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Goodbye IRONFollow

#1 Feb 02 2007 at 9:37 AM Rating: Decent
Last night during our sky run one of my ls buddies reported that IRON is disbanding. I was shocked. They were the top LS on the server. I heard months ago that Treadvolt left the game and a few things here and there but nothing to indicate this ls was coming apart.

Farewell IRON.
#2 Feb 02 2007 at 12:43 PM Rating: Good
1,592 posts
Heh, unless it's an official word from someone I take everything anyone posts here with a grain or two (or a pound) of salt.
#3 Feb 02 2007 at 12:57 PM Rating: Decent tells all about it :(
#4 Feb 02 2007 at 1:22 PM Rating: Decent
591 posts
Once true leaders quit Ls's, they croak its a fact.

Wife: Akirah
#5 Feb 02 2007 at 2:33 PM Rating: Default
312 posts
It's true. The IRON name and linkshell were officially retired last night. Thanks for the farewell. I wasn't part of it for very long but it was very important to me and I'm deeply saddened. Thank you to the many leaders/members who struggled to try and keep it together. You know who you are.
#6 Feb 02 2007 at 3:01 PM Rating: Excellent
163 posts
Moonpie did it.
#7 Feb 02 2007 at 6:04 PM Rating: Decent
112 posts
I am sorry to hear the bad news. Should I delete the IRON url from the "Shells of Bismarck" list?
Any idea what will happen to the Dynamis Schedule forums? Arent they used to coordinate Dynamis on Bismarck?
#8 Feb 02 2007 at 7:19 PM Rating: Default
271 posts
good olde FFXI... some things never change...

I'd say keep it till the site goes down.

During its lifetime, Iron has been a pionner in a lot of end-game content. Sure, not everyone would agree with their methods but they did always get results (at least, that's what it seem from the outside). There is still good info/screenshot to be found on that site.
#9 Feb 02 2007 at 7:20 PM Rating: Good
387 posts
Welp, I shouldn't bring this kind of drama to the forums but I have to speak my mind on this.

Although IRON was ultimately in a downward spiral(alot of original members had left), they merged with EH. EH = Good linkshell, mostly good players. The mixup as I was in the shell was doomed from the beginning. Who do I blame it on? Moonpie, straight up. There were others who didn't let it happen, but it's because Moonpie is an arrogant, greedy, *****. She sucks at this game, and she is not a good leader. Now, I know you're asking yourselves why I say this, that I don't have the knowledge to say it. I was in the LS after it merged, I saw the BS she handed out each and every day. That's ultimately why it disbanded. Cuz half the people left the LS over a period of a month or so. Moonpie killed IRON.

As for IRON itself, I was pretty sad to hear it disbanded. I remember from my first noobie days being in love with everything about the LS. Friendly, nice players and a great reputation for being the heros of our Server throughout time. Farewell IRON, you had the best run this server has ever seen.

EDIT: I should also state the fact that due to RL Issues I wasn't able to be the most active in the shell, but ultimately I just wanted to state why the shell disbanded, not why I was no longer in IRON.

Edited, Feb 2nd 2007 10:23pm by zedster
#10 Feb 02 2007 at 7:31 PM Rating: Default
48 posts
In response to the hijack of the thread:

Naraku, the reason you were kicked from IRON wasn't because of what happened between you and Moonpie; that was just the final straw. Your entire demeanor and behavior were never great, and to be honest, you should have been kicked from the LS long before you actually were. Personally, though, I think your entire post speaks for itself in regards to your personality and maturity level.
#11 Feb 02 2007 at 7:43 PM Rating: Good
387 posts
Welp in response. I totally agree when I joined IRON I shouldn't have as I got a new job and didn't have the time and shoulda just realized it. But as IRON was the best LS on the server, no one would turn down the opportunity to join the ls. And as for me and Moonpie, I never said she was the reason I got kicked. Lol, matter of fact hell, I'd have done the same thing to me. As for behavior you're an idiot. Can't recall but one single time I was ever rude to anyone in ls, which was when I got kicked-and you can't say I'm wrong there. Also I was at every event until EH joined with IRON, which was about a week after I got in shell. I liked a ton of members of EH, but I felt as if I was in EH again. Maturity this and maturity that, you all can stand up for her all you want. With that being said, ask 99% of the people who left IRON and they'll say the exact same thing. She's a horrible leader, and that's why they left.
#12 Feb 02 2007 at 8:21 PM Rating: Default
48 posts
Y'know, Naraku, you're sorta right. The major problem was in leadership. It's not the way you think, however. The problem was that no-one respected or bothered respecting the new leaders. If a leader isn't respected enough to be listened to or obeyed when a command is given, then how much power does that leader truly wield? Unfortunately, too many people had too little respect for the leadership of IRON when Tredvolt retired, and those were the people who jumped ship. They never bothered giving the leaders a chance, and in effect that nailed the lid on IRON's coffin. Now you can point fingers at whomever you wish to, but to see the whole picture you need to step away from your grievance and see what was happening in the LS, and you were never around that much to do that. I apologize for your limited viewpoint, Naraku, and I hope that someday you might put aside your problems for once and see how everyone's interactions come into play.
#13 Feb 02 2007 at 9:40 PM Rating: Decent
Well i guess it always sucks when a LS dies out, but from my point of view IRON was doomed from the minute they merged with EH. I know im not the only one who saw this coming. R.I.P IRON and to every other less LS to camp against! WOOOOOOOOOOOT!
#14 Feb 03 2007 at 12:18 AM Rating: Decent
716 posts
thought better of this post. my apologies.

