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Underrated Job CombosFollow

#1 Apr 06 2006 at 10:58 AM Rating: Good
251 posts
Hello there, I wanted to start a thread like this to help get an idea for some really good combos that exist but perhaps aren't common. Maybe jobs listed here will give you a new spice on an old class? Maybe you'd like to share something yourself? I'm just a regular old fuddyduddy WHM/BLM but that doesn't mean I'm not open to new twists.

One job combo I'll submit to you is the RDM/DRK. A very good friend of mine, Deedlitchan, made me a believer in this and I hope you'll see why as I break it down in early, middle, and end-game.

By Level 10/5
Resist Petrify I
Arcane Circle
All Red Mage spells to 10

By Level 20/10
Resist Petrify I
Fast Cast
Magic Attack Bonus I
Arcane Circle
Physical Attack Up I
All Red Mage spells to 20

By Level 30/15
Resist Petrify II
Fast Cast I
Magic Attack Bonus I
Magic Defense Bonus I
Arcane Circle
Physical Attack Up I
Last Resort
All Red Mage spells to 30

By Level 40/20
Resist Petrify II
Fast Cast II
Magic Attack Bonus II
Magic Defense Bonus I
Clear Mind
Arcane Circle
Physical Attack Up I
Last Resort
Weapon Bash
Resist Paralysis I
All Red Mage spells to 40

By Level 50/25
Resist Petrify III
Fast Cast II
Magic Attack Bonus II
Magic Defense Bonus II
Clear Mind
Arcane Circle
Physical Attack Up I
Last Resort
Weapon Bash
Resist Paralysis I
All Red Mage spells to 50

By Level 60/30
Resist Petrify IV
Fast Cast III
Magic Attack Bonus III
Magic Defense Bonus II
Clear Mind II
Arcane Circle
Physical Attack Up II
Last Resort
Weapon Bash
Resist Paralysis I
Soul Eater
All Red Mage spells to 60

By Level 75/37
Resist Petrify IV
Fast Cast III
Magic Attack Bonus III
Magic Defense Bonus III
Clear Mind III
Arcane Circle
Physical Attack Up II
Last Resort
Weapon Bash
Resist Paralysis I
Soul Eater
All Red Mage spells to 75

Now, depending on your race, make any necessary stat mods in strength, HP, MP, weapon use skillcaps, etc. Considering that you can cast "En-" spells on yourself for offense and Phalanx/Stoneskin/Blink for defense (of course our favorite: Refresh) this makes for a very powerful melee Red Mage with plenty of MP to refresh, debuff, and power up for the fight.

Feel free to discuss the pros/cons of this combo here, or post "underrated"/uncommon ones of your own. Thanks! ^___^b
#2 Apr 06 2006 at 12:54 PM Rating: Good
256 posts
I guess you can say I'm a "purist" RDM. I usually go RDM/BLM in parties... sometimes RDM/WHM based on situations such as merit parties in KRT.

For unique situations (non-xp situations), I sometimes play around with RDM/DRK, RDM/NIN, and RDM/WAR. RDM/NIN is pretty fun solo-wise and is quite a powerful job combo.

I'm not really a fan of RDM/DRK. I use it for chainspell stun and other stun situations where a BLM may not be present. But my favorite combo by far when fooling around is RDM/WAR. I prefer RDM/WAR over RDM/DRK because it provides more of an offensive output and moreso because I enjoy tanking as RDM. Tanking as RDM/NIN is not as fun as RDM/WAR for me since /WAR allows my friends not to hold back on the damage output.

I've seen some RDM/DRK running around. Although it's not the job combo for me, I'm sure others that use that combo can make it a viable combo as long as they understand and know how to utilize their strengths and limit their weaknesses.

EDIT: The most unique and successful job combo I ever merit party with was a WHM/DRK in Lufaise Meadows. We didn't even realize he was /DRK until we saw him stunning an Abraxas. The combination of Flash and Stun was very helpful for our Ninja tank.

Edited, Thu Apr 6 14:00:03 2006 by Denavee

Edited, Fri Apr 7 12:23:14 2006 by Denavee
#3 Apr 06 2006 at 2:07 PM Rating: Decent
940 posts
RNG/WAR. nuff said
#4 Apr 06 2006 at 3:42 PM Rating: Decent
417 posts
#5 Apr 06 2006 at 7:02 PM Rating: Decent
391 posts
PLD / BLM... Icespikes PLD FTW!

