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Too all Windower users..Follow

#27 Jul 08 2005 at 3:47 PM Rating: Excellent
75 posts
What was written in iron's forum was funny and sad. People saying they are going to take SE to court if their account is banned. That would be a big waste of money for a game, and you would lose in court. I'm sure SE lawyers know more then the kids posting on iron's forum. Then the kids that think they are programming experts, when none have probably written a program to much more complexed then hello world. Also, the people threating to cancel over it. Do you really think a company the size of SE is worried about $15 a month? If they were they wouldn't ban people.

If your going to read the news between pulls please let me know before I invite you. I hate people that go afk every 2 mins. If you mean as you wait for replacements that is different, but you can temp log then.

I don't see a need for using programs like this unless you want to cheat.

#28 Jul 08 2005 at 5:08 PM Rating: Default
306 posts
Where do you see my partys TP? Did I not EXPLICITLY state in my very first post on this thread to not use that arguement against me because it does not apply to me?

This is about windower about being a hack and not about your use. I don't care if you don't use it for "cheating" purposes. Many others do.
#29 Jul 08 2005 at 5:10 PM Rating: Excellent
399 posts
Hey what do you know, I do have a PS2. Just too bad I have the Slim PS2 and you can't run FFXI on that due to it not having a Harddrive slot. And well, I'm not gonna bother getting another PS2 and another copy of the game so that I'll get on your good side. And afaik there is no PS2 version for EU people that I'm aware of so that means I'd have to import the game again + import a PS2. You lose, to try again insect 50$.

can't afford it? Sucks to be you

So you dont want to spend $150 on a new PS2 and $50 for the game and w/e it is for the HD but yet you're telling PS2 users to go buy a new comp? lol I dont understand that logic.

You lose, to try again insert logic.

Edited, Fri Jul 8 18:21:45 2005 by siremOO
#30 Jul 08 2005 at 5:37 PM Rating: Good
350 posts
You know what the best part of that GM convo was? How much total BS that GM was talkiing. Claiming to be able to see features that are running thru Windower Smiley: laugh

Basically, while Windower is a 3rd party program, and SE percieves it as a violation of their ToS, there's absolutely no way they can detect it's use without the user admitting to SE that they are using it...that is of course assuming SE isn't trying to gather 'private' information off our computers as we play (thinks back to Blizzard's fiasco over, which of course would require breaking many laws just to see if we're able to check each other's TP Smiley: tongue

#31 Jul 08 2005 at 5:50 PM Rating: Default
791 posts
*pulls out the marshmellows*
#32 Jul 08 2005 at 6:22 PM Rating: Decent

Did I say I couldn't afford it? No not really, what I said was why would I get a new PS2 which to my knowledge I would have to import from the US and import another copy of the game for the PS2 resulting in another set of cd-keys that I don't need nor want when I already have a PS2 right here that works just fine and is never occupied by anyone but myself, which is what you people claim to be the problem with using the comp you have at home. If the ONLY computer you have at home is constantly occupied then I seriously suggest you get your own. Really, it's not like you need some kind of monster machine just to Internet Explorer or Firefox/whatever you use now is it?

If you don't want to get another comp that you can use whenever you want then here's another solution. If someone's at the ONLY comp you have in the house then the solution is simple. Chase them off and do what you need to do. Really complicated right? If you can't manage to get rid of them well, tough luck. Like I said, it's not my problem. We PC users have something that works and you people can't stand it. And quite frankly, I find that hilarious.

Quote:You lose, to try again insert logic.

I see you're trying to be a smartass, unfortunately simply editing something I've said with something that might seem funny in your undeveloped mind isn't a very good way to accomplish this.

To Balgarath:

It's people like you that ruin this game. If it was meant for you to see other people's TP then they would have emplemented it. You use a HACK which allow you to see this. The game was not meant to be minimized also for good reason. You chose to download a program to bypass that. So what if you can't read the news, just log off. You shouldn't even be doing that in a party to begin with. I made my first post because I knew why they wouldn't let people minimize the game in the first place but it seems you are too ignorant to see that.

Later quote
This is about windower about being a hack and not about your use.

Then why make it about my use if that's not what it's about? Contradicting yourself is fun isn't it?

