you can only use this job with that main" I just think if the person likes it then let him/her play it.
#8 Jun 22 2005 at 2:22 PM Rating: Decent
215 posts
While he's free to do what he wants, 90% of this game will be with others working as a team. SMN/BLM isn't a team oriented job, it's for soloing and not even worth that (sleepga isn't as useful as stoneskin and aquaveil). Leveling SMN is the most godawful job to level until the mid to late 40's when you start getting semi-useful blood pacts so, the way to make yourself more attractive is to fill the role of the healer (which is poorly done until Cure II at 22).

After 71 levels of Summoner, I still have to be the healer in the party. It's just something you have to get used to (Till you get invited to Tiamat and you get to do damage!).

Solo and SMN is ok but TREMEDOUSLY SLOW. SMN is not BST, nor was it intended to be. You're semi-attack from 1-37, support from 37-65, attack and support 65-70, then all attack post 70.

This is the SMN role. Do what you want on your own time but learn to work with others within your game specified role. It makes everyone's life easier.
#9 Jun 22 2005 at 5:11 PM Rating: Good
19 posts
Its funny, it is just a game but people take it so seriously. It shouldnt matter what a person subs as long as that sub is not gimped, its supposed to be a game which means it is supposed to be fun. I worked damn hard to get the Avatars I have some of them I have fought 5 or 6 not only primes but I tried mini forks too (which means i spent a buttload of money on high ethers and yag drinks). So doesnt that entitle me to play the job SMN the way I have the most fun. Its interesting that everyone thinks we are so useless if we dont sub WHM, according to ur theory THF and DRG should sub whm at their Range where alot of xp pties consider them useless. Iworked really hard to use my MP to the partys advantage and every two hours we get a free 500+ xp, I spent money on pies and i almost went broke buying pineapple juices. Its alot like "The RDM cant Melee", people seem to take advantage of you because your a mage job. "Mages stand Back"

Anyway that wasnt really the point,the point is I need some help to get Fenrir I have tried spamming, I have done /sea all /tells and this isnt my first post in the server forums trying to get a Fenrir party together. I am really frustrated with the game, and be able to switch to SMN and go SIC my avatar on an unsuspecting mob.
Someone please post " Yes Mega I will Help". Like I said I have
500k that I will gladly give up To a couple High level NIN or SMN for help with this summon.
Thank You everyone that took the time to post here and read this forum
#10 Jun 22 2005 at 7:04 PM Rating: Decent
Can I play how I want too?

Maybe you should do some research on what job I am before you answer.
#11 Jun 22 2005 at 7:35 PM Rating: Decent
75 posts
I want to do Fenrir. I have the Moon Bauble and can come as 74 pld/37 ninja.

The best why to do it would probably be 4 smn, 1 rdm, 1 bard.

Alexes, she told me she would help me get Fenrir last time I talked with her. Not sure what happened to her but she changed.
She use to be one of the nicer people I meet on the game then she got 75. From what I heard, I'm not the only long time friend she just 1 day decided to blow off and ignore. I really wish I knew why people change when they get 75.
#12 Jun 22 2005 at 7:40 PM Rating: Good
2,955 posts
First off...
This game was designed so that you could use a wide range of job combinations.. If certain jobs were only meant to have a certain /sub, then you wouldn't be able to sub whatever you wanted..

Let us know the next time you invite a Pld/Drg to your party to main tank.

As for Megadank, good luck finding a party, I've seen you around a lot trying to get one. I'll be hitting 70 sometime soon too and will be looking to get the purple puppy myself :P

I have to ask though... why /Blm?

When your Smn reaches 30 (assuming you make it to 30 with /blm) your elemental skill will be capped at 48. As a Rdm, you should know just how much that is going to help you land your nukes
Assume you were a 75 Smn, your Elemental skill would still only be 114. Again, pitifully useless to you in everything you could try to use it with.

I see by your Sig, assuming it's correct and up to date that you don't have the Whm job leveled. Are you just wanting Smn/Blm so you don't have to raise Whm?

Again, good luck on getting Fenrir, I hope you're able to. Just don't expect any party invites from me as a smn/blm, personally :/
#13 Jun 22 2005 at 8:08 PM Rating: Good
19 posts
I dont understand how this thread turned into a flame the SMN who doesnt have a WHM job. If u want a main healer or a backup healer, then pass me over as smn/blm on the lfg list. I am willing to wait to find a group and did all the way to 36 smn/blm. I am the last person to tell someone how to do their job, learned my lesson in Valkrum dunes. WHM kept spamming cure2 yelling at tank cause he couldnt keep hate or provoke off of her. I put in my 2 cents didnt help she still played the same way,spamming and whining. I didnt pick up WHM job on purpose, I feel to guilty when people die and lose hard earned experience. As far as chipping in and working with a party I have no problem doing that,within the means of the job I have chosen. Isnt it a game shouldnt you pick a job and a sub you enjoy? I am not telling anyone how to do their job or even to fight about what role a SMN should have in a party. I just want to have all the Avatars, just like a RDM wants all his spells. Maybe I will find out in the future that SMN just cant be leveled without a whm sub ,at that point in time I will go back to windy and start that job.
Be Happy to have you come help, one of the plans i read about had a PLD and DRK melee ing with opo opo necklaces but

Alexes has helped me with many Avatar Prime battles, she is a good person. I think sometimes people forget that people have their own game too play and can't always help out the lower levels with AF and missions.
#14 Jun 22 2005 at 8:13 PM Rating: Decent
1,113 posts
/blm is more mp than /whm..

