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I just can't be quiet any more...Follow

#27 Apr 12 2006 at 10:26 PM Rating: Default
*brings out a big ol' box of cookies* >.> bring on the drama!

*on a side note* ***** u man! i have emo friends....they make good pets! but meh im part emo so.. <^>(o.o)

Edited, Wed Apr 12 23:28:45 2006 by Gaaraownsyou
#28 Apr 12 2006 at 10:26 PM Rating: Default
gaaraownsyou wrote:
*grabs some popcorn ready for the sparks to fly*

/em lights a Roman Candle.
Wait, wrong sparks hehe!
#29 Apr 12 2006 at 10:29 PM Rating: Default
#30 Apr 12 2006 at 10:44 PM Rating: Decent
I just wanted to reply to this... Now keep in mind that I am not part of the link and I don't know what was said outside of tells and party chat. I do know that our PM static (original static) discussed the situation of having 10 people to get through every fight and it was becoming a hindrance. There are 2 of us that are not high level players as of yet and I personally am not able to make the kind of gil that we were using up to get 10 people through each fight. Don't get me wrong...I'm not the kind of person that asks for help in that matter either. I don't leech off of people so please don't mistake my comment on lack of funds as any kind of boo-hoo story. I make my own destiny on this game and hate asking for help. I do appreciate the help that Tealk provided and was more than happy to help when I could, however, it was a group decision to kill the over abundance of players attached to our static. I don't want it misunderstood what that means. Our static had been fighting through these missions successfully and we work best together. We know what our strengths and weaknesses are. Adding players makes this difficult as everyone has their own style but it's meshing those styles together is what makes the fight a success or failure. Like I said was a group decision based on time and money constraints.
#31 Apr 12 2006 at 10:48 PM Rating: Default
I respect your opinion totally, but I gota say I don't understand then the basis for kicking him.
redcopher wrote:
it was a group decision based on time and money constraints.

He A) had the money to do it. and B) Attended every one of the runs, except partially the 5-3 run. He got off because I asked him to. He was logging win or lose, and he just happened to win.

If you wouldn't mind clearing up what you said. Cuz if it's just based on that, then there's no reason to have kicked him.
redcopher wrote:
Adding players makes this difficult as everyone has their own style

Oh yeh, he wasn't "added" to the group if he was in the original static no?

Edited, Wed Apr 12 23:50:34 2006 by finefitch
#32 Apr 12 2006 at 11:23 PM Rating: Decent
Original Set: Zuzeeque, Mittens, Tadolado, Krys, Magiusj, and Ferrell

The gil i was talking about was mostly mine as I stated and I'm not very good at making it. Don't get me wrong...that wasn't the main factor but did contribute.

Please get your facts straight.

Edited, Thu Apr 13 00:29:05 2006 by Redcopher
#33 Apr 13 2006 at 12:24 AM Rating: Default
478 posts
*hands out popcorn*
#34 Apr 13 2006 at 1:15 AM Rating: Good
205 posts
"finefitch" wrote:
...while I won't go that far, I'd sure be willing to Tbag ya!

I'm really, really curious as to what you putting your nuts in the mouth of another man is going to prove. Other than the obvious of course.
#35 Apr 13 2006 at 1:27 AM Rating: Good
50 posts
I think you are leaving out the main point here. You had half the LS that was on helping you guys on this PM - which is fine, we are here to help. Thats the point of an LS. Tealk wins his run and has to log, ok, fair enough - maybe your brother did want to play a little on his character. The rest of the ppl helping stayed to keep doing more runs. Now please note many of these ppl helping have spent their entire day doing this. An hour later, Tealk is logged back on, and in an exp pt as his 30 something thf,while the rest of the LS is still helping HIS set.

That is where the conflict took place. That isnt how Epilogue operates - it isnt all about yourself, and I am sure those in your set that you left behind, whether they are in this LS or not, would agree to that as well. Its just basic courtesy - not to mention a pretty nice statement as far as what you think of your friends in your set/LS.

Edited, Thu Apr 13 02:33:49 2006 by Emish
#36 Apr 13 2006 at 3:28 AM Rating: Decent
This thread shows me that pipl have chosen to put in there emotions to an ls which is strictly bussiness type. Its hard to swallow but you have to remove yourself from how you feel and what you do in that ls. The leader mentioned that it was not a social ls before you ever entered the ls. You dont need to listen to me but i reply to any thread that sounds intresting. Yes it is just a game yes you can rant and burn down anyone you want cuz you paid to play. Everyone who is playing this game pays it is a community and there are linkshells that are elite who takes thegame seriously. The way I see this is that you seek to have fun in the game and be in a top notch strict ls who admires the IRON linkshell. I dont know any of you BUT the fact of the matter is that 2 different styles of game play colided here and I do support the elite leader of this ls. Rate me down if you want but know that the game dosent always ever go the way you wish to play, that is not the only ls out there in this server.
#37 Apr 13 2006 at 4:19 AM Rating: Decent
96 posts
ZanonX wrote:
I say lock this post, all we need is more drama here.

wtf? not like we ever get anything worthwhile posted on here. just people quitting/whining/asking for help on PM missions.

