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Thoughts wandering amiss...Follow

#1 Jan 02 2006 at 9:19 PM Rating: Decent
1,391 posts
Hello everyone,

It is yours truly, the one and only Weakness... I’m am here to ask the opinions of other people outside my realm of friends (seeing as I don’t have any lol). I am looking for honest answers so tell me what you want, I’m not going to judge you for your thoughts.

Well I honestly don’t know why I am posting this... boredom I guess, curiosity on a side as well… But anyway a little insight before the actually topic. I’m 19 years old, born middle class, and mildly spoiled but try my hardest to be modest about it. Well I have dealt with depression the majority of my life, have tried to kill myself twice, and been placed in a mental hospital (institution for the mental health to be politically correct) for one of those.

Now as of late my mind has been thinking that way again. It kind of started with a dream that I had not to long ago where I did in fact kill myself and was overcome with a sense of… relief is the only real way to describe it. Unfortunately I woke up and was mildly disappointed.

I was raised as a Baptist, though I have my own beliefs about God and am technically considered to be an Agnostic. Quite honestly it isn’t like my life has been terrible, yes I have had a few bad “memories” as I like to refer to them, but I’m not going to do the “Oh woes is me” thing... well I guess this topic is a little bit, but I have a question or two coming up that I would like honest opinions to.

I don’t know why, but I just don’t want to go on living this life… My life isn’t some great tragedy, but still I have this overwhelming urge to just be rid of it for lack of better words. /Sigh, but I don’t know any more... the only mistake is the one not taken right? What is the worse that could happen if I do kill myself? My only true fear is that God wouldn’t forgive me for it, but in that case if hell would be my sentencing then so be it.

However in the words of my brother, “Suicide is for people who don’t deserve to live in the first place.” He and I used to be mildly close until that sentence actually... But in any case...

What are your opinions on suicide? About death in general? I mean nobody knows for sure what happens, but I am curious to other people’s beliefs on what happens.

(P.S. Sorry for the long post lol)
#2 Jan 02 2006 at 11:54 PM Rating: Good
629 posts
Very informational article.

I was raised a catholic, and yet I reject many of their views on religion. I do not believe in "God" as they see it, but do believe in an entity higher than ourselves that showed up, played with some sh[/u]it many billions of years ago, then said fu[/u]ck it and left for some other universe. We all evolved out of some goopy sh[/u]it that looked like it'd been run over a few times.

j/k, I think a collision with earth by a meteorite carrying strange elements reacted inside the water on earth, which then evolved into "dinosaurs" or whatever was the first lifeform on earth. Sh[/i]it kept on rolling and here we are today.

I think that when we do die, we dont just stop living. I believe we are reincarnated. Sometimes I like to think that a thing called "karma" is what determines how and where we are reincarnated. Example: make fun of a guy for being short or not driving a pimpmobile, then in the next life you'll be a 3 and a half foot tall midget in a tricycle. (I'm not poking fun at midgets or young peeps who dig the trike: I remember big pimping at age 4).

You ever get in an arguement with your friend about who's got the coolest shoes or some stupid sh[/u]it like that? Then you tripped on your face or something? That's kinda my view on karma. Ever think "what a *****" about your whiney teacher when you get home, then you stubbed your toe on a table or chair leg? That sh[/u]it happens to me all the time. Doesn't stop me from thinking those things though :D

Anyway, I figure that reincarnation would be a good reason for overpopulation today. People getting born while people keep getting reincarnated = way too many peeps alive.

Of course, the idea of reincarnation is just an idea of mine. Sometimes I think there is a god and I'll burn in hell for never paying attention when I'm dragged to church, or laugh when some guy on tv shouts "JESUS CHRIST!" I'm full of ideas and I think that is the best way to be on the subject. Like you said, no one really knows so being open to many ideas is a good thing. That doesn't mean disregard your own opinions over those of others (especially fanatic religious "experts" telling you the tsunami and hurricanes in years past are the fault of "the homosexuals")

Whatever. This was too much to type and I shouldn't have said anything :p this is gonna be a really long thread I can tell if people decide to argue over this sh[/u]it. I'll probably have to make up some dumbass replies that will suck writing, and I'll dread checking the thread the next morning.

