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The doom of Ninja tank and Ranger's career is near . . .Follow

#27 Jun 30 2005 at 2:10 PM Rating: Decent
306 posts
Good way to weed out the bad ninja tanks
#28 Jul 01 2005 at 5:56 AM Rating: Decent
So lets think about what type a job a Nin is now after the update. We wont be able to hold hate(unless we have a thf) and tank. Our attack is no where near being a DD. I dont know about anyone else, but ive only used the Hojo, Jubaku and Kurayami Debuffs(slow paralyze and blind for those who dont know the spells)and cant really depend on Elemental debuffs to do much damage. Now what i dont get is SE says were not Tanks, yet the new Yasha JSE gives us Enmity to tank better. So anyways, after the next update we nins dont have much going for us except shadows and some debuffs. They could at least give nins a new Job ability, like a attack booster, or maybe a shadow that fights for a short period of time next to the nin.
#29 Jul 01 2005 at 7:08 AM Rating: Decent
29 posts
In addition, the higher the monster's level is with regard to the player, the less damage will be dealt with a ranged attack.

I do believe that's the most conserning part of the update, at least in my eyes.

"RNG's ranged attack hits Kirin for 10 points of damage."

But alas, there's no point in fretting... at least not until the patch comes out and every RNG on every server starts ********* (Which is also 50% of the FFXI population!)

Edit: I spelled damage wrong. D:

Edited, Fri Jul 1 08:13:05 2005 by MistressCelestia
#30 Jul 01 2005 at 7:14 AM Rating: Decent
IF the update does severly affect Nin's ability to tank, I am interested in seeing how the Nin's of the world adapt. I cannot imagine quitting a say 50 nin job just cause you cant tank with it anymore.

#31 Jul 01 2005 at 7:44 AM Rating: Good
159 posts
I'm gonna have to level NIN here pretty soon, so I had to sit down and rethink how im gonna play this job after the new update and I got to thinking...

This could really benefit the servers THF's now more than ever. I mean, now not only do they get the greatest farming tool ever (treasure hunter), but they don't have to spend any time at all looking for a party again...ever. I would imagine that both NIN and WAR/NIN will be needing them a lot more after this update. I'm really all for that since so many people whine and moan about not having gil. Now saying to them "level up your THF if you need gil" actually makes a lot more sense and the old excuse of "but i'm always LFG and never get into parties" won't be good enough anymore :).

But I really don't understand why SE thought they had to nerf NIN again. I agree that since that job is the only one that really loses with this update, there should be some compensation to NIN's (like an attack bonus or something, as mentioned before). As a Taru, I have enough problems holding hate pre-40 as it is.
#32 Jul 01 2005 at 10:42 AM Rating: Decent
I think everyone is jumping the gun a bit on the nerf, we have to wait and see just how much hate is lost. I really doubt the hate is set to 0 after a shadow dies, so what if you lose a small amount? There's a job ability, you get it at lvl 5 on warrior, its called provoke, use your /equip macros, sub in your enmity, and thats one nice provoke. I dont particularly think thf will become the new hot job thanks to this, parties will just have to consider hate management when forming, we all know its easier to tank with 2 rangers instead of 1. This also would greatly benefit your war/drk skillchains on nin tank, making it even easier to turn the mob for sata spinning slash.
As far as ninja never meant to be a tank, thats crap, someone in the original testing must have tried it, so I'm sure they were well aware of it. It's probably also why they gave some mobs a nasty double attack rate.
#33 Jul 01 2005 at 10:52 AM Rating: Decent
196 posts
For the ranged attacks, SE will probably implement a system where damage is inversely proportional to accuracy for a given distance. In other words as you move farther away from the mob, you lose accuracy, but your damage increases. It's the way that seems to make the most sense so you don't eventually have RNGs standing in the "sweet spot" fireing with the same accuracy and damage they do now which would lead SE back to their original problem.

For Utsusemi, me being a PLD this is a double edged sword. It may mean less tanks LFP at any given time (there usually aren't NIN tanks looking at my lvl, so I probably won't notice a difference). It also means when I'm helping LS members with things like coffer keys, if I sub NIN to save on damage, I'll have trouble keeping hate on damage alone because of decreasing hate (even though I have 15~20 lvls on them).
#34 Jul 01 2005 at 12:23 PM Rating: Decent
282 posts
Our attack is no where near being a DD. I dont know about anyone else, but ive only used the Hojo, Jubaku and Kurayami Debuffs(slow paralyze and blind for those who dont know the spells)and cant really depend on Elemental debuffs to do much damage

I think someone (maybe Chops) posted a parser where JWB the ninja tank out-damage everyone.
#35 Jul 01 2005 at 1:16 PM Rating: Decent
947 posts
I can understand the distance from the monster affecting ranger accuracy, but I don't really see how it should affect damage.

If someone has a gun and shoots you from 10 feet away, is it really going to be that much more powerful than if someone shot you from say 20 feet away? No, it wouldn't. It would affect their accuracy but not the power of the bullet.

