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Blm Nerfing?Follow

#1 Mar 13 2006 at 4:33 PM Rating: Decent
I've only heard that our fellow blms are going to be getting nerfed. I've heard that they're only gonna nerf blms when there is more then one in a party, and I've heard that they're nerfing blms all together.

So whats the deal? Is there anything officially release from SE about this? I've checked and couldn't find anything in regards to this issue. If anyone could find any more confirmed info please post the link and I'd be most happy.

#2 Mar 13 2006 at 4:40 PM Rating: Decent
947 posts;mid=1141871674105963075;page=1

"Black Mage
They started out by recognizing how ungodly powerful Black Mages are. There are plans to make Manaburns less powerful. They want to make it so having more than one Black Mage in a party makes them less effective, or redundant maybe. There will be new spells, but they will not be announced. They did mention that we will definitely know when they are put in. "
#3 Mar 13 2006 at 5:50 PM Rating: Decent
This is off of FFXIOnline from someone who was at the Fan Festival


acknowledged one of the most powerful
acknowledged that 6 blm can pwn, but not necessary how they envisioned it
try to make it so they play in regular parties more
but giving them more spells to "compensate" so it doesn't seem they are picking on blm

Check here for other info on changes coming (i.e. Warriors getting to throw Axes :-)
#4 Mar 13 2006 at 6:15 PM Rating: Decent
Thanks for the links guys. Looks like we're gonna see alot of changes to alot of jobs.
#5 Mar 13 2006 at 6:20 PM Rating: Good
1,592 posts;mid=114203607569219833;num=20;page=1


About the request for BLM NERF:
They said that BLM doing Manaburn pt's is a creative to pt, but it's not how they envisioned it to work. Since they don't want to stop any BLM from manaburning, BLM are getting new spells to make them more inviting for higeher lvl pt's and merit pt's. They do not want to affect how players want to party, so the solution was to ADD abilities to most jobs.

Which spells.... they didn’t tell us. -.-

So, as of yet, what they are planning, blm's are NOT being nerfed. Just being made more versatile, being given more spells so that regular parties will 'want' them more. I don't know what kind of spells would prompt a 'regular' party to want it more, AND to make a blm 'want' to go join a 'regular' party over a manaburn.
#6 Mar 14 2006 at 7:51 AM Rating: Good
247 posts
All I know is that it sounds like it's going to ***** up the Divine Might MB that I want to do. XD
#7 Mar 14 2006 at 8:52 AM Rating: Decent
238 posts
After about lvl 68, manaburn exp is not much hotter than good normal pt exp. Plus if it screws up you have a lot of dead blms eating an r2 at best (from RR hairpin).

You'd be shocked how bad manaburns can be sometimes. A lot of blms out there are quite thick ; ;

Also from what I've heard, melee burn pts in sky and KRT blow manaburn exp away in the endgame.
#8 Mar 14 2006 at 2:51 PM Rating: Decent
501 posts
I also heard that jobs subbing War won't get provoke after the update/expansion. This is just a rumor I heard but I'd like to know if there's any validity to this.

If it is true, bye-bye Nin tank. If you can get enough hate on you with Ninjutsu, then my hat goes off to you. I'd also like to think that when a tank in your pt, whether he/she is a damn good tank or a horrible one, loses hate ( and it does happen ) who's going to be able to save the mage/melee who the mob turns to? I've had to voke a mob from a mage way too many times than I'd care to remember. Now if SE does in fact decide to do this, I expect to see alot more deaths in a pt.

Also this will ***** up party dynamics when a Drg and Thf are in the same pt. (I'm going from my experiences on this one) When I'm opening a Light SC with them, I will voke then WS so that the Thf can go behind tank SaTa and WS and that will usually put enough hate on the tank to keep it when the MB lands. Taking away provoke from every job that subs War is completely stupid in my opinion.

What do you guys think?
(These are out of date, and I'm too lazy to keep up)
#9 Mar 14 2006 at 3:27 PM Rating: Decent
75 posts
If /war doesn't give you voke then war would be the only tank. Even Pld would have hate problems without voke. They won't do that it would be just plain stupid.
#10 Mar 14 2006 at 5:00 PM Rating: Decent
5,159 posts
Plus if it screws up you have a lot of dead blms eating an r2 at best (from RR hairpin).

You know, at 75, the difference between R2 and R3 is only about 500 exp. People always act like it's sooo important to get R3, but it hardly matters.
#11 Mar 14 2006 at 8:35 PM Rating: Decent
591 posts
Blackangels can you say "death"

Wife: Akirah
#12 Mar 14 2006 at 9:46 PM Rating: Decent
391 posts
Yeah BA is kinda ******* but then again so is being able to manaburn DM and KS30s....can you say "Death" to all of us?
#13 Mar 14 2006 at 10:02 PM Rating: Decent
110 posts
You know, at 75, the difference between R2 and R3 is only about 500 exp. People always act like it's sooo important to get R3, but it hardly matters.


