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I just can't be quiet any more...Follow

#1 Apr 12 2006 at 3:58 PM Rating: Default
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#2 Apr 12 2006 at 4:54 PM Rating: Decent
looks like someone needs a hug...
#3 Apr 12 2006 at 5:12 PM Rating: Default
375 posts
Im editing this to use smaller words so that you can comprehend the situation. If I am not mistaken, 99% of what you originally posted was either told to you and you believe it or your just cant handle the fact that your brother such a liar.

No he was not in Zus set.Yes, she was the leader of that set as the poster below has verified.

The issue wasnt Tealk logging off, it was when he logged back on and formed an xp party on a lower job while the rest of the group was still at Snoll trying to get people through.

Do you pull the strings on your puppet Tealk or can he act without your permission?

Yes, I did tell you to take our pearl off when you logged in as him. Its not your shell, hit the road. You fail to mention that you kept asking me if you can come Tank Kirin as him and I say, nope, we are fine but you kept asking. Its quite funny how you only tell your side of the story because God forbid anyone not side with you. Who got you that BQ Ring that"As a BLM" you so proudly boast of in your sig? Thats right, the people who you bash in this post.

As I said before , it was your wonderful brother who needed 5-3 that day.If you were told differently, you were lied to but that seems the case for much of this.

You would prefer to post here and look like a dullard than ask any of the 15 people that were there. But noooo..that would ruin such a juicy post for you and face it, the truth just isnt exciting is it?

You can sit here and bash people and act as if you have balls of steel but it takes a real man to sit on Allakhazam of all places and call a grown woman with kids a ****** ***** simply because your brother told you something without asking any of the many people involved..OMG..none of them which include you.. You most likely wouldnt call your mother that if she was still alive now would you?

FYI, since you made mention of it,No, I am not 50, nope not even 40. Where do you get your information from? Oh yea..they same source that provided you with blanks for ammo that you have used in your OP.

You can sit here and make your EMO threats all day long but its kids stuff and I expect it from you.

Take a look at shell like IRON and Lunies. Sure you may love or hate them, that doesnt matter but the Discipline makes them what they are.That is something I admire regardless what you think because frankly, you dont matter. Your brother was told as he was begging to join our shell that things were not going to be a cake walk and I will push people to reach the potential that we as officers believed they had/have. There are plenty of social shells out there for him to find an in game romance. Epilogue is not it. We are serious and have serious goals and anyone who doesnt meet them, will be looking for a new shell. Simple as that.

I admire the fact that you stick up for your kin but the fact that your a twit for not investigating the issue before you accuse people and especially for cursing out a woman, makes you a little boy with no balls.

If you want to continue this after you collect the fact let me know. Ill be happy to post the PMs that contradict most of what you claim. You may want to ask your brother first.

Edited, Thu Apr 13 02:06:51 2006 by Krackhead
#4 Apr 12 2006 at 5:13 PM Rating: Default
375 posts
Gimley, like I told your sister Tealk, stop flexing in the mirror whilst admiring yourself junior. Save your threats for your pixilated girlfriends and save your strength for the bottle of Jergins.

Your a clueless kid who cant handle the fact that his sister Tealk isnt much to look up too. Get over it.

Its the same story everytime someone quits a LS or gets booted. Its always blah, blah, blah, the linkshell screwed me over and its all the LS fault. I guess its irrelevant that the 50 other people that are still there dont see your side. Oh well, life goes on.

Maybe when someone makes me feel bad, ill cry to my sister and have her start a drama thread to make sure everyone knows my side of the story even if I wasnt directly involved. Get your facts straight junior. Tealk claimed he was going to drop his pearl, so he said his goodbyes and I assume he did just that.That is when his access was removed from the forums and database you ignorant brick.

Im sure ill have trouble sleeping tonight.

Edited, Wed Apr 12 18:23:15 2006 by Krackhead

Edited, Wed Apr 12 18:30:55 2006 by Krackhead
#5 Apr 12 2006 at 5:18 PM Rating: Decent
Drama level black. Abandon the interwebs.

Now, that said, this topic has one awesome part. He made the accusations big so they're easy to read and reply to. We should make that the standard on this forum.
#6 Apr 12 2006 at 5:26 PM Rating: Decent
1,592 posts
{W00tz Ore} for teh dramas +1! It's good to get your feelings out no matter how you get them out there, but I normally don't like to get involved in situations involving others especially when I don't know all the i'm just going to reserve this post to being immature!




[edited for the spelling]

Edited, Wed Apr 12 18:32:00 2006 by Gamion
#7 Apr 12 2006 at 5:33 PM Rating: Default
krackhead wrote:
stop flexing in the mirror whilst admiring yourself junior.

Heh, I know you're hating on me there pops cuz I'm 21 and you're probably over 50-being that you probably have big saggy man ******* from setting there ************ to your wife's Taru character every night and cybering with her.

