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the "I support gil buying" discussionFollow

#1 May 07 2006 at 7:52 PM Rating: Good
477 posts
I saw this post on the Remora server, and couldn't help but read it. It was interesting to say the least. Please note I was not the original poster, this is just something I found interesting.

Celly0 wrote:
Yes, I support gil buying with every fiber of my being.

... There, now that I've ensured that I'll be defaulted by the 90% of people on this forum that only read the topic and the first sentence, then rate a post, I'll get further into this with only the people who are actually going to listen as my audience.

I support gil buying. No, I do not buy gil. I am a dirt-poor college student who couldn't afford gil if she wanted to, and believes anything past the $15 membership fee for my character and my three mules to be a waste of money I need for food and rent. So, the "u onleh suppert it cuz u'z a gil buyerer" argument, though the trump card of most people's ********* does not apply here.

And no, I do not go to college in China, so I don't support gil buying because it feeds my nonexistent family.

I do, however, strongly support buying gil. If you've been around this game like I have, and been in the amount of parties I've been in, maybe you would too. This is going to sound a little like bragging about my jobs, but don't try to confuse the two, I'm actually slightly ashamed of how much I've played this stupid game. But, I am a WHM75, BLM75, BRD75, DRG73, PLD66, NIN60, THF54, WAR/MNK/RNG/SAM/RDM/SMN 37, and no other job I have is below L:10.

Yes, it's sad. Yes, I know. But that is neither here nor there. The point is, in my extensive experience with EXP parties, I have been in my share of bad ones. I've seen a Warrior with equipment so bad that he missed a whole Rampage on a Very Tough enemy. I've partied with a Ninja in the 40s who did not have Utsusemi: Ni because he couldn't afford it. I've had a Ranger in my party meleeing with daggers and not shooting arrows because they were too expensive. I've invited a full AF Monk with a L:50 weapon to a L:75 merit party because I figured it was a trustworthy enough venture. I've had my EXP dragged through the ground by these sorts of people, all of whom don't buy gil.

On the other hand, I've been in parties with Warriors with Peacock Charms, Haubergeons +1 and all sort of crazy equipment, who know so little about the game that you can be sure they didn't earn any of it. But, they did their job, because it's brainless work playing a melee damage dealer, and the EXP came rolling in. I've partied with all sorts of decked out melees, some of which earned all they had, some of which didn't, neither time did I ask or care. In each case that this has happened, I was happier in my party than I would've been with an honest gimp, any day.

.. And no, I'm not saying everyone who buys gil is a bad player. That's just stereotyping, and there are plenty of gil buyers who keep it a secret and no one ever knows, who are very respected players across all servers. In fact, usually one's book knowledge of FFXI has very little bearing on their ability to do their job. I've seen people who know a heck of a lot about the game come out and stink up the joint in a party, trust me.

But, the bottom line, the overriding factor of this game, is how much EXP you get per hour. You can tell me you'd take an honest party of hard-working Joes and Janes without good equipment, bringing in 3,000 EXP an hour, over a group where you and five gil buyers tear up the area for 6-8,000 EXP in the same amount of time if you want. Trust me, I won't believe you unless you make a really good case for yourself, because morals are out the window at that point. Nearly everyone will turn a blind eye to the blatant signs of bought gil when faced with going literally twice as fast as a gimp party, and I will eagerly admit I'm no exception. Forget morals, making a statement and playing with badly-equipped EXP voids isn't worth the time I have to devote to it.

I understand the fact that gil buying messes up the economy. I saw it firsthand over Christmas when Behemoth Hides were 20 million gil each on my server. I broke a pair of Unicorn Leggings someone was having me make, and they quit the game because their life savings was gone in that one second. I felt bad about that, that inflation can ruin a person the way it ruined my client. But, life goes on. Inflation is only temporary, and only half caused by gil buying anyway. The other half is Japanese players who don't buy gil, but have an infinite supply, and will pay whatever it takes to get an item. Hence why Gun Belts jumped from 30,000 to 7 million gil in one sale on my server. Risatan to Misapon is definitely not a gil buyer sale, I can assure you. Although gil buyers are responsible for part of the problem, and I acknowledge that, it's not the whole deal or even close.

