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Before anyone else gets hurt...Follow

#1 Jul 10 2005 at 8:32 PM Rating: Good
1,391 posts
-.-;; Okay I am going to try and have the balls to admit this... I already feel bad enough, please no mocking me.

Well for anyone who knows me in game, they know I have had my heart recently crushed by someone named Superwittykitty. Well little to my knowledge, I was not the first to have my heart stomped by this person.

It has recently come to my attention that Superwittykitty is really a man who likes playing sick jokes on lonely hearts such as myself. Two other men, two sexually confused little girls, and myself have all fell victim to this man.

He makes you believe he is a woman, tempts you, and earns your trust. And after he has your trust and makes you believe everything is going okay he will do something to completely crush you, such as cheat on you, leave you, or the like. I do realize this is just a game, but sometimes emotions do get involed. This is just a warning before anyone else gets hurt.

Thank you... -.-;; and please no jokes towards me... I feel bad enough and was ready to vomit when I found out it was a man.
#2 Jul 10 2005 at 8:58 PM Rating: Good
229 posts
AWE DAWG!! Dude If I had known you were messing around with that sick f*ck I woukld have warned you man.

Damn thats harsh. Don't feel bad though you are not the only guy to be fooled by this neferious Manthra and I swear it's time for the shout brigade to come out. I swear since this has now happend to the fourth person I personaly know in game everytime I am in a populated Zone with this asshat I will be shouting Superwittykitty is a Manthra {Please Check It} {Mithra} with {Man} {Pole} {Run Away!}

Sorry this had to happen to you Weak but there seriously are some sick sad little men on this game. Thank god I know for a fact my Manthra is in fact a Mithra. Again sorry bro had I known I would have warned you before you got hurt. Damn that sucks. {/Comfort}
#3 Jul 10 2005 at 11:20 PM Rating: Excellent
/comfort. ; ;

It was brave of you to come forward and say something. If someone had said something earlier maybe you would have been spared this.

Be very careful guys, those of you lucky enough not to have run into this yet ; ;
This is coming from experience too; people on the Net are anyone they want to be. But human nature is not satisfied with illusions, and you won't be either, not in the end; don't risk finding out that the illusion was all there ever was. ; ;

I'm sorry this happened to you Weakness. It was really courageous of you to blow the whistle on the little jerk, and spare someone else what you went through.
#4 Jul 11 2005 at 12:41 AM Rating: Decent
727 posts
Thats why you dont get into online relationships, didn't you ever watch the news?
#5 Jul 11 2005 at 9:30 AM Rating: Decent
955 posts
Thats why you dont get into online relationships, didn't you ever watch the news?

Exactly. There are times where they work out yet most of the time they don't and just leave someone hurt in the end. People date online to fill some void in their lives when they can easily fill it in real life.
#6 Jul 11 2005 at 9:34 AM Rating: Decent
somebody should kick him in the mangina.
#7 Jul 11 2005 at 9:37 AM Rating: Decent
NinjitsuSan wrote:


I had to read that a few times to "get it"....I spilled my coffee when I did!

#8 Jul 11 2005 at 9:52 AM Rating: Excellent
Weakness wrote:
-.-;; Okay I am going to try and have the balls to admit this... I already feel bad enough, please no mocking me.

Well for anyone who knows me in game, they know I have had my heart recently crushed by someone named Superwittykitty. Well little to my knowledge, I was not the first to have my heart stomped by this person.

It has recently come to my attention that Superwittykitty is really a man who likes playing sick jokes on lonely hearts such as myself. Two other men, two sexually confused little girls, and myself have all fell victim to this man.

He makes you believe he is a woman, tempts you, and earns your trust. And after he has your trust and makes you believe everything is going okay he will do something to completely crush you, such as cheat on you, leave you, or the like. I do realize this is just a game, but sometimes emotions do get involed. This is just a warning before anyone else gets hurt.

Thank you... -.-;; and please no jokes towards me... I feel bad enough and was ready to vomit when I found out it was a man.

Man...I remember talking to another person who was fooled by SWK about this last night (or night before last? I haven't slept in three days...they are all starting to run together now X.X) in game. I'm sorry you had to go through this, and I am again offering my apologies. Vana'diel is blessed with not having very many people like SWK, and I urge you to not lose faith in the people of Vana'diel just because of it.

