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#127 Aug 22 2005 at 8:46 AM Rating: Decent

Now that I have your attention sorry to adding to this dreaded topic.

Drebond's up and comming Dynamis LS UltimaForce had a "reservation" for Dynamis-San d'Oria last night according to the reservation website

Shamanking and FE shows up and breaks their glass and goes in ahead of UltimaForce, while Drebond tried to be nice and explain to Shamanking the "reservation" (Before all of FE was there and before the glass was broke).

Shamanking played stupid and said "too late I already broke my glass and we're going in".

With that FE went in and were incredible jerks about it. Shamanking knows damn well about the "reservations" and such as Shamanking is an ex-AD member and knows enough about dynamis i'm sure.

Anyway it boils down to FE being nothing but a bunch of greedy ignorant fcukers and don't give a crap about anyone else. **** like this can be detrimental to a "new" dynamis LS just starting out who try to abide by the "status quo" set fourth by the server's established dynamis linkshells.
#128 Aug 22 2005 at 9:12 AM Rating: Good
762 posts
I talked to Shamanking and so did Valkerine, even if he did play dumb, have to give him the benefit of the doubt because he said he would post his schedule from now on in the Dynamis schedule. I can't keep track of shells if I am not told they are doing Dynamis.
#129 Aug 22 2005 at 9:52 AM Rating: Decent
Clerico wrote:
I talked to Shamanking and so did Valkerine, even if he did play dumb, have to give him the benefit of the doubt because he said he would post his schedule from now on in the Dynamis schedule. I can't keep track of shells if I am not told they are doing Dynamis.

You do a fine job Lui.

Drebond was very nice about it and tried to work out an alternative with Shamanking, who ignored him and played really really dumb, then broke his glass and went in anyway...without trying to come to some sort of resolve.
#130 Aug 22 2005 at 10:47 AM Rating: Decent
Who cares if there is a posting on That is not an official Dynamis site.
I do Dynamis all the time and this is the 1st I ever heard of it. I say whoever is there and ready to go, should go in.

Suck it up and stop crying.
#131 Aug 22 2005 at 11:24 AM Rating: Decent
Dingleberries wrote:
That is not an official Dynamis site.

Then tell us what is?

#132 Aug 22 2005 at 11:55 AM Rating: Good
306 posts
If Iron made a thread about who get which HNM, would you follow it? Hell no. This is not an official schedule rather than a few linkshells that decided to come together so there weren't conflict. Everyone can do whichever dynamis they want and you have no right to say otherwise.

I still think FE are a bunch of a**holes and what they did was technically not morally right. But then again, have they ever been morally right?
#133 Aug 22 2005 at 12:02 PM Rating: Decent
117 posts
As usual drama is outpacing reality by leaps and bounds.

When Shaman broke the glass, FE has 30 some people ready to enter and get to work. Drebond was there with exactly one other person. If you have done dynamis then you know how it works. If you say you are going to start at 6, then 90% of your LS members won't be there until 7. At that point, you have another half hour of Oh wait I need to log to mule for ammo, or i need switch jobs, or OH CRAP I HAVE NO FOOD, RUNNING TO AH NOW! Now if you are lucky, you may get in by 7:30 but usually the final party shuffle will get you in after that.

So while I am sure Drebond was annoyed as SK for going in, the reality was no way they would have been ready by 7.

SK has already said we will post future Dynamis runs on IronMog. There is absolutely no reason to keep bashing FE except to feed your need for drama. The last 130 replies to this thread prove you don't like us, you really don't need another 130 saying the same damn thing.
#134 Aug 22 2005 at 12:23 PM Rating: Good
You're totally right Belgrath.

Anyway, yes, Much appreciative if all the NA LS's would coordinate Dynamis times so NOBODY ends up with 40 peoples time wasted...just plain ignorant the attitude of FE last night.

Forgive me for pointing it out.

#135 Aug 22 2005 at 1:28 PM Rating: Decent
762 posts
The whole point of creating the schedule was so we could avoid situations like this. How could you not want something like this? Would you react the same way if some linkshell came in and pushed you out of a time that you had planned a week in advance? Does someone get on ForceElite's MPK list because they were prepared to go into Dynamis first?