Goddamn. Why do I even post :p

ps- typing this somewhere around the end about religious experts made me think about nancy grace for some reason. What a *****.
#3 Jan 03 2006 at 1:01 AM Rating: Excellent
Wtf?!?! don't kill yourself .. you only have one life to live (as far as we know) and what if there is no God? I believe in him, but what if there wasn't one, if heaven and hell did not exist, and it was all just pseudo? You would be turned into a blank thought floating in space forever. Another thing, saying this from personal expirence, it hurts when a friend dies, I don't know you but i'm sure there are people who do and love you very well. When i was in the 7th grade, my best friend was taken from me, and i can not explain it but i was a mop for several months, please listen when I say this that you will hurt people if you do commit suicide. Don't be selfish and do what you think is "right" and just give up on life, it'll hurt people.

Those are my two bits, do the right thing.
#4 Jan 03 2006 at 1:23 AM Rating: Good
629 posts
Those are my two bits, do the right thing.

Those are two damn good bits. Nice post.
#5 Jan 03 2006 at 1:26 AM Rating: Good
1,391 posts
You would be turned into a blank thought floating in space forever.

Actually I would kind of like to think if there isn't a God or an afterlife or reincarnation then it all turns to nothingness...

That would actually be kind of nice in my opinion. No more pain, no more suffering, no more worry... No thought, emotion, or whatever makes you "alive". It would truly be bliss...
#6 Jan 03 2006 at 1:51 AM Rating: Good
99 posts
lol you really need to just log into ffxi again weakness :P
#7 Jan 03 2006 at 12:01 PM Rating: Good
477 posts

Edited, Tue Jan 3 20:46:14 2006 by JadenNyte
#8 Jan 03 2006 at 12:12 PM Rating: Good
591 posts
You are a Idiot, my dad commited suicide you think its the right way hell no!

Dont even say that crap, I am pissed at my dad for doing it cause he ran from responsability, you only got one life to live make sure you live it to the fullest.

I look down on people who talk about this stuff, because what are you trying to accomplish, by doing that it is nonesense and dont do it not worth it.

Wife: Akirah
#9 Jan 03 2006 at 12:44 PM Rating: Good
346 posts
Death is every person's naturally given right. Everything else is optional. If you're going to exit stage left prematurely, start amusing yourself before ya do it. ***** up our lines, like with this thread. Start poking a few nerves before you push up daisies.

I'm athiestic in bent with rather malformed morality code, so take the above in stride as such. Course, you could find out you're really a **** and enjoy such stuff.

My question to you is: How the hell does my opinion matter? If you're going to die, like we all are, why not decide the details of it? And if you decide to let it happen however the winds of the future may have it, then why bring it up?
#10 Jan 03 2006 at 12:52 PM Rating: Good
1,502 posts
Here's what I think. You don't really want to kill yourself. If you would've, you'd be dead. It's not a hard act to accomplish. A kid in my year back in school killed himself. He told nobody, just left a note on his computer that was later found by his brother. The kid in question was found at the bottom of a cliff.

This seems to me to be a cry for help. Someone to listen to you. You need to find that someone asap. If as you say you don't have many friends or aren't particularly close to your family, then there are people who you can just phone who will be happy to listen. I don't know where you're from, but here in the UK there's a group known as the Samaritans who are there just for situations like yours. They will offer advice, and most importantly listen to what you have to say. I'm sure pretty much every country in the world has an equivalent.

Gamers aren't really the ideal choice to help you out with this, although if you've made any close friends in game, why not meet them on AIM for a chat or something?

Whatever your problem, suicide is never the answer. I wasn't particularly close to the kid I mentioned in my 1st paragraph. I was however friends with several people who were left completely and utterly devastated by what had happened. Suicide doesn't just affect one life. No matter how bad you think things are, there is always a better way out.
#11 Jan 03 2006 at 4:34 PM Rating: Decent
1,391 posts
You don't really want to kill yourself. If you would've, you'd be dead. It's not a hard act to accomplish.

First time I tried to kill myself I took a bunch a pills, a friend found me passed out and took me to the hospital... I didn't tell anyone that I didn't want to live.

Second time I tried I slit my wrists, my mother came home for lunch and found me in the bathroom... Noone knew what I was going to do that time either...

It isn't an excuse for attention, it isn't some "Oh woe is me" thing, I have just stopped caring. I honestly don't know how to explain it to people who haven't felt this way. I don't care who I hurt, I don't care what happens because of it... I was just curious about what others thought happened to you when you died. This thread was a mistake, sorry people.
#12 Jan 03 2006 at 7:56 PM Rating: Good
346 posts
I was just curious about what others thought happened to you when you died.

People mourn. You get some sort of funeral procession. Most likely, they bury you. Maybe they burn ya and scatter ya. Then they walk away, still mourning, and try to go on with their lives. Then you get thought about less and less.