Good drama is like art, it needs to be loved and appreciated.
#38 Apr 13 2006 at 8:08 AM Rating: Good
254 posts

My goodness...

To quote the OP's own words, this is a game. Stuff happens. People get mad at each other. You were inconvenienced, and other people might feel as if they were also inconvenienced. By posting a rant like this, you're not helping your situation, and you're not only making yourself look bad to these people, but to anyone else on the Bismarck server who reads these forums.

So a word of advice... when life gets you down, just step back, have some chocolate, and take a couple of Midol. It'll help, and in a few days, life will be back to normal.
#39 Apr 13 2006 at 8:23 AM Rating: Good
Let me introduce myself a little bit here. I'm from the phoenix server, but this title got my attention when I clicked on the "Server Forum" button on the left. So I thought I have a look. But your post definitly gave me a reason to open up a new account.

No offence to you finefitch but you will probably take it offensively so here goes. You sound like an ***. A tipical noob. I'm having a hardtime beliving that you're actually 21.

Their linkshell is successful/doing well for reasons. If you think he's full of himself then go run your own linkshell. Running a successful linkshell takes alot of hard work. And having to put up with your **** and to baby sit you and you brother was probably driving "Krack" nuts. I don't know the whole story but I do know how tough it is to run a linkshell. So go suck on each other cause to be honest no one gives a flying fxxk about your rant. :) God I hate morons who ***** and whine after they're booted off a linkshell. THERE ARE REASONS why you were booted. GO think about WHY you were booted.

Oh this raises another Question. I wonder how much **** BG has to put up with on Bahamut. You know, with all these "CAN I BE IN YOUR L33T LINKSHELL PRZ !!!111111!!11one111" noobs.

Krack, I'm only supporting you because you claim you run a dicipline linkshell. How do you think the JPs do so well? They're dicipline both in game and irl.

And for those who think this is a game and you can come in and ruin a dicipline linkshell. Go fxxk yourself. Becuase if your goal is really to just pay a little sum of funds you work so hard for (LOL) to enjoy the game you want to play, then go join a fxxking Social LS.


I see enough of this crap on phoneix already, so let the flames go on! XD
#40 Apr 13 2006 at 8:58 AM Rating: Decent
11th rule of flaming :

in lack of arguments, insult.
#41 Apr 13 2006 at 9:10 AM Rating: Good
96 posts
oh snap! gimley got owned by news reporter. Can i touch your press card?
#42 Apr 13 2006 at 9:51 AM Rating: Excellent
271 posts
He said about Krack:
Just because you can't accept the fact that most of us have lives outside this God Forsaken Game, don't take it out because you are too weak and meager to only exist in an electronic world, and not get anything done in the real world."

but yet he says:
"...last weekend my brother Tealk had played the game almost the entire weekend and I was really pissed that I couldn't hop on. I asked him over and over if I could get on, and he was trying to help you all win your GD PM 5-3 mission. I told him it was BS that he gets to play the entire weekend and I don't get any time at all..."

So um... yeah....small contradiction!... why couldn't you use that "life" of yours in the real world and leave your brother alone when he was doing something where other people depended on him? Can't read? do exercise?

In your magnificient Wall-of-text which could use some more "pa-ra-gra-phes", the issue(the way your wall of text indicate) seem to be coming up from someone logging out right after winning a hard BC (that Snoll is a ***** ;>.>), which is a rather suspicious sign, and cause some fear into the static's heart.

But yet who cause that need to log after the fight and put this whole problem on the scene?

and btw, altought this has been said, just coming around and Flame with unaccurate facts isn't really a good solution... trying to solve the issue (i.e. being polite) in a adult way would be more constructive.
This thread is quality entertainement however, this is why Alla is worth looking at everyday >.>

Edited, Thu Apr 13 10:57:08 2006 by Dralid
#43 Apr 13 2006 at 10:36 AM Rating: Default
Ummm...this may be a bad time but.....Can someone Help me with KH1?

Im serious

Edited, Thu Apr 13 11:36:57 2006 by Bakure
#44 Apr 13 2006 at 10:56 AM Rating: Good
I'm not here to flame.
I'll state facts. I was invited to join Epilogue before it went HNM. I was asked in as a friend by Krack and remember that his big selling point was that they weren't like an HNMLS. Things were pretty good for a while. About two weeks if I remember right. After that, I got a message asking me to drop my pearl. The jist of the message was that I was a lousy white mage. After seeing all of this, I'm kinda glad I got thrown out early. I don't have anything personal against anyone in Epilogue. Neither will I go out of my way to help them though. That being said, I know that I don't suck as a white mage. That's what matters to me. Since nothing that I said is inflammatory or a personal attack, I don't expect a reply with one.
Perhaps some of you should realize that as this is a game, not all of our enemies are controlled by the AI. Some are controlled by people. There are bound to be differences. Just let it go. Epilogue is an HNMLS and Krack is the leader. If you don't like it, you shouldn't be in his LS. Discretion is sometimes the better part of valor.