IRON has graciously given me the space to put the schedule up on their forums, the schedule is not run or managed by IRON, it is run and managed by ME, because I was the one who came up with the idea, and I was the one who has been putting in the work in order for linkshells to coordinate an event that does not conflict with each other. This is not HNM, you cannot predict exact HNM spawn times, and the competition involved with camping the HNM is part of the fun (so I've heard). Why can't people seperate Dynamis as a completely different can of worms? It is something that you plan in advance, based on a reservation system. Now, if every linkshell worked together, then the reservations would work so that no linkshell conflicts with each other, and every linkshell gets to do Dynamis when they want. Dynamis can pretty much happen only twice a week, and everyone gets their opportunity to do Dynamis.

Why do you have to throw **** on something that pretty much every dynamis linkshell on the server has been working to use? Even ForceElite now has said that they will use it (only time will tell). I know some of you hate organization and live your lives as lazy slobs with a "me me me" attitude, but this is something that works, and I a detest any idiot who comes along and says that this schedule is a waste of space and should not be paid attention to. Coordination is the key to make sure that every Dynamis linkshell gets to do the dynamis at the time they want without conflicting with other linkshells. This schedule is meant to avoid drama in thinking someone "stole" their time. So far it has worked for what, 6 months now? Why start ******** about it now?

Oh wait, I know why, because you all read everything on BBL like it's coming from the mouth of God. That explains everything.
#136 Aug 22 2005 at 10:58 PM Rating: Default
Just a minor misunderstanding really...
Japanese people do dynamis too, so should we get pissed at them if they go in 1.5 hours before someone else is about to because they didn't check a website?

FE will try and avoid this situation in the future. We do not want all this drama that has been randomly created, for most of it is about nothing. Sorry for the misunderstanding, it will not happen again.
#137 Aug 23 2005 at 10:48 AM Rating: Decent
Lui, you are so gay. Not every Linkshell has been using your pages.

"me me me" attitude,

You’re the last one that should be pointing fingers. When something does not go your way, you are one of the biggest cry babies on the server.
#138 Aug 23 2005 at 11:44 AM Rating: Decent
762 posts
For someone who hides behind a fake screen name, you sure have a lot of room to talk crap.

Read my post again (if you know how to read), I said nearly every dynamis linkshell, I'm not so naive to think that this is used by all the linkshells, since I can't speak Japanese.

Hmmm, calls me gay, a crybaby, gee this sounds like someone everyone knows and hates. Either that or you're just one of the mindless zombies of the emo trio.
#139 Aug 23 2005 at 12:25 PM Rating: Good
This is off topic and for that I apologize but I have no interest in bashing or defending FE as I know none of them personally.

But what I do want to know is who are the Emo trio? ( i laughed out loud when I read it). If you dont want to post who and why in here then just PM it to me. Thats hilarious.


(sorry for thread hijack wont happen again in this thread I PROMISE)
#140 Aug 23 2005 at 12:34 PM Rating: Good
762 posts
Rustymetal, Killuminati, and his waste of a sibling Hoodlum, were responsible for much of the griefing on the server before the first two got banned for incessant cheating, harassment of SE employees, and being dumb enough to post their exploitation of the game on .. yes, our server has so many problems that we merit our own website.
#141 Aug 23 2005 at 12:37 PM Rating: Decent
I have no idea who the emo trio are, but I do know you from experience.

Edited, Tue Aug 23 13:36:29 2005 by Dingleberries
#142 Aug 23 2005 at 12:54 PM Rating: Default
Well i dont anyone by the name of dingleberries. Sorry boss. Thanks for you hasty response Clerico. I thought that was who you were referencing (all though the name Emo trio still seems odd to me, although highly amusing). Ok so now im really gonna leave this thread alone.

You high lvl kids need to all be nice to each other. This is a game so have fun ^^


#143 Aug 23 2005 at 12:57 PM Rating: Good
762 posts
Please enlighten us all Mr. Dingleberries, who are you in game?

Edited, Tue Aug 23 14:16:57 2005 by Clerico
#144 Aug 23 2005 at 5:12 PM Rating: Decent
110 posts
I think I'll throw in my two cents in here.

