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Something I need to get outFollow

#27 Jul 01 2005 at 8:03 PM Rating: Decent
415 posts
Ok well from your last post it would seem that what happened was very wrong and you are the person who is in the right. I don't understand why everyone is rating you down, just because you didn't paragraph your first post. Hell, I could read it pretty easily. I don't know the whole story, because I wasn't there. I don't know hip's side of things, and I don't know Hellriser's side of things, so I really can't make judgment about either of them yet.
But, it hardly seems fair for everyone to rate down Buhda, not alot of people really were there when it happened, so please people, dont rate people down if you don't know the whole story!
I am very sorry that ths happened to you budha, and I hope that this conflict is somehow resolved. A simular thing happened to me a while ago, a very well-liked person kicked me out of her party for a very stupid reason, and wouldn't talk to me about it afterwards. When I tried to post about it, all I got was a bunch people rating me down and yelling at me because of favoritism.
So yes, things like this do happen. Again, I hope you guys resolve this conflict.
=) Aerwen (=
#28 Jul 01 2005 at 9:41 PM Rating: Decent
Thank you Aerwen. But honestly, I could care less about the rate downs. They are meaningless to me. And yeah I know this kind of things happens all the time. What hurt the most was after the HNMLS's I have been with, this one seemed like a great place full of great people. And don't get me wrong, it still is. But for someone you consider a good friend, and you have worked very hard for and done everything for just ignores you and even doesn't stick up for you when others are taunting you...That hurts, bad. Even if it is a game. But luckly I do have many good friends still and tons of great people around me most of the time. Thats why I started and still have my LS TempleofFriends. Great people, none of the BS. I just hope others can watch out and stop this from happening to them in the future. That would make my effort worth it.
#29 Jul 03 2005 at 3:15 PM Rating: Default
Highlight it and burn your eyes even more >_<.
#30 Jul 03 2005 at 7:08 PM Rating: Decent
And no I am not going to paragraph it.

Why don't you get someone to quote the original, then edit your first post to paragraph it? People couldn't say you were changing anything cause the original would still be around. And it wouldn't hurt our eyes.
#31 Jul 05 2005 at 10:07 AM Rating: Decent
Hello Buddah,

I still dont understand what exactly you are trying to get off of your chest. Are you trying to imply favoritism? Or are you just implying that Hip is a *******? (or both)

I still dont understand why this is anyones business but the LS involved. (this reminds me of several HNMLS threads that we all have to suffer through)

I could undrstand the need for public outcry if this LS had actually done you wrong as opposed to disagreeing with you, or if they had stolen something from your char or scammed you (or attempted it).

But ultimately it is up to the organizers of the event to decide whats fair and right during the course of the event. I have never played in Dynamis. I do however organize smaller (laggy) events such as garrisons and so forth for my LS. And I have to say that if I had people that had a disagreement in the middle of a run I would be most upset. And if the run failed as a result (or even if some of the players thought it did) I would probably take similar actions.

I mean Dynamis takes a score of players and costs a million gil to start. How much tolerance to you expect the leaders ot have? There are several motives involved. Maybe Hip was paying for the event? I know he has payed for Dynamis runs in the past.

I still think you should talk to the people you have the problem with as opposed to everyone. Because it comes off as you just trying to make other players look bad by attempting to portray unfairness in their events. When really it reads as a difference of opinion on the capabilities and attitudes of just two players in that event. Let it rest or confront the people that actually have a say in the outcome of the event. There is nothing this public message board can do to help your situation. It is actually my opinion that this community(AK) leans towards not humoring or siding with complaint posts.

Im not trying to be a prick to you buddah. In all likelyhood you could be totally right about the favoritism or whatever it is that you are implying. But still posting it here does nothing to change the fact or improve your standing. I think you will find that most people will stick harder to their opinions {even if they know they are wrong} if you confront them publicly about it. If you want to get your way youd stand a better chance addressing the issue in private. You want to create a brick wall of opposition, then continue to critisize peoples opinions in public. If youd actually like to change those opinions then speak to them in a non threatening way instead of pointing your finger and yelling to the rest of the class "they did it!". I hope you get your issue resolved.


#32 Jul 05 2005 at 10:21 PM Rating: Decent
Well now, where to start.

Seeker, that is a good idea. Go for it if you are having too much trouble reading it. Everyone is more then welcome to edit and revise it as long as the info is still there.

And then Gob. I have now idea who you are, but you seem to be well spoken. Even if maybe a little too much. I fail to see what you are trying to do in your post. So I will answer questions and make if very clear for everyone again.