Point being is this. You were wrong to do that, straight up-the thing is, you are too full of yourself to admit it-thus you'll never do anything to make up for it. It's all good, people know(and trust me your ls members WHISPER behind your back) what a ********** you are-that I KNOW for sure.

And don't hate on me because you have probably spent the last 4 years of your late 40's coming home from a McDonald's job to feel like the world is in your hands by playing FFXI-REAL men have other stuff to take care of. So meh, I'm over it-I just wanted to call you out like the real cumbucket you are. Isaiah
#8 Apr 12 2006 at 5:40 PM Rating: Default
375 posts
WoW..You are so cool..and your 21? wow..I am so impressed.

Just so we make sure you feel good about yourself, I will let you have the last word here. Use it wiseley as it is, of course, the last word that makes you a man.It makes you feel like you have accomplished something.

Ok, go for it..floor is yours.
#9 Apr 12 2006 at 5:55 PM Rating: Decent
Heh, I know you're hating on me there pops cuz I'm 21 and you're probably over 50-being that you probably have big saggy man ******* from setting there ************ to your wife's Taru character every night and cybering with her.

Well that explains where my saggy man ******* came from, I never knew taru **** would do that to me!!
#10 Apr 12 2006 at 6:12 PM Rating: Good
172 posts
lol @ this thread.
#11 Apr 12 2006 at 6:22 PM Rating: Decent
306 posts
So sad that someone has taken this as more than a game. You're 21 aren't you? I'm sure you have the maturity to be more mature than this. But then again, you're probably more like me and lived their lives in MMO games and thus have not actually matured since we both have not seen the light of day in some time like the majority of HNM linkshell players. I even got an online girlfriend to fill the void since I am uncapable of getting one in real life and try to justify that there's nothing wrong with dating someone online who I have not met before and that me playing all the time is healthy. Being embarrassed to tell people my own age that I play FFXI is not important. It's normal to play the game this much.

This was a fun post rofl
#12 Apr 12 2006 at 6:34 PM Rating: Default
I love how Krack is the first one to reply, as if he cares about his image or something. Anywho hello, I am Krys. Krack recently broke my Epilogue pearl because he's almost 40 and can't get laid. I made a lot of friends in that LS, mainly everyone but Krack. He always held a grudge against me and when I asked why he said, "I have more important things to talk about." At first I considered re-applying to the LS, but then I realized that Krack is an elitest a$$h0Le who only cares about his character. Personally I'm kind of tired of getting so stressed out over something that SE is charging me RL $13.00 a month to play, when in fact I'm not playing, I'm being controlled by ppl like Krack. Krack I wish you the best of luck, with whatever you're doing, trust me you'll need it.

P.S. If I meet you irl, you'd better have a firearm on you <3
#13 Apr 12 2006 at 6:55 PM Rating: Decent
375 posts
Well this is to Krys,

We broke your pearl after your drama queen fit. You quit the game and the LS and threw away your AF, remember? or did you forget that part. Dont blame us that you never came to events and then ******* about your points.

Yet another kid who has to make threats. I gave you a chance when everyone else turned you down, and I had to fight to even get you that chance. Maybe you guys can form your own LS called Disgruntled EMO kids. We are not a social shell and you were made aware of that from the start.

Again, weve all seen hundreds of these threads anytime someone gets booted or quits a LS. Its always the LS fault. Dont forget that.
#14 Apr 12 2006 at 7:03 PM Rating: Default
Wow that was a fast response O.o, you really don't have a life. Anywho I'll send screenshots of my inventory, complete w/ all my equip. I mean since you know everything, I must no longer have AF right? As for the drama queen fit don't impose an image of yourself on me, remember, it was you who was quitting, and obviously I can see that's going very well for you :D
#15 Apr 12 2006 at 7:06 PM Rating: Good
1,391 posts
looks like someone needs a hug...

I'll toss in a cookie too.
#16 Apr 12 2006 at 7:09 PM Rating: Default
I'll take a cookie any day :D

But if you hug me... may god have mercy on your soul, lol
#17 Apr 12 2006 at 7:19 PM Rating: Default
Ya know I thought about it. Krack: if you honestly had someone in your life that even meant anything, anything at all, just like my bro is important to me, you would understand. It's not the fact that you two got into, (It is that you were a **** to me), it's the simple fact that you got somebody's back- always and anytime. It don't matter what for. In this instance it was your anthropophobia, your fear of society, the real world that's cut you off from ever caring about anyone-cept ur l337 super computer with built in cup holder and surround sound you've spent your entire life compiling your McDonalds checks to pay for. You just don't know what it's like to have friends or have anything like that. You're such a GD prick, you forgot what it's like to actually be a real human.

As for what Krys said bout the firearm, while I won't go that far, I'd sure be willing to Tbag ya!
#18 Apr 12 2006 at 7:19 PM Rating: Decent
Wow that was a fast response O.o, you really don't have a life.

