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#1 Jan 10 2007 at 5:35 PM Rating: Default
591 posts
I read the forums from bismarck and noticed only a few now post here, probably most of the originals have disapeared or moved to WoW or PSU, except me because I will stay till this game ether picks up or dies.

How about you long term players? Any of you guys feel drained of this game? Give me some things you would improve of this game.

I would probably make a way to travel to other servers freely, just like in guild wars even if the same name isnt possible, but putting a number next to your name when you entered the server with the other person that has the same name as you would fix this, also put a symbol next to your name where the pearl is that states your main server is bismarck or wherever your from.

Another thing, I would want would be for them to sell some of most of the craft items inside shops, because its hard enough when people make prices sky rocket in AH making newbs less able to craft this is a problem.

No one likes to be heald back from what they are doing.

Give me your insights.


Wife: Akirah
#2 Jan 10 2007 at 6:26 PM Rating: Good
1,592 posts
I have a question for ya Zanon, have you ever played any other mmorpg besides FFXI? Specifically WoW or Guild Wars (the two that I know about the most/have tried).

One thing that I find unique about FFXI (and believe me there are many and major reasons for why I am stil here), is the community. In Guild Wars, everyone plays the same server, there is no differentiation between them. There are functions mission in Guild Wars that don't enable you to interact with your community. The cities/towns that are known to be overpopulated based on how they designed the game can have anywhere up to 4 districts (that I have seen). You are randomly sent to one when you enter the city/town. In the top left is a drop down bar where you can choose which district you want to go to (though you can still talk to people in other's via private whispers). It's main purpose I guess is to reduce congestion. However, that fact that there is no set 'server' that you are assigned to cuts down on the actual formation of a 'community' because you never see those people again. Sure, they have Guilds (Linkshells) you can join and you can add people to your friend list. But all that enables you to do is to see if they are on and talk to them. You can't see any info about them unless you can target them. You can't do a /sea or anything of that sort to look for people, even in your own district.

The servers that we have here in FFXI I have found, create a unique boundary where we do in fact have a community. We see the same people often. We can 'easily' communicate with them and better yet see their progress in the form of level/job/rank/country/etc. That's why it is my opinion that being able to travel between servers would be an interesting idea (kind of like a foreign exchange concept in that you can go pop in and visit) but beyond that it would do more harm then good because it would break down the fabric of the community that was naturally created. The very player base itself makes this possible.

Now that brings me to my next point. Segway!!! Not those things you see John Madden riding, but the other kind of segway. ;) You mention being able to buy any crafting material inside of a shop due to the inflation at the AH. Another unique aspect about FFXI is how items are obtained. For those of you who have played games like Diablo or WoW or Guild Wars, you know what I am talking about. In those games, you kill enemies and items drop right on the ground. Usually assigned to a specific player randomly (it's like this in Guild Wars, havn't played WoW and I don't remember from Diablo but I know items drop on the ground in those games too). Once you kill these enemies, they remain dead until you leave and re-enter the area. The fact that they don't respond restricts the options the programmers had to give us items fairly. There is no mechanism in place to allow 'us' to decide who gets what item and also since enemies don't respawn, there is no way (well there probably is, but would be too complex for them to waste their time on) for them to keep a log of every single players drops so that a percentage can be dealt out for whatever it is that a player deservers to get. The fact that enemies respawn in FFXI allows this because they can be programmed to have the amount of times they've dropped 'xxx' item until they fulfill that percentage and actually drop it.

If you were able to buy everything in a store (are you talking about before or after they implemented NPC price gouging based on how many times an item is bought, because that affects my argument) without the price gouging, sure you would still have uber-1337 item in its literal sense because the item would be no different. But would you really feel that same satisfaction and love for crafting that made you decide to start when you felt full of that desire to be #1 (Pokemon theme plays in background /death). If you leveled the craft simply to be able to make that uber-1337 item then ok that's all fine and dandy but whether the programmers intended or not crafting turned out to be an aspect of the game that people can purely play FFXI for, much like Fishing. It can be self-contained and you do not actually need to level up or play the game to craft or Fish.

