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What's going on Bismarck? Serious problem :/Follow

#52 Dec 17 2005 at 1:11 AM Rating: Decent
306 posts
Things don't seem that bad

Edited, Sat Dec 17 01:14:05 2005 by Balgareth
#53 Dec 17 2005 at 1:35 AM Rating: Decent
325 posts
I think that the most disturbing aspect of the economy is not necessarily how high priced items are, but how quickly they have risen. Some examples have been given but I had my eye set on Dusk Trousers which were 3M a month ago. I started putting gil away to save up for them. Last I checked (probably last week, I don't check much anymore) they were selling for 8M. 3M was a stretch for those leggins, but 8M is even worse.

I think one contributing factor is the influx of people who are crafting. It seems to me that there have been a lot of people crafting these days (especially gil sellers who are picking up crafts because certain NM drops were nerfed). With more demand for crafting supplies (silk, logs, skins, etc) the prices are rising. Stack of silk thread for 50k? With these higher costs to level a craft, there is an even stronger drive (not that it already wasn't strong) to maximize profits on most crafted items. Basically, there are more crafters out there, so the demand for supplies is greater.

Pretty soon, SE will have to add another digit for prices. If a hairpin is worth 3M, what is an Oside/Kracken Club/any other rare item that I'm forgetting going to be worth? It happened in Diablo. Windforces/Grandfathers were 20 SoJs. Then 30. Then 40. Then 60 (I don't know how they trusted people to actually trade 60 SoJs). And it ruined that game.
#54 Dec 17 2005 at 8:13 AM Rating: Decent
281 posts
I think one contributing factor is the influx of people who are crafting. It seems to me that there have been a lot of people crafting these days (especially gil sellers who are picking up crafts because certain NM drops were nerfed). With more demand for crafting supplies (silk, logs, skins, etc) the prices are rising. Stack of silk thread for 50k?

You have to admit though, if we had decent inventory space (enough so that it would be a real possibility to hoard multiple stacks of crafting materials for future use), people wouldn't have to sell the materials they've obtained in whatever way only to buy it back later at a possibly higher price...
#55 Dec 17 2005 at 10:48 AM Rating: Good
Its sad to me for a few reasons..
I decided to take a peak on how much it would cost for me to pick up my 41 mnk again..and its retarded. 1 month ago, to get the "leet" gear it may have ran me about 5, about 10-11 million. Now give me a ******* break. I have tried to lv whm, but knowing on how much items have went up in the past weeks i lost all drive to play whm. Same as Warrior, SH price blows me away hubby, the same.

So, ive decided to do 1 of 3 things. 1. Sell all my gear and use that gil to craft, since i enjoy crafting over anything else. 2. (this is my top choice) The next server migration, get the hell off of this server. (sure prices are bad everywhere, but this has to be the worse by far...if not, really close.) or 3. Give my **** away, and quit, cuz this game is becoming more of a pain with all these greedy ******** then its worth...

I really think that it will get way worse before it gets any better, i im not going to sit around and wait til it does.
#56 Dec 17 2005 at 11:54 AM Rating: Good
955 posts
The game will eventually be unplayable unless you buy gil or camp NMs and actually get lucky with the low drop rates and all the gilsellers. The more people that reach lv75, the worse things will be. Things were great when hardly anyone at reached that far. Now since everyone has reached 75, joined HNM shells, gotten lots of gil (unless they're in those certain ones that stash the items in a bank collecting dust instead of selling them), taken up crafting, and leveling other jobs.
#57 Dec 17 2005 at 11:57 AM Rating: Decent
955 posts
Some examples have been given but I had my eye set on Dusk Trousers which were 3M a month ago. I started putting gil away to save up for them. Last I checked (probably last week, I don't check much anymore) they were selling for 8M. 3M was a stretch for those leggins, but 8M is even worse.

The main ingredient is behemoth hide. I wanted one of those before as well. Behemoth hide drops from multiple HNMs so I don't see any reason for it to be that high.
#58 Dec 17 2005 at 12:46 PM Rating: Good
883 posts
The game will eventually be unplayable unless you buy gil or camp NMs and actually get lucky with the low drop rates and all the gilsellers. The more people that reach lv75, the worse things will be. Things were great when hardly anyone at reached that far. Now since everyone has reached 75, joined HNM shells, gotten lots of gil (unless they're in those certain ones that stash the items in a bank collecting dust instead of selling them), taken up crafting, and leveling other jobs.