That's what I've seen happen. If you're asking about the concept of a soul, look not to me.
#13 Jan 03 2006 at 10:56 PM Rating: Good
36 posts
I'm 19 this month and am experiencing similar things but certainly not as extreme. I've had a complex from a reasonably early age that makes me worry about things a lot. I don't know how it came about or what it is, it just gives me a nasty feeling that i can't explain that makes me depressed and sometimes hysterical. But anyway, that vanished 2 years back but recently it's been recurring. I don't know what it is, i just feel randomly down for no apparent reason. I just don't know what i've got to look forward to at the moment. I'm at university, which i hate.. but i need to be there if i am to get a good job. I have friends yes but they're at other universities. I don't make friends very easily at all in addition to this. I have a girlfriend who i love very much. In fact i think i'd have nothing if i didn't have her. To be honest that's my life. I go to bed at 5am, get up at 4pm, see my girlfriend until 10pm, play FF until 5am. Repeat. With university i just have to get up at 6. I don't know what to look forward to anymore. In the end, i'm in education for the best years of my life so i can get a job to earn money. I progress through this to earn more money. Then i die. Where is the fun?

I wish i lived in Vana'diel tbh.


#14 Jan 04 2006 at 2:25 AM Rating: Excellent
Give Me Ten Minutes.

Yes, it's harsh. It's blunt. I think it's worth reading though. Just read it, all of it, once.

That's the thing, suicide has a way of only hurting the people who liked you.

Edited, Wed Jan 4 02:29:38 2006 by Sioux
#15 Jan 04 2006 at 10:33 AM Rating: Good
Hmmm...what can I say? I'm 18 and Ive thought of these things before but you know what if you just dont care about your life why bother asking advice from us at all? Sure you think you just dont care at all if thats your state of mind then you wouldnt have made this thread unless you seeked salvation or to be turned to another direction because the one you seek has blinded you from reason. Tell you what your not even going to feel bliss or emptiness you would just die. Sure people that know you and had varius relations with you will feel bad but the whole world wont stop and look at your death, no the world wouldnt even know of your existence unless your seen in the media or todays lifestyle. You wont feel emptiness and emotionless [/b]after[/u] you die but i tell ya the last few minutes your entire body goes through stages of tring to survive, yes your own body would even try to prevent you from doing such act. The state your in right now is not really what you think that you really dont give a damn or care at all. What it really is that you your very being is tired of the things you daily do and wants either a vacation from all the repetitive crap you go through everyday and have some point of change. Wether its a drastic change of life i suggest you try out something life changing then death, indulge yourself in what you havent tried or herd of before. Dare to ask out that girl thats already taken and if she rejects you atleast you can confirm your thoughts. Though you think you can never do that then ask for support take the step if you have the guts to end yourlife then the risk on having a change in life should be easier then you comprehend. You dont have to listen or believe what I am saying I just want you to know what I think you should do because you asked the question.
#16 Jan 04 2006 at 6:24 PM Rating: Excellent
947 posts
I've decided to add my two cents, even though my opinion may not really be worth it, but anyways, here goes:

First, there are a few things you should think of, such as who and what you're going to affect. Think of all the people you could potentially hurt, think of all the things that you will potentially miss out on. I for one know a few people who have killed themselves, a few more who tried, and it really just plain sucks. Take a look from an outside perspective. Think of what you're going to do to everyone who cares about you.
There was a boy I went to school with that I was somewhat friends with. He decided to kill himself. Long, dismal story short, he ended up shooting himself. To make matters worse, his brother walked in on him shooting himself in the head with a shotgun. His brother has never been the same, he's incredibly screwed up now.

Second, I know how depression goes, and though it may not be the same situation I think I understand your situation. My family has a history of bipolar disorder and depression.
The thing that a lot of people don't take into account, is not how people "have things", but how they ACTUALLY FEEL. You could have millions of dollars and everything you ever wanted. Does that mean you're happy? No, it doesn't. Regardless of what someone has, regardless of how they "have it", how they feel is completely separate from that.
I once was pretty depressed for a while due to some circumstances and a lot of my friends were actually afraid that I was going to kill myself (whilst my parents stood idly by oblivious to it all, we weren't that close...but things have gotten better there which is a completely different story.) I had the suicidal ideations, of which I'm not going to list because I'm not going to supply anyone with the quick and painless ideas. However, I didn't do it...I decided that I'm a stronger person and rode it out.
Now, everything is a lot better, and I'm glad I didn't do it. Things were dismal back then, but it's all behind me now.

All in all, there are a lot of people who feel the same way you do, and you're not alone. I think you probably feel how I felt, completely apathetic and void of emotion. Just stick with it though, things will most likely get better. If things never got better, there would be no single person alive.

