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What's going on Bismarck? Serious problem :/Follow

#1 Dec 12 2005 at 11:50 AM Rating: Good
Hey you all, it's Gimley from Bismarck. As a concerned citizen sorta, I just wanted to ask, "What the hell is happening to our server?"

In the past I have read about the monstrosity of bad things that have happened to other servers-extreme RMT competition, inflation, price gouging. It just seemed up until the last few weeks, our server had been relatively safe. Compared to other servers we have really been a decent server. Prices on our server for SH, Vermilion Cloak, decently good and NECESSARY items were not that high of price, we all had a chance to buy them with perhaps a little work.

But for some reason, which I just can't explain, the last three weeks on our server has been absolute HELL. That's the easiest way to explain it. For example, the price for V-claws has jumped UNGODLY amounts, the price of Siren's hair has went from 1 million to 2.2 millionish in a week. Dragon talons(necessary for Iqqira Weskit) has increased so dramatically the Weskits are now being sold for 8.5 million-when recently they were only 2 million or so.

I understand we are ALL trying to profit and make gil in some way, why else would we farm, kill NMs, craft, etc. But the thing I just don't understand is are we going to be so stingy that we are willing to pretty much price gouge and rape each other of gil just to make a profit when we could reasonably sell for much less and still make an EARNEST profit to live off of.

I'm not here ranting about making money, I realize we all are trying to survive in the game. But damn guys, it just doesn't feel right with these extreme recent price hikes. I feel bad when my friends talk to me and tell me they are considering quitting because they can't even buy mediocre equipment now, when I can't buy the stuff I want. It JUST isn't right you all.

I also understand RMT can be the ones hiking the prices up, but it isn't JUST them. While the price for basic synthing items are rising, prices for items don't have to be hiked up so much

All in all, I just want to say let's help each other out here in our time on Bismarck. Let's all work together and look out for one another. I love this game, and I love this community. You are all great, and I don't want to see anyone ran out of this place because of the bad things that are occurring right now. Thanks you all, and just consider what I've said.
#2 Dec 12 2005 at 2:14 PM Rating: Good
Another good example of this is gardening which has suffered in some aspects.

Tree Cuttings and Tree Saplings have jumped to rediculous amounts. 250k for a stack for Cuttings and 300k for Saplings. You have to get 2 ore just to make any sort of profit and that is a joke when it takes almost a month to do one batch. This is a big reason the price of Platinum Nuggets have jumped up so much. Ores though I find are staying relatively the same.

A lot of the prices start from main ingredient and then get worse on the way up. Cuttings go up so platinum nuggets go up. Plat nugs go up so Plat ingots go up. Plat ingots go up so everything related to them go up and so on.

Your example of the V-claw and dragon talon is the same thing. Supply and demand.

In certain areas, SE may have to increase the drop rates or expose more of the types of mobs that drop the item. This would work especially well for cuttings and saplings.

Edited, Mon Dec 12 14:17:22 2005 by IronhideBismarck
#3 Dec 12 2005 at 3:43 PM Rating: Good
883 posts
As I said not long ago, it's not the gilsellers anymore. It's actual players, and it's greed, and it's out of control. I'm seriously thinking about quitting myself. I don't want another goddamned lecture from one of the junior economists around here, but I do not understand why SE is refusing to put any checks or controls on their precious player-run economy. Something HAS to be done.
#4 Dec 12 2005 at 4:08 PM Rating: Good
1,391 posts
As I said not long ago, it's not the gilsellers anymore. It's actual players, and it's greed, and it's out of control. I'm seriously thinking about quitting myself. I don't want another goddamned lecture from one of the junior economists around here, but I do not understand why SE is refusing to put any checks or controls on their precious player-run economy. Something HAS to be done.