Just my two cents...
#36 Jul 01 2005 at 1:35 PM Rating: Decent
check these items and you tell me ninja will not be able to keep hate. two of these.

the list goes on but im to lazy to finish it, but tell me how ninjas wont be able to keep hate please.
#37 Jul 01 2005 at 2:42 PM Rating: Good
594 posts
That's true, but most of that gear isnt available until post 60. There is a whole world of ninjas below that.
#38 Jul 01 2005 at 3:09 PM Rating: Decent
post 60 is when the ninjitsu elemental wheel goes to **** and is no longer useful. pre 60 it does enough dmg to be a vialbe way to keep hate, you lose a little enmity every time a shadow is taken but at the same time you get it right back with ni elemental spells.

post 60 ni spells do too weak damage and no longer a vialbe source of hate gaining. that is where this gear + attack equipment comes in handy.
#40 Jul 01 2005 at 8:45 PM Rating: Decent
947 posts
Oh and I forgot to mention (and apologize if mentioned above):

The utsusemi change will HELP rangers, while making it harder for ninjas.

Think about it. You, as a ranger steal hate. The mob comes after you, hits your shadows and reduces your hate. This is going to probably benefit rangers more...

Edited, Sat Jul 2 00:22:40 2005 by Annalise
#41 Jul 02 2005 at 11:21 AM Rating: Decent
if this is anything like the last time they changed utsusemi, it will affect /nin more than nin which will be a good thing for rangers. now you can pull hate but lose enmity through shadows where as before you had too take an *** whiping before you lost any hate.

i already mentioned that.
#42 Jul 02 2005 at 2:39 PM Rating: Decent
415 posts
Oh and the samurai/ranger thing is totally true. I feel really sorry for my friend who is a level 75 samurai/ranger. I'm kinda glad I stuck with sam/war XD.
I guess samurais will just have to be either sam/war or sam/thf, hey wait... what about sam/ninja XD
with people saying that samurais and other DDs steal hate too much, think about it, sam/nin might actually work. This might turn into a thing where every single job other than wars who want to be tanks and plds will sub /nin for the less hate. That will definitely NOT be a good thing...
#43 Jul 02 2005 at 4:04 PM Rating: Decent
84 posts
seraphimhunter wrote:
Not enough NINs use Shurikens to show how powerful they can be, and more people would probably prefer a RDM over a NIN enfeebler, since RDMs are primarily picked for their Refreshing abilities, the fact that RDM can enfeeble is just a happy coincidence.

I've only played NIN to 30, but I've made heavy use of shuriken during that time as a way to do more damage, and the reason you don't see more people using shuriken is that it makes NIN an absolutely ridiculous gil sink.

At level 30, I pay 30k for a stack of shuriken -- about twice what a RNG would pay for a stack of silver bullets, if I'm not mistaken. Also, because of the lower delay time, I'll throw two or three shuriken for every time a RNG fires if I spam them. At current prices, it's just not feasible to do this for a main job, and that's not even considering the space issues since shurikens can't be quivered (though I suppose they could be considered ninja tools in the update).

As far as using a NIN for enfeebling vs. a RDM, I think you're absolutely right in a job to job comparison. But if you take a NIN and a BRD in a PT, you'll have a DD/enfeebler and a refresher/dispeller, and that seems to me it would be viable in parties.
#44 Jul 03 2005 at 10:45 AM Rating: Decent
1,315 posts
This does not concern me in the least. I will still whip your a[b][/b]ss and out damage you...whoever you are...if I want to.

Everybody who has been trying to justify their jobs usefullness post 70 like THF jumps all over stuff like this. It's blatant RNG envy!!!!
#45 Jul 03 2005 at 11:12 AM Rating: Decent
92 posts
I always thought NIN and RNG deserve better damage/tanking ability I mean how much do you use to cast spell/attack


then why should you be equal to a person spending crazy amounts to party when you get it free : just my thoughts RNG was a lil TOO powerful though maybe we see more MNKs now lol^^
#46 Jul 03 2005 at 3:12 PM Rating: Good
137 posts
People don't get it.
Rangers will still be powerful. Just gotta change a little how they fight.
#47 Jul 05 2005 at 8:23 AM Rating: Decent
Ive spent some time thinking about this now. And ive discussed it with some of my LS members and thought that I would share my thoughts here.

As far as class preference. My set (three of us) fill the party with pickups almost everytime we EXP so ive gotten a wide vareity of job combinations in my group before, and I can honestly say I dont particularly care what class they are as long as they can play well. I mean there are certain neccessities (a tank for example). And the tank needs to be able to keep hate and that is all. If i cant cast then im useless.

The first change ill talk about is NINs. I dont think this is gonna hurt em too bad at all. PLD and WAR and every other melee class lose hate when they get hit. More likeley than not it will benefit them. Allowing them to aquire hate and slowly lose some of it, so that they may cat Utsemi again unhindered. As it is right now the WHM in my set knows that Utsemi is up when the NIN goes yellow and starts screaming VOKE! to the other DD. With proper hate management this isnt an issue but more often than not it is. I think this update will actually make playing a NIN easier. They will lose some hate keeping ability,(we will just have to wait for the update to see how much)but any skilled player should be able to still manage.