I made this post because I feel what happened was VERY wrong. Not just a misunderstanding or a simple mistake that someone made. Yes I want everyone to know and see what happened because maybe the people involved or others will see what was wrong.

I will repeat, I AM NOT POSTING HERE TO MAKE PEOPLE LOOK BAD OR TO FLAME IN ANYWAY!!! Does my post seem to make certian people look like they are in the wrong? Yes it does. Did the people involved do excatly what I stated? Yes they did. Even I make mistakes and do wrong from time to time, BUT I would never do anything I would not admit to. I hide nothing. Trust me, if I was here to flame, I have more dirt in my head about half the people in Bismarck then you could use to build a bridge from CA to Japan. But I don't do that kind of thing. But if I disrespected someone as bad as I was disrespected, I would either make amends with the person or state my personal reasonings.

And seeing as how your in Hips ls, maybe he could have mentioned he didn't pay for the dynamis run. I respect your optinion, but fail to see how you could see your LS leader doing wrong. Just as anyone else would say someone sticking up for me from Templeoffriends would be unfair. Did I miss anything? If you have any more questions, don't be afraid to ask.


P.S. It might just be me, but is it funny this topic has been here for weeks now and not one post from Hellriser or Hip has popped up? {Thats Interesting}
#33 Jul 05 2005 at 10:34 PM Rating: Decent
Sorry for the double post, but I clicked the link in your siggy and went to the LS web page. Very interesting indeed. I like the rules. Taken straight from

The Rules
1) No Drama.
2) No Flaming. If you don't like xxx player, don't discuss it here or in LS chat, thats what is for.
3) Don't ask for free gil.
4) Have a love of the game, and an attitude for adventure.
5) No free-loading. We welcome everyone to join us in our random adventures but if you only use the pearl as a selfish tool, you will be released.
6) No discrimination of any kind. Discriminatory comments or epithets to others about real life race, sex, orientation, or any other socially protected status will make you subject to immediate and permanent removal, no questions asked.

I guess that answers your question about why someone would post here about something that happened to them huh Gob. It also seems your a very well respected person in the ls. It amazes me Hip protrays himself as God/King. Ahh well, it's his ls he can do what he wants. Time for me to go kill people on Socom II online. {Good night} {Everyone}


P.S. I give a lot of credit to the people who worked on the site. It is very nice. Easy to get around, looks nice and very well laid out.
#34 Jul 06 2005 at 4:53 AM Rating: Good
476 posts
Actually I think that rule mentions alla specifically as a way to poke fun at the boards for having so many topics just like this one.
#35 Jul 06 2005 at 6:56 AM Rating: Decent
Hello Buddah,

As you are not a member of our message boards so I undertsand your ignorance as to the nature of our rules. The No posting about XXX player is not intended to prevent our members from resolving issues (it is actually satire on the LS's part. my bad). It is intended as a warning about flame posts where people argue and act like little children. But as you do not have an account and perhaps the rule is a little poorly explained in rules section then I can understand your misconception. If you would like an account please feel free to register. I have administration priveledges on that forum and I would be happy to have you come and discuss your issues there if you feel that is appropriate.(Or you can just come and chat...there are tons of nice people there)

Now as for Hip being in my LS. Yep. So what? I didnt really stick up for him. I agree with you. He probably was a prick. And he could be an awful player too. And he may have been at the root of the all the issues that you feel so wronged about. Thats not my concern. I see you and Hips issue as one of disagreement over gameplay ability. You can call it wrong doing or whatever you like, or poke fun at the way I post(this has been done before), but that doesnt change the fact that IT IS a matter of opinionated disagreement as opposed to actuall wrong doing.

And of course you intended to squall the reputaions of other players. Surely you are not so dense as to think that by posting your opinions of a situation on a largly read message area and claiming them as fact without any representation of anyone else involved as fact wouldnt have an effect on any of the mentioned players reputation?

What did you think that it would have a positive and warming effect on anyones reputation by people actually beleiving your accusations. Defamation of character is exactly what you intended. You can call it whatever you like, I dont care. And I dont care about your motives for doing it either. But do you notice that none of the other people involved or any of the people that youve accused have taken part in this discussion? Doesnt
that make bells ring in your head?


Thirdly MY ls and its rules have nothing to do with your arguement with me or with this dyanamis LS orwith Hip. Not once did I mention my LS or so much as stick up for any member of that LS in any of my posts in this thread. All my opinions have been legitimate and I would have offered the same opinions even if the dispute as with someone who I did not know personally.

