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Is it wrong to expect a RDM or BRD in party post 55?Follow

#1 Jul 11 2005 at 11:03 PM Rating: Decent
940 posts
So yeah, I have a funny feeling this is gonna turn into a rant and get me a rate down, I apologize in advance.
My question is this, is it wrong of me to expect a RDM or BRD in a party, post 55?
Lately, i keep getting parties from these DRG or MNK packed parties, that have PLD, WHM, BLM, but no RDM or BRD. the MP runs out after about chain 3 IF we are lucky. When I leveled as a RDM, it was my understanding, that after Refresh, RDMs or BRDs beame mandatory for a good party. Now, I am seeing parties get 1k per hour fighting VT bunnies in Cape Terrigen with no RDM or BRD and thinking they are doing good. I am sorry, but WTF has happened?! I usually wind up leaving those parties, I try to make an excuse usually for going, but even so, half the time i get my butt chewed for it.
Most chalk it up to me being "spoiled" as a Ranger. Maybe they are right. My take on it is this. If i am spending the same amount of gil in a 1k exp per hour party on ammo and food as i am in a 4-5k exp per hour party, then i am literally just pissing my gil away. heck, i might as well be playing the casinoes in jeuno. Smiley: banghead
#2 Jul 12 2005 at 12:06 AM Rating: Decent
478 posts
Well on the rdm thing, I think I will rant.
It is not wrong to hope for a rdm or brd, however most of the time theres only like 3 rdms who are already in a pt and 1 jp brd that refuses to pt. Ya know what sucks about that? the mages whm, blm, smn refuse to pt until one of rdms or brds frees up. So the mages hold pts back for a rdm that may or might not show up. Ive waited in a pt for over an hour waiting for a friggin rdm or brd to show up to then have the tank say "***** this" leave and then the mage that insisted on waiting on a friggin rdm or brd decide to leave. Straight out thats wrong. I know a rdm or brd is great but the reality is that if there are 3 rdm and 1 brd for 11 pts 7 of those pts will not be pting because the mages dont want to pt. And thats fine because its their choice. But if u decide to join a pt be aware that you might not get a rdm or a brd. Dont make a pt wait an hour and a half waiting on a rdm or brd that MIGHT log on. Suck it up and part with some gil for some juice. That or dont friggin pt. Hell or dont accept an invite until they have rdm.

Sorry for the rant but it **** me off when 4 other ppl have to wait an hour because the mage cant god forbid have their crack dealer. No crack dealer usually means no whm.
#3 Jul 12 2005 at 1:53 AM Rating: Good
SE really should do something about this. I'm shooting my class in the butt and I really don't mean it that way, but *no* job should have the potential to make or break a successful party.

I would be happier if SE added another MP management class, or at least gave PLD the ability to regen and manage MP. I don't like turning down invites, sometimes I'm busy one has ever been an *** about it, but it would be pretty wrong if a party somewhere broke up because I was collecting the skins off bunnies for some goofy Level 1 Fame quest in Sandy. ><

I try to be available as much as possible, I'm always happy to get a party just as much as when I'm on my DRG, and I stay until the party breaks. I hope SE addresses this, parties shouldn't just *not work* because you can't find someone of a particular job class.
#4 Jul 12 2005 at 2:03 AM Rating: Decent
6,424 posts
PTs don't need RDM or BRD, but they will have to compensate somehow. For instance, the WHM should have a vermillion cloak, SMN sub, and drink yagudo drinks/juices (synthing them on the spot)

A PT with PLD as main tank will have much more downtime without RDM/BRD, hence you go with NIN.
#5 Jul 12 2005 at 7:31 AM Rating: Decent
238 posts
I carry my own juices as a smn all the time, and i've had the fortune of pt'ing with a paladin who did the same on occasions. Ninja has to blow an unholy amount on the proper tools to keep hate, so why should paladins have a problem with dropping by the merry minstrel before they leave and just picking up a few juices or synthing them themselves to keep hate? Rdm/brd don't make or break parties through their own power, people are just lazy enough to let them by not taking the situation in hand themselves.
#6 Jul 12 2005 at 8:07 AM Rating: Good
416 posts
PTs don't need RDM or BRD, but they will have to compensate somehow. For instance, the WHM should have a vermillion cloak, SMN sub, and drink yagudo drinks/juices (synthing them on the spot)

A PT with PLD as main tank will have much more downtime without RDM/BRD, hence you go with NIN.

I would have to agree. It's not SE's fault people grew that they feel they need a Rdm or Brd in order to get good exp. That's what foods are for.

