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the official HATER thread..Follow

#1 Oct 06 2005 at 11:00 PM Rating: Default
1,002 posts
yeah yeah, get your panties in a wad... this thread is for us to call out the people who HATE on people, for no apperent reason..

so you all know who i am gonna call out..

good ol Tsetsuo

yep, here is why... He has been sending people PM about me now..
haha, i know, and accept the fact that this thread is very immature, and will be nothing but a big flame war.. but cmon, thats the only reason we come to these forums anymore anyways..

so sad..

anyways.. TseTsuo seems to think my Raffle was a big scheme to get rich quick.. Sorry bro, but i have already been rich, dont need to get rich quick, cause i already am.. And you go on to say that i changed my reasons for it, because i got called out..

I didnt get called out on anything..

anyways, here is the little PM he sent somebody, who was wondering why TseTsuo was such a grade A prick, and why he HATES on me so much..

[quote=TseTsuo the big whiny ******** not sure how me sharing my opinion leaves me with no class but we are both entitled to our opinions as we both have shown.

It is very obvious why you would charge a high amount of gil in order to win alot more. You do this if you are trying to make money. But why would someone who is quitting do this?

"to take up crafting" hmmm well why not just sell your stuff off to fund this occasional crafting.....oh wait thats what he's saying he's doing now after a few people called him out on it.

The fact is think good ol hiptaru is just creating another publicity stunt to further his own bank and whats sad is so many people from an intelligent community don't seem to see this.

And my name is not that hard to spell.

Just because you don't agree with what I say, doesn't mean it isn't true. [/quote]

damn dude, why you gotta hate so much.. its ironic with me creating this thread that i am now HATING on you.. but geez, you take what was going to be the largest raffle ever, and try to make it into some big elaborate scheme that i have been planning lol..

Dude, i am so glad i dont play this game anymore, for reasons of people like you.. Sure i will log in from time to time.. and you ask , why dont i just sell my stuff.. well sorry dude, i actually am giving that stuff to my close friends in game..

It really blows my mind how people like you have friends in game anyways, you truly are the posterboy of negativity and lonliness.

Well, time to go back downstairs and drink some vodka, smoke a doobie, and play some Fable..

If anybody else has somebody they want to call out as being a HATER then by all means... use this thread.. peace.

let the mud flinging begin.

#2 Oct 06 2005 at 11:08 PM Rating: Decent
727 posts
That is hating to its fullest.
#3 Oct 07 2005 at 12:42 AM Rating: Good
1,391 posts
I never really hated anyone in game, and I'm not sure if anyone hated me either... O.o;; though Terrestrialrage did bug me, but he was more of an annoyance then someone I hated.

Meh, guess I am just an easy going person. No need to hate, love for everyone <3... make that love and cookies for everyone.

v(^.^)=@ >=(o.0);;

EDIT: AHHH!! I got caught in the cross fire. ; ; Please don't rate down my post.

Edited, Fri Oct 7 02:53:54 2005 by Weakness
#4 Oct 07 2005 at 12:57 AM Rating: Decent
386 posts
this sounds like just another attention ***** thread -_-
#5 Oct 07 2005 at 1:27 AM Rating: Decent
1,002 posts
your so 1337 fire, i wishi could be just like you..


bring the hate.. and rate the fuc[Antiquewhite][/Antiquewhite]kin thread back up lol...

#6 Oct 07 2005 at 1:36 AM Rating: Decent
92 posts
you wonder why your karma is constantly under 3.00 and then insult everyone make a hate thread and try to start drama hmm.. I wonder why please help me understand this hard concept!
#7 Oct 07 2005 at 3:08 AM Rating: Good
617 posts

Edited, Fri Oct 7 04:39:26 2005 by seraphimhunter
#8 Oct 07 2005 at 10:06 AM Rating: Good
I hate Neptunenin.

Go go gadget gilsellers.

I kill you.
#9 Oct 07 2005 at 10:54 AM Rating: Decent
I don't really hate anyone in game either..

Oh except Drebond, he's a pain with his lame Casino and shouts and plus he did really hurt one of my friends. But I guess that doesn't matter anymore because I have my friend account now.
#10 Oct 07 2005 at 4:09 PM Rating: Good
594 posts
You know what I hate? I hate logging on to alla now and looking at the server forum and seeing no useful information at all.....

It use to be that you could find useful information or join a chat about a certain aspect of the game. Now it's all 'I hate you' 'Do you know me' 'This person sucks' 'My *** hurts'.....

