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Yet another instance of price jackingFollow

#1 Jan 14 2006 at 9:37 PM Rating: Decent
477 posts
Well my friends, I am here again. Recently a friend of mine was woodworking, skilling up on demon arrows. Well he went to Jeuno to get some arrow heads and much to his disappointment the price had jumped by 10k. Now this might be normal, and it might not have really phased me... except that the price hike was caused by one person. Squah. He said that he had capped his skill and wanted to get money out of them, and that he didn't care about the other people. Nice huh?

Edited, Sat Jan 14 21:45:15 2006 by JadenNyte
#2 Jan 14 2006 at 11:34 PM Rating: Good
1,477 posts
But how is he hiking the price 10K if the buyers aren't just throwing an extra 10K up there? It seems like it's the buyers that don't care about the other people. The only price shown in the AH price history is the buyers'.
#3 Jan 15 2006 at 12:14 AM Rating: Default
26 posts
I agree with Dryhus about the economy. The buyers are to blame. A prime example is Balloon Cloth. On Wednesday it was selling for betweeen 200k - 250k. Yet a buyer named Tracent decided to pay 500k for a piece of cloth. Instead of waiting for the prices to go down, they decided to feed the money to sellers. The prices quickly skyrocketed to 1 million for a piece of Balloon Cloth that sold for 250k just earlier that same day.

I don't blame the sellers, cause they guessed how much people would be willing to pay and they were right. If they were wrong, they would have lost their AH placement fee and had to put the item for sale again. I blame buyers like Tracent for agreeeing to pay such high amounts for an item that was consistently selling at less than half that amount. Its gilbuyers like them that are ruining the game not the people who are putting merchandise for sale.

Just because people are selling items at a high rate, does not mean you have to pay those prices for it.
#4 Jan 16 2006 at 9:31 AM Rating: Default
509 posts
I agree with the above 2 posts. It's the buyers. I have a few examples to prove that.

My fiancee, Vaulout and I have been currently leveling low-lvl jobs in Ghelsba. aka LOTS of fire crystalsdrops. He put 7 stacks of fire crystals up for sale on ah - for 1 gil each. ONE gil! Guess what people payed per stack? Over 10k - each (i think.. i forget the exact amount). That is friggin ridiculous! How many times can it be stressed enough that when you are bidding - start low and work your way up??? It's just pure laziness!!!!!!

Also, I had lots of random drops (cheap items). If something usually sells for 300 gil, I'll sell it for 100 gil, or even 50 gil, just for the heck of it. I figure I'll give people a break and sell it even cheaper than what an NPC sells it for. I went to put up Bind scrolls for sale - and in the history was someone who purchased it for 1k (when it goes for 300 gil) C'mon people? 1k? [cough] lazy [cough]

I don't wana hear the BS about gil buyers/gil sellers. It isn't about that anymore. It didn't take long for us to get stacks upon stacks of fire crystals. Hell, I'm not even going to sell them - not one stack! I'm going to use them to continue my Cooking skill. It'll save me oodles of $$ in the longrun.

I'd say the advice at this point - farm your own stuff. I know that takes time - but just do it. Grab a friend with a lower job and party for a few hours. I'm having a great time - and getting tons of drops.
#5 Jan 16 2006 at 8:42 PM Rating: Default
124 posts
Ok, it's not always the buyers.

On Sunday I was looking at new back pieces and found one I wanted. The last listed price was 80k. I started bidding at 80k. I went all the way up to 96k before I was FINALLY able to get my new back piece. The name of the seller was Daitaru. I checked and he was on. Almost sent him a "nice" tell to thank him for jacking up the price!! ><

#6 Jan 16 2006 at 9:03 PM Rating: Decent
727 posts
How many back pieces were up on the AH though. This could just be supply and demand if there was only 1 at the AH.

Also did you really need this backpiece?
If you didn't, YOU raised te price.
#7 Jan 16 2006 at 9:14 PM Rating: Decent
124 posts
This is true but for as long as I've been playing whms always go for mp based gear.
#8 Jan 17 2006 at 11:20 AM Rating: Good
It is rediculous to accuse someone in particular of being the bad guy when it comes to price hikes.

The name of the game is INFLATION kids. People charge more for their stuff because why? Let's make it a multiple choice.

A) They are jerks

B) They are noobs

C) They want to destroy the game for you because of a personal vendetta


I'll let my judicious use of caps point you in the right direction on that one.