But why, if these things happen in the economy, do I still support gil buying? Well, I am an endgame player. I have a L:100 craft and endgame linkshells, I have no shortage of money and, if things ever look grim, I just spam craft and I'm back on my feet. The average economy that players toil under doesn't affect me anymore, so I'm free to not care about it. I am not the only endgame player in this sort of situation, either. Many of my friends are also free of the shackles of the economy, and can concentrate soley on playing the game.

I feel bad for people who see the items they desperately want being pricejacked, and then bought by some gil buyer or loaded JP player, but there's nothing I can do about it. Regardless of whether or not I support or protest the sale of gil, it will continue unabated. There's no use trying to fight it.

... But, back to the topic at hand. A lazy person who won't go out and farm, craft, camp NMs and do whatever it takes to get good equipment is a worse burden to a party than any gil buyer could ever be. In melee jobs in particular, it's not enough to know what you're doing, you need the money to back it up. Ninja, an increasingly popular job, can only function if the person is loaded--both with talent and gil. The almighty dollar is the overriding force in the efficiency of most jobs to a party.

Do I prefer honest, hard-working people who got their money legitimately, but still tear enemies apart as well as or better than any gil buyer? Of COURSE I do. Those are my favorite types of players, and if everyone was that way, I would be protesting the sale of gil like the rest of you.

But, we live in the real world here, and the general mentality of players on FFXI is "if I can't afford it, it's optional." Erase is optional, Utsusemi: Ni is optional, elemental staves are optional, food is optional, critical spells and items are optional, everything that makes a player worth a party spot is considered in this day and age to be OPTIONAL. And trying to be anything but a sponge is most definitely optional.

To be a worthy party member, a person needs certain things. The only ways to get those things are to go out and work hard, level a craft and take part in a good linkshell... or to buy gil. While I would prefer the former to the latter, I would take the latter in a heartbeat over just doing neither.

I've had too many parties ruined by lazy sponges and people who won't earn money to care how they get gil anymore, as long as they have it. If that means buying gil, I support their decision to do so, because it'll lessen the amount of horrible parties significantly.

In a utopian world, no one would have to do their part to contribute to a party. But FFXI is no utopia. I support people doing what they have to to contribute to my parties, even if what they have to do is buy gil. They're wasting their money, but hey, I don't know them. They can do whatever they want the other 364 days of the year, but as long as they come prepared to EXP and put their whole heart into it while they're there, I couldn't possibly care any less if they have bought gil, have stolen items, have MPK'd people for NMs. It all just seriously doesn't matter to me.

Ethics are out the window. The only true factor in this game is how fast a party gets EXP. Put your morals aside and think about your character, because it's a video game, and you play it to have fun. Go out and fight for your causes in the real world, where your voice could actually help a lot of good things. Leave FFXI for enjoyment and the betterment of your character.

Now default me please, any publicity is good publicity. Agree with me or disagree, I'm just happy people have opinions. :3

Original post can be found here:;mid=1146852087111463308;num=147;page=1
#2 May 07 2006 at 8:38 PM Rating: Good
1,592 posts
Very interesting. While I can honestly say without biased opinion that I have never seen any view quite like this one, the one kicker for me is this line:

Well, I am an endgame player. I have a L:100 craft and endgame linkshells, I have no shortage of money and, if things ever look grim, I just spam craft and I'm back on my feet. The average economy that players toil under doesn't affect me anymore, so I'm free to not care about it.

This point of view works for this person simply because of what they themself stated. They are no longer affected by it. I am nowhere near that stage yet, I can craft for a week straight and not have to worry about anything for a month, but I am still affected by the economy. Thus I cannot share this person's opinion. I stand by my morals and ethics, and I am not at a point yet where I can not worry about them.
#3 May 08 2006 at 5:18 AM Rating: Decent
6,424 posts
Ofcourse that L100 crafter is going to support gilbuying.. people buy his HQ items, which means more gilbuyers = bigger market.