It's the same thing as when you go into a high level area and you need a Whm or Rdm to sneak/Invis you, instead of coming prepared and bring a stack of powders and oils.
#7 Jul 12 2005 at 8:34 AM Rating: Good
425 posts
Yes, but silent oils and prism powders stack, while juices do not.
#8 Jul 12 2005 at 8:54 AM Rating: Decent
22 posts
Yes, but silent oils and prism powders stack, while juices do not.

I a way Juices can stack. I feel that every WHM/BLM/SMN/RDM that wants to reduce any MP regen concerns should level their cooking to at least 30.

Pinapple Juice (30)
Water Crystal
Kazham Pineapple x2

1MP/sec for 4 minutes = 80MP

I carry around the raw materials for making Juices when I level my WHM. It cuts down on waiting on MP time, thus making the party move a bit faster.
#9 Jul 12 2005 at 8:59 AM Rating: Good
425 posts
Yes, I know all about Pineapple Juice. I carry around the ingredients with me for my lvl 32 PLD. Yet, there is a time when 80 MP over the span of 4 minutes is about as useful as sticking your finger in a **** to stop the flood.
#10 Jul 12 2005 at 9:01 AM Rating: Good
542 posts
Yes, but silent oils and prism powders stack, while juices do not.

Every ten levels in cooking there's a juice. Even if its just orange juice(level 10 synth) its better than nothing. I usually carry the stuff to make juices for my pt members considering most juice ingriedients(sp?) are fairly cheap anyway if you know where to go.
#11 Jul 12 2005 at 9:08 AM Rating: Decent
1,502 posts
Speaking as someone who makes parties pretty often, I'd say it is wrong to expect a BRD or RDM. Don't get me wrong, I think parties generally run faster and pull more exp in with em, and I'll usually bust my *** trying to get one.

But when you have 5 people waiting and other suitable (but refresh-lacking) jobs LFP, you need to start asking yourself if the increased EXP from better chains is really worth sitting around Jeuno with your thumb up your butt for another hour getting 0 EXP.
#12 Jul 12 2005 at 9:12 AM Rating: Good
425 posts
Yes, but let's remember that these jobs do offer other useful services to a party besides being Refresh/Ballad whores.
#13 Jul 12 2005 at 9:35 AM Rating: Good
416 posts
Yes I know Juices don't stack but the ingredients do... The problem is everyone has this "No, we need this to get exp"

It's about the same sh*t as the low level party needs a "power leveler".. "No we need a PL to get good exp".

When you look at it, it's about the same mentality. IMHO exp is exp. Something is better then nothing at all. even if it is 1-5k per hour instead of 6-8k per hour.

no exp party is dependant on one job. And what gets me is this just goes back to treating Rdms and Brd (less so much on the Brd side) as nothing more then a Refresh *****.

#14 Jul 12 2005 at 9:41 AM Rating: Decent
1,502 posts
Well the "refresh *****" is kinds the flipside of all those nice invites. Yes, I agree, RDMs and BRDs are capable of bringing a lot more to a party than just Refresh. However, I'm struggling to think of anything else they can do that is a: deemed "necessary" to get exp by certain players and b: cannot be done by another job.

It's the Refresh capabilities that give them that jump from "handy" to "indispensible" let's be honest here.
#15 Jul 12 2005 at 11:42 AM Rating: Good
416 posts
[]Well the "refresh *****" is kinds the flipside of all those nice invites. Yes, I agree, RDMs and BRDs are capable of bringing a lot more to a party than just Refresh. However, I'm struggling to think of anything else they can do that is a: deemed "necessary" to get exp by certain players and b: cannot be done by another job.

It's the Refresh capabilities that give them that jump from "handy" to "indispensible" let's be honest here.[/]

And this is where I have to say you are wrong. Lets look at the list of things that give us Rdm's the edge
1) Refresh
2) Dispel
3) higher Enfeebling stick rate
4) Convert
5) Chain Spell
6) Fast Cast
7) Clear Mind I, II, III (mp regen while healing)
8) Magic Attack Up I, II, III
9) Fast Cast I, II, III

I think this about covers it. So you still things Refresh is our only trait worth our time?
#16 Jul 12 2005 at 12:32 PM Rating: Decent
292 posts
RdmKelton: As sad as it may sound, yes.