Edited, Tue Jan 17 11:26:47 2006 by Solichan
#9 Jan 17 2006 at 1:32 PM Rating: Decent
Solichan wrote:
It is rediculous to accuse someone in particular of being the bad guy when it comes to price hikes.

The name of the game is INFLATION kids. People charge more for their stuff because why? Let's make it a multiple choice.

A) They are jerks

B) They are noobs

C) They want to destroy the game for you because of a personal vendetta


I'll let my judicious use of caps point you in the right direction on that one.

Edited, Tue Jan 17 11:26:47 2006 by Solichan

Thank you. Alot of people apparently don't get it.
#10 Jan 17 2006 at 3:22 PM Rating: Default
509 posts
I agree with a LOT of what was said, after my reply, 6 posts up. I'm talking about normally cheap items. Stuff you can quest or buy from an npc and not pay the insane AH price. There is NO reason for crystals to have soared in the prices the way they did - but maybe I'm the only one that feels that way. Seriously - it isn't that hard to hop on a lower leveled job and kill mobs and get oodles of crystals. Most of ya'll have mules too - hop on those?

Obviously I know when your crafting, you want to make a profit, if not at least break even. Noone wants a loss. Therefore sell it for a lil more right? I agree... to an extent.

But the price jacking started SOMEWHERE didn't it? I remember when fire crystals were 3k/stack - that was in May when I first started playing and that was my noobish way to make gil. Now they are 10k/stack. Same goes for winds and earths - the prices are now triple what they used to be - when they don't have to be! The AH was put in place to help the person-person trade. But every single item that gets put up for sale is available in some way shape or form, OTHER THAN BUYING FROM AH. There are so many forums that list where items are sold, how it's quested, what npc, nation, etc. I would take advantage of that - heck I printed them all out and keep em in a folder. When I'm going to lvl a craft, or decide to buy some gear for a job - I know what npc/location sells it for cheapest.

Maybe this will cut down some of the costs for everyday items.

Maybe it won't.

I know this is a mini economy, inflation affects everyone. Supply and demand at its peak right now. But eventually, prices will indeed be too high, to buy even the most mundane of items, whether ginger cookies, or a simple lvl 1 sword. I know a lot of you have a lot of money to work with - having had saved it over the past few years you've been playing. Some of us haven't had that much time to save. So my question is what will you do when the cost of "living" is too expensive? (looking for honest answers, not looking to be flamed) =)

Thank you =D
#11 Jan 17 2006 at 6:54 PM Rating: Decent
But every single item that gets put up for sale is available in some way shape or form, OTHER THAN BUYING FROM AH.

*available to someone, even if it's only a guy in a top HNM shell or only a gilseller that monopolizes a mob or only the one JP on the server with 100 GS/60 BC/60 WW/60 CC/60 ALC/60 CK/60 BS (No, I don't really know what synth I'm talking about here either, especially not because it involves cooking and alchemy <_<) who got lucky and HQ'd one, in some way shape or form, other than buying from the AH.


Seriously, a lot of stuff isn't THAT easy to get off the AH. And don't pull a "Go KS your venomous claw", cause I'm not talking about a Scorp Harness. Sure, most of what you can't get off the AH is the highest-end luxury gear, but the point remains that not all items are available to all players.

I do agree with most of your point, but you're saying it like it's the be-all and end-all of points.
#12 Jan 17 2006 at 8:06 PM Rating: Decent
What are you complaining about Bellemithra? If you were a crystal farmer and prices went up to 10k per stack, you would be happy, right? Your profit has more than tripled. But, oh wait! The price of the gear you want has increased similarly! D'oh! Now you're right back where you started!

And that, my friends, is inflation.
I don't know how many times I have to say this, but...

When all money is worth less


all prices go up


a similar proportion


everyone's about where they started


a short initial period of upheaval.

Yes, it's a lot more complicated than that, with prices going up much more in ultra-rare drops and synths and less in common synths and consumables, and with prices actually *gasp* falling a lot of the time after self corrections occurr. But while inflation can suck, it is largely insignificant. I can only assume that people are complaining about inflation because they are very set in their ways. It's all a bunch of people saying "omg, crystals should only cost 3k per stack cuz they always have cost 3k per stack and I'm used to that." Nobody's arguing about the value of gil and the worth of an item- that would certainly be a worthwhile thing to talk about (ie "Phantom earring isn't worth 800k because for 100k you can get a cunning earring that's got the same int bonus without the lame 8 mp for 700k extra). But that's not what we've got, it's all kneejerk whining about the way people want everything to conform to their wishes.