Hmm... I did quit in August so I can't complain first hand, but I must say something. You are right, it is no longer RMT's running the economy, it is basic human nature to be greedy. SE started this game with the thought that the AH would be a good idea if everyone weren't so greedy, making it so that prices stayed at a decent level. Unfortunately there are a lot of bastards out in the world who must have more then everyone else that try to raise the price of a lower stock item (i.e V Claw, not like people buy 20 of those a day). The only thing I can say is people only have themselves to blame for how bad things apparently are. Not claiming everyone is a greeedy ***, but the mass majority of people are.
#5 Dec 12 2005 at 4:12 PM Rating: Good
I pretty much gave up playing this game for the most part. Mostly because I can't afford gear that people *think* I should be wearing, and because of the economics in general. Now I've started fishing for my Lu Shang, I figure the month or three that I take to get this rod will give me enough of a break from it all to come back fresh.

Come on over to Knightswell if you are bored, the more the merrier Smiley: grin
#6 Dec 12 2005 at 5:09 PM Rating: Good
1,502 posts
What's also annoying about this is that the people who are hiking the prices are the same people that ***** about pt members not wearing the "right" gear.

I used to have a character on Fairy, and used to laugh at their economy in comparison to ours. Tell the truth there's not a lot in it any more.
#7 Dec 12 2005 at 7:28 PM Rating: Good
Ok in relation to the economy, it would be nice if SE could make the merchants more useful by makeing more items available and for more reasonable prices for sale and purchase.

I hate the fact that going to the wood shop in Sandy that I have to pay 11k for a piece of wood but can only sell it for 1k. Make it like a percentage of the history of ah prices. I am going to try and give an example with how it can help.

Before I get into this let me say the following: By no means is this a perfect answer. This is just an idea I came up with off the top of my head and would require a lot more thought as there are going to be some flaws in it that need to be worked out.

Lets use Arrowwood lumber just for fun:
Usually there is only about 2 lots of arrowwood lumber available at the wood shop. These get purchased for about 360gil/12 and sold for 4k right now (I have on many occassions had to compete for this wood just so I can get my woodworking up so I know all about it. Especially when I follow that person down to the the ah and then purchase the wood they just put up for sale).

Shop Sale Price
Seeing AH prices are around 4k lets just make that the average for now. Get the woodshop to sell for about 80% of that which is 3200gil. This can help stop those who are trying to make a profit off cheap/limited supply items in shops. Not a lot of people are going to buy an item for a measily 800gil profit

Shop Inventory
Now the wood shop will only carry a percentage of the units that exist in the nearby AH each day up to a maximum, but will also have a minimum if the AH is out of stock. So in the woodshop case, it would base its amounts off of the Sandy AH. Lets use a number like 40% If there are 20 units for sale in the AH, then there are 8 units available in the woodshop. If there are none in the AH then the woodshop could carry several or few of the items dependent on the sale history.

The percentage and units available can vary on the number in the AH. If it is a fast selling item then the percentage is higher. If the item is slow selling, the shop may not even carry it as slow selling items tend be cheaper in price.

This will help increase the amount of items available to purchase, but not get rid of the need to sell in an AH. If an item moves 20 items a day normally, the store will now move 8 and the AH will move 12. This slows down the sales in the AH not allowing the price to be jacked up as much if at all.

Shop Buying Price
Once again percentage based on AH history with a base level. If the AH is selling for 4k say the shop will buy for 60%. That is still 2400. Say you also have a base level of 1000gil as well that the sale price will never go below. You would have to ensure you couldn't exploit a price where selling to NPC is more that you buy for.

What does this do: This can allow more people to gain money just by selling to the NPC and still make reasonable money than having to put stuff up for sale in the AH.

In addition to all I have said above, make more items in general available for purchase instead of having to rely on the AH supply.

Edited, Mon Dec 12 19:31:44 2005 by IronhideBismarck
#8 Dec 12 2005 at 7:40 PM Rating: Good
417 posts
I do agree that Bismark isn't in its...."prime" we'll call it, but have we ever been? I mean, we have had our fair share of bad players as any other server has had ( For the sake of the reputation of myself and of the "bad players" of our server", I WILL NOT, repeat WILL NOT mention any names but which server hasn't? I agree that our prices are outrageous, and I do also recognize that we could definately use an economical make over, but that will require not one person on Bismark, but every person on our server.