Truth, truth, truth. SE thought they were saving their game by lowering the XP requirements for leveling, but they just accelerated its death.
#59 Dec 17 2005 at 4:25 PM Rating: Decent
512 posts

Edited, Sat Dec 17 21:48:51 2005 by stegan
#60 Dec 17 2005 at 11:54 PM Rating: Decent
417 posts
The game will eventually be unplayable unless you buy gil or camp NMs and actually get lucky with the low drop rates and all the gilsellers. The more people that reach lv75, the worse things will be. Things were great when hardly anyone at reached that far. Now since everyone has reached 75, joined HNM shells, gotten lots of gil (unless they're in those certain ones that stash the items in a bank collecting dust instead of selling them), taken up crafting, and leveling other jobs.

With all due respect Ayrilana, is it not the point of Final Fantasy XI to level your jobs, get money, and whatever else you desire?

My point is, people aren't going to bend backwards and not level their crafting for the servers economy. The economy is based strictly on the prices that people choose for their items. Whether or not people get lvl 75 and craft does affect what items they obtain, but not the prices that the items receive.
#61 Dec 19 2005 at 12:40 PM Rating: Good
Well, this is for surely going to get much worse before it gets better...

Ive decided to quit leveling, and i sold all my gear to lv leatherwork to 100 on my mule....and here are some of the new prices...this is a ******* joke.

Sheep Leather- Was 30k last night, now, 60k in Sandy, i wish i could find the asshat who started this at 60k.
Lizzard skin- 30K....omfg
And here is 1 that i needed to get some fame...and holy hell...
bat-Wings-10k.....what in the hell....

Yes, some of the more larger items have went up in price like a bat out of hell...but my God...these lower ones have as well..... Sad...
#62 Dec 19 2005 at 1:28 PM Rating: Good
mastra wrote:
Yes, some of the more larger items have went up in price like a bat out of hell...but my God...these lower ones have as well..... Sad...

AMEN BROTHA!!!! Dude, I feel ur pain. I think we are starting to feel the pain.
#63 Dec 19 2005 at 1:57 PM Rating: Default
271 posts
You know... Ignorance from Buyers that simply rely on the AH to buy out everything they need is also a reason why prices are going up.

You need sheep leather? Just get them from the Leather belt desynth (you only need lvl13 LC for that). You could also wait until everyone goes "wow, Sheep leather is 60k! I need to synth some and sell it" and buy from undercutters.
You need Lizard skin? Go farm it in CN.. plenty of lizards that drop a lot of them

Multi-million luxury item are too costly for you? ***** the "Nothing less than the best" philosophy and seek some alternatives: there are plenty out there.

The economy is too big and too complex to simply be judged by the price of some luxury item. There is inflation, its hard to deny, but just how bad is it, truly?

A unsufficient supply and a excessive demand can sky rocket the prices. You need to ask the questions.
Why the supply is like that? Not enough farmers? Not enough crafters to synth?
Why is the demand like that? Is the item "leet" and very popular? Not enough crafters can make the product? etc.
And pretty much ask yourself how you can avoid falling in the trap of supply and demand.

If you are not happy about the AH prices, just avoid the AH and be self-sufficient. There is always a choice to be made.
#64 Dec 26 2005 at 3:31 PM Rating: Decent
My highest job is 37 War. Around level 34 I noticed I was having trouble keeping up in the tp race for SC's. So I checked the ah for some gear. Venerer Ring +3 ACC level 33 huh? That looks like my answer. I know it can be quested but I don't have an COP missions done. The going price was 330k. I had about 200k at the time so I got a tele-mea and farmed 2 stacks of silk. My silk was all sold by the next morning, but the 5 Venerer rings that were up on the ah were also sold ; ;

No biggie, I'll just buy one tomorrow or the next day. There were more up on the ah the next day but the price junmped to 550k. Now I'm not a Mathist but that seems like a large mark up on the other days price. I did the drain quest that night and sold the scroll so that I could pick up the ring before the price jumped agian.

