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Goodbye IRONFollow

#102 Mar 02 2007 at 12:29 PM Rating: Decent
271 posts

Had to use that somehow >.>
#103 Mar 02 2007 at 5:10 PM Rating: Good
215 posts
I miss FFXI. Gryffes' greed, Tredvolt's greed, ArchDominus drunken ineptitude. I grew up with all the guys from all these shells. The folks from Event Horizion were the left over riff raff, those idiots that would shout at camps only to be blacklisted by even more people. When these doofs got their big start and started to somehow magically claim NM's and get Abjurations, I knew it was the end of the game for me. The first age of man had passed and it was now time for the lesser generations to take over.

We're all on what? 5th, 6th generation? 7th? You see less and less skill per player and more and more copying of old strategies and builds that old players used to use. It's sad. Never again will that 20 hour fight against Jormungund, never again will we bring 30 people to Tzee Xicu the Manfiest only to wipe at 50%. Never again will we be able to bring down Overlord Bakgodek with 3 people. It's a sad time, a time that will move on to legends. All of the dorks and nerds that lived it have moved on to a lesser, but more fun game.

People don't even remember what that magic was like. That first time Jawas ran out to Provoke the purple monster or the time we all ran down to fight fafnir with 3 people only for it to run out of time. Blue Steal drama, Hephaestus drama, AD vs IRON drama, Lunarian's sucking it up then finding old members, then losing all those members, then Calima vs Lui, Killuminati, Lunarians vs IRON, then the coming of the Kuwaitis: goatee branded evil-doers from a far away land. It's like people clammoring for the Voltron of their childhood and then finding out it's a horribly dubbed POS show from the 80's that wasn't any better than getting pounded in the head the day after an alcohol binge. But, people still buy the goddamn DVDs.

All these new folks live and breathe on the dreams of the people who actually learned how to play the game by doing it; not learning through reading about past experience or blogging. Remember when it was amazing to have more than one job at 75? Yeah, I remember when the IRON folk watched me ding 75 on whm up at Golems in sky. Remember when people really cared about sky? When Kirin was the most impressive kill ever? When Byakko was so hard it took 45 people? Yeah, I know most of the people in this thread are having Vietnam flashbacks followed by cold chills in the middle of the night. Promyvion! NOOOOOOOO.

All you damn kids, all you copycats, botters, and gil buying hoo haas that think you actually know how to do anything, didn't deserve to be called IRON. Fuuko is a great guy, but you ******* broke him. Poor guy.
#104 Mar 02 2007 at 6:33 PM Rating: Decent
1,592 posts
Rabble rabble rabble rabble...

Let's all make fun of people who came after us and show how big our elitism is! Let's make fun of them because they use strategies that actually work and their skills and triumphs are diminished in grandeur only because we did it first!!!

All these new folks live and breathe on the dreams of the people who actually learned how to play the game by doing it; not learning through reading about past experience or blogging.

You see less and less skill per player and more and more copying of old strategies and builds that old players used to use.

Now let me throw in a few memories that only the oldest players can remember to try to hide the fact that I feel I am so much better than everyone else because I did it first!
#105 Mar 02 2007 at 6:48 PM Rating: Decent
I was in EH for a long time and me and moonie didn't end on the best of terms so I'm sure people don't expect me to defend her of all people. She's not this heartless asshat people are claiming she is. Sorry I hate to be the person to break it to you. In all the times I did events with EH which I loved as a ls and to this day I have yet to join another end game ls, Moonpie just didn't act like this total ***** people are makeing her out to be without a good reason. If your tring to get something done and no one is paying attention your going to get alittle mad , Shes human yup she can get irriated also sucks huh.
Before you guys assume I'm one of her flunkys look into our history. I was one of the few who didn't support the merger with EH and Iron becuase I liked EH how it was and myself and moonie fought it out until I took my leave of the Ls. Just becuase I didn't agree with the merger I can't allow her to be made out to be a monster.
I know I wasn't a member of EH/Iron but all my firends from EH were and I was still in contact with them everyday. As much as people want to point the finger at one person its kinda stupid to think 1 person has the power to make 40+ people leave a LS that is the Top ls on the server. The simple fact is Moon isn't that bad as a leader. In fact I never saw her demand to be personaly thanked by a member who got a drop. That being said people have to start to relise how much of a strain leading a ls as large as Eh or Iron is on the leader. It demands most of your free time and it takes a game from fun to work over night.
I'm sorry Iron broke mainly becuase I knew the EH members and they were a great set of people who I enjoyed spending my time with. If one day EH reforms I'll be the first person to post an app on the board. Moonie can be a pain in the butt some times but I know I am most of the time as well. At the end of the day Iron is gone it sucks and I'm sorry but Moonie isn't a mean cold hearted ***** .
I'm not scared of people knowing my name either its