I guess I'd also like to add that inflation only ends up being significant for three major reasons in the real world and of these only the first and third appliy even a little bit to the game.

First, wages take time to meet inflation, and sometimes virtually never do (ie teachers, that's why they're constantly going on strike everywhere), so while money in general is worth less, a lot of people don't get paid more to compensate for that. In FFXI, almost everyone does, because inflation pulls up the price on everything from uber 1337 100+ synth items to stacks of rabbit hides. Even your bottom rung noob farmers are making more, so they're not hurt so much.

Second, inflation affects debt: if I owe 10k today, and tomorrow that's only worth half as much as it was before, I win. Debt is virtually nonexistent in ffxi, so that's not a concern.

And finally, there's practicality- if inflation happens to the extent where money is essentially worthless, a system based on paper bills or coins becomes impossible to manage. In Germany post World War Something (I forget which one) for instance, hyperinflation caused the deuschtemark [sic] to become worth about as much as the paper it was printed on, and people had to take a wheelbarrow of money to buy groceries. Now since gil does not take up space, that's MOSTLY not a concern, until prices start to go over 99,999,999 gil. It's impossible to handle more than that amount of gil in a single transaction (or have more that much on your person) because of a hard coded limit. And while there might be that problem on Faerie, Bismarck is still a long ways away. It is very likely that once inflation on ALL servers starts to get as bad as Faerie, SE will be forced to step in to curb inflation or to erradicate the massive massive massive volumes of gil being generated and distributed by RMTers.

I'm not trying to personally slight you, Bellemithra, I just responded to your post cuz it was the last one on the list and made me think. I don't mean to be rude, your comment wasn't a bad one necessarily, I'm just fed up with everyone seeming to miss the point about what inflation actually represents.

Omg, does this thing usually delete the changes you make when you try to edit more than once?

Edited, Tue Jan 17 21:06:13 2006 by Solichan
#13 Jan 18 2006 at 4:19 AM Rating: Decent
61 posts
I agree with this guy above me. Sucks that prices are high, but it is alot easier to make money if you farm the right stuff. If you went and partied in dunes for a couple hours each day you could have 100k+ by the end of the week in crystal sales. And just because alot of people complain about it, doesnt mean its gonna go away.

Last 2 weeks or so I harvested red moko grass, and brought in about 2-3 mil. When I put them up in lower jeuno they were 130-135k and there were 30+ in there. So the smart thing to do would be to sell at a lower price, I put them up for 120k. Then like 5 people /tell me something like "WTF are you doing undercutting?!", and whats so bad about it one of the guys was on my friends list -.-.
#14 Jan 18 2006 at 11:33 AM Rating: Decent
624 posts
lol, that was me Bus, I'll tell you why I sent you that very tell, there's no reason to undercut in the market the way it is... I used to try to help people out and give them a break by putting massive ammounts of items up for a lower price and bringing it down(much like the guys with the Scorpion Harness tried to do, though I do it slower), but just like the guys that did the SH thing it doesn't ever work out as planned because other people always come in and reverse the work I was trying to do.

So for now, it's just like:

*********** IT![/b][/lg] There's no reason to try to help people like that.
#15 Jan 18 2006 at 6:29 PM Rating: Good
Undercutting is not some retarded altruistic strategy to use in order to make the game a better place. Lowering your prices is an economic strategy, damn it! If I wanted to help people, I'd give them my stuff for FREE, or bazaar it for HALF PRICE, I wouldn't AH it where 9 times out of 10 they're gonna end up paying much closer to full price than I actually put it in for.

In FFXI, you have ONLY ONE RESOURCE TO SPEND. And listen up, it's important. That resource is TIME

So. Let's say there's 100 stacks of sole sushi in the AH, and I sell at standard price. There are 100 stacks ahead of mine, so that will take more time to sell; let's say I can make 200k per day since that's the maximum amount of sushi I can sell in one day without undercutting.

Now let's say I undercut. Now, I can make 400k per day, since all the suckers selling for full price have to wait for mine to sell! I can sell way more sushi in the same amount of time, and sometimes I won't even make less money! Other times, people will guess my undercut and I will make less money, but even if I'm undercutting by a large amount I'm still making a bigger profit- I make less per synth, but I sell waay more synths, so I make waay more money. That's just common freakin' sense.