And as far as the religious beliefs go, I'd say try not to focus on the future and focus on the task at hand: making yourself happy.
As dumb as this may sound, make some goals and strive for them, no matter what they are. Life is kind of like a long strive to achieve goals, and if you don't have any, you're not going to be very happy.

And that's my little rant on the subject...sorry if I offended anyone or touched any buttons, it's a touchy subject.
#17 Jan 04 2006 at 7:47 PM Rating: Good
629 posts
sioux that link is broken :(
#18 Jan 04 2006 at 8:16 PM Rating: Excellent
1,705 posts
Weakness, I am a father of 3 great boys. My eldest (Strifer) is 16 and when he was 7 was diagnosed with a brain tumor that is terminal 95% of the time. I was blessed that God spared him. I was a single Dad and he was my life. I would have been the walking dead the rest of my days. My parents lost my eldest sister when she was 5. Everone that knew them say that it took something out of them. So if you can't keep it together for you..keep it together for them.

I believe in God and i know in my heart hell exists. Through Jesus all our sins are forgiven, all we have to do is ask. If you take your own life, I could coould see where God might consider that murder. if you are noy alive to ask for his forgiveness then I would assume you are not (forgiven). People who are not forgiven, according to the Bible, go to Hell. I won't presume to judge you bro, but you need to look at the big picture here. burning for eternity with "no rest for the wicked" is not the way to go. if you can't keep it together for your parents and other friends and loved ones...keep it together for you..FOR YOU! God Bless you brother.

Edited, Wed Jan 4 20:21:43 2006 by deathsblessing
#19 Jan 04 2006 at 9:42 PM Rating: Good
791 posts
You seem to have an open mind. So take a look at this.

Life, no matter how you look at it, doesn't last long. Even if you live to be 120 years old, what is that compared to an eternity (of heaven or of nothingness)?

Live life, enjoy as much as you can, and be done with it the right way.

Suicide is incredibly selfish...especially when you have no reason to do it. You should get help from a profressional rather than a gaming forum though. It could turn your life around.
#20 Jan 04 2006 at 10:14 PM Rating: Decent
124 posts
Sioux that was a umm interesting link O.O

But alot of what it says is true

Weakness I thought you had gotten over this when you met that new girl you were telling you'd met and that you were completely happy with her.

One other option you may want to explore as was mentioned before, depression, it's a heredity disease that I myself suffer from. I was diagonsed about 6 yrs ago with clinical depression. It is treatable and there's all kinds of counseling if you need it. If you don't talk to someone and get some kind of control over this it's just going to get worse and worse.

There are days when I don't want to get out of bed, cry for no reason or even freak out without provacation. Unfortunately at this time I have no insurance hence no medicine but I do have wonderful friends that I can turn to when needed and they never hesitate to help, listen or cheer me up.

You know how to get hold of me, even if it is just to send me a long email that I can respond to. I don't mind at all because I know where you are. If you don't still have it I'll give you my phone number so you can call me if you need someone to talk to.

Just don't do anything that someone else may regret. I promise you'll make it through this and a few yrs from now you'll look back and say, "Thank god I didn't waste my talent and life on something like that". I know I do everytime I look at all 3 of my girls that I would've missed out on had I succeeded when I was 16. Luckily I didn't know what I should have done to keep the pills down but that's another story.

Just keep in mind that you're not alone like you seem to think you are. You have friends that care about you and are more than willing to help if you'll just let us.

Sorry for the long post.

I've got 3 email addys that I can give you....just let me know when you want them <kisses>
#21 Jan 04 2006 at 10:38 PM Rating: Good
629 posts
the link works now :3
#22 Jan 05 2006 at 2:10 AM Rating: Excellent
97 posts
Weakness... Let me start off by saying that I don't know you. I've seen you around on Bismarck before however.

Whatever problems you're having in real life, I'm sorry, I hope you eventually resolve them..

But c'mon man, this is a goddamn forum for a VIDEOGAME. You're asking people you've never seen before about what they think about you killing yourself. You've never met any of these people, and I'm sure pretty sure you never will..

I'm sorry, but this all sounds like a cry for attention. I've known people who killed themselves, many infact. None of them ever said anything prior to their suicide.. they just went out and did it and surprised the **** out of I and other friends the next day..

