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#27 Jan 26 2007 at 7:02 AM Rating: Good
1,592 posts

Blast from the past...
#28 Feb 07 2007 at 8:30 PM Rating: Decent
478 posts
Time played - like 3-6 months after na release to November 06. Retired (for now)

I've played WoW, Guild Wars and FFXI. In my time on ffxi I've met alot of good ppl. Had a lot of great adventures.
To me FFXi has the best graphics, story and actually challenges the hardcore gamer.
WoW has me bored already. Charcaters look a bit to cartoony., No where near as challenging as ffxi. One of my RL friends actually told me how hard WoW was and that the lv grind was horrid. I told his *** to shut his mouth beacause In ffxi We would make your *** work from every bit of xp you get and u would have to worry about what SC would do the best dmg and a million other things. In Wow u get xp for finding a new area, you get double xp after u logout for a lil bit at an inn, u Rarely fail crafting. What kinda crap is that?? In the end i miss having to figure out SC, managing hate, healing as a drg.
Things i dont miss about FF - Being told Drg is useless for everything, being told mnk is better to take along to kill a dragon vs. drg, trying in vain to get uber gear, having to lv a sub job i hate or a sky ls wont take me, Trying to find asky ls that will take me and actually do things.

Theres my rant!
#29 Feb 08 2007 at 6:27 AM Rating: Decent
1,705 posts
get your *** back home big sexy and I will get you in my LS. We do dienamis, sky, limbusblah blah blah. Striffer and I are sick of lotting on all the DRG af2 cause we don't have a drg in the LS.
#30 Feb 08 2007 at 9:45 PM Rating: Decent
947 posts
I have to agree on the feel of the FFXI community, and I think a lot of it is because you actually have to rely on one another for the most part... there are a few exceptions of course like the possibility of soloing 1-75 on BST (but even getting to 30 to unlock it would take a lot of effort to solo... ) Most things you do in this game are done with other people.

I haven't played many other MMO's, and some people may cut my head off for actually including diablo 2 in this list, but diablo 2 and war craft have much greater ease of soloability. Especially diablo 2. You may never even see the same people ever again, and you clearly don't need them. In FFXI you will see the same people time and time again, because you're all on the same server (and not just joining some random game called BAAL RUNZ I TELE 374) So some people may be rude, because it doesn't really matter at all, you will likely not see the same person again. (I've noticed in comparison the people on FFXI are so much nicer than those on diablo 2, and some of them are probably the same people).

I'm really tired and I should probably be sleeping...and I think I lost my train of thought, so I'm just going to end on that really random note.
#31 Feb 09 2007 at 4:39 PM Rating: Decent
1,002 posts
oh cmon now.. just face it.

its not as fun now, because i am not around stirring the pot, and jacking all the cool items from the AH, and messing with the economy...

just admit it, when i left, it all went to hell.. lol

i played wow for a while, got to level 45, and then realized.. it freakin sucked, its just the same thing over and over...
imho, FFXI was the best mmorpg i ever played, i just cannot bring myself back to playing it again tho...
#32 Feb 10 2007 at 12:31 AM Rating: Decent
478 posts
wow hip! a blast from the past. how u doing man.
#33 Mar 13 2007 at 8:05 PM Rating: Decent
591 posts
ZanonX wrote:

I would probably make a way to travel to other servers freely

Remember I came up with this idea first, they must have read my post, sorry had to point out they are listening.

But still, I wonder if they let people take items and gear with them or is there limits.

Edited, Mar 14th 2007 12:07am by ZanonX

Wife: Akirah
#34 Mar 13 2007 at 11:46 PM Rating: Default
OMG i love this thread it was such a good read :P But anyway I cant really think of anything I would wanna change about this game I don't mean to sounds like a fanboy but It has enthralled me for almost 4 years. The only thing I can think of off the top of my head is like maybe have events when people "quit" the server. Like SE add some kinda zone where you could just relax and have all of your friends warped to and have a going away party. Maybe let them have the quitter select equipment that they can wear for that one last day before they are gone get to try out the things they always wanted to on some mobs in this going away zone. I know the idea sounds kind of off the wall but it would be a good way for people to gather and say goodbye to their friends. I know there is a ton of people who quit that I barely even got to say bye to or not even.