(anyone who has read the Paladin forums knows what I'm talkin about :D)
#6 Apr 06 2006 at 9:39 PM Rating: Decent
271 posts
War/Mnk after 37
War/Drg: Acc bonus, Attack bonus dosn't stack with the War's, Acces to Haste gear unlocked by Subjob (that lvl30 earring!), Jump too! (has been tested out with succes apparently)

Pld/Rdm (only for soloing purposes)

Best DD sub between 20-30: /Drg (Attack Bonus and Jump) or /Rng (Free Acc bonus). /War doesn't give anything good till 30 (Berserk) And Voke is only used by tanks.

Deep inside, I cry everything time I see a War subbing Nin in the dunes... i'd rather invite a war/whm in that case >.>
#7 Apr 06 2006 at 10:56 PM Rating: Decent
135 posts
OMG i love soloing as rdm/drk. nothing like being able to pull off a 900 vorpal blade as a mage, not to mention the absorbs, and still having drain/aspir while kicking ***. stoneskin+souleater is a deadly combo.
unfortunately, i never got to experience rdm/drk in exp pt. i suppose this is a more viable combination for those rdm's who like to engage during pt than the standard blm or whm sub,with the obvious advantage of att bonus. weapon bash seems to be down right useless as drk anyway, unless you stack it with sata to plant some hate. absorbs dont kick in till higher lvls, but they are excellent for soloing, imo.
#8 Apr 06 2006 at 11:30 PM Rating: Good
340 posts
War/drg is so underrated...

#9 Apr 06 2006 at 11:32 PM Rating: Decent
112 posts
Hmm I always wanted to see how a Nin/Rng would fare with capped Throwing skill and of course costly Shurikens ^^
#10 Apr 07 2006 at 9:58 AM Rating: Good
251 posts
From what I understand, DRK/DRG makes for a powerful melee combo. Think, as a Dark Knight to have an: acc bonus, atk bonus, and of course think of performing jump attacks on your foes with a great sword or scythe! The only abilities you cannot get by end-game with this combo are summon wyvern/spirit link and super jump. Everything else is yours for the taking. I have never seen a DRK/DRG in action and am considering leveling both to try it.

Of course another underrated combo is DRG/SAM. Think about spamming pentathrust not to mention the constant elemental barrage you'd be unleashing on mobs when your wyvern attacks. Third Eye keeps you out of trouble should a stray hit come your way and you can store your TP for brutal attacks later. Plus, a samurai's racial/job strenghts only enhance what you need as a dragoon: strength and dexterity!

What do you think about those combinations? Any others?
#11 Apr 07 2006 at 11:31 AM Rating: Decent
Yeah, I completly agree with you about DRG/SAM. I have used it in exp parties ever since LVL 60 (now LVL 75)and I have no problems getting hate so THF's or DRK/THF's getting SATA off on the tanks. In the event of a PLD's 2HR and SATA on a DRG can be erase with either a High Jump or a Super Jump. The best part is that if you have a MNK in your party that gives multiple Light and/or Dark SC's that can be done for any situation. Another good note to point out is that DRG, DRK, and SAM are big STR users so any combos of these 3 will deal awesome damage. A good fighting tactic to keep in mind is to use ACC/DEX armor for TP, then macro in STR/ATK armor for WSing and bam instant pawnage yo.

The big deal is that people just need to quit bad mouthing DRG's and DRK's, most of the time it's newcomers that have never seen them in action or people that don't know how to use them. However I will admit that there are those that can't play certain jobs, but that is no reason to blame the job and not the person.
#12 Apr 07 2006 at 1:11 PM Rating: Good
376 posts
Just in reply to the /drg...

You're both right, it is super underrated. I'm currently taking my drg to 37 just for the purpose of subbing it to my 71 war. There's a long-running thread on the war forums about this, but here's the results:

You gain:
Jump: (Free TP that works outside the attack cycle, if you use this ability you do not increase the delay til your next swing. Free TP + an extra 100-400 damage = good)
High Jump: Less damage than jump, sheds 50% of your hate. You need this as a war/drg.
Acc Bonus: Duh :P
Equipment: Barone gear can give you a potential +4 tp per jump, if you use just the pants as war you get an additional 2 per jump (unless double attack fires, then X2). Also, the lovely Wyvern earring, +5% perma haste. Stack this with a rune chopper (+9% haste) and an mp merit so you dont have to replace gear with an MP slot, and you have a 400~ delay great axe. Even without rune you're taking your great axe to ~475, which is still as fast as a fully upgraded relic great axe.