Now, I have kind of left the point out of my argument in the last two paragraphs. Why make things difficult to obtain? Why make a function where players control the buying and selling? Why give us the option to choose who gets the drop that we worked hard for (based on percentages that can actually be calculated and pinpointed decently and not just random mumbo jumbo [heh, there's a restaurant in my town called Mambo Jambo /segway ;)]). The answer is, we have been given more control in this game than many other games out there. We decide and choose our own destiny so to speak. Nothing is just handed to us. We have to work for it and when we earn it, it makes us feel proud to do a job well done (human nature). On top of that it encourages human interaction. FFXI has created a perfectly working model of the real world. We've got the people looking to make a quick buck who price gouge on the AH (a real working model of a buyer's/seller's market) and we also have the people looking to save every dime they own so they can buy they expensive item for whatever reason.

This brings me in a roundabout back to my original point about community. Interaction with the people you play with. The ability to actually see and track and interact with others. In Guild Wars (godawful game by the way, don't buy it, I'm simply trying to complete the missions so I can see the storyline and then uninstall it) when you enter a hostile area (anywhere that is not a city or town) you get your very own copy of the world basically... Anyone who is in your party at the time comes with you, and it is just you (and your party) and the enemies. There is no, run outside and save that person getting mauled, because they are in an identical area, but alone just like to so they can get done what they need to get done. No interaction with your fellow players, thusly less of a community feeling.

These are just a few of the reasons why I have stuck with FFXI for so long. If there is one thing I can credit the makers with doing, it's with taking the time to see what can be improved on in the current MMORPG system of gaming. They studied it and improved on many aspects from other games that could be made better. For all that they ***** up, they've hit the nail on the head with probably just as many. I mean, look at how each point of my argument fit together in that they related to one another in some way. With everything as precise as it is in FFXI, there is no way in my opinion that these were all random doings that happened to work. I believe everything was planned and thought out and they knew that given time, these aspects of a sense of community, etc., etc. would fall into place and take shape.

And that is why I believe that the government manufactured the Universe because of how they Big Bang Theory makes everything fit together.

Now as to long term players feeling drained. I felt drained right near the end of my 'constant' career (since I now play only when home on break). I took that break from the first semester at school and I felt withdrawal a little bit which is natural. But after that break, I was refreshed. I had time to let my mind wander and experience other things for a change, I returned with a new and more vibrant sense of what I wanted to accomplish, my FFXI sex drive had returned with the simple 4 month break and since I go back to it every time I come home (except for this time because I'm playing FFXII right now :D) I no longer feel bored of it and it still interests me very much. When you do one thing for a period of time, you naturally get bored and get used to it. When I took the breaks, I was able to objectively see how much better FFXI is than any other online RPG out there. The facts stare you in the face.

Now one other point I would like to make. We all see those people, they buy the game to try it and they are there one day, then they are gone. If you see them in real life they'll say something along the lines of "that game was too confusing" or "that game seemed so stupid". It's my opinion that these are the people who are better suited to play the 'crappier' mmorpg's because FFXI was designed specifically to be complex and to take time to accomplish with the specific goal of making you feel good about that accomplishment. Not just the quick satisfaction of doing a quest and getting XP. I'm not referring to those of you who quit FFXI for WoW because my reasoning for that is the same as the above, you are bored and wanted a change. WoW looking so different seemed to interest you and it does for a while (though some people come back to FFXI saying FFXI is better).

I find WoW (I'm assuming it's the same as Guild Wars in the following respect) annoying because like Guild Wars (assuming still, correct me if I am wrong) became very repetitive and thus why I want to experience the storyline and be done with it. Every single freaking quest was go here kill this dude and get the item go back talk to the dude and return here and talk to me and voila you get item/spell + experience points. There is no such thing as 'partying' in Guild Wars. You can level up basically by just doing quests (or even the missions [1k/mission + 1k/mission bonus, one of each per mission]). The final level, level 19 >> 20, is about 12-14k XP to level it doesn't take long. I've seen people play WoW...they mash the buttons just like they did in Diablo. I don't even know why they have party setups because there is no ability to 'tank' in that game and no concept of hate control amongst its player. In addition there aren't enough options within the game itself that enable this. The Paladin will run in there mashing his 'hate grabbing abilities' if that's what you want to call them yet while my friend was doing this, the enemy was busy attacking whoever/whatever it pleased despite the 'tanking' effort. There are no party mechanics.