I'd still prolly sub whm but hey, whatever.
#15 Jun 22 2005 at 8:21 PM Rating: Decent
Well I would be willing to join the party. My Last time around i went in and stunned fenrir's 2 hour and we ended up winning (this is my first time around). The type of party u need is really A high level tank (73-75) probably pld/nin or nin/war, need a high level whm, a good stunner (blm or dark), 2 good DD (rng or smn), and of course yourself. This is what u should aim for and you should be successful.

If you would like me to join let me know cuz i need fenrir whisper.
#16 Jun 22 2005 at 8:32 PM Rating: Decent
19 posts
Getting closer I can see the "Moonlight" at the end of tunnel
Pld Blm and Rdm
Need 3 more a Whm and DD
I can pretty much go anytime let me know when would be the best time for you all, but I would like to go when the odds are the best
New Moon Darksday or as close as we can come to that time
#17 Jun 23 2005 at 3:06 AM Rating: Good
476 posts
I don't know how many of the retorts after my post were actually aimed at me, but all I did was post a link. The link just explains the benefits of each sub. I didn't tell you what to sub. I guess I may as well add a few points as long as I'm posting though.

A) Namfoodle was only trying to help. Fenrir will not get you any more invites than you get now with a blm sub. You did point out yourself in your first post you had problems finding a party. The sub is a reason, whether you like that reason or not. By suggesting you try /whm, he was trying to help you get more invites. Don't see how that is flaming at all.

B)I can understand not wanting to feel guilty over a party member dying. I started the game as a WHM I know the feeling. However, if someone dies in a pt you're in because you couldn't toss out a backup cure how is that any better? It seems you're saying you wouldn't feel bad about it cause you can just say "Oh well I couldn't cure anyway." With /whm you have the power to save people and their hard earned exp. If they still die, at least you can say you tried right?

C) It was in the thread I linked to and Osarion already mentioned it, but with half level nukes, the blm sub isn't going to do anything for you. So, without the nukes, what else are you going to do the minute between bloodpacts? Aside from warp and escape, it's almost like not having a subjob. Does this suck? Yes. This is the way SE designed the game though. SMN as a MAIN job is very flexible, able to nuke, heal, support and enfeeble all in one (even pull!) but only once a minute. Subjob options are limited in terms of effectiveness though.

D) Nothing more on sub, but I know what it's like to want all the avatars. I started the game as a WHM, with the intent of going on to SMN. I got to 20, I did all the mini battles, so believe me I know about spending gil on ethers/drinks etc. I know those battles aren't always easy (freakin Shiva beat me like 6 times ><) Then I got to 23 and just decided I'd rather level SMN second, so I could have Fenrir throughout most of my SMN leveling. So I stopped, and I've been leveling BLM. I'm not too far off from Fenrir myself and attaining Fenrir has been my main goal in the game practically since I started.

So before you think I'm some kind of *** looking to flame someone, I'm not. I just wanted to offer advice to someone in more or less the same boat as me. You seem like a nice enough person, so I hope you see I merely posted the link to help out a fellow SMN fan.

P.S: Good luck, I've seen your shouts in Jeuno for awhile now. =/
#18 Jun 23 2005 at 3:20 AM Rating: Excellent
19 posts
Sorry never meant to offend anyone, or appear ungrateful for your advice. Its been a pretty frustrating journey because SMN has also been one of my main goals in this game. I never realized having a WHM sub was so important to the job. Please dont rate me down anymore, I will stop posting about this.

Thanks again for ur postings advice and offers to help, again sorry that I offended some people
#19 Jun 23 2005 at 11:25 AM Rating: Decent
238 posts
new moon lightsday i think would be better. Best not to fight a Darkness avatar on darksday :D.
#20 Jun 29 2005 at 2:52 PM Rating: Default
I have it too but first question is if u have raise 3...Well i'm 71+ but still don't think it'll well. Well my linkshells' been saying we'll go we'll go but they said if i level my whm more it'll help T_T. I been raising smn + stopped raising whm for smn for fun but since having trouble Fenrir it makes me want to level whitemage again ...
#21 Jun 29 2005 at 5:09 PM Rating: Decent
19 posts
I think 71 can do it and yes we have r3 After doing this battle 30+ times we have decided to go in seperate groups but still try to stay together hang out in full moon fountain while all groups to be succesful. So even if the whm in your group doesnt have r3 it will be available if we need it. We are in desperate need of 2 nin or 4 smn to help us do this we have managed to collect quite a few hi level people that have tried to help us and we cant seem to get right combination to do it if u are willing to help pplease /tell or post we are willing to pay 200k to each person that can help( I have been trying to do this for quite a long time,please give me a hand
#22 Jul 01 2005 at 4:55 PM Rating: Decent
1,215 posts
if you want a safe melee type party... grab a:

1) 74+PLD/nin
2) 70+NIN/war
3) 74+DD/nin
4) 3 mages

3 blinks make this a much much easier fight. to only have 1 blink tank would require a near perfect utsusemi show. the key with 3 blinks is to have them juggle hate.. anyone holding hate too long can die in a matter of seconds.. as i'm sure you've found out. after one dies.. it's a domino affect.

- fenrir 2hrs
- PLD 2hrs
- mages spam curaga
- hello purple puppy =p

best of luck!
#25 Jul 05 2005 at 10:18 AM Rating: Decent
When is the next time you are going to do it. I will see if i can help. Sorry about last time but i had a LS event to do.
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