Personally, I'll work with anyone in-game. Even if I absolutely hate them. I'm willing to be a bit pragmatic.

/em calmly throws a chainsaw into the Thunderdome, backs out and closes the door.
#45 Apr 13 2006 at 11:17 AM Rating: Decent
so wait i'm confused.

Idiot #1 is the brother?

the brother won, said "***** you guys i'm going home" took his ball and left, and wonders why he can't come back?

idiot #2 is krys i guess, is this the brother or some other undersexed teenager? either way I can see the drama queen already.

have we heard from the brother yet?

I love posts like this. One person has good arguements and the other only has WTF you stole my bike, you ******* i'm going to find you in real life and beat you with a garden hose. If this guy is really 21 he acts like he is 12.

Fendy got it right, good drama is an art to be treasured
#46 Apr 13 2006 at 11:29 AM Rating: Good
177 posts
KH1 is the suxorx!!! KH2 pwns JOO!!

Edited, Thu Apr 13 16:20:05 2006 by TeeBoneSteak
#47 Apr 13 2006 at 11:51 AM Rating: Decent
Krack I definitely appreciate the BQ ring ^^ I'm over it, half your ls has defended you which is perfectly cool-that's why they're ur ls peeps.

I didn't ask to tank Kirin that night when I brough Tealk to the KIRIN room lol. I seen the CFH on one of the Gods and first thing I thought -> CFH help em out. then I remembered that's the way it's done. I didn't beg you to tank Kirin.

Edited, Thu Apr 13 13:07:50 2006 by finefitch
#48 Apr 13 2006 at 11:54 AM Rating: Default
271 posts
Digi, it went something like this:
-Tealk is doing the dreaded 5-3 snoll fight with his static, many people from the ls are helping.
-His brother is begging him to let him play (they have the same PS2). They decide that, Win or loss, next fight is Tealk's last fight.
-Irony: Tealk's group win and log out (not sure if he explained the situation)
-A while later, Tealk come back and while the rest of his static are still at the fight, he goes on lvling his lvl38 thf(or so).
-Discussion between members of the group which leaded to the situation (no idea what was said, wasn't there). This is where things went wrong probably.
As for Krys, the story is kinda odd. The epic moment was after some God fights in sky a while ago... Here is the dialogue as I recall:
KH(Krack):Guys, I got a annoucement.
KH: I know everyone has been working their @ss for sea and i'm proud of you all.
KH: But i'm quitting the game!
Everyone: Wtf! Why? WHY???
KH: *random stuff to comfort the rest*
KH: Ok! ***** guys! this was a joke all along.
KH: Serious annoucement! Please congratulate Mittens for the Shining Cloth we had in the bank.
M(Mittens): Thank you Thank you! *more thank you stuff*
Everyone: Congratulation (there was a lot of these)

Once things were calming, Krys just say out of nowhere:
K: Guys, i'm quiting the game.
Everyone: . . . (not sure if that was another joke or something)

Then we warp back to Jeuno! Quinnydar stick with Krys and saw his freak out and throw some BLM stuff away saying he was quiting.

2 day later.. we see Krys in the ls lvling his thf in the dunes!

And that's what I recall of the events.
#49 Apr 13 2006 at 12:35 PM Rating: Decent
177 posts
Gimley - don't even try to say you weren't there on Sunday! When you, as Tealk's character, came back to the BC, after midnight East Coast time, you wanted (via /tell) to change parties around, etc. I responded to you (via /tell), thinking you were Tealk, that the party was set and we were going in. You said (via /tell) "GL man!" (my first clue that it wasn't Tealk.) I said (via /tell) "I'm a girl" and Tealk's character then said, via /tell, it was his brother playing.

Tealk on his own accord said he'd help with Promy-V - no one asked him to. I advised him we'd pick him and another player up at CoP 5-3. Either you guys are smoking some really good **** or are drunk most of the time because you can't keep your stories straight. From the looks of things, you've lost some brain-cells that you clearly couldn't afford to lose.

You and your brother have been out of line in your communications to and about me in Private Messages and on this forum. Your behavior is immature at best. Get a life and grow a brain.

Frankly, this topic is over.
#50 Apr 13 2006 at 12:37 PM Rating: Decent
124 posts
Johnma had me some of that popcorn will ya??

This is getting funnier and funnier.

*gets comfy to watch*
#51 Apr 13 2006 at 12:59 PM Rating: Decent
Zuzeeque lol, we have a ps2 controller and a keyboard. I(gimley) typed in /say GL man! My bro was playing and I grabbed the keyboard and typed it. You're a girl as I found out-but I don't play his character cuz I don't know what to do there.

As for the party switching or w/e, that was Tealk.
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