You loose:
/thf: sata? Ok, a big damage spike is gone along with the hate transfer. Most of the time /jump can make up missing damage in exp pt and gives you additonal TP. Also flee, we all love flee.
/nin: Shadows, slight DoT advantage over a hasted war/drg. This advantage can be much larger with joytoy / ridill, but with this combo you loose the helpful break TP moves of great axe.

So, it all depends on pt setup. If anyone here is in the 70's, I'd love to go out when I finish leveling drg to test it out in an exp pt. If not, I'll build my own ^^. In closing: drg may be one of the hands down best melee subs that no one even thinks about because of the 2-year-ago OMGZ DRG 'nerf.'
#13 Apr 07 2006 at 2:39 PM Rating: Good
1,391 posts
I have had the opritunity to party with RDM/DRK before... As a DRG I am usually open to most everything. Anyway the ninja in my party the other night happened to be running a parser with this rdm/drk... I don't remember the exact number... should of made him e-mail them too me.

Anyway, it was something along these lines (level ~59 on crabs/pugils/raptors in Cape Terrigan).

NIN/WAR (In Scorpion Harness and tank gear) ~600 average
NIN/WAR (In Haubergeon, Ochiudo's, and DD gear) ~800 average
DRG/WAR (Me~ in decent equipment) ~830 average
Lumiere (My wyvern) ~230 average
THF/NIN ~600 average
RDM/DRK (In DD gear, they didn't MB though) ~400 average
BLM/WHM ~900 average (._.;; he could of done more, but would of died)

Numbers aren't made up, but they aren't exact for the entire average. =/ As you can see if I were to switch from my Spiked Finger Gauntlets into my AF hands my wyvern could probably be boosted by 50~75 average... In all a PLD is a better DD then RDM/DRK so I will stand by my firm opinion that the only use of RDM/DRK is at 74/75 for Chainspell Stun.

EDIT: On a side note the RDM was supposed to be main healing, but outside of a curaga or two from AoE he really didn't have to much.

Don't flame me, I played with MNK/DRG, and DRG/DRK in exp before... I am open to new options, but this one just doesn't work.

Edited, Fri Apr 7 15:47:12 2006 by Weakness
#14 Apr 07 2006 at 4:34 PM Rating: Decent
40 posts
All I ask is (and I'm heading off on a tangent here), if you try an "underrated" combo, please take time to also level the "normal" subs.

I appreciate that there may be some great unused combos out there, but many times party structures & strategies are built around people having access to the abilities certain subjobs provide.

Don't bring your war/drg to a deco pt, rdm/whm is nice for erase, etc.


#15 Apr 07 2006 at 4:50 PM Rating: Decent
271 posts
Drg/drk? that's rather unsual but rather sad too actually.

-The first Attack trait won't stack:
-Last Resort and Weapon Bash is garbage, unless you are trying to pull hate (But Voke would be better than that >.>)
-Soul Eater isn't as good as Drk main.
-Attack Boost II isn't there till 60 (Drk get it at 30)
Also, I recall hearring stories from a Ls-Mate of a Whm/War being used as a tank (Stoneskin and Flash for survival, Cures for Hate), anyone seen this combo around?
#16 Apr 07 2006 at 5:12 PM Rating: Decent
1,477 posts
Dralid wrote:
Also, I recall hearring stories from a Ls-Mate of a Whm/War being used as a tank (Stoneskin and Flash for survival, Cures for Hate), anyone seen this combo around?

Seems like RDM/WAR would work better. Stoneskin and Cures just like WHM, but also has Phalanx. Max HP is higher. Max MP is lower, but Refresh and Convert more than make up for it. (Usually) more defensive armor. Pre-Hexastrike, better melee damage to hold hate. I guess Flash is really the only thing WHM has for keeping hate, but I wonder if it puts up more hate than Sleep (II), which really seems to be an enmity monster.
#17 Apr 07 2006 at 5:49 PM Rating: Good
376 posts
All I ask is (and I'm heading off on a tangent here), if you try an "underrated" combo, please take time to also level the "normal" subs.

I appreciate that there may be some great unused combos out there, but many times party structures & strategies are built around people having access to the abilities certain subjobs provide.

Don't bring your war/drg to a deco pt, rdm/whm is nice for erase, etc.