You only say that because you're a BST.
500 exp for 1 death is not much. But if you die repeatedly for 1 week at level 75, you'll delevel back to 74 in no time.

And seeking for buffer party at 75 sucks for some jobs <.<

#14 Mar 15 2006 at 12:10 PM Rating: Decent
306 posts
BLMs have been needing to get nerfed for quite some time.
#15 Mar 15 2006 at 12:35 PM Rating: Good
594 posts
After about lvl 68, manaburn exp is not much hotter than good normal pt exp. Plus if it screws up you have a lot of dead blms eating an r2 at best (from RR hairpin).

That is utter crap. There are places where a BLM can manaburn and double or triple a regular xp party in experience points. Hell I can duo xp in Sea and get Chain 3 to the tune of about 1100xp for killing 4 mobs. And the poster that said you lose little more xp with R2 is right. It's not that big of a deal.

And to the person that says they die all the time and delevel and find it hard to get parties to get a buffer...what game are you playing? Go to the Range and duo'll have a capped buffer in a few days.

And lastly, why is everyone freaking out about a nerf. No one knows what will happen. SE is not dumb...and they wont make a change that will cause hundreds of people to quit. Yes, the developers said a few things but they were vary vague and by no means give us a real idea of what is going to happen. Just relax about it and when the changes come, we'll adapt to we always do.

#16 Mar 15 2006 at 12:50 PM Rating: Decent
SE is not dumb...and they wont make a change that will cause hundreds of people to quit

MPK patch and Beastmasters....enough said.
#17 Mar 15 2006 at 12:59 PM Rating: Decent
594 posts
SE is not dumb...and they wont make a change that will cause hundreds of people to quit

MPK patch and Beastmasters....enough said.

Everyone knows that the greater good was served by eliminating a MPK threat. That is what SE did and it is a smart thing to do. They also tweaked BST to make them more pt friendly. It's not a nerf, but a change. There are too many close minded people in this game that are afraid to adapt and make a change...what do you do in real life? Blame it on someone or something else because you dont like? Or do you grin and think of a way to make it work?

Or perhaps you would prefer that they don't address MPK so everyone can go along and continue to kill people everytime they want a claim to something.

It appears that the people who complain and moan about this are the same people that make posts like yours...a poorly worded statement at best with no support of your opinion.

Edited, Wed Mar 15 13:00:18 2006 by kevindragotto
#18 Mar 15 2006 at 1:06 PM Rating: Decent
All I'm saying is that there were other ways to fix MPK than the way they implemented and not completely change the BST job. So it seems to me that SE developers are not the know-all gurus you portray them as. I'm sure many full-time BST did quit after that patch. That is the only point I was making and that SE didn't consider that when they changed monster behavior or just flat said "***** you" to the BST community.

Edit: Also wanted to mention that the addition of jug pets not affecting xp loss was a slap to the face. It was like giving aspirin to someone who just got hit by a car. Most BST didnt play that job to pt conventionally, we played for the ability charm and to solo. If I wanted to be a regular DD I would've played SAM or WAR, BST was something different and really made the game feel new and unique again.

Edited, Wed Mar 15 13:16:36 2006 by YankeeFan
#19 Mar 15 2006 at 1:17 PM Rating: Decent
I also heard that jobs subbing War won't get provoke after the update/expansion. This is just a rumor I heard but I'd like to know if there's any validity to this.

I want to know too.
That would be so absolutely ridiculous.

You know, I've adapted to every nerf, every change they threw at us. I didn't growl or ***** about it, I moved on, I adapted.

But I seriously have an absolute issue if you sub war, you can't voke anymore. What happens to our NIN's and PLD's? Who complained to SE this was needed?

Next people will complain SATA is too powerful, so if you sub THF, you won't be able to SATA your WS. Think about it.

I seriously hope this is just not true.
#20 Mar 15 2006 at 1:51 PM Rating: Good
1,592 posts
SE is not dumb...and they wont make a change that will cause hundreds of people to quit.

Everyone knows that the greater good was served by eliminating a MPK threat. That is what SE did and it is a smart thing to do.

What if the 'greater good' continues to be causing changes to the game that will eventually cause more and more people to quit. What this boils down to is it didn't directly affect me, so I don't care.

Edited, Wed Mar 15 13:53:29 2006 by Gamion
#21 Mar 15 2006 at 2:28 PM Rating: Decent
594 posts
What if the 'greater good' continues to be causing changes to the game that will eventually cause more and more people to quit. What this boils down to is it didn't directly affect me, so I don't care.

Of course I care. One of my points was that there are reasons that SE does what they do. And for the most part, they all make sense.

What I was trying to get across is that when changes happen, people do two things. They either complain and argue and moan, or they adapt. If a change makes the game less fun for you, then leave. I am not forcing you to play and niether is SE. From that perspective though, SE will do its utmost to keep its customers. It'd be bad business to do any less.