That was a week ago. I don't know if the price went up or back down, but maybe I should have taken my ls mate up on his offer to borrow me the gil when it was 300k >.<

Not really a rant... more of a story.... GO BASTOK!!

Edited, Mon Dec 26 15:37:52 2005 by Malkov
#65 Dec 28 2005 at 9:21 AM Rating: Good
425 posts
"AlphaJew" wrote:
I blame Hiptaru. All money problems ultimately point back to him.


Word, Karani. Word.

Edited, Wed Dec 28 09:25:48 2005 by Xanoxonax
#66 Dec 28 2005 at 10:14 AM Rating: Decent
591 posts
Simple solution to a growing problem.

Simple stop buying stuff for about 3 weeks, tax alone will hurt these people who shove the item's up on the AH.

But people would have to agree to this, so it would be harder to do this.

But at the end you know prices will drop, because you know each time that item is not sold they have to shove it back on for another tax and they will grow tired of it force these bastards to lower the price.

Wife: Akirah
#67 Dec 28 2005 at 10:19 AM Rating: Good
I noticed alot of ppl bazaaring out in rolenbarry feild the other day. So maybe the whole not buying stuff on the AH has been happening, but it's not stopping ppl from sell things overly priced.
#68 Dec 29 2005 at 6:54 AM Rating: Good
899 posts
hi everyone

this is really a big problem , even for me ( crafting almost all the time )
its really hard going more inside the game , lvling another job , or even doing a mission ( i mean even Hi-potions are for 10 k now XD )
the most i had in this game was 4.4 mil ( tree cuttings farming when it was 100k/stack ) but now 600k ( ty lvling RNG idea ;-;)
but its really hard to get any good item to lvl ny job , i mean even for me (THF75) i should go change from DRK ( that what i'm lvling now ) into thf then go farm using shihei (15k/stack now )and bloody bolts (10k/stack) for 2-4 hours when you can make your pt with your curret job and lvl it more...

ok thats me having a farming job ... but talking bout anyone just started the game , cutting = sucks if you farm them in rolanberry feild (sp?) also silk in lower lvl area accessable by lower lvl jobs

i think SE should flood the market with items , the price will go down sure (supply and demand), not with very very low price but reasonable one "ÿes, please"

that what i think and i aways place single items for less price to let them sell faster

hope this $h*t end fast XD
#69 Dec 29 2005 at 10:36 AM Rating: Good
I don't think it's going to end. I remember a year and a half ago when astral rings were going for 150k, then at the begining of this year it went up to 1 mil. ppl complained and were saying that the prices will go back down eventually, yet here we are and astral rings are roughly 2 mil now.
#70 Dec 30 2005 at 4:12 PM Rating: Decent
No, i doubt it will end either...but when is it too much?
It has to peak somewhere does it not? Like seriously.

Within a day Amemet Skin has went from 1.3 mil, which is to god damn much, to now, where some piece of **** sold 3 of them for 2 mil each. Like Christ people, With people buying this **** for these kind of prices, to greedy people taking advantage of this, were digging our own graves for this game. Ive been at this game for a while, and ive never seen such greed like this at any point in time. I never thought id do it, but i quit. All im doing now, instead of giving my **** away, for people to mess with the economy more so, im spendin all the gil i have on crafts, then im going to give my chars away, both with a 100 craft to use...

And back to WoW i go. (bring on the rate downs suckas)

Edited, Fri Dec 30 16:23:04 2005 by Mastra
#71 Dec 30 2005 at 9:49 PM Rating: Good
In all honesty, 90% of this new economy we now have can be blamed on gilbuyers. There was a HUGE sale on almost all of the gil selling sites for christmas. When people bought, the rather large stockpile of gil that the gil sellers had accumulated was suddenly released into the market, causing mass inflation. What do you know, a week before xmas, prices started to jump huge amounts. The people that are buying gil, and I believe these people to be in larger amount than people realize, are destroying the economy. The gil buyers have no put no value on the gil, and will bid any price for alsmost anything other than wait 1 day. This causes prices to go up. Sure, people are listing them for higher prices, but who says you need to buy?