I couldn't agree with this more. This is actually my main hesitation to announce that I even use war/drg. Only reason I'm starting to play with new combos is that I've been bst/nin for so long I'm getting sick of dual wieling axes ^^;. My nin and thf subs are leveled for pt use (along with having axe, great axe, and scythe WS's all capped and unlocked), and I'm starting to look at ways to fill the gaps that are left in the game. For example, on deco parties I think going anything that's not /nin (even if you're a drk, drg, whatever) is a waste of space... if you cant avoid the damage you're not worth it to the party dynamics. But for places like Bibiki where the mobs have no harmful AOE whatsoever, I think war/drg would probably outshine war/nin imo.

I guess what I'm saying is, the reason people use 'traditional' combos is that they perform best 80% of the time. The real problem is that 20% that could be really exploited if people understood what was needed to make the party work. That's why we see war/nin all over the place and not war/thf or war/drg-- war/nin is 'safe,' how bad can they ***** it up right? Well... from some of the pts Ive been in, maybe Id take a war/drg instead ^^; Given enough strategy I think some other job combos could really work (drk/drg with a kraken club can hit over 800-1500 a jump). The thing to remember is it's all up to the player on the other end in the end. I'd take a rdm/brd over a rdm/nin most days because I can see the rdm/brd intensions, but hey, if my party was all war/nin's and we were doing decos with a whm healing in the sky, maybe I would take a 75 rdm/nin (before 74 (No Thanks)). Anyhow um... /end rant.

I like seeing crazy job combos, just make sure you know what you're doing and not what looks / seems cool ^^

Edited, Fri Apr 7 18:52:10 2006 by galkaBST
#18 Apr 07 2006 at 6:46 PM Rating: Decent
238 posts
In reply to this, I was with Denavee when he helped me with ZM8.

He was rdm/war and the most godly tank I'd seen in a while. Took no damage except for when boss used light blade. Made me a firm believer.
#19 Apr 07 2006 at 9:39 PM Rating: Decent
202 posts
Sam/Rng wtf ws spam like woah
Character: Kancer WHM75
San d'Oria Rank 10
Server: Bismarck
Linkshell: lolz none
#20 Apr 07 2006 at 10:48 PM Rating: Decent
271 posts
Sam/Rng used to be pretty popular back before the Ranger Nerf. A properly prepared Sam/Rng was able to do 5 Sidewinder in a row. Initial 100% TP--> Sidewinder-->Medidate--> Sidewinder-->Meikyo Shisui--> Sidewinder--> Sidewinder-->Sidewinder. You either have a dead mob or a dead Sam after that however >.>

And then came the Rng nerf. Sam/Rng isn't certainly has good as before, but no idea if Sam/Rng could still be potent.
Another odd job combo! /Bst! When you look at it, all job/pet abilities are learned BEFORE 37. And since none of these are affected by a skill (Combat or Magic skill) they are likely of not getting their effect diminished by being subbed.
I did heard that the actually lvl of the Bst outside of the sub affect the succes-rate of Charm and duration (a 75Rdm/37Bst with actual lvl of 75 on Bst would charm "better" than a 75rdm/36Bst).
Then again, No Courrier Carrie for /Bst ;_;
#21 Apr 08 2006 at 12:32 AM Rating: Good
251 posts
I've always thought that BSTs were underrated in parties. I have only ever once been in a party with one and that was over a year ago. A lot of people are concerned about XP loss but I don't think there is a penalty for summoned beasts as there is for charmed ones. I think that they would make really powerful allies, especially if they don't have to sub white mage and can wail on the mob next to his/her pet!

Have any of you ever partied with BSTs before successfully? Also, if you didn't have to worry about curing...which subjobs would really make you a hoss against mobs when you level?
#22 Apr 08 2006 at 3:09 AM Rating: Decent
1,949 posts
I've always thought that BSTs were underrated in parties. I have only ever once been in a party with one and that was over a year ago. A lot of people are concerned about XP loss but I don't think there is a penalty for summoned beasts as there is for charmed ones. I think that they would make really powerful allies, especially if they don't have to sub white mage and can wail on the mob next to his/her pet!

Have any of you ever partied with BSTs before successfully? Also, if you didn't have to worry about curing...which subjobs would really make you a hoss against mobs when you level?

Yes i have. And i love bsts. I've only partied with a bst 2 or 3 times and I enjoyed everyone. Tho most used /whm.