I pity the fools who buy gil... they run the risk of losing everything they worked for, to buy items of which the price has been inflated by the people they bought gil from..

#4 May 08 2006 at 5:18 PM Rating: Decent
501 posts
Quite an interesting post to say the least. She backs up her view really well too. I guess it's thinking if people better themselves, nothing matters; not how they got the gil or acquired the gear/food or whatever else makes that person a "better player".

However, I've never had the top-of-the-line pieces of equipment that I would have liked to buy simply because I never had enough money to do it. I farm to supplement my current gil. I like to keep it above 500k if possible. I'm not one of those people that can go camp an NM for 5+ hours or sit and synth for hours on end to make a few measley skill-ups. I simply don't have the time to do that and even if I did, it would be entirely too boring imo. Farming beastmen strongholds is what I do and I do it for 1-4 hours tops. I make sufficient gil. It's enough to keep me going anyway and I'm happy with that.

But, did I do a good job in a party? Of course. I played to the best of my ability which was enhanced a little bit by my gear (again I never had the SH or Spiked Finger Gauntlets, etc.) I was complimented more than a few times on the good job I did in the party and what not.

I think it all boils down to skill. Granted, a War with a Haub~ is going to have a bit more Acc and dmg than a War w/o one, but how much of a difference is it going to make? Not much. Hell, I used AF all the way up until I could wear the tiger jerkin.

I don't support gil-buying but hey: How am I going to know if so-and-so buys gil? I believe we all remember Armyofone or w/e his name was: He practically had all the +1's of everything. If I remember correctly, he admitted to buying gil. If he hadn't however, people could have only speculated that he did buy gil.

So, I say buy gil or don't buy gil. I'd prefer it if you didn't but thats not up to me. Albeit that buying gil is extensively against the rules. That's your choice and your moral standing and you as a person are entitled to that.
(These are out of date, and I'm too lazy to keep up)
#5 May 09 2006 at 3:53 PM Rating: Decent
236 posts
So, I say buy gil or don't buy gil. I'd prefer it if you didn't but thats not up to me. Albeit that buying gil is extensively against the rules. That's your choice and your moral standing and you as a person are entitled to that.

This basically sums all what I think also. Good Post!
#6 May 10 2006 at 12:49 AM Rating: Default
Ive been playing since FF11 came out ive never realy had a prob with gilsellers or buyer's(yes i have buaght gil 2m total)

gilbuyers ive never had a prob with for 2 reasons 1 there prolly mostly ppl who have very little time to play and dont wanna waste it all on farming just to have a few mins of fun here and there and 2 dont matter how hard you work if u just unlucky with drops and stuff like that and cant get anywhere in the game its either quit/be bored out of your mind all day and getting no where/ or buy gil and just spend time having fun

gilsellers ive never had a prob with cuase i rember back when i started my second character(first got deleted cuase i had quit and 3 month mark went past befor i started up agenand character had been deleted ; ;) when i was exp 1-40 or so i lvled with the jerry's almost every day they always would invite me and i got to know them(kinda hard at first cuase at best they could speak broken eng but we got past the) this all befor anyone knew they where gilsellers and when everyone knew and started hating them i dident realy care much never hurt me i never farmed anything i played the AH buy low sell high hehe (witch got me into some big trouble back in decmber/january whenever that RMT update was i lost 90m cuase everything droped so fast lol) if anything i made cash faster inderectly cuase of them.Also AooAoo and his group i always liked for 2 reasons 1 they famred not camped NM's and farmed stuff that most ppl avoided and 2 in cralwers nest on more then 1 ocatsion AooAoo saved me and my PT from links.

well thats my Two cents about it and sorry for any spelling mistakes
#7 May 10 2006 at 8:22 AM Rating: Good
1,592 posts
So not only did you buy gil which over time hurts the economy as much as selling it does, but you also helped possibly 'the' most infamous gilselling group get to where they did.