Yeah right, I'm going to log off eeeeeeevvvvvvvvvvery single time I need to check something. Please, what if I should happen to log out to check something(takes 30 secs just to log out mind you), and then when I log back in I realize I forgot to check something else. Just because you don't have better ways to spend your time don't assume I don't either.
#33 Jul 08 2005 at 8:22 PM Rating: Excellent
399 posts
you people can't stand it. And quite frankly, I find that hilarious.

YOu people? lol you dont even know what I play on. Its cool I'll give you a minute to get your foot out of your mouth...

All done? Good! :) Sorry to inform you but I play on a comp and I dont even own a PS2. I cant stand the PS2 console. Just not for me.

While playing my game on my comp I have never and wont ever use a windower. For me when I play, Its my time to play. Not read news during pulls or surf the net. Anyways the whole reason I even posted in here is your attitude. But I'll let you be.

Take care! :)
#34 Jul 08 2005 at 11:06 PM Rating: Good
415 posts
Ok, FFXI was made a certain way for a reason. SE doesn't want people to see other peoples' TP. That's why they made you not able to see it. FFXI wasn't made for you to be able to see other peoples' TP, deal with it.
Windowers, in my opinion, ARE "cheat programs".
Windowers are a way for you to do something that SE did not intend for you to be able to do. When FFXI was made, they didn't want you to be able to see other peoples' TP, and buying a program that lets you do something that FFXI did NOT intend for you to do is "cheating". Also, it DOES give you an unfair advantage against other people who play on PS2, and that is wrong. I can't see your TP, but you, in a way that goes against FFXI's rules, can see mine? That hardly seems fair.

Thank you for reading my post, and to all windowers users,
you know it's illegal, so just stop doing it. If you didn't know before, you do now, you don't have any excuses. It may seem stupid to you, but it is highly logical, and if SE finds out, I am sure they won't cut you any slack. So just get rid of the windowers, and just play fairly. You have an unfair advantage, whether it may seem stupid to you or not.
#35 Jul 09 2005 at 1:52 AM Rating: Default
123 posts
This is about windower about being a hack and not about your use. I don't care if you don't use it for "cheating" purposes. Many others do.

Ahh yes, many others do.

Name them.

Im sure you have done your research on this of course, because no one makes arbitrary statements on the internet!
#36 Jul 09 2005 at 2:07 AM Rating: Excellent
62 posts
IMO, Windower itself isn't a bad thing at all, it just give another option for PC players to do other things while playing FFXI. The only thing that's probably not welcomed by SE is the new plugin which shows TP and other stuff of your alliance. It was part of SE's intention to hiding them from you to make the game more difficult. Also the plugin gave more advantage to PC than PS2 player as well the upcoming release of Xbox360. What do you think it will make those game-console players feel when PC seems have more advantage? People will think getting PC version is better. It won't be a good buisness for SE on the upcoming release of Xbox360 version if clearly PC version has more advantage, don't you think?

You can't blame SE to do something about it since the plugin trying to break the fair gaming between PC version and PS2/Xbox360 version. It will only lead to PS2/Xbox360 players demand the samething PC version can have. If they allow you to use it, then their intention of hiding the status between players will be nonexistant. Hell, why don't people make a plugin which it will show all the status effect on your PT members( Such as paralyze and slow.) It will make verything so easy,it will be just like WoW.

Also what do you people really want? There are people claimed that they love FFXI because it's difficulty and It's a challenging game. Sometimes blaming SE doesn't release more challenging activities in the game. Yet, you tried to seek out every possibilties to break those difficulties that SE intended to build into the game and make an easier job for you. It's like you choose Hard Mode in a game. The hard mode will only give you 10 bullets to start with but then you seek out every possible cheats to make it 99 bullets so it can be easier. It's rather pathetic to me that what you people really want sometimes? If you want an easy game, why not go play WoW?

To me, Windower is OK, Plugin is not OK. But that's just my opinions.
#37 Jul 09 2005 at 2:27 AM Rating: Excellent
62 posts
Hard mode Game: People try to create some sorta program or such to make it easier for them. (FFXI)

Easy mode Game: People think it's too easy and bored out of it quickly. (WoW)

Don't choose hard mode if you don't accept the play it is going to be. Make up your mind people, what you really want?

