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Dear Dragoons and Paladins of BismarckFollow

#1 Jun 30 2005 at 1:56 PM Rating: Default
716 posts
Please stop inviting me to your parties. I do not like Paladins, nor do I like Dragoons, and it tears me apart every time one of you asks me to join your party, because I inevitably have to tell you that your setup of BLM BLM PLD DRK(or DRG/WHM) WHM RDM is not as über as you seem to think it is, and it doesn't meet with my standards of exp.

Also, please stop getting indignated when I turn you down on your awesome 2k/hour exp party. Yes, I have my invite flag up. No, that does not mean I have to jump at every invite I get. I, unlike some people, choose to enjoy exping as much as I enjoy the other things in this game. Taking this in mind, please, realize that I play this game too, that I have a mind of my own, and that I have an opinion.

Your opinion, however, does not matter to me. You may think your party is just the bee's knees. However, I, seeing your illustrious setup, can't help but die a little on the inside, because that party just plain sucks. Period.

So please, for the good of us both, stop inviting me to your parties. Find a White Mage or Red Mage that just wants to level, level, level, and not enjoy a damn thing they do in this game. And for the love of god, stop telling me I'm "fuc[i][/i]ked up" for choosing to not party with jobs I don't enjoy partying with.

Alauce, The (very disgruntled) White Mage.
#2 Jun 30 2005 at 1:59 PM Rating: Decent


Whats this alla bout?

Having a bad day?
#3 Jun 30 2005 at 2:07 PM Rating: Decent
306 posts
Probably noticed that 80% of the paladins out there suck and all. Parties were terrible right when I left. People don't know how to make parties effectively, choose to exp in overcampped areas, party in places that give low exp, invite people that are too high for a given area/monster.
#4 Jun 30 2005 at 2:15 PM Rating: Excellent
75 posts
Your a whm that doesn't want a paladin? Why so you can have a ninja tank and leech exp as you spend 90% of the time afk.
When I level ninja, I don't want a whm. You take the spot of a DD or bard, since a rdm can heal the pty.

BLM,BLM,PLD,DRK(or DRG/WHM),WHM,RDM, exactly what level would this be. Lower levels it would be great, higher levels you can't make any decent sc so crappy.

A whm only wanting a ninja tank is like a pld that will only level in a ranger or monk pty. Both are pretty close to useless in that pty.
#5 Jun 30 2005 at 2:33 PM Rating: Decent
Geez Alauce,

Who pissed in your Cornflakes??!!

Anyway Yeah, you make a real good point when you have your invite flag up people really dont understand that "hey, yeah I have my PT flag up, don't mean I have to jump at every chance I get!"

Edited, Thu Jun 30 15:34:02 2005 by Qinnydar
#6 Jun 30 2005 at 2:34 PM Rating: Decent
1,705 posts
Wow Alauce.."the bees knees"? forget about your lvl. how old are you. I think that's something my parents said...when they were kids.

I would be curious to know what set up you would be willing to be a part of?

and what is the min acceptable amount of xp that would be needed for you to grace a party with your presence.

And Grimson, Ima only a 58 DRK, but ive heard you are a hell of a PLD. You shot back like she(?) slapped you in the face personally...LOL
#7 Jun 30 2005 at 2:49 PM Rating: Default
Usual jobs like NIN, WHM, RDM, BRD..... are here <--------------
wait.. not yet...
nope, just a bit more...
here maybe? nope sorry
DRG yeah you're here somewhere D:
#8 Jun 30 2005 at 2:50 PM Rating: Decent
Ive seen some baddass paladins. Lilshady, Longshanks, and Ultralite come immediately to mind. I have also used them in an exp up to my current lvl. I cant say I feel the same way about DRG but then again I havent gotten to EXP with any of the DRG purists that I know on the server.

I am curious though as well. What do you think is the optimum PT set up? (im not asking you to bash you, im genuinely interested)



#9 Jun 30 2005 at 2:51 PM Rating: Decent

#10 Jun 30 2005 at 2:55 PM Rating: Default
716 posts
Keep in mind. This isn't coming from just some lowlevel White Mage. This is also coming from a 75 Red Mage with quite a bit of game experience. This isn't a recent development.

I've hated Dragoons and Paladins since nigh on level 1. As a White Mage, I don't go afk and just leech. I make sure everybody is healed, I erase, I debuff, I haste, all the things I would be doing if I was in any other party. Despite what you think, Ninjas still do take damage from AoEs, as well as any other party members within the general vicinity. Who's to heal them if I'm AFK? The DRG sub WHM?

@Grimson: I kid you not, the party invite I described was at level 50. And those kind of invites were not uncommon by any means, even on my level 75RDM. You have way too much faith in the common sense of the general player.