More gil in less time is more money. Therefore, undercutting is more money, not less, when you're actually able to exceed the max sales rate in your synthing. Obviously if you can only spend long enough to make 1 day's worth of sushi at full price, there's no point to undercutting; you can't put up that extra supply to nudge your profits beyond their current cap. But for people with crafting skills/strategies, or just time to put up more than what they could move in one day at normal price, they can make off like a bandit when undercutting. The flipside is that undercutting causes others to undercut you, and so on until you see real price drops. HOWEVER, an important thing I've learned as a chef is that IF YOU DON'T UNDERCUT, SOMEONE WILL UNDERCUT YOU AND YOU WILL GET JACKED.

All in all, undercutting is not a successful strategy for everyone. For some it makes no sense whatsoever since they have very limited crafting time anyway. But to anyone who thinks it's altruistic to undercut, get a damn clue. Undercutters are as greedy if not more greedy than others; undercutting is just one more way of controlling a market, cuz if you can craft enough to sacrifice profit margins and still make money to the point where no others will beat your price, you win.

Edited, Wed Jan 18 18:31:39 2006 by Solichan

Edited, Wed Jan 18 18:37:20 2006 by Solichan
#16 Jan 19 2006 at 1:27 PM Rating: Default
bellemithra wrote:
Also, I had lots of random drops (cheap items). If something usually sells for 300 gil, I'll sell it for 100 gil, or even 50 gil, just for the heck of it. I figure I'll give people a break and sell it even cheaper than what an NPC sells it for. I went to put up Bind scrolls for sale - and in the history was someone who purchased it for 1k (when it goes for 300 gil) C'mon people? 1k? [cough] lazy [cough]

I feel your pain. I have plenty of gil, and I STILL HATE the price jacking. I have been putting silent oils on the AH for as low as 15k a stack, and people still buy them for 45 ;; I HQ the hell out of them, and am more than happy to lower the price on them so they're affordable(when they damn well shold be)

Have been doing same thing for Prism Powders also

So hint hint, look for my prices on AH :P
#17 Jan 19 2006 at 2:18 PM Rating: Good
594 posts
Heh, fitch...same here. In a fleeting idea that woodworking sounded like fun, I made 15-20 flutes before I said ***** it. I listed them all in AH for 1 gil and they all sold for 1k. Not a single person out of 20 buyers tried to bid less when they saw at least 7 in's the buyers my friends.

I HQ silent oils all the time as well and routinely list them for 5-7k under the price...guess what...not once have ppl ever paid less than the current AH price. C'mon people, take 2 extra seconds to bid a little helps everyone.
#18 Jan 19 2006 at 3:12 PM Rating: Decent
509 posts
#19 Jan 19 2006 at 7:59 PM Rating: Default
501 posts
Ok *someone* please tell me why in the hell meat kabobs are 17k a stack? What makes them worth 17k? Have the chefs and ppl that supply the AH with goods gone mad? I'm telling you, this is getting absolutely insane. Not only that, but if I'm not mistaken you can buy some of the stuff to synth them from NPC's. I sense someone's turning a huge profit.

/em thinks for a bit. Hmm. Maybe I'm in the wrong trade. Maybe I should become a crafter and ***** the less fortunate folks who really don't have very many oppurtunities to make gil.
i.e. If you start in Sandy, what are you going to farm? Fire Crystals? It would take 2 stacks of them to make the gil for a stack of kabobs which is nuts.

Granted, those of us who have been polaying for a while know that you can farm silk thread in Windy areas. However, how is someone who's just starting out going to know that? I'm beginning to think I should stop using food because it will be entirely too expensive to afford it soon.

Sorry for the rant, but this really pisses me off.
(These are out of date, and I'm too lazy to keep up)
#20 Jan 19 2006 at 8:29 PM Rating: Decent
117 posts
Yep Sirrogel you are wrong. The people making the money on these snyths are the initial farmers. Mad at those damn cooks for raping you on suishi...... check to see what black sole and rice prices are. Mad at those damn alchemists for raping you on silent oils...... check to see what bee chips and slime oil goes for. The cost for the starting craft items sets a baseline and the price only goes up from there. The problem is that there are too many high level people that have too much money. So just farm the stuff you need to do it yourself. Meat bobs are lvl 36 cooking recipe or something and silent oils are a lvl 24 alchemy recipe. You don't you have to buy this stuff on the AH, its just a lot more convienent to do it that way. That convienence costs you a premium which is only going to go up as the value of gil goes down.
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