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I'm looking for a reason to stay! <Help me out!>Follow

#1 Aug 06 2006 at 4:54 AM Rating: Decent
75 posts
Hey all.

I'm seriously considering quitting FFXI. I may not spend much time posting on here, but I need some serious feedback if you please. I'm a level 59 blm, 35 whm, rank 6. My reasons for wanting to quit are as follows:

1) Level grinding is getting tedious. With hundreds of thousands of xp to go before 75, it's starting to feel more like a second job than a fun game. I've been playing since release, but I've never been felt this daunted by something to do in game.

2) It doesn't feel like a Final Fantasy anymore, more like Final Accounting. So much of the next 15 levels is going to revolve around getting gil, it just doesn't sound fun anymore. Camping NM's is a joke nowadays for the popular mobs, I'm not high enough level for sky/sea/HNM's, my chosen craft (Clothcraft 78.7) can't make jack for money on our server anymore, and getting/finding an LS that is good about helping members out is extremely rare or extremely elitist to get into. When all the gear for the next 10 levels costs 10 Mil+, and I can't seem to swing making 100k/day, it's ridiculous.

3) My favorite job just got nerfed. I know all magic involved jobs are affected, but wtf?! Black mages are going to get hit the worst by this, and everyone knows it. Other jobs like paladin and warrior get cool new traits and abilities, and I get told fighting NM's is gonna suck for me now.

4) I'm a late nite player (job constraints), and there just aren't enough people on to really connect with. Very few players regularly are on when I play, so meeting new people and friends is becoming much more difficult. Not to mention it's hard to get a group going after midnight.

So there's my spiel. If anyone has some suggestions on how to bring back a bit of the fun and fantastic back to the game, I'm all ears. I really want to stay, but my reasons for quitting are starting to outweigh my reasons for staying. I've spent 3 years on this game, and I hate to quit now, but there just doesn't seem much point. Please help.


PS. If you have suggestions on getting around the above mentioned issues, feel free to post or PM me with your suggestions. Thanks.

#2 Aug 06 2006 at 5:23 AM Rating: Good
327 posts
This is more important than plain leveling and farming, and what's making me play this game (and cry every time I watch it), along with the {fun} of getting around with the bunch of nice people this server has.
#3 Aug 06 2006 at 12:12 PM Rating: Decent
if you need help camping some NMs or help with quests/missions let me know in game.

Sir LlewTheTaruRage wrote:

3) My favorite job just got nerfed. I know all magic involved jobs are affected, but wtf?! Black mages are going to get hit the worst by this, and everyone knows it. Other jobs like paladin and warrior get cool new traits and abilities, and I get told fighting NM's is gonna suck for me now.

not trying to be an a.hole, but suck it up, dragoon got nerfed a while back, ranger has been nerfed, beast master has been nerfed, puppet master is in a state of perma gimp, blm isn't the only job thats been hit with the nerf stick and everybody else that HAS been hit with it has found ways to deal.

Edited, Aug 6th 2006 at 1:24pm EDT by BalforX
#4 Aug 06 2006 at 12:15 PM Rating: Decent
if you need help camping some NMs or help with quests/missions let me know in game.

Sir LlewTheTaruRage wrote:

3) My favorite job just got nerfed. I know all magic involved jobs are affected, but wtf?! Black mages are going to get hit the worst by this, and everyone knows it. Other jobs like paladin and warrior get cool new traits and abilities, and I get told fighting NM's is gonna suck for me now.

not trying to be a ****, but suck it up, dragoon got nerfed a while back, ranger has been nerfed, beast master has been nerfed, puppet master is in a state of perma gimp, blm isn't the only job thats been hit with the nerf stick and everybody else that HAS been hit with it has found ways to deal.
#5 Aug 06 2006 at 7:41 PM Rating: Good
690 posts
Black mage is not nerfed. At all.

--Arondight, Bismarck
Nothing that is so, is so.
#6 Aug 06 2006 at 8:03 PM Rating: Decent
Damn Llew, didn't know you were gonna consider quitting. Should have let an /lsmes, could have done something. My schedule is getting back to normal nowadays (Sleeping at night, waking in the morning. So weird, I know), so our schedules aren't that close anymore. But if you need any help, leave an lsmes and I'll try to stay awake late so I can meet up with you.