Currently i'm leveling up rdm (25 in kazham) and unless there are no blm/whm/smn seeking, i'm not usually going to get a party. I imagine things will get a little bit better once i get Dispel, but until then i'm just blank space and praying until the time i get refresh. BRD's are lucky they get ballade at 25. =(

Edited, Tue Jul 12 13:32:59 2005 by KamakazeKat
#17 Jul 12 2005 at 12:33 PM Rating: Good
Ok lets be real here hell yes I want a rdm or brd in my pt. Rdms and brds do much more than refresh a good(key word) one will keep your xp rolling in. Debuffing a mob is very important(god I wish more damn brds and rdm to this) Paralzye most important spell use it. Blind, gravity, dia, poison, etc use it please. Most mobs cant even swing saves lives, as for the refresher in pt yes we all want one but a smn can save alot of mp with blink, stoneskin, etc all the buffs they give a pt so find one.
The best pt I ever had was a pld whm 2rng brd and a smn will killed blaggers at 63 got 300 on the first 370 on chain1 and 420 on chain2 so if you can get a brd or rdm get one if not get a smn.

PS. Anna girl you rock the rng acc song from a brd turns rngs into gods lol

pld was sel
whm was sophie
rng was me
rng was blue
brd was anna
smn was cid
rng was stinna(there before blue)

Edited, Tue Jul 12 13:39:11 2005 by snakeeyesOfBismark
#18 Jul 12 2005 at 12:38 PM Rating: Default
940 posts
As a former Red Mage, I must agree with the above poster. Myself, as a Ranger now, i find it is not so much a RDMs refresh capabilities I miss most when one is not present, but rather, the enfeebles, and the dispels. Lets be honest. Everyone tends to fight things in this game that, all things considered, are not really that dangerous. Crabs and beetles, crabs and beetles, toss in a crawler or two, lather, rinse, repeat. Without dispel, said mobs constantly raise their defenese and or evasion, making it take that much longer for the party to bring them down, there by making the mages and PLD (if applicable) spend even more of their MP per fight. Now, several posters mentioned mages using juices. You know what? I totally agree with that. BUT, in 56 levels as a ranger, i have yet to see a single mage use such items. The current trends i see are people trying to level their jobs on the cheap (example: rangers with level 12 NIN subs and beetle arrows post 50, mentioned in a previous thread.)

Ah hell, I've gone and started ranting again! >.< /end rant
#19 Jul 12 2005 at 1:06 PM Rating: Decent
1,788 posts
Sorry guys, I'm on the Fenrir server, but noticed this thread right away. Being a RDM myself, I was immediately interested.

Here's my view though. You don't need a RDM or BRD at all to party. Some people have made some very good points about the use of food. To me personally, it's like the old debate of "Should mages be required to cast sneak and invis on the melee members of the party". The answer to that ofcourse applies here as well. It's a luxury. Nothing more, nothing less. During those times when that luxury isn't available, you may have to spend some gil no matter if you like it or not.

Another thing is people have to take into consideration that the RDMs and BRDs on your server may not always want to exp. This is where I differ slightly from Sioux in opinion. If I'm the reason a party can't go forward, that is pretty stupid, but it's not my fault if I have other plans no matter how ridiculous the task I may be doing. I hate having to turn people down, so usually put "(Experiance Points)(Party)=(No thanks)" in my search comment, but sometimes that doesn't even stop the invites and the begging. I've been told off before because I turned down an invite because I was crafting and farming before, and unfortunately I need gil like everyone else. This is why 99% of the time I'm anon these days. On my server some people (definately not all) are just plain rude.

We are however characters, just like everyone else. We also have needs like everyone else. From our point of view, you would think that others think our only need is to constantly party. Aluus, being a former RDM, can't you see where they all go? Or why some of us retire this job in the 60's? Perhaps we don't always want to be depended on, but is it our fault people are spoiled by our presance? I personally can't stand it when players try to put me on a guilt trip because they are 4k tnl, and want me to stay so they can get their level. This hurts when you have to be up for work at 6am and it's almost 1am. Then you of course become the bad guy when you can't stay.

Ok... no more ranting. This topic has lots of factors and things to consider. Should be interesting, and I'll be reading along.
#20 Jul 12 2005 at 1:21 PM Rating: Default
940 posts
Ack, well slap me around and call me a taru, I have gone and become one of "them." The above poster has me by the balls so to speak. I myself gave up RDM over many of the issues RDMs deal with. For me it was how parties tend to make the RDM the scapegoat whenever something goes wrong. The WHM sets off his benediction macro on accident, some how its the RDMs fault. The PLD is refreshed, but blows all his MP on banish spells, its the RDMs fault. The BLM decides to start the fight with Quake and dies, uh-oh, RDMs fault SOME HOW. I finally snapped and said to hell with it. Now i am a Ranger, arguably the damage dealing job that gets it butt kissed the most. I guess I have become jaded from both being a ranger, and from how when i was a RDM, there was an excess of us on the server at the time. *shrugs* sorry for ********
#21 Jul 12 2005 at 1:29 PM Rating: Decent
If there are no tank jobs available are you going to wait for one?
#22 Jul 12 2005 at 1:48 PM Rating: Good
425 posts
Had this happen a couple days ago, actually. Had a WHM (who eventually left), RDM, DRG, DRK and BLM...just waiting around looking for a tank. Finally got ahold of a NIN that refused to level with a WHM, and would only XP with a BRD. So then we had to find a BRD. Glad I knew one at that level range that was looking to XP.