Laters :P

Edited, Mar 2nd 2007 10:08pm by pyrogirlofbis
#106 Mar 03 2007 at 10:09 AM Rating: Good
26 posts
Awww...Namfoodle, you remembered me (*^-^*)
*gets a warm fuzzy feeling inside*
#107 Mar 03 2007 at 8:02 PM Rating: Good
215 posts
I'll always remember you! It's too bad we had to get mad at each other. Now we're internet nemesis forever.

Have at you!
#108 Mar 03 2007 at 10:52 PM Rating: Default
55 posts
wtf, you remember heph but no mention of me nam? i r offended
#109 Mar 04 2007 at 9:05 AM Rating: Good
215 posts
I tried so hard to forget you. So very hard. [ Premium users can use graphical smilies. ] In the end all I could do was dream of your quest for a Theif's Knife and how much it resembled mine. Maybe one of these days i'll go back and read Heph's post. We're at opposite ends of the the spectrum in terms of philosophy and time travel...I wish I had a time machine.

It's still a shame that all of us left. But, I guess we can only be awesome for so long. Jawas' crowning achievement was at Fafnir on Duwienator.

"Hey Jawas, can you sleep it?"
"I got resisted. **** this, I'll sleep that ******."
"See that, didn't get resisted."
"You slept a darter."

When FFXI couldn't rape me in the *** anymore I moved on, I think we all did. It got so boring and so frustrating watching all these idiots get to 75 from the benefits of content that made them level far faster than any of us did. Aside from Melena whose only competition as worth thief ever was Cerrra (what's Trick attack do?), you suddenly had all these level 75 doofs that had no idea how their job worked. Most of them probably still don't. We all should have quit when Umbro left. That dude knew what was going to happen before any of us.

I had started leveling another guy on Bismarck but I couldn't take the new players. Instead of the college crowd, you suddenly had all these FF loving fiends who wanted to play WHM/BRD because their mom said that'd be cute. Now everyone is named something gangsta or ends with a z...what's up with that.

I don't think any of the players now even remember a strong Japanese shell. Those guys could out hardcore even the hardest of the old players. One of the last days before I left I was wandering about and in comes Kid; out of the past and into the future. I doubt anyone playing even remembers that guy.

#110 Mar 04 2007 at 8:33 PM Rating: Good
55 posts
hey, my thief knife dream became a reality about a year and 50 some odd sozu kills later :)
#111 Mar 05 2007 at 3:49 AM Rating: Default
2,081 posts
Officially the most depresing thread ever.....
When I'm good they never remember,
When I'm bad they never forget
#112 Mar 05 2007 at 5:09 AM Rating: Decent
1,705 posts
I think it's time to let this threadgo the way of the DODO. Just let it die. Everyone has had a chance to speak their opinions good and bad. Let's just move on. Goodbye Iron and thanks for all the fish...what?!
#113 Mar 05 2007 at 1:19 PM Rating: Good
26 posts
There's a simple law that governs everything in the universe:
Hephaestus > Melena.
#114 Mar 05 2007 at 2:12 PM Rating: Good
271 posts
#115 Mar 05 2007 at 2:36 PM Rating: Decent
111 posts
you guys arent gonna believe this.

i was told some top secret news just a short while ago and im gonna be the first to break the news!

i heard through the grapevine that IRON is gonna be retired in a few more months, the details are kinda sketchy right now though.

yep i was told that i was the first person to be informed so all you ppl who aint in the gossipy cliks can feel free to envy me and my connections.

not only is IRON gonna retire.. but i was told tredvolt might leave the game in 6 months or so.. huh? do i have the juicy gossip or what?

stay tuned for more gossip as i get it fresh off the server vine

yeah envy me and my gossipy connections!
#116 Mar 05 2007 at 11:02 PM Rating: Default
55 posts
Hephaestus wrote:
There's a simple law that governs everything in the universe:
Hephaestus > Melena.