People are pushing SE to release next title of MMORPG exclusively to game-console only because it will save alot "troubles" for them and PC version are where most of the "troubles" come from. I guess they will learn an valuable lesson here atleast. SE can only spare couple workers to work on how to counter all the cheats out there, while there are 100s "vulenteers" trying to figure out a more advanced program/cheat for PC version everyday. Go figure.

Edited, Sat Jul 9 03:58:58 2005 by Moooooo

Edited, Sat Jul 9 04:16:56 2005 by Moooooo
#38 Jul 09 2005 at 6:22 AM Rating: Excellent
54 posts

Windowers, in my opinion, ARE "cheat programs".
Windowers are a way for you to do something that SE did not intend for you to be able to do.

Sooo am I not allowed to have a dual pc/screen set up?
hell i have one.. so when im playing i can mess around on my other pc at the same time? oooh gosh ban me.

When FFXI was made, they didn't want you to be able to see other peoples' TP. I can't see your TP, but you, in a way that goes against FFXI's rules, can see mine? That hardly seems fair.

I do not have that plugin, or want it, but, what is the TP macro for? is that cheating?

Also, it DOES give you an unfair advantage against other people who play on PS2, and that is wrong.

I have my PS2 also on my desk.. is that unfair?
and to all windowers users,
you know it's illegal, so just stop doing it. If you didn't know before, you do now, you don't have any excuses. It may seem stupid to you, but it is highly logical, and if SE finds out, I am sure they won't cut you any slack. So just get rid of the windowers, and just play fairly. You have an unfair advantage, whether it may seem stupid to you or not.

it seems that the TOS would then ban everyone from useing a multi PC/PS2/linux/ECTworkstation. It does not.
If it is then damn im a horrible person. =p

Edited, Sat Jul 9 07:29:26 2005 by JessiyK
#39 Jul 09 2005 at 10:49 AM Rating: Good
guys if you dont want to use the plug ins. Open up the folder in your windower folder and remove the plug in dll's. The windower should still work fine. Besides having other peoples TP count isnt a really big deal anyways. I mean its spammed throughout the course of the battle anyways.

Its not a class feature to be able to find out another persons TP. ITs siomple really. If you like the plug ins use them, if not remove them fromthe folder. This windower isnt going ot give any players any advantages they cant get from regular macros.

Now if they took it further and say put the monster names on the map (this information is also kept in Random Access Memory (in the form that looks similar to mac address at X= decimaled quadrant) then that would be an unfair advantage. But while I dont currently use the windower I have looked at it in action and have browsed over the code and its not that bad. But because of the fact that it is set up to accept plugins and they arent hard to write I can forsee it being used for evil purposes.

But on the bright side even WITH cheating plug ins its still not as good as curreent generation cheating programsd that already exsist. SO whatever. People cheat. They are bastards for doing so. However I dont get pissed at anyone for browsing while on FFXI or using team speak or gd forbid finding out my TP without asking me.


#40 Jul 09 2005 at 11:55 AM Rating: Good
384 posts
the best way to put this is:

we b*tch and complain about the botters and other people using 3rd party programs to get an advantage, that they start working on getting rid of them, for the most part. so SE, doing what they should do, cracks down on ALL 3rd Party programs.

you can't have it both ways, you can't say you want the botters gone, then whine that the windower is a good thing.

i personally hope SE finds a way to kill the windower for good, yes i do use it out of pure spite for SE. but if they're cracking down on all third parties, then it's for the better.

just a tip for those who are complaining about 8 hour waits in jeuno:
Do sit ups, run in place, to push ups, crunches.
read, draw, if you have school, do your homework in that time.

#41 Jul 09 2005 at 4:05 PM Rating: Decent
955 posts
And no, the Windower is not a "cheat" device. It simply allows people who have stuff they need to do on their comp to do it while they are standing LFG in Jeuno for 8 hours straight.

And a skill up bot (such as for summoner) allows others to go AFK insteading of spending hours repeatedly doing the same thing over and over. If it was not part of the game, it's not supposed to be there regardless as to whether you believe it should ot not. If you have a problem, go take it up with SE.
#42 Jul 09 2005 at 7:54 PM Rating: Decent
415 posts
JessyK, I wasn't talking about Windowers themselves, I am sorry I should have specified that I meant the plugin that lets you do things like see other peoples' tp and stuff like that. And, Tp macros were made so people can show other party members their TP, if they WANT to.
It isn't fair for anyone to be able to see information that you might not want them to see.
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