#23 Jul 12 2005 at 2:57 PM Rating: Decent
1,502 posts
I think this about covers it. So you still things Refresh is our only trait worth our time?

No, I acknowledged before that RDM do bring other things to the table, but I still wouldn't say anything on your list other than Refresh (the fact that you put it at the top of your own list kinda shows it's importance) could prevent a party from pulling in decent exp due to it's absence.
#24 Jul 12 2005 at 3:00 PM Rating: Decent
450 posts
Simply put with a good pt filled with people willing to spend a little extra gil RDM and/or BRD are not needed to xp ever. Heck pre 32 but mostly 41 a RDM isn't wanted in pts, pre 25 a BRD is brought on for buffs >.> so not an mp ***** there even post 25 they aren't really brought on as a "Refresh requirement since they give a whopping 1mp/tic they are still there to make the pt members better with buffs.

Since it was commented post 55 I will only include my comments to 55+ about this comment:

And this is where I have to say you are wrong. Lets look at the list of things that give us Rdm's the edge
1) Refresh
2) Dispel
3) higher Enfeebling stick rate
4) Convert
5) Chain Spell
6) Fast Cast
7) Clear Mind I, II, III (mp regen while healing)
8) Magic Attack Up I, II, III
9) Fast Cast I, II, III

1) Refresh - Um ya Juice >.> /SMN
2) Dispel - against a beetle? got a SMN with fenrir Lunar Cry cancels evasion buffs. Crawlers? Acid bolts Add Effect cancels Cacoon. that's about all i can really think of that i cared about being dispeled. Oh Shell, ok i'll give you that one since i think its stupid to use fenrir dispel. 64+ who cares get a /rdm the resist rate isn't that high if ever.
3) Enfeebles - Ok lets see what job really needs a mob to be enfeebed to function far better? Oh ya NIN well hmmm they can do it themselves o.O wow guess what i've seen good NINs land spells better than a RDM even at 70. Oh don't have a NIN tank ok well hey WHM and BLM both have AF with Enfeeble+10 to help out aside from having a higher base stat in the corresponding stat.
4) Convert - Um ya i've never seen a good RDM need to use this outside of being brought on as a support+nuker, and even then better RDMs that i know can still go without it. And then you know you could actually med mid battle like a WHM or BLM would do when they aren't needed drastically.
5) Chainspell - Um ya ok so you can Chainspell to Escape other than that i have yet to see a point to this in xp outside of your own personal fun/
6) Fast Cast - Um ya I don't think people care if you get a spell out 10-30% faster, i don't.
7) Clear Mind - your MP should never be a problem of the rest of the party considering you use the least typically(baring a WHM with a NIN tank)
8) Magic Attack Up - If i really wanted to rely on this i'de get a BLM or a NIN/BLM.
9) Fast Cast - I'm guess this was a typo so check #5.

Can't XP without a PLD or NIN? um you ever seen a MNK or WAR tank VTs?

Well my time is up so off i go, no 1 job in the game is needed to get good xp people just have to be willing to adjust to a given situation.
#25 Jul 12 2005 at 3:21 PM Rating: Decent
1,788 posts
You Bismarck guys are funny. You seriously had a NIN who wouldn't party without a BRD, and hated WHMs? Wow, what a tool. Right away, if thats the setup he wants, I'd ask the RDM, "Is that the setup you want?" Because that means this NIN expects the RDM to heal, handle status effects, hastes, dispels, etc.

When I play my RDM, I usually would like to stick Bamboo chutes under my fingernails before gaining the responsibilty of playin main healer in addition to everything else. Bard or no Bard, thats something you do if there are no healers available.

You should of told your NIN there to, "Have fun!" and held out for a PLD or even a WAR...
#26 Jul 12 2005 at 3:43 PM Rating: Good
425 posts
Actually, the lack of a WHM came back to bite him on the *** when a goblin bomb one-shotted his *** and he had to eat an R1, because that's all we had in the party.
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