To everyone else...becareful who you give your hearts to here. Although there aren't many people like SWK in Vana'diel (at least on Bismarck), there are a few.

Have faith Weakness, happiness will be yours eventually...just trust in it.

Edited, Mon Jul 11 10:53:28 2005 by Nightsintdreams
Proud citizen of Miranda.

-Currently on Pochacco Server of Hello Kitty Online.
#9 Jul 11 2005 at 10:13 AM Rating: Decent
416 posts
Sorry to hear this happened to you, You are very brave for coming out to say what you said. Also I give you the credit for letting others know about SWK and HIS sick jokes.

Let this be a lesson to all: Beware on-line (in-game) relationships. What you see is not always what you get.

And remember just cause they sent you a pic to your e-mail still doesn't mean it's really them.

I think we should rally together and teach SWK a lession. What he did is wrong to all levels. Just the fact that he pretends to be arl girl and plays with some guys heart, is just sick.
#10 Jul 11 2005 at 12:19 PM Rating: Decent
177 posts
Please, please don't paint all Mithra as evil pretenders just because of a few.

I was around when SWK was asked several times if he/she was male in RL - there was no answer from SWK. It was clear to me, at that time, SWK was male and didn't want to disclose it (for whatever reason). Didn't really matter to me, but I know it ultimately upset a few folks I was with. I'm sorry that anyone has been hurt or inappropriately manipulated by any player in the game - I admit that it's happened to me as well (with another player, not SWK).

I'm Mithra and am female in RL. I play the game as who I am in RL, not a pretender at all - guess it really means I'm not a good actress. When I started playing FFXI, I didn't know that a large number of Mithra are really Manthra. After investing so much time into my character, I don't want to switch races. However, with that said, I'm finding that Mithra are very hated by some players and have to assume it's because of the behaviour of a few. This hatred makes it hard for those of us, who only try to have fun and help other players, to find enjoyment in the game sometimes.

I've literally spent hours pulling Gob trains off people and killing bogeys in the Dunes, helping folks with subjob items, grabbing Wights, Giants and Weapons in Qufim to save a party - trying to make a difference to new players, trying to show that not all Mithra are low-life. Am I succeeding? Probably not, but I'm at least trying and it makes me feel better about my character.

THF 57 /RNG 41 /NIN 34 / BLM 29 /WHM 25 /WAR 20
#11REDACTED, Posted: Jul 11 2005 at 1:05 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) I'm sorry I'm sorry, but it must be said:
#12 Jul 11 2005 at 1:08 PM Rating: Decent
manponds {Do you need it?}
#13 Jul 11 2005 at 2:41 PM Rating: Decent
a safe bet is to always assume everyone is MALE. Try not to put those sorta feelings into the games.

Note that some guys will pretend to be girls to get favors, gils, items, in game etc.

#14 Jul 11 2005 at 2:49 PM Rating: Decent
1,215 posts
every time i see a mithra running around... i assume they look like this:

>> mithra's in FFO <<

better safe than sorry =p
#15 Jul 11 2005 at 5:12 PM Rating: Decent
229 posts
I'm sorry I'm sorry, but it must be said:


Ok First off Sirrobin, you are an insensitve jerk go troll some where else you asshat
(rate down, like you care)

Ok here we go it's Morty's Rant time...

I would like to open up by saying that with a game such as Final Fantasy, where literally thousands of people from all over the world play 8-10 hours per play session, it becomes a little more than just a game to some of us. Our alter egos become almost a facet of our own lives, SOME of us even dream of Vana'Diel and some of us work 8 hours a day taking **** from our bosses and the real world in general just to come home sit down and have a little fun with like minded individuals who we share many things in common.

This being said, is it odd or wrong to think that some of us who devote so much time into something we truely enjoy, would become somewhat attached to the people whom we share our digitized fantasy lives with? I say no, spending so much time in the World of Vana'Diel you gain friends and enemies, you meet people whom you share you triumphs and your tragedys, when something happens to you irl do you avoid sharing it with your friends in game? No you seek solace and sympathy among your friends, as i would assume you do irl as well.