It's absolutely ridiculous. Take a look for yourselves at the most recent topics...not a single piece of usefull information. (not counting the adorable young girl who looks so happy to just be alive).

I challenge everyone to try at least THINK before you post something. Would your post actually help any other living human? That's probably a good place to start.

#11 Oct 07 2005 at 4:40 PM Rating: Good
65 posts
I don't know, Kevin... I think you're looking at the Alla glass as half empty.

Personally, I found the "Zomg, somebody SAT ON ME!!!!!!1111ONE" thread very amusing...

You really can't find entertainment like that anywhere else on the net. ^.^

#12 Oct 07 2005 at 5:20 PM Rating: Good
130 posts
I can't say that I actually hated anyone in the game. The only person I had on my blist was Imakoo..... he stalked all the girls on my ls. I didn't hate him, just found him rather ignorant and annoying.

Well, time to go back downstairs and drink some vodka, smoke a doobie, and play some Fable..

Fable was the first game I picked up when I quit FFXI. Love the title of Chicken Chaser.^^
#13 Oct 08 2005 at 3:52 AM Rating: Good
510 posts
I hate that Hiptaru didn't give me anything.

#14 Oct 08 2005 at 4:50 AM Rating: Default
124 posts
i hate hermaphrodites... and spiders, and ronald mcdonald, dollar bills that people write on, the ugly orange color on assault jerkin, new ford mustangs, lighters that run out of flint before fluid, pabst blue ribbon, desynthing, gil, cheap cigarettes, martha stewart, dirty socks. Spenta is a hater but i dont hate anyone on the game not even those that called me worst drk ever. hehe cause i am. no wait i do hate some people! i hate them people that say blah blah blah you cant do this cause youre a drk, and drks cant do damage, and you go away drk no drks allowed. well ill tell you what!! maybe i am worthless in almost all missions, quests, BCNMs, events, exp parties, and almost everything else in your eyes. but at least i have fun being useless! and i hate all them people that think theres a set way to do everything cause they read it on this web site! you want linear gameplay? go play final fantasy x.

you know hip ***** it all! so what if its immature and gonna start a flame war. thats whats fun about threads everywhere. hell i could say i think whm the best dmg dealer in the game and i think they could kill mnks in ballista no prob. and everyone will start ******** and crying about it. hell better to ***** and cry here then in real life. someone will slap you if youre crying into your bottle of beer at the bar talking about how someone thought whm was better than mnk at melee.

hell i got no problems about people talking about their opinions, ideas, complaints here. thats what these threads are for. i dont care about getting rated down or people calling me an idiot i get it on almost every thread i post on. hell if people arent liking what they are reading in these threads i got a piece of advice really easy to follow... DONT READ IT! its thats simple. these are fun threads and fun times. how i enjoy it! now lets all get a huge *** group together go to ballista and beat the hell out of each other cause our opinions are right and everyone elses is wrong. wouldnt that be alot more fun? then we can see the whm beat up the mnks.

so here is my in-game hater! not gonna say his name but i had to boot him out of our LS for chasing out three members. i hated to do it but it had to be done. so now he tells me that he is the wrong guy to **** with cause his g/f is a high priestess and is gonna cast spells on me! he likes to talk about his blood rages whatever that means. oh and he thinks he is god reincarnated... i mean hell he is god so why would i worry about his high priestess g/f??
#15 Oct 08 2005 at 5:10 AM Rating: Default
so now he tells me that he is the wrong guy to @#%^ with cause his g/f is a high priestess and is gonna cast spells on me! he likes to talk about his blood rages whatever that means. oh and he thinks he is god reincarnated... i mean hell he is god so why would i worry about his high priestess g/f?? >>>>>>>>>>>>>>

HAHAHahahahaha!!! wtf thanks spentaX i just about pee'd my self laughing^^
#16 Oct 08 2005 at 3:36 PM Rating: Decent
134 posts
He may as well have shot Bambi's mom. What a hater.
#17 Oct 08 2005 at 5:50 PM Rating: Good
229 posts
Sounds to me like someone has been playing a bit too much Vampire: The Masquerade Spenta.

How come My LS never gets anyone who is completely insane like that? I loves the crazy people, they really make me laugh.

Hey this off topic Oh well like it matters. Meh I'll try to stay on topic... Hate... Nothing or no one I can thhink of that I hate, I severely dislike three or four people... No Hating though

Uhhh... Hmmm there are ideals I hate. I hate Racism. I hate men who are so ***** they have to beat women. I hate people who can't take 5 minutes out of their day to tell a new player how to do things, but will curse, whine, cry and yell at them for an hour if they make one little mistake or ask a silly question.