The game does get dull at times but with my 16 month Iraq deployment when I came back It totally rejuvenated my interests, that and now I'm finally back in a linkshell that feels like home <3 Unrockbar.

Too everyone that I know and hasn't quit and there are a few of you I remember doing things with years ago (sing :P) thank you for sticking it out you help me love this game more and more each day.
#35 Mar 14 2007 at 4:01 AM Rating: Decent
I've been playing for 4 years straight and I never once took a break. My friends have had to take 2-6 months breaks, some never returned, but I still remained, and it's killing me,LOL.

I have a love / hate relationship with this game. I love it because it is such a interesting and social game, my LS has Vent which is truly cool. I have a variety of jobs, purposes, and I craft and make a decent FFXI living.

I also hate this game because of how it has become the focal point of my life. I wake up earlier than I need to before work so I can have an abundance of craft time. During work, all I can think about is what I plan to do with my evening on FFXI. I get home, and although dishes need to be done, vacuuming, and laundry, I log on 1st instead and play all night. I do nothing but this game.

I'm in an active LS where I do Dynamis 2x a week, Limbus 2x a week and they do sky 3x a week. I'm literally exhausted. I gave up doing Sky just to force myself to relax and chill and watch TV instead. It started to become feeling like a chore, almost everything has.

My monk is finally decked out to where I dreamed of having it, and so I think to myself.....So now what? So I have the gear, I've capped what I needed to on this job for merits, and now there's nothing to strive for or feel any change of improvements. I feel I've killed the job I loved. There's no motivation.

I started doinf Bard, something completely different which I love, I'm only level 44, but even now I think to myself- "Hmm.....what happens when I cap this job out with everything I want...what then?"

I guess I see the finish line for me coming up ahead. I don't want to quit, but it seems the time is approaching. I love my friends on this game and I feel if I go, I'm closing out a major portion of my life. Yes, it's only a game, but as you know, this isn't just a game. It's a lifestyle we fell into.

I don't know what to wish for anymore. I guess I wish to feel like a noob again, like the 1st time I road an airship, or a chocobo. It's the little things which we were so excited for that we all take for granted now.

Now although I love my friends, I feel it's become a task. A job.
#36 Mar 14 2007 at 5:19 AM Rating: Default
FFXI will always be the greatest escape from reality. But every now and then people find hope in reality and no longer need an escape. For those of us that found themselves playing less and less of the game, good for you; may your real life be blessed. For those who left FFXI for other MMORPGs, you're crazy!, WoW is for childern and PSU looks like something born of cough syrup and mushrooms!?

If you see me online, say hello, because its not for long. I usually can't bear more than an hour or two.

To all those crazy people who ever hung out with me whats up. Good to see you're still kicking. Long live sex and violence.

Your forever perverted and sadistic *************,

#37 Mar 14 2007 at 8:59 AM Rating: Decent
1,705 posts
I feel it's become a task. A job.

You know Ami that is the danger of end game stuff. I took a break from our LS for a couple weeks, just to get away from "my 2nd job"

I came back last night and feel rejuvinated. Take a break from it all and just hang out with non LS friends for awhile. TW will understand. Do now since I came back and there is a Real DD to take up your
#38 Mar 14 2007 at 9:37 AM Rating: Good
It's real simple. I was starting to get bored/burned out, so I took a break. When your recreation turns into as much of a job, as your actual job, it's time to consider cooling off, for a while.