Edited, Feb 3rd 2007 7:56am by Alauce
#15 Feb 03 2007 at 1:43 AM Rating: Default
First of all i have to say is, Moonpie thank you...Thank you for looking out for EH's best interest, thank you for being a great leader...and most of all thank you for giving a damn about everyone under your leadership...

Naraku, your reference to Moon, is a personal attack, reason is simple....Naraku is played by Gimley atm, Gimley was part of EH, kicked due to inactivity and attitude, same reason kicked from IRON, He was booted twice under Moons leadership over and out. IRON disbanded because most people didnt care anymore, the lose of so many great players is cripling to a linkshell...

Iron was falling apart before the merger, however EH trying to delay that fall...which we did successfully. People left because they didnt want to start over from square one...which is understandable...however by no means the disbandment was because of Moon.

I have never been in a LS where the leader cared more about her members more then personal be honest, the only thing she has for leading an endgame ls for 3 years is what a dalmatica....look at other ls leaders, look what they have....It is unfair to place the blame of an ls disbanding on one person....I blame the people who quit the ls that continue to play....i blame the people who refused to teach newer member...i blame you naraku for joining when you knew you couldnt meet the strict ls rules...

to blame someone who is at every event the ls has..who gives 100% to see the ls benefit...its wrong...i honestly cannot believe anyone replying to this thread can actually blame this on one person....

Go ahead flame me....the one time i actually check alla i see someone bashing one of the best players this game has seen...i really cannot type anymore im so disguested....TY to all that posted, ty for showing your true colors...
#16 Feb 03 2007 at 2:16 AM Rating: Good
Well i know that this is hearsay, but i heard that EH had a main job rule when it came to lotting gear, and an very irrate EH member was telling me that she basically cockblocked the mages by lotting Dalmatica while her main job in the shell was Ninja. Like i said i just heard this from an EH member. IF thats true then i would have to disagree about her putting others before herself.

Edited, Feb 3rd 2007 5:21am by GravesofBismarck
#17 Feb 03 2007 at 3:50 AM Rating: Decent
48 posts
I had hoped that I need not respond to this thread anymore, but there are a couple more loose threads that need to be tied up.

Graves -- I heard that Moonpie did not want to lot the Dalmatica, and that the other members of EH urged her to go ahead and do it. And then again, if that isn't loyalty and support towards a leader, what is?

Alauce -- ..... never mind, may you be able to find contentment somewhere and at some point in your journey through life.

Mehi -- Thank you for reiterating my point both here and on the IRON forums. Unfortunately, there are always people who are somewhat deficient in perspective, and one can only hope that time and experience will broaden their viewpoints, rather than narrow them into the tiniest of pinpricks.

One last note before I leave this thread to the flamers and bashers. IRON was truly an outstanding member of the Bismarck HNMLS community. How many other HNM linkshells can claim to have maintained the level of decorum that IRON did after its merger with Genesis? (Alas, I cannot claim to have knowledge prior to that, and therefore cannot speak to that extent.) I cannot count the number of times when, while camping some high-level monster, certain people would emit into the public realm degrading utterances towards other non-affiliated people and alliances. If there was one thing that IRON imprinted upon the Bismarck community, I would hope that it would be an outward measure of respect towards other alliances and linkshells. I can only hope that before people respond further to this thread that they may reflect upon their words and determine whether they are respectful or simply demonstrations of their lack of a broader perspective.
#18 Feb 03 2007 at 7:59 AM Rating: Decent
33 posts
It's easy for people who arent related to the linkshell to throw attacks at leaders, but I have been a LS member + friend of moonpie for a long time, she leads well and fair, and I wouldnt be where I am today if it wasnt for her.