I was just offering you advice.

You may be a great player. Ive heard plenty of great things about your character and ive never seen or heard anything bad. Dont make your issues like those other annoying people. Be an adult and work your **** out.

As for you not being able to define my point...

My point and theme for my posts in this thread is just this: Your post is not going to resolve your issue. The only person who will be defamed is you. Take the high road and work it out with your offending parties instead of ******** about it on a public forum.Understand?

Once again I am not trying to be mean to you buddah. I gots no issues with you and I dont care if you resolve your issue with Hip. I just dont like to see players go down this road and make accusations that involve entire Ls infrastructure. It usually hurts them in the long run. And from what ive heard your a decent and nice player. Dont go this route.


#36 Jul 06 2005 at 8:12 AM Rating: Default
Guys, your beating a dead horse, let it die. Sorry for bumping it again but its only 1 from the top! :)

I didnt even read the last response...its toooooo long!
#37 Jul 06 2005 at 8:12 AM Rating: Default
148 posts
Ok thats about enough. Now I am not saying you a bad person or anything but this is geting down right stupid. lets look at just 1 of the things you have posted.

One person who did was my good friend Ash that was told very rudly to keep quite and then was removed from the dynamis for reasons I do not feel were right

Well now I may be wrong but as I remember it you were just fine untill this event took place. After ash was warned sevral time and continued to not follow the rulz he was then removed from the ls and the event. This was the point where you (not sure if it was u or your girl) got mad. You came onto ls chat and asked why he was removed and were told that after the event the reason would be explianed.

Let me also mention the fact the you say we play favorites. That seams rather odd for you to say this considering ash was not the only player removed from the event. Think back maybe you will get it yet?
About 15 min before ash was removed a good friend to over half the ls including myself, hell, and hip was asked to leave for the same thing ash was doing, if you need a name it was jason feel free to ask him about it.

So you find it funny that hell or hip has not responded to this post, well if you really wanted them to respond than you would have made a post on our message board would you not?

Ya ya i know you feel like you were tossed out in the rain but you did it 2 yourself because i was in the meeting that was held after the event where you were being rude and were told you were baned for 2 events. You were also told that after the 2 event ban you would be the main blm /assist for 2 weeks and if hip was in the wrong he would get a 2 event ban as well were you not?

Now as far as your sob story about i was wronged and this and that I'm sorry but all you had to do was stop complaning and do your job like every other person that was there.

We have rulz that apply to everyone in the ls just as all ls that are worth a damn have and you either like it or you leave it.
yes hip was taunting you after hell told you u were baned for 2 events and ya he did MT 1 taunt into party chat saying "thats what you get" but ya know the way i see it he was right. In the meeting you did everything you could to make it sound like you were the master of dynamis and hip was a pile of sh*t.

Oh wow you have won over 50 dynamis so you say guess what we dont care if you have won them all or if you are new to it we are there to have FUN, thats it if you want to be the main /blm assist than by all means go start your ouw shell and u can be /assist and win dynamis over and over it makes no diff to us.

If you have a prob. with what we do or how we run it than you know the website you know where to post it. I tried to be reasonable about the hole thing but damn 1 or both of you that are posting this garbage is just looking for a lil attencion I think.

In all fairness to you you had your shot and you blew it we were going to let you rejoin after the 2 event ban but after reeding your posts we feel that in order to have our fun and do our thing we will be better off with you not involved. Feel free to hate us blist us or what ever but you are no longer welcome to attened any more dynamis runs with us do to the drama that you cause during the runs.

I dont have anything aginst you as a player but it seams that you are trying to put a stain on the name or our Dynamis ls that is not diserved.

Good day to you and i hope you find a dynamis ls that fits your needs.

EDIT: spelling >.<

Edited, Wed Jul 6 09:19:59 2005 by TheOneWildchild
#38 Jul 06 2005 at 9:45 AM Rating: Good
Qinnydar wrote:
Guys, your beating a dead horse, let it die. Sorry for bumping it again but its only 1 from the top! :)

I didnt even read the last response...its toooooo long!

Here ya go Qinny, premium is good for something afterall :D

Smiley: deadhorse
#39 Jul 06 2005 at 9:54 AM Rating: Decent
sorry for dragging on with long posts.Im 1/2 Ent(which explains why im so tall). I wont post anymore in this topic. I just didnt think the OP understood what I was try to say.