How can any of you say that spending so much time with people whether or not they are "Real" or "In game" would not allow you to become emotionaly attached to these people. Some of you acctually condem people for treating the other players in our world as anything more than just NPC's. Theses are not randomly generated NPC's these are real people with thoughts, fears and dreams just like you or me. So you spend 8-10 hours a day being with someone leveling doing mission and quests and just sitting on a beach and talking about in game topics or real life topics and you expect people to not develope any emotional ties to these people just because they can not be seen.

Now I see alot of trolls running through several of these more recent "Dating" threads, talking **** to people because the have online relationships in a game that offer WEDDINGS! just because you are too big of a jerk to find yourself a nice person to spend your time with does not mean the rest of us need be plagued by your horrible atitude and you general feelings of worthlessness and sadness. I say to all you Haters in Vana'Diel why not try to find that specail someone. Instead of going to the local club and trying to hit on that perfect 10 who won't give you the time of day, and then hitting the shots till the beer goggles kick in and you get "Lucky". Take the time to get to know someone where sexual tension is not an issue where you can actually learn about a person, to know thier fears, thier joys and thier likes and dislikes.

Don't try to make yourself feel better by trashing a guy like Weakness just because he tried to find a person whom he Obviously had a lot in common with (perhaps too much). Now I am not saying you should trust any player who claims to be a woman, all i am saying is in a game such as this it is perfectly normal for people to fall for the people that they spend most of thier time awake with, and with people finding love all over the web with sevices such a EHarmony and Okcupid how is Final Fantasy so much differant.

So to wrap up an already too long rant.

Before any of you asshats decide to come on here and talk your smack about Weakness Look inside your self and ask...

"IF this happend to me, would I have the brass balls to come on to Alla boards and admit that I was scamed by a Manthra pretending to be a girl?". I think we all know that the answer to that questions for all you little haters and trolls is NO!.

Weakness you are a very brave man to admit this and I am truly sorry this had to happen to you. I am also truly sorry that some us can't seem to get our heads out of our asses long enough to just feel some sympathy for a fellow human.

#16 Jul 11 2005 at 5:43 PM Rating: Default
Hmmmm.. that's too bad... I would suggest, go out and meet some ppl in real life instead of going through a game where everyone "plays" a character.
#17 Jul 11 2005 at 6:07 PM Rating: Good
35 posts
Takes guts to admit that weakness my hat goes off to you... I am also sorry that happened too you I know how the feeling is ;.;. I also believe that it is best to find someone irl over a game, BUT! at the same time humans crave social interaction in forms they can get them in its in the genes ^^. So chin up you will find someone ^^b

Edited, Mon Jul 11 19:45:35 2005 by HolyMullen
#18 Jul 13 2005 at 10:41 AM Rating: Good
430 posts
Well, after suffering from such an embarrasing situation I have to commend you for having the guts to post this. This "Superwittykitty" is a sick freak... good to know.

I play a Mithra. At first it was completely for the stats... THF and RNG were two jobs I wanted to play before I even knew what they were capable of. Mithra just seemed to fit.

I used to get hit on all the time in the dunes lol. My LS got a big kick out of it. One LS mate came up with "My tail is in the front" as a way to inform players that the person behind the "OMFG hawt Kat chixxors!!1!11!one!!1eleventeen" was a Man. I've even had other girls say some pretty nice stuff to me thinking I was a Woman just because I was being nice to people. I had one say "I bet you're a really pretty girl IRL ^^" I laughed so hard at that I almost fell out of my chair. I replied "Actually, I'm a 6'4" MAN lmao"

To be honest, I feel kind of bad for the crap that female players must endure to play FFXI sometimes.

My advice to you is to just be more careful. Don't get so involved with someone unless you know it is worth your time and efforts. Take your time and build it up like a regular relationship, if that's the route you want to go. Also keep in mind that FFXI is a game, not a dating service lol. Don't assume anything either. That will get you in trouble.

In any case, I hope that you can move past this unfortunate event and just keep enjoying FFXI and the friends you have made. Thanks for passing this information along. Take care.

#19 Jul 13 2005 at 11:13 AM Rating: Excellent
Well, don't let me catch any of you turkeys that find this funny hanging out with some female character in-game. If I could bring that picture of the dude in the T-shirt with me, I'd flash it on your screens every time I passed you. -_-

Wisdom hears the lesson. Ignorance laughs.
#20 Jul 13 2005 at 11:21 AM Rating: Decent
396 posts
Wow. . .