So as a long time player, I am very happy with FFXI. If I ever get bored, I take a break. Cancel the ID, go do something else for a while. It's true no one likes to be held back, but at the same time FFXI isn't so incredibly complex that things can't be overcome. The most important aspect once again going back to the original points, is the players themselves. If you have the communication, organization, and pure skill nothing stands in your way. Look at the videos of that Red Mage Japanese Taru who solo'ed all those things and is a legend among Red Mages. Before seeing that I had no idea that was possible without proper party setups and many people.

This game is complex enough to actually make us think and work (something we aren't used to doing these days) yet things are still fairly attainable if you have the aforementioned qualities.

I know this was a lengthy post, but I enjoyed writing it. I have thought of many of the same things for quite a long time (as you can tell) yet I have never found an appropriate way to phrase my thoughts, so thank you.
#3 Jan 11 2007 at 6:45 AM Rating: Decent
1,705 posts
Well put my friend. Although, I haven't played any other online game, I have stuck with this onefor one reason. Its the community that makes this fricken game so addicting. You meet people on this game that you would never have met otherwise. You befriend them and you help eachother along the path.

I live on the left coast and most of my family lives in KS with a few others scattered about. We play this game together and it is alot more rewarding then an e-mail or letter.

Sure there are people who are asshats (like me) but without the a-holes the good people wouldn't shine so much.

And where else can you spend 15 bucks a month and play have as much social interaction? 15 bucks is what? 3-4 beerrs at the local watering hole?

And where else can you agree to meet with someone you don't like and Kill them with no consaquenses.

all in all I enjoy my check out from reality. I enjoy the people in this game and I don't plan on quitting any time in the near future. I know that last statement disapoints some people, but irritating people is one of my favorite hobbies and this game allows for that also. :p
#4 Jan 11 2007 at 11:31 AM Rating: Good
Even though most the people that were here when I started have quit, and some of the ones that havent have turned out to be large pieces of bat turds, I'm still kickin it.

Been level 75 for almost 3 years now I think. Started at NA release.

I find the key to enjoying the game is to not play when I am not enjoying it.

Also to try the best you can to pick and chose who you spend your game time with. Last night for example even after we failed a Limbus, I was having a blast just joking arond with LS friends.

Back when Leeluu was playing I found fun in the game by seeing what kind of old events, missions, bcnm etc we could duo as MNK/NIN and WHM. Old challenges made challenging again.

I try to stay away from end-game because having an on-line schedule to adhere to burned me out on the game. However, signing on and having stuff to do has a lott o be said for it. Sometimes I go home and I want to play, but have nothing to do when I log.

I think the game could be improved a whole bunch with a new better story line than the current ToAU. The whole Saudia-arabian theme is just booring. If I could change it, I'd try and add some more futuristic zones and story line.

Likewise, I've been trying to make gil, and am having a hard time getting people together for BCNM, KSNM. I'd love to see some more solo or even duo KSNM or BCNM battles because having to rely on others has time and time again proven not to be worth while.

#5 Jan 11 2007 at 3:23 PM Rating: Good
594 posts
Real life finally took over for me, and thats a good thing. But Sing really said it the best. Logging online to a schedule of events can tarnish even the most excited player.

Oh, and btw

I read the forums from bismarck and noticed only a few now post here, probably most of the originals have disapeared or moved to WoW or PSU, except me because I will stay till this game ether picks up or dies.

PSU is absolutely awful. I played it on 360. Beat the story mode for the achievement points, then deleted my lvl 55 toon. It is so boring, same **** every time. The graphics suck and the story line is cheesy at best. Personally, I'll wait until the next FF MMORPG comes know its gonna happen.
#6 Jan 11 2007 at 5:05 PM Rating: Good
716 posts
Personally, I'll wait until the next FF MMORPG comes know its gonna happen.

Maybe next time Square will finally start caring about their customers, and not their next cash cow.

That's why I quit FFXI. It wasn't because of the grinds, or the boring story, or the fact that I'd been doing the same thing for three years. It was the fact that it finally dawned on me that Square doesn't give one iota about the vast majority of their customers. It's all just a front. When you see how they really deal with their customers in a one-on-one bases, you'll realize that you're just another fifteen bucks a month to them. Sorry, kids.

Edited, Jan 11th 2007 8:02pm by Alauce
#7 Jan 11 2007 at 6:05 PM Rating: Good
1,592 posts
When I talk one on one with them seem nice enough and get done what I need done (over the phone, I don't know about live chat).