@Deathsblessing: If you really must know, I'm eighteen. Surprised? Just because I use old turns-of-phrase does not automatically make me old. Shall I assume you're some twelve year old, with your use of "lvl"s and "lols", and lack of proper grammar? No? Then don't assume I'm some old codger because I used "bee's knees," thanks.

Generally, my desired setup is WAR, NIN, BRD, WHM, and two filler slots. And surprise, guess what types of parties I join? WAR, NIN, BRD, WHM, and two filler slots. I expect at LEAST 5k exp per hour. If a party is not making that, they're very, very sub-par. I can make 5k per hour in Valkurm. If you can't do it in Boyahda Tree, I don't want in your party, simple as that.

Edited, Thu Jun 30 16:03:06 2005 by Alauce
#11 Jun 30 2005 at 3:04 PM Rating: Decent
617 posts
If you have a problem with Dragoons and Paladins, that's your prerogative, but don't make it a public drama.

You've posted a couple other threads and topics where you were just venting or joking, not meaning what you say so I'm not going to say anything more than way to perpetuate the problem.

#12 Jun 30 2005 at 3:06 PM Rating: Decent
92 posts
more DRG flaming >_> its not really that bad of a DD basically DRG are about equal to other DDs with the right gear and a lil skill plus most of the DRGs still playing are skilled in their job and enjoy it or else they would say for example

"I want to lvl really fast I know I'll be a RNG or even RDM because they get parties even without skill"

note: not saying most RDM or RNG are unskilled just saying you COULD be if you wanted and still get more invites than DRG

and besides you are going to have to live with PLD tanks as soon as that updates gimps the NINs unless you want.... I dunno a WAR tank which is on O.K. tank if nothing else is availible

Edited, Thu Jun 30 16:07:40 2005 by MithandurofBismarck
#13 Jun 30 2005 at 3:20 PM Rating: Good
375 posts
Well...I agree with you on the crappy setups as they really do suck. However, your cockiness is not surprising and its a shame that you have this hatred for PLDs. Yes, I do know there is a swarm of truly horrible PLDs out there and I am sorry that you (or anyone) had to PT with any of them.

As a 75PLD and now a 73NIN, I have had the opportunity to see different PT setups based on having both types of Tanks.

While you may personally want only a NIN tank, I honestly feel(as others have posted)that a WHM is taking up valuable space for another DD that will enhance the XP chain. This of course being in a NIN tank PT. RDM and BRD or SMN and BRD or RDM do a fantastic job. So basically..WHM = not needed

As a PLD(My original job) I loved and needed a WHM and a RDM. My favorite PT setup as a PLD was MNK,DRK,RDM,WHM,BLM and PLD. Nice SCs, fast xp and pretty decent chains.

Your post basically comes down to what "Alauce" likes. I totally agree with you on some of the PT setups you mentioned but it sure would be nice to see a post where you didnt come off as a complete *******.

#14 Jun 30 2005 at 3:23 PM Rating: Decent
I don't give a sweet flying **** if the 2 SCers in my PT are a DRG or a SAM or DRK or anything for that matter. As long as they hit the SC I will burst it and decimate the monster and then toss in a teir 3 or 4 spell for the kill.
I will PT with anyone as long as they hit their SCs and make a chain for me to burst.

As for you Alauce, I have only PTed with you once, and to this day that was the best PT I have ever had the pleasure of joining... level 43-48 in one sitting pretty much. You're a different man in the game than you are here it seems.

Edit: That PT prolly had the most enjoyable group of people as well.

Kiii, Lyan, you, Mercie, I forget the other person atm.

Edited, Thu Jun 30 16:29:09 2005 by Qinnydar
#15 Jun 30 2005 at 3:23 PM Rating: Default
1,705 posts
I guess you could assume ima 12 with my bad grammer and lol's. It would be a tough sell to my 15 yr old son, but what the heck? I wasn't bashing you Ala, I actually found it refreshing, and funny.

I figgered yer age ta be bout in the late teens, cause ya got that uppity superior attitude thit youngins git at that age when they haven't sperienced anything but 're thinkin they know everything.

Oh and I like your pty setup too as one of your fillers but I prefer a PLD to a NIN.
#17 Jun 30 2005 at 3:56 PM Rating: Default
716 posts
Your post basically comes down to what "Alauce" likes. I totally agree with you on some of the PT setups you mentioned but it sure would be nice to see a post where you didnt come off as a complete @#%^.

Everything about my post is about what "Alauce" likes. That's really the whole... y'know.. point of the thread. That was stated in the first post.

As for me coming off as some form of ascii character, for that, I apologise. Really, when I first started this game, I was a lot different.

But as a RDM, I was privvy to some of THE WORST parties you could ever imagine. And to be quite honest, ninety-nine percent of those bad parties were because I accepted an invite from either a Paladin or a Dragoon.