Just wow. . .

Man, that really sucks. I`m sorry you had to go through such a humiliating experience. ; ;

Thank you for having the balls to come forward and tell everyone on our server about this freak. That`s very commendable of you.

I will say though, I`m not too surprised something like this has happened. It was only a matter of time. You must remember that people are just playing the role of a character and I guess this character was just a sick puppy looking to hurt someone.

I`m sorry you had to go through this. ; ;
#21 Jul 13 2005 at 1:03 PM Rating: Decent
940 posts
Had someone in my party last week who said SWK was her bi girlfriend. *shrugs* Sucks weakness, really sucks, but I must agree with the general opinion of this thread. If you are going to get into an online relationship, you must realize that half the "women" ingame are really men. Its a lot safer, albeit more stressful, to seek a relationship with someone in real life. IF you are going to get involved with someone in here though, try to get to know them as much as possible before letting your heart get attached. In a lot of cases, a phonecall between ingame couples is not out of the question, and it does help prove to some extent the gender of both players involved.
#22 Jul 13 2005 at 1:06 PM Rating: Decent
477 posts
I would just like to state for the record.. I really am a chick.... MYEAH
#23 Jul 13 2005 at 1:11 PM Rating: Decent
354 posts
That is a terrible thing that happened, Weakness, and you have the lot of players on Gilgamesh bowing to you for having the courage to warn Bismark. I came here after I read your post on the main forum, and it just blew me away. I'm deeply sorry you had to go through that, coming from a player who found the person he loves on XI.

There is that fear of "is this person who they say he/she is?" and even after a phone call, it's still there. I had the pleasure of meeting the woman I met, and she's amazing ^^ I'm sure you will have the same happiness. It is more than a game, it's a lifestyle. Who hasn't accidently hit the ESC key when they were typing a letter and needed to delete a line? Hell, I even tried to rotate some imaginary camera I had the other day to see who bumped into me walking down the sidewalk. You play this long enough, and it becomes a part of you. It's neither a good nor bad thing, it's what you make it. Sad that some people can't understand that it does go beyond just clicking that POL icon. It's logging into another world.
#24 Jul 13 2005 at 9:01 PM Rating: Decent
727 posts
I can confirm that Jade is a chick
#25 Jul 14 2005 at 12:47 AM Rating: Good
That does takes balls to admit you were duped, and everyone is going to have different opinions on online/in-game relationships. So keep comments to yourselves on that. I know a lot of hot chics who play male characters in online games. Statistically speaking 70% of female characters are really dudes, and 40% of male characters are female people in real life. But nowadays you have to watch people wherever you meet them, not just online. At last online hopefully you had some cheaper dates.
#26 Jul 14 2005 at 1:53 AM Rating: Excellent
Note that some guys will pretend to be girls to get favors, gils, items, in game etc

OK, now, wtf is up with THIS one.

I am a real chick. I'm the genuine article; I don't go to the proctologist, I was never first string on my highschool football team, I don't click on ads that tell me to enlarge my ***** or else. I don't think Jenna Jameson is hot. I don't like ramen noodles.

Now, in spite of all this, I have NEVER, EVER, had a guy try to buy me some awesome item. I would like to know what it is that a video game chick can do to get the bling bling, because I guess I missed that lecture; I skipped Home Ec half the time, so I blame that.

I have tried this with my LS:


Now, that's cute, right? I think that's pretty hot. If I was a guy I'd fall all over myself buying astral rings for a face like that. Actually, here I can do even better:

Smiley: clown

Please mail your Astral Rings and assorted other bling to Sioux. Just talk to Gawful next to the Bastok AH, he's got the hookup.

If some part of you is hesitating, like 'man, she's tryin' to manipulate me', all I have to say to you is *^^*.

Silliness aside:

If a chick is trying to get something out of you, then she's messin' with you. Even if it is a real girl, she's playin' a bad bad game. Tell her kindly to quit gold-digging you, go on about your business, and if she gives you crap for that then you have the real picture.
Actual, normal chicks don't want your items. We want to kick your butt in Ballista. Smiley: clown
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