But ya know, any big corporation is like that.
#8 Jan 12 2007 at 8:02 AM Rating: Good
Been playing what 3 years now?

Anyway yeah FFXI does get boring at times, but what game doesn't?
I have never had a game that I enjoyed for as long as FFXI though.

What I would like to see is a Name change option with server change being available 24/7 not when SE feels like it. Also the ability to /tell people from other servers. Will this happen? Doubt it.

But till the day my last 3 oldest friends quit or FFXI dies I'll be here.
#9 Jan 12 2007 at 5:23 PM Rating: Decent
1,497 posts
I still play, still no 75 job but I played since release. I only still play only for ballista lol.
#10 Jan 16 2007 at 5:26 PM Rating: Good
177 posts
im still around, sorta :p havent played for almost a month though, but yea still no 75 job either, and yay for ballista!!!
#11 Jan 16 2007 at 7:07 PM Rating: Decent
3,737 posts
I haven't played for as long as some of you, but I've been around for more then a year now. I can say after several years of experiance with various online RPGs (ranging from MUDs to early MMOs like Ultima Online) the first thing that struck me about FFXI and the thing which continues to impress the hell out of me is the community.

There are plenty of online games where people would as soon stab you in the face as look at you, if just for the brief amusement value of doing so. While FFXI has its share of jerks, the community in general tends to lean toward helping each other out rather then stabbing each other in the back (broad generalization go!)

The main thing I'd want to change about how FFXI functions is the main thing I tend to notice on the early online games (MUDs especially).. Most of those games have an area that you start in that's specifically designed to teach you how to operate the game. FFXI sort of hurls you out into Vana'Diel, gives you a slap on the butt, and says good luck. There's little to no assistance for brand new players (potentially players who've never played an MMO or online game before in their lives). Yeah so there's the "read the manual" argument, and that's a valid one, but it doesn't give you any idea of what you're supposed to do.

The Mentor program was supposed to be the catch-all for this problem implemented by SE, but we all know how that turned out.. Mentors are mostly useless (with a few notable exceptions) and in any event, players almost never know how to find or contact one... or know what question to ask.

I've actually been rolling an idea around in my head about what we as the community can do to correct this problem, when I have something more definitive I'll publicize it.
svlyons wrote:
If random outcomes aren't acceptable to you, then don't play with random people.
#12 Jan 16 2007 at 7:49 PM Rating: Good
1,592 posts
Yea, I still remember when I first started this game. I'm sure I will never forget it. I was in Watchdog Alley in Northern San d'Oria. I had never played an online RPG before. It was nighttime and me being used to offline RPG's I thought the story would have to progress a bit before it would be daytime (or I would have to go to a different place where it was sunny). Anyways, it was so incredibly dark, I was not used to this darkness on my TV screen and the type of screen I had coupled with the lighting in the room made it almost impossible to see...I ran around the bottom part of the Alley for a good 15-20 minutes before I found my way out and wandered into Port. Blah Blah Blah, as Callinon said, I had no way of learning the game and it was eat or be eaten. I had a sharp learning curve. Boy was it a surprise to me when I discovered that there were actually other people who played the game (the first time I found my way to Southern San d'Oria). Sometimes while running around I nowadays just stop and crank up the volume in Sandy or Ronafure and just listen to the music that I grew so accustomed to for hours a day, weeks on end. It was my theme music and it brought a smile to my face whenever I heard in my newb days. Sometimes I'm just too busy or not paying attention and I run right through the city without noticing, but sometimes when I do notice...I just stop and listen. Still brings a smile to my face because I can still relate to why that music made me smile.

P.S. Callinon, I know we've never met in game or anything like that, and even though I don't play that much anymore...if you need any help spreading the word on that 'idea' you got going on, I can help. I still know a few people who would be more than willing to lend a hand to a good cause.

Edited, Jan 16th 2007 10:45pm by Gamion
#13 Jan 17 2007 at 7:10 AM Rating: Good
406 posts
Closing in on 4 years now
3 Differant Characters
1 From JP PC Release (Retired a time ago)
1 From NA PS2 Release (Main)
1 From ToAU Release (To keep the game funky fresh)

Why.... I actually like this game.
I guess it's differant for me, I don't have to worry
about things like gil, armor, equip. I can sustain myself
fairly well without having to resort to the darkside of
FFXI like so many do.