I agree with rdm/war tho, I'd rather be a rdm/war than rdm/nin. And i cant wait till my drk is a few levels higher so i can see what Rdm/drk can do. Grrrr! I didnt think about stoneskin/phalanx/souleater.
#23 Apr 08 2006 at 3:51 AM Rating: Decent
War/drg is so underrated...

Very true. WAR25/DRG12. Went from 25 to 30 in that one party, was seriously sick. Was constantly doing 70-150 Jumps (peaks were with Acid Bolts sometimes), and smoked everyone else in TP gain actually. Granted the PT was: BLM BRD WHM PLD WAR and DRK it was pretty fun.

"hes crazy, doing 150 jumps lol" Made my day, thank you.

Also, I recall hearring stories from a Ls-Mate of a Whm/War being used as a tank (Stoneskin and Flash for survival, Cures for Hate), anyone seen this combo around?

Yes, I have actually. I was seeking as my 50RDM a few months ago, and some Japanese invited me to a party. We spent about half an hour looking for a tank, when our white mage decided to sub /war and tank.

Was beautiful. He would open with Provoke, I'd enfeeble, and he'd Flash whenever he needed to and recast Stoneskin. Was simply beautiful. He never lost hate actually.

Edited, Sat Apr 8 04:55:44 2006 by ImmortalSpectre
#24 May 01 2006 at 2:33 AM Rating: Decent
311 posts
I don't mean to bring this issue up anymore cause it has almost been a month but I just got back into looking at Allakhazam and wanted to post my comments about RDM/DRK combo. Now before I get started I'm not meaning to degrade anyone elses opinion on this matter just going to state my own. If I offend anyone I am truly sorry for that.

Ok, first off let me state my opinion: I don't think RDM/DRK is useful in xp whether you agree or disagree hear me out first. I do however think it is a very effective combo against hnms for the Stun. Also certainly any job can melee a mob and also there are certain jobs that shouldn't even though they can. For example: WHM BLM RDM just too name a few.

I have partied with a rdm/drk in the 70s and I can honestly say I was not impressed at all. First of all the rdm/drk was 73 so no stun, they were meleeing and they wouldn't convert at all, they would med, also didn't keep up with Refresh, and the mob was getting a lot more tp then it should have had because of the rdm meleeing and the dmg the rdm gave did not = to the amount of tp that was given, so they were actually hurting us by doing that. I'm not going to name names here because it isn't the purpose of this, the purpose is I think that the rdm in my party wasn't concentrated on actually being a rdm so refresh slipped off and wasnt noticed for quite some time, we had a lot of downtime because of this and rdms are supposed to speed up the party so there is less downtime. I really believe that by the rdm meleeing they lost track of their rdm obligations.

Now I haven't been to any god fights or any other hnms to actually fight them just to watch really but RDM/DRK is awesome becuase it adds an extra stun against those mobs.

Ok I am done with my opinion. Like I said before this wasn't in anyway shape or form towards anyone, just stating my opinion, so agree with or disagree with that is your opinion and I respect that.

#25 May 01 2006 at 10:05 AM Rating: Good
251 posts
Hehe don't worry about digging this up, this post exists to have discussion about it. It sounds, though, that one of your major xp party issues is the slipping of Refresh responsibility. That can be taken care of by a vigilent red mage. However, I do agree that it may be more of a stretch to justify the TP the mob gains, especially in AOE attacks and/or spamming of skills. =)

Ultimately there is no true universal job combo, and I'm happy the game is designed like that. Even for me, your average WHM/BLM. How awesome would it be if I subbed SMN for all those summon abilities, refresh, and the extra mp? At the same time I lose a lot of good BLM traits.

So even if it is for gods, or HNMs, or the right xp party, this is still certainly a unique job combo to consider.

Actually I have another one I was thinking about. What do you all think about: WAR/THF? I am not sure exactly why yet, but this has really been tickling my brain as a great medium to high level combo...
#26 May 01 2006 at 10:59 AM Rating: Decent
510 posts
WAR/THF is a high tier DD against the Gods, and high end EXP PT. It's always fun to put 1.7k worth of hate onto a tank, then turn and do it to the other one at the start of the fight. Steel Cyclone is a great weapon skill, however it's skillchain versatility is lacking. Usually, you'll find a WAR/THF with a Great Sword(Subduer, and god please...Algol<3) using Ground Strike, just to be able to close Light.
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