Posting this info up on AK probably isn't the most tactful way to get the word out about FE practices but it's effective none the less. I think that people should know about these kinds of things. It's always a good thing for other LSs to know about low-integertiy shells before things get out of hand. MPKing is in no way acceptable behavior, and definately shouldn't be condoned by the leaders of a HNM shell. I know for a fact that I would never tolerate that kinda crap out of my shell, nor would any of the other respectable HNMshells out there. Allowing such practices puts a very bad reputation over FE, which is a shame seeing as FE is such a new shell. FE people posting here arn't helping their case any. Ya'll are just making yourselves look worse. You continue to support actions that no one else agrees with as well as making yourselves look not only immature but also very condescending and elitist. Shaman, if I were you, I'd suggest trying to fix these problems before your LS's reputation goes totally to hell, and get some new spokespersons for the shell, cause the people representing your shell are justing digging a deeper hole for you.

Kulgan saves much time typing up my opinion ^^;

If any players in Bismark read those policies, they will put FE on their F-list.

End of story,
#145 Aug 23 2005 at 5:50 PM Rating: Default
See my face? This is my not understanding face.
If you actually know FE, you would know our policy is:
If someone ***** with us, we **** with them back.
Doesn't this make sense?
If someone punches you in the face, you are gonna punch back, not stare at them dumbfounded as he kicks your ***.
So, in order for FE to offend people, we would have to get offended first (except for the few misunderstanding with a few people we have had).
What does this mean?
You would have to be an ******* before we are allowed to be ********.
If you are all the angels you say you are, you have nothing to worry about. NOTHING. So you are complaining why?
#146 Aug 23 2005 at 6:58 PM Rating: Decent
417 posts
Alright. Time to put in my two cents. I've seen this post up for....ehh, a few weeks atleast, and just sorta flicked it off. But when I actually read it, I decide that it is time to post.

Now, I understand that this linkshell has the policy to "let the first punch be thrown" and I completely agree to that, but the whole MPK thing....just no. If someone beats you to a NM for whatever reason, by all means, just take it in stride, even if they steal it. You guys do 16-25 gods a week? I seriously doubt that one god is going to put a damper on your income, and MPKing over it is just going to worsen your reputation, and create a rivalry.

These are my thoughts on this situation. To anyone on the linkshell that I and everyone on this post are posting about, feel free to flame me, as I have the very good talent of ignoring things, as I see fit. :)
#147 Aug 23 2005 at 7:10 PM Rating: Default
Sirrobin wrote:

If you are all the angels you say you are, you have nothing to worry about. NOTHING.


No futher reponse. haha.

#148 Aug 23 2005 at 7:21 PM Rating: Decent
124 posts
If someone punches you in the face, you are gonna punch back, not stare at them dumbfounded as he kicks your ***.

Yep, because we all know being MPK'd on a videogame is like getting into a fist fight.
#149 Aug 23 2005 at 9:25 PM Rating: Default
wow, metaphore anyone?

Now, I understand that this linkshell has the policy to "let the first punch be thrown" and I completely agree to that, but the whole MPK thing....just no. If someone beats you to a NM for whatever reason, by all means, just take it in stride, even if they steal it. You guys do 16-25 gods a week? I seriously doubt that one god is going to put a damper on your income, and MPKing over it is just going to worsen your reputation, and create a rivalry.

The most common misconception. We do not, repeat, do not, MPK people that win a claim. We go ";;" in ls chat and move on. The only problems that other people have with FE is our MPK policy, and that is the only reason we have gotten in arguments online with other linkshells. I find it funny that if our policy had never been posted, a ton of drama would be saved. Most people would not hate us without knowing us. In short, alot of over-reacting and drama has been created that had no business being started. ^^
#150 Aug 24 2005 at 1:11 AM Rating: Decent
306 posts
Dalthalia, LadyRiku, and Spliff are who made it worse on your linkshell, not us. If you had kindly explained those posts then none of this would've happened. They're the ones who were truly hurting your linkshells image.
#151 Aug 24 2005 at 11:48 AM Rating: Decent
117 posts
More pointless drama about "MPK".

The reality of the situation is that we don't MPK people today nor do we plan to MPK people in the future.

So get off of your soapbox and save your righteousness until we actually DO something to warrant it.

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