My bad.
#40 Jul 06 2005 at 10:28 AM Rating: Decent
Qinnydar wrote:
Guys, your beating a dead horse, let it die. Sorry for bumping it again but its only 1 from the top! :)

I didnt even read the last response...its toooooo long!

Haha, funny I was rated down for that, thanks to some troll who thinks they need to continue to get their point across on a topic 2 weeks old.

Edit: OMG, i think I just became one of them people who worries about their karma.

/em goes outside and gets some fresh air.

Edited, Wed Jul 6 11:36:33 2005 by Qinnydar
#41 Jul 06 2005 at 5:41 PM Rating: Decent
Wow. This has become quite out of hand. I do not have ulterior motives. I will work this out as best I can so it can rest.

1st up, Gob. About the rules, yeah I was just browsing around your site and seen that and posted it for 2 reasons. I noticed it was funny because it is a little to true about this site and the other reason it shows that who even made that rule doesn't hold alla in very high reguard. Take it how you want.

I also will mention that if you look at my post above, I CLEARLY stated I was not talking trash about anyone or flaming an ls. I was STATING something that happened. I felt very left out and taken advantage and wanted to vent. What I stated was fact, I did not make any of it up. Yes it seem one sided, but thats is not my fault.

I also did mention in my post that Dynangels was an awsome LS with great people. But now everyone in the ls shuns me because I made light of this publicly. Obviously I made mistakes when choosing my true friends. So please don't think I am trying to ruin the ls. I do however think everyone should know this happened because rules were broken and I was tossed.

And lastly Gob, I would love to come hang out on your site, but I couldn't do it to myself seeing how things work there. I'm sorry. Again I will say I did try to make amends with Hip, but how can you try to make amends with someone who is sending you taunts and pulling strings.

I hope that answers those questions.

P.S. Wild, I didn't even read your post. I seen what you were starting to talk about and that was not an issue. I stated that because that was the 2nd strike into my bad night. You know me, and I have known you yet you still think I am trying to ruin your great ls's rep? I am really amazed at you wild. Have your fun, but I will not let people using me and disrespecting me go away.
#42 Jul 06 2005 at 8:34 PM Rating: Decent
148 posts
P.S. Wild, I didn't even read your post. I seen what you were starting to talk about and that was not an issue. I stated that because that was the 2nd strike into my bad night. You know me, and I have known you yet you still think I am trying to ruin your great ls's rep? I am really amazed at you wild. Have your fun, but I will not let people using me and disrespecting me go away.

/sigh maybe you should have read it because all i did was state the facts that were left out either by mistake or just because your dident fell they were relavent. I did not take sides with you or aginst you if you fell like i have than I'm sorry you fell that way.
Yes I know you and like you as a player and as a friend so to speek, but the point im trying to make is this is a stupid thing to go on about.
I'm almost sure as a matter of fact i know your not the only one that thinks hip is an *** and i can see how you would be upset about the turn of events. But what i cant see is why this post is still going on?
As far as you trying to ruin my great Ls's rep, i know thats not what you are trying to do BUT...think about it this way and dont take this personal like im attacking you in anyway ok. let's say you were the leader of DA and this happened to someone else in the ls ok. So this person goes onto public forums and basicly says that you and who ever else thats running the ls are lier's and crappy /assists, would you like it?
Also i dont see why this was brought to public forums before even posting something asking about the situation on the ls forums?
Maybe I just dont see the full picture here but i was trying to show both sides of the story.

All I have left to say on the matter is this.
I tried and still am trying to get you back in because you are that damn good and we could relly use your help but you are makeing it so hard for me to even gt them to listen to anything involving you and the ls because this post keeps going and bringing out the worst in everyone. Fell free to continue tis but their is not much i can do to help as of right now.

If you want to hate me for my oppenion on the matter thats all fine and good but i have no ill feeling toward you in anyway shap or form. I still consider you a friend and will still help you if you need help on anything and im sure you know that.

Well thats all I can do so i hope this can be resolved and everyone can just get along. Best of luck to you and sorry if you thought i was picking on you in any way.
#43 Jul 07 2005 at 2:31 AM Rating: Decent
errr ppl who doing dynamis with me please stop the reply ^^; no point, let's not get drama going ~ thank you ^^
#44 Jul 07 2005 at 3:01 AM Rating: Decent
And I still can't believe it happened. I am not saying your wrong wild, but you also seen what Hip mistelled in to the party chat. I thank you for all the help you may be doing now to help me, but it's a little too late, I'm already torn to pieces.
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