Gil buyers can go **** themselves
#72 Jan 01 2006 at 11:46 AM Rating: Decent
problem is easy fixed.. just boycott certain items.. if you dont buy an item for an enormous amount of money, the price cant rise any more. can only decrease with people's impatience. stop looking to SE to solve our problems we made it, we should be able to fix it.
#73 Jan 01 2006 at 4:13 PM Rating: Default
1,002 posts
AlphaJew wrote:
I blame Hiptaru. All money problems ultimately point back to him.

haha i was totally waiting for something like that..

nice to know that i am stil remembered 6 months after i leave the game.. you should all be glad i am not still playing.. omfg. my 350k weskit is selling for 8.5 million now? WOW

well. first of all.. you should really take advantage of this opportunity... silks are selling for 50k a stack? wow i remember when they were 10k and i was selling them thinking i was getting rich.. i wonder how much fire crystals are now?

i wonder how much ASTRAL RINGS are now.. not to mention gold ingots and such...

i also heard that there are like 30 casinos goin now.. you can blame that on me.. i know i started the casino revolution, but honestly, you cant blame the crazy ol hiptaru for people being greedy......

here is what i suggest.. QUIT PLAYING FFXI. i did, and found me a woman, who will be getting married to within the next 12 months.. well i will be asking her, then we have to plan...

but quit playing, why does the game rule your life? it ruled mine for 2 freaking years.... i was just going to come here and say happy new year.. and then i saw this juicy thread, and just had to read it.... you know what i have to say about all this right??


oh, and go to

word.. that is all...

oh... and freaking get a chocobo and go did if you want wood really cheap....

choco digging is awesome... that would be the only reason i would come back...

#74 Jan 01 2006 at 11:15 PM Rating: Decent
36 posts
Was having a quick look at the black magic scrolls list tonight.

Stonega II: 600k (What the..??)
Quake: 1 million (...)
Sleepga II: 2 million (........)
Burst: 150k (20k 2 weeks ago)

Also i have noted this several times: If a particular scroll (or item) is out of stock, the next person to put one on the Auction House will put it on for at least 10% more. This never used to happen! What is going on!? Can't people just think "No i'm not willing to pay 600k for a spell im never going to use" and use their gil on something more sensible? Stop paying these prices for items that really are NOT worth it!

Peacock Charm - 31 million. 11 million up in 2 weeks. Record i think.

#75 Jan 02 2006 at 6:28 AM Rating: Decent
6,424 posts
The way prices have skyrocketed conveniently before the x-mas and New Year holidays makes me believe that it's indeed gilsellers behind it... individual items might rise and fall, but not broad spectrum like now...

Problem is that when people sell their own Peacock Charm, they don't want to lose out on the extra 10 million. (Especially since the item(s) they want to buy also went up considerably.) This reinforces the price hiking...

As some have already said, the only way to get prices down is to ban these items from your wishlist, or find someone to make them for you for a fair price.
#76 Jan 04 2006 at 3:06 AM Rating: Decent
I think it's naive to blame this recent price explosion on player greed. Why exactly would all the players decide to be greedy all at the same time? There's always greed, but normal greed stabilizes prices pretty well- greedy people charge more, and other greedy people undercut them to sell faster and cut those overchargers out of the market. Things go up gradually little by litte, they don't multiply by factors of 100 in three weeks under normal greedy conditions.

I don't know what has happened, but it's SOMETHING. It is most certainly not nothing, it's not business as usual. A huge push by every major RMT company following the last update could explain it. Maybe they think their days are numbered, or maybe they want to punish SE for adding a lot of anti-bot code. Those are both a bit far fetched, but something on that order would be necessary to see the massive concerted inflation.

And another thing- it's inflation, not robbery. I'm not an economist and don't want to be labeled as one, but what it means is that money on the whole is worth less. Your gear costs more, but chances are your moneymaking scheme gets you more too. For me, anyway, my craft which used to get me 200k max per day now can get me 400k-600k per day easy. And it doesn't just go for people who have a craft, even your poor bottom-rung farmers are making more, since their drops can sell higher.

The only people that inflation is really bad for is those who were sitting on large fortunes already. If you have 60 million gil and think you no longer have to make money ever again, then your 60 mil suddenly has the purchasing power of 30 mil from two weeks ago, you're bound to be pissed. I feel your pain. I'm not trying to say that inflation doesn't matter, it definitely causes harship for poor people too, but all in all nothing changes.
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