Thank you moonpie!

As for IRON, its an upsetting thing, having seen IRON rule this server for the many years I have played, but I am also glad to have been a short part of its history. Thank you for all the good times IRON.

And as for the dynamis listings.

Ive decided I will be starting an EU shell, after several years of playing end game in NA time ive decided to try and play the game in my own time, no more late nights hopefully.

I own the domain and will shortly have forums there for my new linkshell, I am willing to host the bismarck dynamis shedule there and will make a post about it.

#19 Feb 03 2007 at 8:09 AM Rating: Decent
55 posts
good luck with the new shell xaeon, you deserve some sleep during normal times. Oh, and I'm still an *** for having two ridill's ;)
#20 Feb 03 2007 at 11:39 AM Rating: Excellent
1,592 posts
Iron is teh suckzorz!
EH is teh suckzorz!
End-game LS's is teh suckzorz!
FFXI is teh suckzorz!
WoW is teh suckzorz!
RMT ruined this game.

I just saved us all days of our time.

Xaeon wrote:
I own the domain and will shortly have forums there for my new linkshell, I am willing to host the bismarck dynamis shedule there and will make a post about it.


P.S. I still have it bookmarked and check it frequently, waiting for the site to come back online. :D

Edited, Feb 3rd 2007 2:39pm by Gamion
#21 Feb 03 2007 at 11:58 AM Rating: Decent
Graves -- I heard that Moonpie did not want to lot the Dalmatica, and that the other members of EH urged her to go ahead and do it. And then again, if that isn't loyalty and support towards a leader, what is?

Hmm guess i stand corrected.
#22 Feb 03 2007 at 1:55 PM Rating: Decent
IRON died months ago..... when tredvolt, winraf and the others left.

The current "Iron" is nothing more then enron, errr EHRON, or EventIronElementals whatever you want to call them, they are not IRON or were they ever.

All Moonpie and the rest of that **** shell eventhorizon did was what they do best: kill people's will to play FFXI.

Almost everyone I have ever talked (expect all her little buddies that are posting here) said that they quit the game because of her LS. ******** like Moonpie Poundkake, Xeaon, Spliffsix (i'm sure i'm missing many more) should just quit and do us all a favor.

Personally i'm glad they decided to retire the name IRON because they were soiling something that has stood for greatness for as long as i can remember in this game. Unforunatly the once great IRON went out on such a sour note, but I for one will remember them for they're great acomplishes
#23 Feb 03 2007 at 2:16 PM Rating: Decent
1,592 posts
You sound pretty bitter towards people for no apparent reason. Sure, IRON was the best end-game shell on the server. No one argues that. Frankly, if the original members left, it doesn't mean that IRON left. It's not like EH barged in and took over. Power was passed from Tredvolt to Moonpie (correct me if I am wrong, I don't know the whole story, nor does it make a difference if I did because the outcome of my point is the same).

It would have been impossible for Moonpie to create a new shell under the name of 'IRON' and fool the entire server, including the remaining EH and IRON members into thinking that Tredvolt gave her power, without any of the people in charge noticing. That is what you are suggesting is it not? Because you're argument points to no other conclusion than that. Let's examing your post.. shall we?

Digitalhippie wrote:
IRON died months ago..... when tredvolt, winraf and the others left.

So you're telling me that you're so incredibly stuck up and ignorant that you were a member of IRON for however long you were, yet you can't accept that things change, and if the people you originally pledged leadership to leave, then in your eyes the shell is no longer representing what it once did? Something inside me tells me that with dedication and a reputation such as one IRON had, that is something they definitely would have never believed as a core entity.

What it seems like, is you had a problem with members of EH long before they merged with IRON, and when the merger was announced, you accepted it quietly (or loudly, who knows?) because of the exact reason I stated before, it was the will of the shell and your dedication was to the shell. But once it was announced that the oldest core group of players would be leaving, you figured, what the hell, their gone, it must be the new guys fault.

That's all that was of substance in your entire post. The rest was a fireball of obscenities blinded by anger/arrogance/ignorance, whatever you want to call it. Obviously I've just began a flame war, but frankly, I've been a part of many major well known clans throughout many different games and your statement totally contradicts the dedication and organization that they've all stood for (and continue to stand for). Hell, members leave, I've been a part of a clan that went through 4 or 5 main leadership changes, more than once. One was SectaVictoriae here on Bismarck. Leaders changed, dedication remained for the shell and not the veterans and there was selfless service all around.