The biggest problem in our economic system is the method of sell-to-sell type deal. Pure example from October. Me and my friends did a BCNM 60 and landed some major torques worth atleast 1.4 million each. I put mine in for 1.4k, and I check the next morning, the prices dropped 400k in less than 18 hours. This is what's killing us in a way. Sure, it's nice to lower prices on some items, but when it comes to making big money, up in the millions, and people sell the item way less just to sell it, it's aggrivating, and less profiting for them.
#9 Dec 12 2005 at 10:03 PM Rating: Good
124 posts
well i gave my opinion on all this in my i like nachos thread but no one seemed to like it oh the thread oh well. i suggested they put a cap on the price that people can sell things for at the AH and in bazaars. base that cap on the price that an item would sell to a normal shop.
#10 Dec 13 2005 at 4:21 AM Rating: Good
96 posts
I posted the following message on in a reply to a thread (Cheapest/Most pricy server):

octoberasian wrote:

Just seeing all these prices makes me sick.

We complain about these prices.
We complain about gilsellers.
We complain about greedy HNMLSes monopolizing certain items.
We complain about crafters being greedy.
We complain about how we can't afford any of this.

In return we blame the gilsellers, the crafters, the farmers, the HNMLSes, and the gilbuyers.
It's getting ridiculous. All these prices are not solely to be blamed on supply and demand. If you wanted to blame someone, blame ourselves. The prices here show us the greatest flaw in a player-controlled economy: our own greed. With the rise in prices, I wouldn't be surprised if in a few years all of us would be gilbuyers just to afford anything. And, we're making it really hard on the newer players coming into the game. I wouldn't be surprised the newer players that start the game and later down the line some of them quit since they can't afford many of the items. The game really does lack any ounce of sympathy to other players. Pretty sad.

I talked to a few of my friends in-game and outside and they hate the rise in prices. One friend sold her Scorpion Harness that she wanted for her MNK job just to afford another job to level. Another friend is seriously considering on buying Gil just to play his job. That's a sad reality there. It's forcing us to do something drastic to afford anything in-game. We try farming. We try camping NMs/HNMs. We try crafting. We do BC/KS/ENMs. One thing we have to realize, that no matter how much money we seem to make, we seem to continue this trend by buying these items at high prices. I, honestly, undercut items. "Stack of Fire Crystals for 4k. I'll sell mine for 2k." "So-so sword is 20k. I'll sell mine at 15k." And, so on. I actually do something that I don't think many do in this game: Pity the other person trying to buy that item. Why don't we try doing that for a change-- show some pity.

Sadly, it seems almost circular this cycle:

- Player A, HNMLS, crafter, or gilseller raises the prices to make any profit or for more money.
- Next player or crafter can't afford an item.
- That player then turns to Gil-buying sites like IGE.
- The other honest players in this game (that are left) try crafting, camping, or farming to afford an item.
- IGE and other sites see a rise in profit.
- Gilsellers overseas sees this as a lucrative job and more come in.
- Player B buys Gil online and pays the higher price that started from Player A, etc.
- The other honest players have no other choice but to pay the higher prices.
- We see these prices and blame Player A, etc.
- Player B takes that item he/she bought and later resells it at the same price or higher.

... cycle starts over again...

Welcome to Economy 101 in Final Fantasy XI.

Grow a heart people for godsakes!
#11 Dec 13 2005 at 6:50 AM Rating: Default
512 posts
get over it and level your THF. all of you.

now go.
#12 Dec 13 2005 at 7:38 AM Rating: Good
124 posts
well steagn that was incredible ignorant. if you think thats what will get everyone great gear you are ignorant. i feel sorry for your ignorance. you gonna help **** the economy too stegan with your narrowminded views? oh well not my place to tell you how to play. ive helped many people who have gone to pass me up, helped **** up the economy then told me to **** off on the end. when you meet or help these people be sure to tell them hi then you too will end up on the good players list on this site. i guess i wont stop helping people advance if i cant enjoy things someone else might as well. i try to do my part in helping in the game im sorry if i ****** it up.
#13 Dec 13 2005 at 8:43 AM Rating: Good
238 posts
get over it and level your THF. all of you.

now go.