I play a little Guild Wars on the side, now, but the downtime was good. I'm back into things, and it's all enjoyable again.
#39 Mar 14 2007 at 12:50 PM Rating: Good
1,592 posts
Yea...Guild Wars was a 2nd job, do you mean your Dark Knight DB?
#40 Mar 14 2007 at 3:49 PM Rating: Decent
113 posts
I just came back after a 6 month or so break. Played PSU till Jan., I liked it but the cheaters, slow updates, and the craptastic gamequard ruined it for me. Been playing WoW since TBC came out, but as many said it is repetitive, but what rpg isn't? I started missing FFXI and the recent update and news of the economy gave me hope that game's long problem's were started to be fixed and SE might have started to care for its customers. I am thankfull that my old LS was still around and willing to reaccept me back in and hopefully I'll be around for a while, gotta get those last 6 levels of warrior.

Edited, Mar 14th 2007 6:57pm by Knightswords
#41 Mar 15 2007 at 5:03 AM Rating: Decent
Yekan wrote:
I've been playing almost 3 years now myself.. 5 jobs at 75 working on a 6th. I've accomplished almost everything I've wanted to in the game yet I still play. .

You know Yekan thats no one of us @ unreal like ya and the only reason u got dalmy and the feet coz u c with thalia .

Edited, Mar 15th 2007 9:08am by Bismarkan
#42 Mar 15 2007 at 6:48 AM Rating: Decent
Hey Deathblessing!

I hear ya loud and clear. The beauty of our LS we're in is that it's not officially end-game although we tend to do that type of stuff together more than anything else. Before I came to our LS, for three years, I never did hardly any end game stuff.

I do enjoy it, but yes, it is a time-suck. Luckily TW is quite understanding and there never is any pressure for me to join in on anything. So, that's why I'm taking a back-seat on Sky farming. That part for me really blew, and it's not anyones fault, it's just the mentality of the entire situation which turned me off.

They're already 2-3 hours into farming before I even get home from work. The competition with the RMT and other LS's there kind of puts a crapper on the loose enjoyment of farming with your buddies. There are your whiners and complaners which are unavoidable too. So, instead, I'll come to a God fight, do my Chi Blast once or twice, and sit and wait for those drops that other people need.

I don't know just yet if I can leave the game for just a short while. I think I just need to Just Say No to somethings, and were lucky enough to have this type of LS where we are allowed to make our own choices. I guess I just got too caught up in the whirlwind, and yes, endgame stuff eventually means to all of us eventually--End....Game.
#43 Mar 16 2007 at 7:13 AM Rating: Decent
Saw some familiar names and just wanted to say hi.

i restored my character a week ago and i am playing again.
i took this screen shot the other day, talk about oldschool.

#44 Mar 16 2007 at 2:00 PM Rating: Decent
289 posts
TseTsuo was definately the man.

Or a man.

Or scum.

Slimy scum.

#45 Mar 21 2007 at 4:35 PM Rating: Decent
Alauce wrote:
Personally, I'll wait until the next FF MMORPG comes know its gonna happen.

Maybe next time Square will finally start caring about their customers, and not their next cash cow.

That's why I quit FFXI. It wasn't because of the grinds, or the boring story, or the fact that I'd been doing the same thing for three years. It was the fact that it finally dawned on me that Square doesn't give one iota about the vast majority of their customers. It's all just a front. When you see how they really deal with their customers in a one-on-one bases, you'll realize that you're just another fifteen bucks a month to them. Sorry, kids.

Edited, Jan 11th 2007 8:02pm by Alauce

LMAO, I had to remark on this comment.

And do you switch your Cellphone company constantly? or your zip code constantly? or do you switch who you buy your car insurance from constantly???

You honestly believe that this arguement is valid? Have you experienced any real life in the real world.....ever?!