This is Aidran, just ignore the extremely stupid login name *covers up*
#7 Aug 07 2006 at 2:48 AM Rating: Decent
1) If you played for 3 years and are only a level 59 blm then you're probably never even going to make it to 75. It's just gonna cost you more and more xp to level up, though the places where you can xp do get better and with the right party you'll pull out 10k~18k/hour

2) 10mil+? What do you actually need that costs you that much for the next levels. You can get away by using NQ staves, weskit has dropped in price heavily. Uggalepih Pendant you could just pop it and get it with your ls.

3) blm nerf? It shouldn't even affect you one bit at that level you are at right now. The blm nerf mostly is to prevent the blm zerging for hnm's etc. But even then it can't be stopped comletely. It's in no way as bad as the rng nerf was. BLM still can do really good dmg to nm's.

4) You're probably not the only one who has that. I know that there are atleast several people in my ls with the same kind of thing. Besides, can just flag up and get a jp party.

and if you need to make some money, you should just look into doing some bc60's or so. Burn off seals.
#8 Aug 07 2006 at 3:45 AM Rating: Decent
417 posts
1) EXP can be tedious, but a trick I use is to make it enjoyable (I love partying, but everybody has those "Party to get it over with" days). I can make one of two recommendations to you. The first, is set a goal. Setting a goal might give you the edge you need to enjoy lvling a bit. Like, imagaine "Alright! I just dinged 60, I'm that much closer to 75." or even buy some higher lvl equipment as a sort of inspiration. Another thing (which I find very helpful) is just taking a break from EXPing in general. Do something else to occupy yourself, whether it be farming, crafting, missions, or anything else you fancy. Heck, maybe a break from the game will spark the interest again.

2) Gil can be a problem, but it can be that way with any job or any person that wants to really make a name for themselves. Being a Samurai, I too had to worry about how I was going to fund a Haubergeon, Sniper's Rings, the works, so trust me when I say you're not alone. What I did, is B..C..N..M. That right there can make you rich in a matter of minutes, but remember; it's not full-proof. Carefull planning and a good team could make BCNM your biggest financial income at an instant. I would also recommend fishing. It's a good way to relax, make cash, and break away from EXP. Moat Carp are a hot commodity at anywhere from 9-12k a stack, and right from the start, you can profit big time (or trade 10,000 of them for a Lu Shang's rod, which will also net you into some MAJOR cash).

3) Don't know much about the "omgwtfsuxxorz BLM nerf", but that also leaves you with one of two options. If you truly love the job, you'll have to deal with it and press on, regardless. Or, you could pick up a new job, which may spark a whole new interest in the game. Perhaps a melee job? With that, you could sell off your BLM equipment, then start investing in your new job.

4) I can sort of understand here. I'm also a night time person, but I get roughly 70% of my invites passed midnight, which isn't bad. Plus, night time is the perfect time to nail a once-in-a-lifetime Japanese party that we all love so dearly.
#9 Aug 07 2006 at 5:41 PM Rating: Decent
220 posts
Sadly I feel the same way. Been playing since the 360 release and have got pld to 60. I just dont see much point in playing anymore. Friends I have met over the course of my time playing seem to have just vanished without a trace. Lvling has become a chore. Going whole days without parties sucks. The missions dont really interest me. Crafting is too time consuming for me.

If I do ever quit it'll be sad to go as Ive put so much time into the game and have had so much fun times and have met many great people.
#10 Aug 07 2006 at 10:57 PM Rating: Decent
40 posts
The reason I stick around to grind out levels, is really the community I find myself in. I have contemplated leaving multiple times, even though my highest leveled job is 65 monk. Leaving the DisposableHeroes linkshell that i'm in would be like getting up and leaving a group of friends that i've had for a year and a half. It all depends on how you look at the game really, i'm really glad i found such a great place, much thanks to my RL friends who got me back into the game and on this server.

I just don't see myself leaving anytime soon because of the friends that I have made, as lame as that may sound.
#11 Aug 08 2006 at 1:32 AM Rating: Good
716 posts
I'm seriously considering quitting FFXI.

When you start seriously considering anything in a fantasy world that ceases to exist when you log out, I think you should take a step back and re-evaluate the fact that it's just a game you play for enjoyment.

If you don't enjoy it, don't play it. Most certaintly don't pay for it.

It's like paying for a movie, watching it, and complaining the whole way through about how badly it sucks. Nobody's twisting your arm in any shape or fashion. If you have friends in the game, get their contact info and move on. If they're your friends, they should have no problems keeping in touch. If they're not your friends, then you're not really losing anything, are you?

For the love of God people, rocket science it ain't.

EDIT: Typos.