Lies! All lies. Everyone knows taru's are just squeek toys for mithras!
#118 Mar 06 2007 at 3:11 PM Rating: Excellent
425 posts
Goddamn, Nam's posts make me lol.
#119 Mar 08 2007 at 8:25 AM Rating: Good
215 posts
Don't tell them Xano! God.
#120 Mar 08 2007 at 8:41 AM Rating: Good
215 posts
Here's an example of what I mean. So, Gryffes and I had been camping Tzee Xicu the Manifest for a while. We liked camping the beastman gods, it was easy money. Juggernaut made us all rich beyond our wildest dreams. Thank you japan. Anyway, Gryffes sends me a tell, "Nam! Castle O!" So I port out and start heading there. I get on vent and he tells me that it popped but some other LS is fighting it. We decide to go anyway and see what happens.

We get there and the um, Decepticons? were fighting it. Something like 20 fools fighting this one bird. The thing to remember about this guy is his perma en-paralyze. If he hits you, you're going to need paralyna stat. So whm just sit there and wait for the NIN's health to go down. Sure it might be from the stun kick, but it's probably coming, health goes down, flash, paralyna, regen.

So, we sit there and watch these guys get completely destroyed by this guy. It was amazing. In the meantime our funtime bard shows up. Don't remember his name. So, things start looking bad for our transformer friends and they start wiping. So, in desperation they run him out into the center of the room down there and die. This is a poor sportsman like move, but we'd have our revenge.

So, we start pulling a line up to the guy. Kill off most of the mobs on the way up and pull him down to where they were fighting it. 3 people. A bard, a whm, and a ninja. We all had mediocre gear compared to the compensating for lack of content gear you kids have now.

We fight him for some 20 minutes and he gets down to 50%. We all know what'll happen any moment now. I get out of range. All of the decepticons stood around in front of me trying to block my view of what was happening. Why does a whm need to see anything anyway? So, in comes Astral Flow, all the decepticons fry, 20 guys just drop dead. Our Bard goes down and I run in and benediction a critical Gryffes. Problem solved. Raise III bard, bard does haste songs, things get golden again.

20 minutes later we walk out with some **** drops, but a mil or so a piece. A lot of money back then. I suppose it still is because of the dropping of the economy. Tzee Xicu is good for one thing and one thing only. And, you'll probably never see that one thing so it's best not to mention it. Like Voldemort.

This story is a metaphor for what's happened to FFXI. The old players knew what they were doing. They learned the hard way by fighting the Japanese for mobs. The kids now have to fight a bot. There isn't any skill in claiming anymore. You just set your bot and walk off. You don't even have to be in the same zone as the mob.

The new kids can't even do drama right anymore. "LIEK OMG I LOST A **** CHARM TO SMONE I DDINT KNEWS."

#121 Mar 08 2007 at 6:40 PM Rating: Default
Namfoodle wrote:

This story is a metaphor for what's happened to FFXI. The old players knew what they were doing. They learned the hard way by fighting the Japanese for mobs. The kids now have to fight a bot. There isn't any skill in claiming anymore. You just set your bot and walk off. You don't even have to be in the same zone as the mob.

Funny, last time I played your char was in Unreal...unless I'm sorely mistaken.
#122 Mar 08 2007 at 7:17 PM Rating: Good
26 posts
Regardless of the juvenial portrayal such a response will likely produce:


I hope you won't take that sitting down Namfoodle.
#123 Mar 08 2007 at 11:07 PM Rating: Good
215 posts
Yeah, i sold my character and gil when I left. Sold it off to um...some bearded guy. Now he's used for evil. A fitting end. I have no use for MMO's at the moment. I hope that you learned how to at least play one of the jobs I had leveled. God knows BLM wasn't your forte.
#124 Mar 08 2007 at 11:08 PM Rating: Good
215 posts
There, you happy Heph. Keep the forges going.

Last LS I was in was AD. Drunken entertainment for the whole family.

Edited, Mar 9th 2007 2:10am by Namfoodle

Oh wait, he could've meant, "Last time I played, your character was in Unreal. Whereupon I wouldn't flame Qwhatever, but just say I sold the toon off and have been finishing college. I hope that Q learned how to play WoW more than he learned to play FFXI.

Commas man. The Comma is your friend. So is capitalizing words that don't need it.

Edited, Mar 9th 2007 2:12am by Namfoodle
#125 Mar 09 2007 at 12:59 AM Rating: Default
I remember you Hephy...
#126 Mar 09 2007 at 1:07 AM Rating: Good
26 posts
Without you Nam all I have are these flames to keep me warm at night.

And Hi Doom ^-^/
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