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Too all Windower users..Follow

#1 Jul 07 2005 at 8:27 PM Rating: Good
1,002 posts
Watch out.. one of my LS friends found this and posted it on our website..

check it out..
#3 Jul 07 2005 at 10:03 PM Rating: Good
1,002 posts
Sandorianal wrote:
hip y dont u actualy play tha game instead of being onnn this 24/7

well actually i do play the game, but i also have a job that i work 40 hours a week, so i hang out here, and on my LS forums while i am not helping customers..

#4 Jul 07 2005 at 11:06 PM Rating: Excellent
2,955 posts
Sorry, but I have no sympathy for people who use programs even like windowers, and get caught doing so. You know it's against the TOS and you use it at your own risk. No claiming ignorance here.
Sure, that GM was being a total jerk but in reality the punishment fit the crime.

This guy wasn't that bright about it either, apparently he announced it in party chat where to get the program, twice. Someone probably was being a jerk and ratted the guy out.
His debate with the GM wasn't that impressive either, going from trying to justify him using the program, to asking what's going to happen to others, to begging not to get temp-banned, to sucking up. Bleh :/
#5 Jul 08 2005 at 12:59 AM Rating: Default
450 posts
Hahah that's funny the sad thing is he could have said yes to seeing other pt members tp, since that's all the windower does, you know those macros we all use to share our tp lol.

On a side note what i find most pathetic is that someone else created a plug-in for the windower mentioned that solves a problem SMNs have long had with FFXI which is knowing what your blood pact recast timer is at without having an avatar out. Quite sad that some person(s) out of boredom and sheer desire to help others solves a problem over 2years old, and SE hasn't done it yet.
#6 Jul 08 2005 at 5:53 AM Rating: Decent
145 posts
Sad thing is, this program is probably one of the more useful programs a pc user could use. Though still its a 3rd pty program and SE is smart to be consistant with going after any kind of 3rd party program
Retired July 2009

#7 Jul 08 2005 at 8:36 AM Rating: Good
If a windower gets caught, "goodie for them". I hope they get whats comming to them.

SE has made it very clear any 3rd party program is ILLEGAL. Cry my a river if you get caught using one cuz I know you know it was illegal.

Also, I use PS2 and these windowers give people an advantage over us.

#8 Jul 08 2005 at 9:23 AM Rating: Default
I don't quite understand the concept of "giving an advantage". PS2 users can do the same exact thing with a router and a nearby PC. A LS member read the ToS earlier, it said nothing about something even close to what the windower does being an illegal program. Everyone makes it seem like the windower leads to hacking...well the game can be hacked just as easily without the windower.
#9 Jul 08 2005 at 9:28 AM Rating: Decent
306 posts
Windower leads the way for people to use hacks. People without windower are not able to minimize the game so no way other should be able to.
#10 Jul 08 2005 at 9:48 AM Rating: Good
smartdude wrote:
I don't quite understand the concept of "giving an advantage". PS2 users can do the same exact thing with a router and a nearby PC. A LS member read the ToS earlier, it said nothing about something even close to what the windower does being an illegal program. Everyone makes it seem like the windower leads to hacking...well the game can be hacked just as easily without the windower.

Heh, you seem to forget why people play on PS2, maybe cuz they don't have a PC? Or maybe the PC is used by someone else in the household just as much.

Regardless the Windower give PC users a unfair advantage of PS2. Windowers allow ppl to see PT members, TP, Levels, etc. etc. all of which we cannot do on PS2...its unfair.

Also, SE says any 3rd party program? What you think the Windower is? It's not made by SE for FFX1 therefore; it's a 3rd party program is it not? I admit I don't know much about these types of things but regardless I can see it gives certain people an edge over others and is not acceptable by SE for use. End of Story. You can't justify the use of a windower. Period.


Damn, I was looking though ToS agreement on Playonline Site. >.<

It was really boring! I didn't find much other than this


(g) Use of any cheat codes or cheat devices.

Oh uhhh, now I dunno if a Windower is included as a cheat "Device"

Edited, Fri Jul 8 11:05:17 2005 by Qinnydar
#11 Jul 08 2005 at 11:51 AM Rating: Decent
Someone else in the household using the comp? Get a new one, can't afford it? Sucks to be you. No matter how you look at it the Windower allows PC users to do exactly what the PS2 users can do, only for PS2 users it's legal and for PC users it's illegal? *********

Oh and don't try to use the TP and Bloodpact **** as an arguement against me. Those plugins are no longer on my comp simply because I have absolutely no use for them and hence I deleted the .dlls.