And Krack, while your party maybe sound bloody awesome to you, please have pity on the Red Mage. Refreshing 5 people alone is five different types of Hell. Asking them to burst, enfeeble, haste, and do all their other Red Magely duties on top of refreshing five people is nigh on impossible, and isn't enjoyable for the Red Mage in the least. I should know. From levels 41 to 70 doing just that (haste at 48, of course).

Also, Gob, you're right. I'm completely different on the boards, simply because I feel people get too worked up over a bit of text. I'm extremely beliggerent and sarcastic on here for a reason. However, ingame, I'm one of the nicest people you'll ever meet, and I won't hesitate to help anybody, that includes the Paladins and Dragoons.

In retrospect, it's not the Paladin and Dragoon jobs I hate so much as it is the vast amount of retarded people that play them.

I'll concede there are a great number of good Dragoons and Paladins out there - Zariko, Krack, Hawky, Lemroth (r.i.p), Bryan, etc.

But I haven't partied with them in months.

EDIT: Typo, my old friend, you rear your ugly head again.

Edited, Thu Jun 30 17:00:58 2005 by Alauce
#18 Jun 30 2005 at 3:58 PM Rating: Decent
all i have to say is thank you for posting this so i can add you to my sir are exactly the type of player that makes this game unenjoyable. anyone who doesn't see the value of certain jobs is just plain ignorant. I bet you charge for raises too.
#19 Jun 30 2005 at 4:07 PM Rating: Decent
Wewt he offerd help and I am not a PLD or DRG!! Um... wanna help me with errr Um.. {Riverne-Site #A01} {Help me out!}

P.S.: The 1st who guesses that quote wins a price.
#20 Jun 30 2005 at 4:09 PM Rating: Decent
228 posts
Alauce, why would you refresh BLM? If you've been doing that all along, no wonder you find RDM hell in certain setups. The only exception to this is a manaburn pt where you better be refreshing the BLMs. But then, enfeebs are not needed.

**edited don't think he said he hated rdm at any point, just that it was hellish at times

Edited, Thu Jun 30 17:12:04 2005 by Eldriss
#21 Jun 30 2005 at 4:19 PM Rating: Default
716 posts
I usually only refresh BLMs when they get low on Mana. But with the BLMs I've partied with... they're ALWAYS low on Mana. Seriously. I wasn't exaggerating in the least when I said I was privvy to some of the worst parties imaginable. I know it sounds like I'm just whinging, and you're absolutely right. I'm whinging. The parties absolutely sucked, and they've sucked for me since about level 30.

Wanna know why RDM get so many invites?

#22 Jun 30 2005 at 4:25 PM Rating: Decent
Alauce wrote:
Generally, my desired setup is WAR, NIN, BRD, WHM, and two filler slots

Hmm replace the whm with a rdm and that's one hell of a pt setup!
#23 Jun 30 2005 at 4:26 PM Rating: Decent
282 posts
I think you should make a compromise and party with a dragoon hating Paladin. COugh! KFCC cough!
#24 Jun 30 2005 at 4:29 PM Rating: Decent
716 posts
Haha... he's in my level range. Maybe I will. :P At least I know Chicken can make good parties.
#25 Jun 30 2005 at 4:38 PM Rating: Decent
75 posts
The only reason a ninja pty gets better exp at higher levels is because you don't need a whm they are replaced with an extra DD.
At lower levels 2 blink tanks get you much better exp then a pld. After refresh though it kind of evens out.

5K an hour in the dunes is very hard to get even with pl. It almost takes an all DD pty with pl for it. Or it takes a high DD pty with people using food and good gear. Meaning a bunch of high level friends leveling together.

Try this, write down the exp you have, and the time of the pty.
The time is when people first say to pull. When done write down your exp, and ending time. Then figure out how much exp per hour you actually got. You can't take off afk time, breaks, etc that was all part of your pty. I've had friends join blm ptys and claim to get 10K+ an hour, leveled for 4 hours, and didn't ding a level. When I asked how come in 5 hours, of 10K plus they didn't level they can't answer but still claim that is what they got.

Having a 75 job doesn't mean anything. Vize has 2 75 jobs look at him.

I only read/post/etc boards likes these when I'm at work, so that usually means bad mood.

#26 Jun 30 2005 at 4:41 PM Rating: Decent
228 posts
lol I'm currently bringing up RDM and I know what you mean (has flashbacks of a 3drk pt ewww). Of course, alot of pt's still suck in my lvl range but oh well. I'll give most pt setups a chance just to see if it CAN work.

Just form your own with people you know that can play thier job! Playing rdm, I <3 NIN tanks if I have to MH. Of course, I can also enfeeb, refresh and burst along with that. Just out of curiousity, when was the last time you had a good pt?

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