#8 May 10 2006 at 8:44 PM Rating: Decent
727 posts
i still do not see how buying gil hurts the economy. It inflates stuff, mainly everything, so if everything is inflated then it doesn't make a difference(some big ticket items are exempt). Also if people have more gil in there names, they will be more likely to spend it, and what happens when people spend money?, The economy strenghens.

#9 May 10 2006 at 11:16 PM Rating: Good
1,592 posts
Use real life as an example because FFXI's economy is very much for all extents and purposes a real economy. What happens in real life when there is mass inflation? Markets have the possibility to crash.
#10 May 11 2006 at 4:34 AM Rating: Decent
6,424 posts
apachemonk wrote:
i still do not see how buying gil hurts the economy. It inflates stuff, mainly everything, so if everything is inflated then it doesn't make a difference(some big ticket items are exempt). Also if people have more gil in there names, they will be more likely to spend it, and what happens when people spend money?, The economy strenghens.

It doesn't inflate gil currently present on people's characters. We all know the stories of people saving up for that 10 million item, only to discover that IGE has stepped in, raised the price to 40 million, and is now having a Happy Holiday sale on gil (obtained by exploiting a loophole in the anti-MPK update).

#11 May 11 2006 at 11:01 AM Rating: Decent
117 posts
I tell you what screws up my economy.....expansions. All you people leveling the new jobs are crushing the AH with the random drops you get (a couple of which have become niche markets for me). All the people off farting around in the new areas need to go back to jueno and start crafting again. I got twenty stacks of supplies just sitting there cause no one is buying them. I can't wait until the economy settles back to where it was and I can go back to making money.
#12 May 11 2006 at 12:32 PM Rating: Decent
110 posts
Ofcourse that L100 crafter is going to support gilbuying.. people buy his HQ items, which means more gilbuyers = bigger market.

I pity the fools who buy gil... they run the risk of losing everything they worked for, to buy items of which the price has been inflated by the people they bought gil from..

You think like every gilbuyers willing to buy ANYTHING at ANYPRICE.

Concerning this particular topic: Let it dies.

No one will anywhere. Words without power are just words. I pity no one.

*plays ffxi*
#13 May 13 2006 at 2:30 PM Rating: Decent
good post
#14 May 15 2006 at 7:35 AM Rating: Decent
212 posts
I've had too many parties ruined by lazy sponges and people who won't earn money to care how they get gil anymore, as long as they have it. If that means buying gil, I support their decision to do so, because it'll lessen the amount of horrible parties significantly.
We've all had players in our parties that are unwilling to put in any effort to be actually ready to party. However, I don't think that gil-buying magically turns these lazy cretins into decent groupmates. It just makes them harder to pick out at a glance.

Personally, I think that gil-buying promotes a disposable attitude to the game. Buy what you want, then throw it out. Don't really play the game. Avoid as much as possible. At worst, I think it indicates someone who lacks pride in RL and so seeks it in VL.

Let's face it. The nice HQ/+1 items really aren't a whole lot better than the NQ versions in most cases -- not by millions. They're better, but the only reason people pay so much is because eventually you reach a point where the only way to improve is to acquire that oh so slightly better and much costlier upgrade from NQ+0 to HQ+1. It's REALLY easy to gear up to within 10% effectiveness of the best gear imaginable at less than 1% the cost of that best gear.

Gil buying is what drives those prices sky high. You've got someone that is too lazy or too clueless to make smart purchases suddenly making a whole raft of dumb expensive buys. Gil-buying is dumb-player empowerment.
#15 May 18 2006 at 9:31 AM Rating: Good
1,705 posts
Geez Jaden, you come back and the first thing you do is start trouble...LOL good to have you back. Tell Sir James I said Hi
#16 May 18 2006 at 12:57 PM Rating: Good
1,592 posts
Db..where ya been? Havn't spoken to ya in quoite some time!
#17 May 18 2006 at 2:05 PM Rating: Good
477 posts
actually I don't think I have logged in since I spoke to you last *lol*
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