Windower does not lead to the use of hacks, granted it might make it a tad easier for the technologically challenged people to start up their bots and ****. But guess what, with half a brain you could probably easily start that **** up without the windower aswell.

And no, the Windower is not a "cheat" device. It simply allows people who have stuff they need to do on their comp to do it while they are standing LFG in Jeuno for 8 hours straight.

Go home trolls, the windower is in no way an unfair advantage. OH MY GOD, I CAN LOOK AT WEBSITES AND READ THE NEWS WHILE PLAYING! NERF!

#12 Jul 08 2005 at 12:03 PM Rating: Good
Message has high abuse count and will not be displayed.
#13 Jul 08 2005 at 12:21 PM Rating: Decent
It's not a matter of being lazy, it's a matter of practicality. Tmep logging in the middle of a party to glance at the news between pulls. Yeah that's bound to go down well with the party, or maybe not?

If you think I'm calling people poor then so be it, I merely said if people can't afford a PC to use besides their PS2 while playing this game it's not my problem. I have a working computer and as such should not have to get yet ANOTHER one to do stuff on the web just because SE has their panties in a bunch and wax shoved up their ears and refuse to listen to customers.

Does SE promote the use of 3rd party software? No, they don't.

Does SE explicitly state in the Member agreement that 3rd party software is forbidden? No, they don't. You know why? Because that would be like saying that the PC users can't run MS Windows because that could be considered 3rd party software. It's an OS yes, but it's first and foremost software that is not part of FFXI's coding.

And I don't exactly see SE cracking down on people for using Ventrilo or TeamSpeak, that's as much of a 3rd party software as the Windower, the Windower doesn't interrupt gameplay in any way.

Yeah, I'm going to go farm for 8 hours instead. I'm a WHM why don't I go farm Tiny Mandragora's in E.Saru hmm? Because that's so productive.

In the words of Qinyydar: kthxbai!

PS: Guess when I'm writing this response to you hmm? Wonderful helper this thing isn't it?

Edited, Fri Jul 8 13:29:55 2005 by Tyraelle
#14 Jul 08 2005 at 12:30 PM Rating: Decent
123 posts
Windower leads the way for people to use hacks. People without windower are not able to minimize the game so no way other should be able to.

Thats probably the worst excuse I have seen so far. Saying windower leads the way to use hacks is like saying smoking leads the way for people to snort cocaine.
#15 Jul 08 2005 at 12:34 PM Rating: Decent
Thats probably the worst excuse I have seen so far. Saying windower leads the way to use hacks is like saying smoking leads the way for people to snort cocaine.

Bets... analogy.. ever! :p
#16 Jul 08 2005 at 12:35 PM Rating: Excellent

ok, you partially got me.

I guess I can agree on, while the Windower "may" be helpful under some circumstances.....if it is used inapproptiatly it creates an unfair advantage for PC users and also can lead to asshats like the ambiguously gay trio to expliot and ruin the game for the rest of us.

Really it only takes the actions of a few bad people to ruin it for all the good people.
The reason why I am still taking a stiff stance on this subject is because of the ******** I seen on the BBL with them aubsing a windower for the JP version of POL and doing stuff that can potentially damage this game like Diabolos 2 was (not that it was a good game anyway though...)
#17 Jul 08 2005 at 12:41 PM Rating: Decent
690 posts
Look, the short, short answer is simply this:

Windower does not send any data to SE whatsoever. It only affects things on your local machine. SE cannot detect or do anything about it unless they have undeniable proof that you are using it (i.e. mentioning it in /p or /l chat or in a tell).

So, just keep your damn traps shut about the fact that you're using the windower and you'll be fine.

As far as the morality of the situation is concerned, it's a fu[b][/b]cking game! Get over it.

--Arondight, Bismarck
Nothing that is so, is so.
#18 Jul 08 2005 at 12:52 PM Rating: Decent
You're right, D2 was a horrible game from the getgo. And from what happened to D1 you could kinda guess that D2 would go in the same direction, Blizzard never was very good at the whole internet security thing.