I swear that when SE announces something, the conspiracy theorists crawl out from under their desks and get to typing. Everything is an attack and nothing is for the greater good....this attitude that pervades these boards is what makes the game less fun. It's not the changes that suck, it's the people that constantly complain about them. Leave something different.
#22 Mar 15 2006 at 3:31 PM Rating: Good
690 posts
I think Kalos ate paint chips while standing under high-voltage power lines as a kid.

I also think that SE is going to make it so that all BLM spells cost 500mp and do 1 damage to all mobs, regardless of level. Think about it this way. We'll only do 1 damage to rabbits, but we'll also do 1 damage to Kirin! TO KIRIN! Can you fathom the ramnifications of that!?

Blink will give us -2 shadows and increase our chances of getting hit.

Stoneskin will remove 200 HP and give us a 50 dmg/tick DoT.

A 3 hour manaburn will successfully delevel a 75 BLM to level 1.

We will be crippled, gimped, and hosed beyond belief.

And you know what... I will STILL be a BLM and I will STILL be the best damn BLM I can be.

--Arondight, Bismarck
Nothing that is so, is so.
#23 Mar 15 2006 at 3:52 PM Rating: Decent
238 posts
Sorry if my manaburn party remark was a tad jaded, I've had some terrible manaburn parties whilst leveling. Not sure how it was when you were climbing the ladder, but the majority of blms I've partied with of late semm to either a) lack sense or b) common decency.

Blm does not need nerfed, but I wouldn't complain if they introduced something to make BCNM and mission fights non-manaburnable.
#24 Mar 15 2006 at 4:24 PM Rating: Default
5,159 posts
You only say that because you're a BST.

Uh, no. Being a BST, I would be more likely to fall on the other side of the fence, because I can virtually guarantee that I die more often than most people in Dynamis just trying to exp.

And if you're so stupid to die continually for a week and fall back to 74, I'm wondering how you managed to hit 75 in the first place. A single party, once a week, gives you this amazing thing called buffer.
#25 Mar 15 2006 at 4:29 PM Rating: Decent
kevindragotto wrote:
After about lvl 68, manaburn exp is not much hotter than good normal pt exp. Plus if it screws up you have a lot of dead blms eating an r2 at best (from RR hairpin).

That is utter crap. There are places where a BLM can manaburn and double or triple a regular xp party in experience points. Hell I can duo xp in Sea and get Chain 3 to the tune of about 1100xp for killing 4 mobs. And the poster that said you lose little more xp with R2 is right. It's not that big of a deal.

And to the person that says they die all the time and delevel and find it hard to get parties to get a buffer...what game are you playing? Go to the Range and duo'll have a capped buffer in a few days.

And lastly, why is everyone freaking out about a nerf. No one knows what will happen. SE is not dumb...and they wont make a change that will cause hundreds of people to quit. Yes, the developers said a few things but they were vary vague and by no means give us a real idea of what is going to happen. Just relax about it and when the changes come, we'll adapt to we always do.

that is udder CRAP, i am a 75 brd, i have been in all the parties, blm, smn, war, mnk,etc....., and after 72 73ish, mnk parties are by far the fastest exp i have ever seen at close to 12k exp in under an hour at the fastest, 9k exp/hour at avg. i have rarely ever seen a mana burn party get past chain 5, while mnk in krt and war in sky parties can get over chain 20 if no other parties are around. the avg party in sky that i have been to can kill 2 mobs in the time it takes a blm to cast an ancient magic spell. none of the balanced parties ive been in after getting to level 73(esp if we roam) have ever wanted a blm in the party. so if SE makes manaburn parties useless and
didnt give them more versatility in other areas,hardly any blm could get to lvl 75 or into merit parties.the timing is crucial in manaburns, plan is simple enough, but 1 slip in timing you got a bunch of dead blms. yes blm are uber powerful
but they are uber weak, so if deal that much more dmg than the other DDs they will die fast and not be dealing any damage at all. their power and their weakness balances each other out in my opinion. so i dont feel nerfing of a blm is needed.

#26 Mar 15 2006 at 5:53 PM Rating: Good
690 posts
Black Mages in 73+ manaburns don't use ancient magic.

We use tier IV spells. We don't sleep the mob. The mob is almost instantly dead before it has a chance to attack anyone. Stoneskin/blink takes care of whatever minimal damage a BLM takes if a spell is resisted while another tier II nuke cleans up the sliver of HP the mob has left.

I have gotten well over chain 20 in a manaburn in KRT(granted, this was the brd pulling 2-3 mobs at a time and us -aga'ing them while the bard ran out for more. It was a well oiled machine). A group of GOOD blms can match a decent MNK party stride for stride.

With that said, yes, a good MNK party or sky melee party can easily out exp a manaburn, but that doesn't mean we can't hold our own either.

--Arondight, Bismarck
Nothing that is so, is so.
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