Once again, a clan on Counter Strike, went through 3 seperate leadership changes before it was disbanded.

Again, I'm currently in a clan for a browser game I play and this clan is both internationally recognized throughout the games they play (yes games, they have a dominant presence in 5+ different games, WoW included). The leadership has changed countless times in the many years they have been around and the dedication of it's 1500+ members remains to the overall clan. Yet they still maintain the same level of Honor, Integrity and Pride that they always did, their three founding principles.

Edited, Feb 3rd 2007 5:21pm by Gamion
#24 Feb 03 2007 at 5:47 PM Rating: Decent
I joined IRON in March of 2004. I joined the LS when we had 7 PLDs and 8 DRKS and no idea what the hell a decent shell should look like. We worked with Lunarians on Dynamis, and just watched as JPN shells owned the NA's in claiming. Still remembering KB walking around, as the NA shells were not strong enough to kill it. I remember our 1st wipe to fafnir, I remember the 2 hour Kirin kills, due the only decent strat we had back than was to run Kirin out of MP.

The members of IRON grew strong together, we had to deal with many situations and set backs. In late 2004 we had a huge problem, the release of WOW, we lost many of our decent members. We found ourselves teaming up with Genesis and from this we join forces and put together LS that became what many remember IRON to be now. Without members from Genesis such as Sendo, Winraf, Zylador and many others, we were able to make a LS that worked as a well oiled machine. IRON may not have killed many of the HNMs 1st, but we worked on finding ways to kill HNMs quickly and with the lowest death count.

People can point fingers and say this and that, but killed IRON was the lack of content in FFXI. I sat in a Denny's last April with Tredvolt, and many others from IRON and spoke about how if Treasures didnt deliver any real content change that the NA shells would suffer and we start to see more NA shells going the way of the old powerhouse JP shells. FFXI use to be about skill, not its about merits, FFXI use to be about how to manage a HNM fight, now its about who has the best claim bots. I do want to say that I think Bismarck from what I have heard from other servers has the most clean HNMLS group. When IRON, AD and Lunarians all stopped camping the 3 kings for a couple months due to the LS's using claim bots it made me a bit proud. I can, as no one can from any LS that every member is 100% not using a claim bot, but I know that main HNMLS's did their best to keep it clean, and I like to thank Maximuss and JWB for being so strong. It is very easy to say just get the bots. It is very easy to say lets just train the other LS. While it may not have been drama free, we never had the problems of other servers. Again that is to the credit of the other LS leaders.

I stepped away from the shell in the fall, I had a long absence due to a computer issue, than I got married and my job changed. Many of the older members I enjoyed playing with, were having issues as well. The content just didnt change. There was just a feeling of how many times cna we kill the same thing over and over. AV was a huge problem, the bugs, the glitches. It just felt like there was nothing left to do. Treasures while on the surface was awesome, didnt have anything to really keep us out of the kings. Sky was still better than sea, and over all I feel the lack of something new really hurt the ability to keep the group together.

You can flame at the merger with EH, but we got flamed for the merger with Genesis. It was a chance. Tredvolt left leadership to Fuukochan, and he did his best. Throwing stones at people now, flaming each other for the wrongs of the world does not do anyone any good. I am happy to have been apart of the ride. I made friends in this LS that have carried over to real life. I learned a lot and I happy to have been apart of this. I am sad it is gone. But I am more upset with the content problems of FFXI.

Good bye Bismarck

#25 Feb 03 2007 at 5:48 PM Rating: Default
IRON was a good ls, the moment core members left it went way downhill. The merger with EH was just a way to extend the death of the LS in a way, though that didn't work out too positively by the looks of it.

EH might have nice members, they do have plenty of bad and idiotic and stubborn players.

@Gamion Power wasn't passed on to Moonpie from Tredvolt. Moonpie became one of the leaders after the merger along with fuukochan.
#26 Feb 03 2007 at 6:05 PM Rating: Default
Whats happened has happened, time to move on!
Ive gone by this for a long time.

Moon & ****** u did a excellent job.. best to your abilities. The time had come where nothin was gonna hold people together. No ones fault, people just wanted to do there own thing.

Thanks again moon for the chance to join u guys! /bow

Time to have fun in WoW!!!!!
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