I guess I can agree on, while the Windower "may" be helpful under some circumstances..... if it is used inapproptiatly it creates an unfair advantage for PC users and also can lead to asshats like the ambiguously gay trio to expliot and ruin the game for the rest of us.

This is where the true problem lies. While yes, some people use the windower as a gateway to make their e-***** grow(which they fail horribly at), 99% of all who use it are legitimate players who simply want to get the most out of their PC while playing the game.

Analogy: Sacrificing 4000 people to get rid of 3 is not ok. :/
#19 Jul 08 2005 at 1:00 PM Rating: Decent
477 posts
#20 Jul 08 2005 at 2:10 PM Rating: Decent
306 posts
Does SE explicitly state in the Member agreement that 3rd party software is forbidden? No, they don't. You know why? Because that would be like saying that the PC users can't run MS Windows because that could be considered 3rd party software. It's an OS yes, but it's first and foremost software that is not part of FFXI's coding.

You're a very ignorant person aren't you
#21 Jul 08 2005 at 2:19 PM Rating: Default
If I'm a very ignorant person then what does that make you Mr."Windower-leads-to-hacks" hmm?

Don't open your mouth unless you have a point to make. Goodbye.
#22 Jul 08 2005 at 2:24 PM Rating: Decent
306 posts
It's people like you that ruin this game. If it was meant for you to see other people's TP then they would have emplemented it. You use a HACK which allow you to see this. The game was not meant to be minimized also for good reason. You chose to download a program to bypass that. So what if you can't read the news, just log off. You shouldn't even be doing that in a party to begin with. I made my first post because I knew why they wouldn't let people minimize the game in the first place but it seems you are too ignorant to see that.
#23 Jul 08 2005 at 2:26 PM Rating: Excellent
327 posts
By saying that the Windower leads to hacking, they mean that's it's much easier to hack with a windower on that without it. For debutant hackers, a windower can be really handful, if they don't know how to minimize the game without crashing it, so they can run their packets editor and such tools to find a way to hack.

Oh, and no offense, but I had to say something about this :

Tmep logging in the middle of a party to glance at the news between pulls. Yeah that's bound to go down well with the party, or maybe not?

At least when you temp log in a PT, it's usually for something important, and the PT knows that you aren't there anymore. But if you read or work on something else beside the PT, even between pulls, the PT doesn't know you aren't alert and attentive. You can miss important things, or forget something...

Anyway, yeah a windower allows some "good" players to get some handful tools, but there still are "bad" players who will use it to hack, and anyway it's forbidden by the ToS. Punishing people without a warning is quite strict, but I guess they really want to get rid of these 3rd party hacks and such things.

Edited, Fri Jul 8 15:26:23 2005 by Freyir
#24 Jul 08 2005 at 2:54 PM Rating: Decent
My dear Balgareth, allow me to take this chance to hand you your *** on a silver platter. Please do accept it.

Where do you see my partys TP? Did I not EXPLICITLY state in my very first post on this thread to not use that arguement against me because it does not apply to me?

Please, before you say anything would you mind putting your head back on your shoulders? Because clearly that is not where it is right now.

When I say I tab out between pulls it doesn't mean I go afk for hours on end, I'm usually back in the game before the puller even has a mob and the party doesn't even notice I've been gone. Go figure.

And once again, what we have agreed to doesn't say anything about the type of program the windower is. When the GMs enforce this "rule" they enforce something that does not exist.

#25 Jul 08 2005 at 3:03 PM Rating: Excellent
399 posts
Someone else in the household using the comp? Get a new one, can't afford it? Sucks to be you. No matter how you look at it the Windower allows PC users to do exactly what the PS2 users can do, only for PS2 users it's legal and for PC users it's illegal? Bullsh*t.

Why dont you go by your own logic and buy a PS2 so you can use your comp and play at the same time.
#26 Jul 08 2005 at 3:20 PM Rating: Decent
Hey what do you know, I do have a PS2. Just too bad I have the Slim PS2 and you can't run FFXI on that due to it not having a Harddrive slot. And well, I'm not gonna bother getting another PS2 and another copy of the game so that I'll get on your good side. And afaik there is no PS2 version for EU people that I'm aware of so that means I'd have to import the game again + import a PS2. You lose, to try again insect 50$.
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