GTFO and come back once you have to afford a 6-7 mil item (the price of which inflates exponentially and very rapidly) to play your job properly.
#14 Dec 13 2005 at 9:14 AM Rating: Decent
Nobody thinks that most of the problem comes from the gil buyers? With the prices of gil constantly dropping and the prices of items constantly rising with less players playing now, doesn't anyone else think that there is a direct relation?

Greed will always play a role, but for these kind of spikes in prices I don't think that it's all due to greedy players.

A buddy of mine has told me that the developers of the game are now selling gil? I don't know if thats true but if it is that would explain alot of the reason as to why the gill is selling for alot less now.
#15 Dec 13 2005 at 11:20 AM Rating: Good
281 posts
I posted the following message on in a reply to a thread (Cheapest/Most pricy server):

I've said it before and I'll say it again...

AH history, as well as being unable to see/choose who you're buying from, are the root of all in-game economic evils !

Edited, Tue Dec 13 11:24:44 2005 by Niji
#16 Dec 13 2005 at 11:50 AM Rating: Good
172 posts
I'm going to hang 75% of the problem on RMT, and the other 25% on the people that love to increase the price when they have the only item up for sale. These prices are only going to encourage more RMT.

If this game dies from RMT abuse, I'll probably smile and say "Told ya so, SE."
#17 Dec 13 2005 at 11:57 AM Rating: Good
591 posts
Yes I would have to agree, the price's are going to high.

If this dont stop now, you can kiss this great game goodbye.

Just look!
Haubergon was roughly, 2.9 million begining of last month, now 7million+ too much.

Vermillion cloak, 4million now 13million I believe crazy.

Nobles tunic, 10million now 23million holy conoly.(0)_(0);

I give the game about 2 more week's, and all of this stuff will raise around 2-3 more million.

Quit being greedy, stop what you are doing or this game is gonna die simple and clean thank you.

I'd like to add, that I been here for 3 year's and this is got to be the worst ive seen this game =(

Edited, Tue Dec 13 12:02:56 2005 by ZanonX

Wife: Akirah
#18 Dec 13 2005 at 12:03 PM Rating: Good
281 posts
Quit being greedy, stop what you are doing or this game is gonna die simple and clean thank you.

yeah. I used to go "well, better this than the opposite" and curse at the undercutters...
But for a while, I have started changing my mind, and, well, for the last couple weeks, I've just been shaking my head in disbelief.

I'm kinda bored with the game and been looking for stuff to do. So I've been selling cheap juices recently, like 50% off or more... (yeah, juice isn't much, I know) and will most likely gather ingredients to craft some other stuff that I'll sell for less than their current value, depending on how much I will play in the future (got into Settlers of Ganareth >.> ).
#19 Dec 13 2005 at 12:44 PM Rating: Good
238 posts
The proof of this thread is that player run economies do NOT work. Plain and simple. People are far too greedy and stupid.

Also I don't think gilsellers are to blame. They unload their cargo fast to meet their quota, It's the gilbuyers who are the problem. They don't spend hours to earn their gil, and so just walk up stupidly and buy whatever they need for whatever it's on the AH at without thinking.

Something needs to be done fast or this game is proper F*****d. How does SE expect the new Xbox 360 people to stay when the prices are this insane.
#20 Dec 13 2005 at 12:58 PM Rating: Excellent
75 posts
So people are being greedy for selling something they own for as much as they can get for it? But you aren't greedy for wanting that item?

When I started this game a stack of silk was like 7K a stack. It is 50K a stack now. Silk and onions were my main way to make gil. Everything is going up. The same amount of work is needed to get items.