Now the RNG update is the one that concerns me. The aspect of RNG has never been implemented and it stands a high chance of being done incorrectly. It is my hope that they offer different range catagories for certain weapons so that a close range RNG (as in standing within melee distance) is still a viable option. Because the RNG's main pt aspect is raw damage dealing, which they do very well, I might add. They have some great supplementary skills such as being able to see the mobs on the map and dig for stuff as well, therfore they are also choice for pulling the mobs. However anyone can pull if theyare skilled and it is this raw damage dealing that usually gets them the invites. Why do you seek RNG? (DD capability right?)

That being said I dont think they are gonna cut down on the DD too much. I think that there may be a slight decrease in damage output, but I dont think it will be anything to get your panties in a wad about (I could be wrong SE has done some incredibly unintelligent things to try and crash players before...set tokens and no support for +1 versions comes immediately to mind as a big **** you to everyone who took the time to buy high end equipment for capped 30-60 lvl events). What does concerne me is the actual range that the ranger must be at to perform their ranger like damage. IF they make the RNG stand back and he still deals then the mob is gonna move a lot. this will mean that the RNG tactic will be played differently. I play a BLM and am familiar with the mobs getting pissed and chasing me down every so often (and so is any other mage class). I also know that in PT set up you will see the PT ******** at mages who pull too much hate (ID o it sometimes if the weapon oriented members of the PT cant deal out enough damage for me to cast a single spell ;;, but I have seen a great deal of unskilled BLM while leveling other classes). However if they put the RNG in the back ranks as well the mob will chase them as well. Will the RNG have to hold back like mage classes? (and I currently dont have a high lvl RNG so if anyone plays a HIGH lvl RNG and finds that this next staement is incorrect please just speaking from what ive seen). I think that a RNG ultimately draws more hate than a BLM hence the slight tendency towards the /nin sub in RNG (aside form the fact of dual weilding +ACC weapons which someone in my LS pointed out to me). IF the mob moves a lot then the RNGs role wil be fundementally changed. A large part of scoring non mage induced EXP chains is dependant on keeping the monster in place managing hate and dispatching it quickly.

If the mob is constantly being kited between the two RNG in the PT (I mention dual RNG because it is a popular EXP set up) then the other melee chars lose even more efficiency and the two RNG suffer as well as they care constantly moving and countermining each other movements as they strive for "optimum" missle damage. The other posibility is that distance isnt going to be alrage factor and RNG will stay in melee and lose even a little bit more DD capability. Or perhaps we will see new PT tendencies.

My favorite thing about FFXI and its community is the ability of players to find creative and effective ways to do things. If this update allows for the creation of new PT templates by the force of need (as in current standards are no longer as effective) then it could be a positive thing. But I have a foreboding feeling that the RNG will be played more like a mage after the update. Popping every so often for the big damage and not gaining TP as quickly if they arent allowed into melee.

Ill say a second time that SE needs to make a melee ranged RNG a viable option or I feel that the range restriction will definately hurt the class (how much it will hurt is yet to be seen as SE hasnt revealed what percentage of the RNG damage output will be reliant on the range factor).

@Kelton: the reason while I referred to them as nerfs is the fact that RNG and NIN are very sought after on every server. They are veiwed as some of the best (if not the best) DD and tanks available. They are already VERY effective and I dont think these changes are made to step them even further out in front. (but then again we are talking about anything may be possible here) SO my stance (based on the implied logic that these two classes are already great) is that the changes are made to add more balance to them in proportion to the other similarly roled classes (Read: nerf).



(sorry for any grammar errors..i did read over it once, butim certain there are still a few mistakes)
#48 Jul 05 2005 at 4:13 PM Rating: Decent
If this destroys NIN tanks, then we'll only have PLDs to rely on which sucks. I liked having NIN because if there are no PLDs around you atleast ahd the choice of a differant kind of tank. The game needs more than two tanking jobs to be honest. And no, WAR doesn't count. Not during the higher levels anyways.
#49 Jul 05 2005 at 5:57 PM Rating: Decent
281 posts
I don't see why this would be the death of rangers. Is a BLM useless when he stays at range? No. so... whatever.

As for the NIN move though, well.. yuck. I can't wait to see how it turns out. I hope it doesn't make NIN useless as tank; it's already ridiculous enough to only have 2 tank classes (between 35 and 73, that is =P ) ...

Edited, Tue Jul 5 18:58:17 2005 by Niji
#50 Jul 06 2005 at 7:04 AM Rating: Decent
I wasnt saying that a RNG played like a BLM would be useless. I was just saying that it would definately lead to new types of party configurations.


#51 Jul 06 2005 at 12:24 PM Rating: Decent
/pumps his palms in the air...
woot! might actually get some invites now!
62thf/nin :D
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