My account has endured many breaks from the game over
the years from days to weeks to even months and even
several "I quit" phases.

I figure I will continue playing this game at my pace
for fun and for myself until the servers shut down or
I ultimatly lose interest in Final Fantasy as a whole.

I have played AO, EVE, SilkRoad and I even try WoW for
a brief moment but to me none compare to FF-11.

Sure I have made my fair share of bad impressions but
we all have our moments from time to time. I've seen
people come and go, real life friends dump the game for
other avenues of entertainment. But I think .... nah
I don't thinking. Thinking too much makes the game less
#14 Jan 17 2007 at 7:19 AM Rating: Decent
1,705 posts
I think that's why the noobs have ? on their heads. If I have time and am out runnin around, I will try get XYZ noob pointed in the right direction. I did that a few months ago to a noob character named Cristan, I gave him 10k and gave him some did he pay me back? He leveled his PLD to 75 be fore I got my DRK to 70. I think I was 67 or something when I met him, He runs around with his Mentor status up and it makes me feel good that I helped this guy a litte and now he is paying it forward.

Oh and now he hates PLD and LOVES NIN which at last sighting was around 65...fricken limey, AAt least let me get my 69 MONK to 75 befor you get your NIN there. ungrateful kids...
#15 Jan 17 2007 at 7:52 PM Rating: Good
heres a thought DB, lvl your monk and u might just get it to 75 before hell sends the fat ladies on us
#16 Jan 18 2007 at 5:15 PM Rating: Decent
Reasons why pipl would probably quit is that pipl still get away with buying gil, and benifit in the game more then legit, casual players dont see this game welcoming and u have to sacrifice alot of time to play this game. the reason why i play this game is because i love it i started this without anyone suggesting it or with a rl friend most rl friends who joined me later on migrated to other servers, this game is just like gotta work your way with money and skill or you wont get the things that keeps pipl from looking down at you. Then again theres still those pricks who will look down at you anyway -.-;
#17 Jan 19 2007 at 1:01 AM Rating: Default
591 posts
Yeah I hear ya, lot's of stuff changed alot of the old players quit, but some of them come back, some stay.

I will be here till the game dies, or something else comes that beats this game in graphics which I havent noticed yet, WoW just seem's to much like diablo2 graphics, I aint paying money to play another diablo2 mixed with warcraft game.

So many years gone by, I believe SE should have never touched the monsters or made that mpk rule crap, this game isnt supposed to be easy! I remember back in the days where people zone bogys to selbina always a thing to do kill trains, raise the dead, but SE took it away and a hang out spot was killed.

If Square-enix wanted to bring this game back to its rightfull place as the top MMORPG they would have to do the following, make a expansion around the 3 main nations again with all new updated quest and missions, probably add rank 20, make few more races to pick from new hair styles, something other than quest and missions, like hmmm add a card game like a party invite but 6 vs 6 almost like tetra master but inside ffxi.

One more thing, stop touching and nerfing stuff that kills peoples feelings for the game right off, I remember ranger was always talked about, everyone had a job they were proud of gloating then bam nerfs happened and that talk just disapeared.

And stop adding old events and upgrading them geez lol.


Wife: Akirah
#18 Jan 19 2007 at 11:33 AM Rating: Decent
610 posts
I've been playing almost 3 years now myself.. 5 jobs at 75 working on a 6th. I've accomplished almost everything I've wanted to in the game yet I still play. I think the main reason I stay is for the few friends I still have in game that haven't quit but also because it's a good way to pass the time between work and school for me.