Please take a note of post times:
Krys post @ Wed, Apr 12th 7:34 PM 2006 EST
Krack's Reply @ Wed, Apr 12th 7:55 PM 2006 EST
Krys's reply @ Wed, Apr 12th 8:03 PM 2006 EST

Can I get a number crunch?
#19 Apr 12 2006 at 8:01 PM Rating: Decent
375 posts
[quote]Anywho I'll send screenshots of my inventory, complete w/ all my equip. I mean since you know everything, I must no longer have AF right?[quote]

Well then I guess your drama queen fit was just an attention getter huh? Remember , it wasnt me who you paraded around while claiming to have thrown away your gear. That makes you a liar if you still have your AF.

Krys, I told you I had better things to do in game than listen to your "Lawlerz" "lol" "rawzers" which seemed to be the only thing that came out of your mouth.

You told the LS you quit in LS chat on your own accord then you cry and talk **** when we didnt fight and say"Oh no Krys, please dont leave?" That wasnt going to happen. Why are you so bitter if you quit? Is it because you are starving for attention and acceptance? Remember who knew you way back in the day.

#20 Apr 12 2006 at 8:02 PM Rating: Decent
177 posts
Wow Gimley - that was way too funny! You need to teach your brother to write coherently coz he sure doesn't understand how to form sentences, keeping a single thought in context. I must say it was a lot easier to decipher what you were attempting to say than the trash Tealk pm'd to me.

Also, if you're gonna try, operative word is TRY, to trash someone, spell their freaking name correctly. It's Zuzeeque.

I find it interesting and fascinating that you're on here trying to create drama on your brother's behalf. Clearly you found his abilities to represent himself severely lacking - not very respectful of you towards your brother.

The folks on Bismarck that know me, know how I play the game and how fair I am to everyone will know that you are out of line. This isn't your fight, it isn't your business. Your brother created the issues and as such has to deal with the consequences.


BLM 75/THF 59/WHM 47/RNG 41/NIN 34/RDM 26/SMN 22/WAR 20/BST 18

#21 Apr 12 2006 at 8:21 PM Rating: Decent
About an hour and still no number crunch...
#22 Apr 12 2006 at 8:42 PM Rating: Decent
591 posts
I say lock this post, all we need is more drama here.

Wife: Akirah
#23 Apr 12 2006 at 9:11 PM Rating: Default
zuzeeque wrote:
that was way too funny!

First off, thank you thank you ^^ I am wonderful I know(I try to keep open minded though)

zuzeeque wrote:
The folks on Bismarck that know me, know how I play the game and how fair I am to everyone will know that you are out of line.

No my dearest FFXI player, YOU were out of line, when you elected yourself PM set leader and kicked him. You had no right to do that, at all, ZIP-especially without letting him give his story.

zuzeeque wrote:
This isn't your fight, it isn't your business. Your brother created the issues and as such has to deal with the consequences.

See, that's where you're wrong *****, that's where you made the mistake. Just as I have let Krack now, you are obviously yourself lacking in a few areas yourself. He is my brother, not a LS mate, or a guy on my friend list on the game, he is REAL LIFE blood with me-so when he has a problem-I have a problem.
In all your hastiness to *** people over you must have forgotten that people, not animations on the screen play this game dear.

zuzeeque wrote:
spell their freaking name correctly

Point taken ^^ [red]ZUZEEQUE[red] you are a no good ****. You poison this game with your dictator like ways of play. You stab people in the back-like you did my brother.

Now the one question I have for you, and answer this honestly love. Because my brother was logging win or lose so I could play some(as I hadnt played all weekend), was that reason to kick him? Especially without letting him give his story?

Anywho, lock it or w/e. You two know you suck. Krack you're just honestly a ******* pu$$y, straight up. Zuzeeque, you're a stagnant, backstabbing *****. There! I'm done, lock this bad boy up.
#24 Apr 12 2006 at 9:52 PM Rating: Decent
1,592 posts
Please take a note of post times:
Krys post @ Wed, Apr 12th 7:34 PM 2006 EST
Krack's Reply @ Wed, Apr 12th 7:55 PM 2006 EST
Krys's reply @ Wed, Apr 12th 8:03 PM 2006 EST

Can I get a number crunch?

1st to 2nd post: 21 minutes.
2nd to 3rd post: 8 minutes.
#25 Apr 12 2006 at 10:12 PM Rating: Default
If i was the OP and my brother (if i had one) went through that **** I'd b just as pissed people don't play this game to get yelled at and trashed talked and that **** they play to have fun god it's a game jesus christ people!

*grabs some popcorn ready for the sparks to fly*
#26 Apr 12 2006 at 10:21 PM Rating: Decent
26 posts
***** the number crunch on that I'm just amazed at how fast this thread has grown. In a spawn of 5 hours or so I'm already the 25th poster. I say let's get it to page two by the time I check in at 8:30 am tommorrow.

We have some creative people in Bismarck so I the faith that we can do it. We may need some extra hugs and cookies to get it done, but I have the faith.
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