#21 Dec 13 2005 at 1:08 PM Rating: Good
251 posts
The reason I stopped posting is entirely because of threads like this.

A bunch of people who don't understand the economy b*tch about it, everyone gets rated up, and no matter how I try to explain things, I get shouted down and rated down.
#22 Dec 13 2005 at 1:17 PM Rating: Good
591 posts
No, I understand completely.
I just am concerned that, soon this game is going to die, all because you guy's want few extra million, well what happen's when all the best player's quit farming item's for the AH stop and the the game take's a spill.

But there is alway's new player's sure that work's for a little bit till they get to our level and is like wow I can't afford this bam straight to world of warcraft they go hahaha.

I'm not complaining about price's, I am complaining the game is going to die if something is not done is all.

Wife: Akirah
#23 Dec 13 2005 at 2:01 PM Rating: Good
501 posts
I also agree that the prices are way too much for certain pieces of gear i.e; Scorpion Harness which used to be like 4-6mil and now it's 10-11. The Haubergeon/Hauberk used to be 2-4mil now it's like 8-9. But, not only is the gear going up, the food is also. Sole Sushi used to be between 30-33k per stack. I've seen it at it's max of almost 50k and it's now back down to around 40k. Meat Mithkabobs used to be 3k per stack now they're 8k. Shihei has also gone up too. I used to get it for 6-8k a stack and now it's 10k.

The most ridiculous thing I've heard though was just last night in my Linkshell. Someone had to pay like 26-27k for a stack of Silent Oil. Now, I remember picking those up for near 10k a stack a few weeks ago. What happened?

After going through all that stuff I only have to ask one question: How are people supposed to advance in levels when they have to spend a big majority of their time farming for stuff that they need in order to do their job?

(These are out of date, and I'm too lazy to keep up)
#24 Dec 13 2005 at 2:46 PM Rating: Excellent
117 posts
The problem isn't the economy, its the players. The equipment that people are referencing are the BEST items you can buy for various jobs. Of course they are going to be expensive and will continue to go up in price. Why? Because people think you will be a bad player if you dont have that piece of uber equipment. Personally, I think people should just stfu about other people's equipment (within reason.... no leather gear in Qufim etc.) and let people play the game. The perception that you have to have the very best equipment in the game to be any good is doing as much damage as the RMT in my book.

If you dont wan't to pay 30k for a stack of silent oils then level Alchemy and go farm your bee chips. Don't want to get raped on Shehei then level woodworking. It comes down to time. Either you spend your time to farm and craft stuff for cheap or you spend your gil on someone else to farm and craft stuff.

Just my humble opinion.
#25 Dec 13 2005 at 5:08 PM Rating: Good
417 posts
Well, it appears that everyone on Bismark has their differential opinions on our ecnonomy. I posted my gripe on it above, but now, I will post my honest opinion.

Just by making the post, it's well known that we as a server recognize our server's outrageous economy.{Congratulations!} We can easily admit that we have a problem, but sitting around, whining, griping, and ******** about it won't do a damn thing. The thing we have to ask ourselves, is "What are we going to do about it?" and "When are we going to do something about it?"

The answer lies on our own shoulders, my friends. Is it going to be an easy task? In long answer, there is on average 4000-6000 people on every night, and their opinions will differ. So in short answer, no it won't be easy, but it is all possible.

In short, I believe that our server is way past due for it's economical makeover. If we really want to fix it, it can be done, even if it does cost a financial bit from all of us.

#26 Dec 13 2005 at 6:28 PM Rating: Good
281 posts
The reason I stopped posting is entirely because of threads like this.

A bunch of people who don't understand the economy b*tch about it, everyone gets rated up, and no matter how I try to explain things, I get shouted down and rated down.

You do have to realize that MMO economy and IRL economy have much in common, but certain differences as well.

If that wasn't the case, the inflation we are experiencing now would be nowhere as intense, and most MMOs wouldn't usually experience deflation instead of inflation, no ?
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