I hate tomatoes, I hate it when the rain stops, I hate Valentines Day, I hate the way captain crunch cuts the roof of my mouth. I hate Inuyasha not the show itself just Dog boy and Kagome, and finally I hate it when people take things in life waaaay to seriously and just can't seem to sit back, relax and realize this is it, it's all we got enjoy it.
#18 Oct 08 2005 at 6:35 PM Rating: Decent
727 posts
Whoa whoa whoa! Captain crunch does not cut the roof of your mouth, that was a ridiculous rumor spread by Count Chocula.
#19 Oct 08 2005 at 11:05 PM Rating: Decent
347 posts
i dont know if i should reply to this thread since i hate all people equal
#20 Oct 09 2005 at 7:36 AM Rating: Good
84 posts respond to a previous post, I will attempt to do something to help all living human beings. I will, in fact, end this thread right here. I've seen this thread many, many times before, you see, and this is how it typically goes.

Hiptaru: Somebody done me wrong! I'm a great guy, right?

Random pro-Hiptaru people: Hip! You're the greatest! I remember back when I was level 12 and you blah blah blah and then you blah blah blah Hip you're so damn cool blah blah blah.

Random anti-Hiptaru people: Hip, you're still a douche, you single handedly destroyed the economy on Bismarck blah blah blah astral rings blah blah blah there's a reason Hip can't get accepted into any decent HNMLS blah blah blah.

Rando pro-Hiptaru people: I can't believe you said that, you're not worth the dandruff flakes on Hip's shoulders (not that Hip has dandruff, don't get me wrong, would you stop putting words in my mouth, of COURSE he doesn't has dandruff) blah blah blah.

/random rate downs, random rate ups

Hiptaru: None of this matters anyway, let's all go smoke a doobie blah blah blah.

/random rate downs, random rate ups

Ok...thread over. Hip can quit like he wants, go smoke a doobie, whatever, and we can all go back to our normal lives.

Edited, Sun Oct 9 09:31:44 2005 by Vimesrdm
#21 Oct 09 2005 at 8:17 AM Rating: Default
**** 'nuff said
#22 Oct 09 2005 at 2:53 PM Rating: Default
1,002 posts
Vimesrdm wrote: respond to a previous post, I will attempt to do something to help all living human beings. I will, in fact, end this thread right here. I've seen this thread many, many times before, you see, and this is how it typically goes.

Hiptaru: Somebody done me wrong! I'm a great guy, right?

Random pro-Hiptaru people: Hip! You're the greatest! I remember back when I was level 12 and you blah blah blah and then you blah blah blah Hip you're so damn cool blah blah blah.

Random anti-Hiptaru people: Hip, you're still a douche, you single handedly destroyed the economy on Bismarck blah blah blah astral rings blah blah blah there's a reason Hip can't get accepted into any decent HNMLS blah blah blah.

Rando pro-Hiptaru people: I can't believe you said that, you're not worth the dandruff flakes on Hip's shoulders (not that Hip has dandruff, don't get me wrong, would you stop putting words in my mouth, of COURSE he doesn't has dandruff) blah blah blah.

/random rate downs, random rate ups

Hiptaru: None of this matters anyway, let's all go smoke a doobie blah blah blah.

/random rate downs, random rate ups

Ok...thread over. Hip can quit like he wants, go smoke a doobie, whatever, and we can all go back to our normal lives.

Edited, Sun Oct 9 09:31:44 2005 by Vimesrdm

lmfao.. that was cool vimes.. hehe i HATE your ****!!! whahahaha
#23 Oct 09 2005 at 5:07 PM Rating: Good
229 posts
Can't you people see we were trying to have a conversation about Captain Crunch? Sheeeeeeesh!
#24 Oct 10 2005 at 12:39 PM Rating: Decent
Why must we hate?

Edited, Apr 7th 2008 9:11am by Ozotega
#25 Oct 10 2005 at 5:21 PM Rating: Decent
123 posts
I choose... no one i have problems with no one. wait nvm i hate zariko hes such a noob. i mean come on who lets me convert while im being casted on... noob.

[](you will still have my children right >.> ^.~)[/]
#26 Oct 11 2005 at 11:35 AM Rating: Decent
5,645 posts
aww i always miss such fun threads when im away.

Oh well, nothing to deny here.

HQ's are kinda rare here on the forums as well as in game it seems.
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