The economy in game hasn't been that great lately though which is definitly discouraging and i've given up goldsmithing at 80 because it's just not worth it much anymore to continue crafting. If I could change anything I would want to be able to change servers also, and to change the economy back to something a little more stable, not like the inflation days but at least better than this.
#19 Jan 19 2007 at 12:17 PM Rating: Decent
1,705 posts
I think the ecomomy is great! I'm not a crafter, The only way I am able to buy anything is by selling what I had and upgrading with money I have got through killing mobs or NM's. The stuff I need to buy like food is at a reasonable price right now. Want more gil crafters? craft more stuff. I know it is probably irritating hearing from me that has smithing all the way to 10. sorry...not
#20 Jan 21 2007 at 9:26 PM Rating: Decent
1,624 posts
I'm still around, but the one I most want to do stuff with(Phyree) hasn't been able to be on much, as such, I haven't progressed much in the storylines from where I'm at right now. That, and I don't have all that much time to be on, though I do have some other friends in game that I like talking to, and they happen to be the biggest reason I'm still here.
#21 Jan 24 2007 at 8:43 AM Rating: Decent
Well you know I left w/o a choice lol
#22 Jan 24 2007 at 9:03 AM Rating: Decent
501 posts
I've been playing for a few years. Over the course of those 3 or so years, I've met many different people, some of which were awesome kind people, others were complete asshats that really didn't give a **** that there were other people on the game. Example: I was leveling my Thf recently, and I get an invite to a pt in Yhoator Jungle. So, I'm like cool. I get there, and these guys are criticizing JP's, Chinese, and a whole slew of other races. I put up with it for 30 mins or so, finally deciding that it wasn't worth hearing this racist banter. So, I pulled out my cable wire, and that was it for the night. Those few people, who will remain nameless, burned me out on FFXI that night. Anyway, I digress...

So, I think the main reason I'm still on here is because of the people I've met and have become friends with. After all they bring something new to talk about and to do almost every time I log in.

The economy blows. Everything is so dirt cheap it's hard to make gil no matter what you do. I resorted to training Fort Ghelsba a few nights ago as War/Thf for Gilfinder and the measley armor drops to sell to NPC's... It sucked compared to getting a big drop from an NM or KS/BC runs, but I'll admit that I had some fun doing it. Nobody was around, and therefore I wasn't hurting anyone in the process.

And yeah, I agree to this part about improving FFXI:

If Square-enix wanted to bring this game back to its rightfull place as the top MMORPG they would have to do the following, make a expansion around the 3 main nations again with all new updated quest and missions

One more thing, stop touching and nerfing stuff that kills peoples feelings for the game right off, I remember ranger was always talked about, everyone had a job they were proud of gloating then bam nerfs happened and that talk just disapeared.

I think that made a lot of the old-schoolers quit. After the Rng patch, I saw a great decrease in players. Then after SE started migrating into the MPK patch, NM's dropping Ra/Ex gears (LL and VE) (This sucked and everyone knows it), Blm patch, etc... I think people just said ********** it. SE will probably touch my job next." and just quit.

And the RMT... **** them and the horse they rode in on which is so beaten and prodded and bloody, you can't even tell it was a horse. Anybody who plays a videogame to get fake money and sell it for real money is useless. Theny they curse at you in thier language... Pfft.

Anyway, I'll prolly be around for a long time yet... At least I *think* so.

Who knows what SE will do (or not do) over the next few months to ***** with the rest of their player base.
(These are out of date, and I'm too lazy to keep up)
#23 Jan 25 2007 at 1:28 AM Rating: Decent
2,081 posts
Lately im enjoying the game a lot more, i got a new linkshell, that is active, where there are always people to help you out and to be helped out, we have a static party (well 3 of us anyway). Ive been playing for about a year, and while it is sad to see people leave the game, there are new people starting all the time. So yeah, ill be around a while still, i dont have a 75 job yet or Sky/Sea access, and have just got access to Lufaise Meadows, which is newer to me than the Aht Uragn zones. While im still finding new stuff, ill keep wandering the virtual lands finding stuff to kill and people to help!
When I'm good they never remember,
When I'm bad they never forget
#24 Jan 25 2007 at 6:05 AM Rating: Decent
1,705 posts
Geez, sick. Just when this thread was going EMo, you had to spread your
#25 Jan 25 2007 at 4:29 PM Rating: Decent
312 posts
I still play the game because of the people here. I've always found Bismarck to be a decent server, with people willing to help out when needed. Gamion said it best
One thing that I find unique about FFXI (and believe me there are many and major reasons for why I am stil here), is the community.

The sense of community is what has kept me here so long and will keep me here until the end of Bismarck/FFXI. I still have quite a bit more I want to do too!

Edited, Jan 25th 2007 6:30pm by MoonpieJen
#26 Jan 25 2007 at 8:25 PM Rating: Good
Although I don't post much more than a few times a year here on the server forums, I've been playing since PS2 release and I was there back when the Server Forums were Tsetsuo's Journal XD

Long time ago...
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