The vast majority of companies don't give a crap about you or anyone else they consider a "customer", period. I have never dealt with any company i.e insurance, phone company, internet provider etc., that cares what my satisfaction over their customer care or their service is....AT ALL! Though I dish out alot of money for the services I want i.e internet, phone, on-line gaming, a place to live etc., and I have to dish out cash for things I don't need but am forced to by law such as car insurance. I have no illusions about what these companies bottom line is especially insurance companies.....and that's to obtain money at whatever cost.

If you honestly are crying over SE's or POL's, you really, really need to wake up.

I pay $12/month to POL for my ability to play FFXI and I pay another $5/month to Microsoft in order to be able to use XBoxlive in the same capacity, but you'll never hear me crying about SE or POL's customer policies. Though I don't like having to talk to someone at POL that can't speak proper English, I'm not gonna ***** about how crappy their customer care is.

All you are honeslty doing is trying to talk crap, for the sake of talking crap. Cuz you think your WoW game is so much better and that you are so much better then the rest of us who like FFXI over WoW.

WoW sucks it makes me sleepy and I'm not kidding, it bores me. FFXI does get boring, but at least there is alot more to do through so many different avenues in-game. That and I'm a die hard FF fan, and FF was the only reason I've ever owned a PS.

I hope you read this Alauce, and I hope it angers you.....really I do! You wanna talk crap about "customer care", which you obviously have never talked to anyone at EA Sports, LMAO. Try EA Sports Customer Care and then come back and try and tell me any company is worse at "Customer Care" then them!!

I'm dead serious. You are full of crap!!! You make me laugh at your statement, experience life then come back and tell me just how obvious it was that you yourself were full of it, when you made that statement.

"That's why I quit" LMFAO!!! Right! >.> Weak-minded fool!
#46 Mar 22 2007 at 8:57 AM Rating: Good
1,592 posts
LMAO, I had to remark on this comment.

And do you switch your Cellphone company constantly? or your zip code constantly? or do you switch who you buy your car insurance from constantly???

You honestly believe that this arguement is valid? Have you experienced any real life in the real world.....ever?!

The vast majority of companies don't give a crap about you or anyone else they consider a "customer", period. I have never dealt with any company i.e insurance, phone company, internet provider etc., that cares what my satisfaction over their customer care or their service is....AT ALL! Though I dish out alot of money for the services I want i.e internet, phone, on-line gaming, a place to live etc., and I have to dish out cash for things I don't need but am forced to by law such as car insurance. I have no illusions about what these companies bottom line is especially insurance companies.....and that's to obtain money at whatever cost.

If you honestly are crying over SE's or POL's, you really, really need to wake up.

I pay $12/month to POL for my ability to play FFXI and I pay another $5/month to Microsoft in order to be able to use XBoxlive in the same capacity, but you'll never hear me crying about SE or POL's customer policies. Though I don't like having to talk to someone at POL that can't speak proper English, I'm not gonna ***** about how crappy their customer care is.

All you are honeslty doing is trying to talk crap, for the sake of talking crap. Cuz you think your WoW game is so much better and that you are so much better then the rest of us who like FFXI over WoW.

WoW sucks it makes me sleepy and I'm not kidding, it bores me. FFXI does get boring, but at least there is alot more to do through so many different avenues in-game. That and I'm a die hard FF fan, and FF was the only reason I've ever owned a PS.

I hope you read this Alauce, and I hope it angers you.....really I do! You wanna talk crap about "customer care", which you obviously have never talked to anyone at EA Sports, LMAO. Try EA Sports Customer Care and then come back and try and tell me any company is worse at "Customer Care" then them!!

I'm dead serious. You are full of crap!!! You make me laugh at your statement, experience life then come back and tell me just how obvious it was that you yourself were full of it, when you made that statement.

"That's why I quit" LMFAO!!! Right! >.> Weak-minded fool!

LMAO I had to remark to this comment.

If you're taking Alauce seriously then you really need to find a sense of humor and get a life.

I pay another $5/month to Microsoft in order to be able to use XBoxlive

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