Edited, Aug 8th 2006 at 2:40am EDT by Alauce
#12 Aug 08 2006 at 4:26 PM Rating: Decent
1,705 posts
I've been playing this game for about 2.5 yrs. I have 3 jobs over 50.(see sig) I am not in a big hurry to get to 75. I tell people all the time, take the time to enjoy this game. I look at it as a stroll, not a race. I don't play everyday but I have such a great time when I do. I have made friendships that will outlive this game, so I don't consider this a "time sink". This is the brave new world where you can get as close to another player as you are to your family and maybe you will never meet them in RL. Keep the game in perspective..
#13 Aug 09 2006 at 5:34 AM Rating: Decent
2,081 posts

The exp grind does get sooo boring for me too, when that happens, i stop exping, and either Help one of the many people shouting in Jeuno or help people on my ls who need Kazham keys\G1 items\Davoi Crimson Orb ot join a promy party that is shouting for members.

Im a RNG if you want to see how painful a "nerf" can be, come watch one of my parties in Wajoam, I couldnt hit a cows *** with a banjo most of the time.

Also BCNM battles can be fun i did a few the other night, and i didnt even take an orb(im pretty fed up with the "What do i get out of it?" mentality, i've all but given up on getting my RNG AF feet as noone will help fight a brick ********* NM tiger if there is a worthaloadofgil +1 item in it for them). It was fun and the items that dropped, within the 15 minute battles were worth almost a million a piece (3 X Utsu:Ni) out of 5 orbs and various other goodies, so you get to play the game,make gil and help other people do the same, ok its not a longterm solution but at least it gives you a break.

Of course there is always the possibility that after 3 years you are just bored and need a break from the game, and well, there's not a great deal that can prevent that. I have only been playing 8 months (Xbox 360 imigrant ;)) and i need to do other things than just chip away at my levels all the time, i can imagine after 3 years it gets real old.

I really hope you decide not to leave and hope to see you around in game
When I'm good they never remember,
When I'm bad they never forget
#14 Aug 11 2006 at 11:45 AM Rating: Decent
Does anything anyone says here really matter? If you want to quit, quit.
If you need to be "talked into playing," you probably shouldn't play.
#15 Aug 14 2006 at 6:33 AM Rating: Decent
33 posts
Llew I dont really know you, but I can give you a reason to stay.

Look back and think of all the people who have helped you out in the past, made you who you are today, and think of the friends that you have lost, having quit the game.

Now think of the friends and people you know at the moment, and realise that they will think of you like that if you quit, and wish you were still around.

The game gets us all down at times, but thinking like this always keeps me around.

#16 Aug 14 2006 at 1:53 PM Rating: Decent
254 posts

If you have to look for a reason to stay, and moreso if you need to have other people give you a reason, it's time to take a break at the very least.

#17 Aug 15 2006 at 6:26 AM Rating: Decent
223 posts
If you have to look for a reason to stay, and moreso if you need to have other people give you a reason, it's time to take a break at the very least.

Beat me to it.
#18 Aug 15 2006 at 6:30 AM Rating: Decent
75 posts
Hey everyone. Thanks for all the great posts (even the harsh ones).

I haven't played in two full weeks now, and wow is it refreshing. I've at least managed to get a lot more stuff done on my days off from work; however, I still haven't decided whether or not I'm going to quit the game. If I go back, it's going to be with a whole different attitude. I really wanted to thank Freyir for posting the link to that video. It really reminded me of why I played XI for so long.

I used to be just like that whm in the video, exploring and enjoying vana d'iel, but I fell so far behind everyone I knew, it almost felt embarrassing. I've been in my LS for almost two years now, and everyone sort of left me behind in the levels a long time ago. Last winter we had a split in the ranks, and I was told that I couldn't join the new LS because I wasn't high enough of a level. A few people I thought were friends in game moved on, and I stuck with my old LS. Since then I've met a lot more people than before, but it really stung at the time. That's when I decided that leveling was important and really started to work at it when I could. Kinda took the fun I used to have right out of it for me.

Well, I've been reminded that "it's just a game" and that community is much more important than levels. You guys have given me some good things to think about. Thanks :)
#19 Aug 20 2006 at 3:41 AM Rating: Decent
I agree with what Xaeon said. I was in your same shoes about 7 months ago when i took a break at lvl 60 drk but then i decided to quit with my friends because everything just seemed boring. About 3 months later my friends came back to the game i still didnt have any desire to play it so after another 1-2 months i wanted to come back cause i missed everything about the game but it was mostly about playing with the friend that i made on the game. Sometimes all it take is a break to refresh the feeling you had before.
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