I think you really need to see a doctor...maybe he can help ya out. Killing yourself ain't gonna do ****. It'll just prove how much of a coward and **** up you were, cause you couldn't find a simple solution.
#23 Jan 06 2006 at 2:08 AM Rating: Decent
i too have thought about it a couple times, but the fear of the unknown and friends keep me from it. after awhile i realized its not the anser to problems, just gotta face em, and deal with em, everything gets better over time. dont do it, dont take the easy way out. just keep pressing on , and things will get better. if yah ever wanna talk about it, send me a tell man
good luck making the right decision

#24 Jan 06 2006 at 5:23 AM Rating: Good
87 posts

First, and foremost, I seriously think you should talk to someone, preferrably a professional in the medical field, about this. And right away.

Death affects the living. And it only hurts those close to you if you kill yourself; I have seen lives torn apart because someone close to them committed suicide. We would be the ones affected by it, and permanently. Is that something you are willing to do to us?

Now in your opening post you asked for opinions on death. Allow me to quote one more authorititative on the subject than me:

I came that [you] may have life, and have it abundantly. --John 10:10b

Death is not the end of life, just a the beginning of a new process of a person's life.

The central tenet of all orthodox Christianity is the Resurrection of Jesus. How does that tie into this? Well, simply put:

For if the dead are not raised, then Christ has not been raised either. And if Christ has not been raised, your faith is futile; you are still in your sins. Then those also who have fallen asleep in Christ are lost. If only for this life we have hope in Christ, we are to be pitied more than all men.

If the dead are not raised,
"Let us eat and drink,
for tomorrow we die."--1 Corinthians 15:16-19, 32b

As a Christian I affirm a traditional view of the literal Heaven and Hell, but it is different than what Dante & Company had in mind. Hell is not about pain and torture--it is a state of total shame and regret (the Biblical expression of 'grinding ones' teeth' in the parable is an expression of extreme regret, not pain). No lake of fire, no boiling oil, no lead cloaks, just unmitigated regret and sorrow over choosing self over God. I also affirm the orthodox belief that individuals, rather than God, choose Hell rather than spend any time at all with a God they want nothing to do with. Hell is total selfishness; Heaven total selflessness.

We exist not only in the Shadow of the Valley of Death--but also, at the same time, in the Shadow of the Valley of Life. Eternity has a funny way of working back through time, and where we end up 'works back' through our memories of life and colors them as they truly are.

And that's that, in a 'nutshell' (grin). I say this with great respect: I will pray for you. You've shown courage to share your vulnerablilities; and I humbly ask that you allow those around you to help you.

Goodbye, karma rating. It was nice while it lasted.

Note: Issues with my post may be directed to my PM inbox.
#25 Jan 06 2006 at 5:35 AM Rating: Decent
107 posts
If you don't care, then theres absolutly nothing anyone can say or do to convince you not to, I know, I've been there. I have tried to kill my self 3 times, the last time I was sure I had succeded and when that realization dawned on me, I wanted to do everything I could to stay alive, which wasn't much I'm alive today because of my best friend.
Suicide for no reason is selfish, its unneccesary, Its wasteful, but it is a way out. like I said no one else can change your mind, espeacily if you dont care, just make sure your family can afford your funeral before you do it out of courtasey.

I personaly think that you posting here was a cry for help/attention, weather you realize it or not.
Either that or your just another mindf***, and if this is the case I don't feel sorry for you(sorry if that sounds cold, but there are alot of those online).

If you are sincere, then I for one hope you decide not too,theres alot to experiance in life and not much time to do so as it is.
The greatest thing in my opinion is finding true love, Im thankful for everyday I get to spend with my girl friend. Sorry if that sounds sappy/cliche but its the truth.

As I said before, If you want to and dont care about what its effects will be, then do it and get it over with. If you have even the[Chartreuse] slightest unccertanty then By all means seek out help because words cannot express the feeling that comes over you when you realize you realy didnt want to die and cant stop it.[/Bisque]
#26 Jan 08 2006 at 9:03 AM Rating: Decent
Wow, I litterly started to tear when I read Weakness's post. I dunno why but,

My friends friend committed suicide. I knew the kid but I wasn't good friends with him.

Yes, I think my life sucks ***. And I have gotten thoughts of killing myself. But I didn't actually do it. I just had thoughts of hanging myself, cutting my wrists, (What I don't do.) stabbing myself a few times, and even lighting myself on fire.

The funny part is when I told my guidance consouler at school when I was having these thoughts, she thought I was crazy. lol

Ok, to answer your question Weakness, my opinon about suicide is that suicide is basically a way to get away out your problems of life. I can't really think of anything so...

EDIT: Just a few grammar errors.

Edited, Sun Jan 8 09:09:24 2006 by Andykiller
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