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Vrtra VanquishFollow

#1 Feb 23 2007 at 10:05 PM Rating: Default
#2 Feb 24 2007 at 5:12 PM Rating: Good
306 posts
So essentially you can't beat it yourselves so you're asking for everyone to come help you so that you can keep the drops. The listed drops don't drop all the time so chances are nobody will get a think except the loss of their exp. I'd like to see the clusterf**k that this will be. I can bet you that you will have a very good turn out by the residents of KRT if you know what I mean (choo choo). Using Ga spells kind of sucks now don't it? Or we can see another shell beat it before the event. Lunarians/AD....ATTACK!!!

Edited, Feb 24th 2007 8:14pm by Balgareth
#3 Feb 24 2007 at 7:49 PM Rating: Decent
Wow your an arrogant peice of **** arent ya? Who is doing it for drops, We just want to do it for fun....does everything have to be about drops and who gets what? Isnt this a game? and arent games supposed to be fun?
#4 Feb 25 2007 at 10:35 AM Rating: Good
306 posts
Share ALL drops with everyone who attends including the cloth. Prove me wrong. Otherwise I'm right and you're using everyone so that your shell can get the cloth.

The event is purely for fun, since we will have a number of people dividing pay outs would not be easy, and as such money from cloths etc will be paid into the bank to fund future events such as this one.

Guuess I misread and you in fact meant all drops would be kept by your LS. It cost absolutely noyhing to do these events. Dynamis is the only major group event that costs something. Would people even be able to fight the dragon or would they all just be stuck fighting the adds?

I guess I can make a thread saying that I'm going to be hosting an event that everyone can join where we fight Tiamat. However I get to keep the drops, including the gaiters, so that I can fund other events? Alot of BS huh? It'd be no different than what you're doing.

I refuse to allow you to mislead and use people on this server for your own personal gain.

EDIT: In case you change your website, here's a screenshot of Xaeon talking about the event.

Edited, Feb 25th 2007 1:40pm by Balgareth
#5 Feb 25 2007 at 11:19 AM Rating: Decent
spamming whitegate isn't enough for these people...

I even went to their site after seeing this and seeing Xeaon and Spicksix running this event was enough for me to laugh and laugh again.

set a new record LOL!

if you've ever seen a RL pic of Xaeon he looks to be as big a tool in RL as he is in this game.

the funniest part is him saying that more people = more power.... I for one might bring my DRG10!! dragon killer effect kicks *** i hear :P

oh yea and spicksix saying that their LS has priorty on the world serpent slayer title. isn't that from jimmy up on the mountain?

so yea everyone show up! they obviously know what they are doing. right? umm...? right?
#6 Feb 25 2007 at 11:33 AM Rating: Default
1,592 posts
So what you two are saying is basicaly, why attend ANY public events that ANY LS holds ever because the money needed to fund them is just being used by them what exactly? If they continue to hold events in the future then please tell me where that money is coming from?
#7 Feb 25 2007 at 11:45 AM Rating: Good
306 posts
Read my last post again. It doesn't cost anything to host a Vrtra event such as this. Please open your eyes and see what they're trying to do. It's quite obvious.
#8 Feb 25 2007 at 11:51 AM Rating: Decent
If you would have examined the forums further, instead of trying to prove your almighty point. You would see that other events such as dynamis are open to all as well....
#9 Feb 25 2007 at 12:19 PM Rating: Good
306 posts
Dynamis is open to everyone for alot of other linkshells as well. You can say that you don't charge anyone to attend but this is because you use the currency to fund it and you've been doing this well before the Vrtra event got posted I'm sure. This event (dynamis) is only limited to 64 people I believe or somewhere around that. It's safe to say that your LS members would get priority.

According to your site you have about 64 people labeled at "Vertigo Members" and 3 others as admins. So chances are many people who attend these other events won't be able to make it to the dynamis because there won't be room for them.

Dynamis is the only real event that requires an upfront cost to do. The 3 wyrms don't as well as many other things. So if you can that you're going to use the gil from the drops to fund dynamis then what are you going to do with the other gil that won't be used for the hourglass? Keep it for yourselves I'm sure. And let's not forget about the currency that you no longer need to sell to pay for the hourglass.

Face it, you're using everyone on the server for your own profit. You're telling everyone this is for fun yet you keep the drops to help "fund" other events that really don't cost anything at all.
#10 Feb 25 2007 at 1:27 PM Rating: Default
1,592 posts
If you would have examined the forums further, instead of trying to prove your almighty point. You would see that other events such as dynamis are open to all as well....

Which is what I was trying to point out but Balgareth was too ignorant to notice.
#11 Feb 25 2007 at 1:32 PM Rating: Decent
2,081 posts
Face it, you're using everyone on the server for your own profit. You're telling everyone this is for fun yet you keep the drops to help "fund" other events that really don't cost anything at all.

Yeah thats right everyone on the server is being enslaved. Get a grip man if you dont want to go dont go.

Edited, Feb 25th 2007 4:34pm by Sicklove
When I'm good they never remember,
When I'm bad they never forget
#12 Feb 25 2007 at 1:33 PM Rating: Default
1,592 posts
I grow oh so tiresome of post-disecting, but it is so much fun.

Dynamis is open to everyone for alot of other linkshells as well. You can say that you don't charge anyone to attend but this is because you use the currency to fund it and you've been doing this well before the Vrtra event got posted I'm sure. This event (dynamis) is only limited to 64 people I believe or somewhere around that. It's safe to say that your LS members would get priority.

Not everyone attends every single event. The money from events, will be used to fund further events. As simple as that. I don't know why you always try to start drama but I see no problem with this. If people have a problem with them keeping the cloth, then don't show up. It's as simple as that. They don't need Mommy Balgareth to tell them not to attend.


According to your site you have about 64 people labeled at "Vertigo Members" and 3 others as admins. So chances are many people who attend these other evets won't be able to make it to the dynamis because there won't be room for them.

Yes, possibly. Please see my point regarding "you don't like it, then don't come". Their performing a public service. Their not strongarming people into showing up and then saying you can't have this item. People know full well beforehand what they are forfeiting by showing up.


Dynamis is the only real event that requires an upfront cost to do. The 3 wyrms don't as well as many other things. So if you can that you're going to use the gil from the drops to fund dynamis then what are you going to do with the other gil that won't be used for the hourglass? Keep it for yourselves I'm sure. And let's not forget about the currency that you no longer need to sell to pay for the hourglass.

Once again I sound repetitive, however your entire post bashes the same points again and again. You don't like their rules, don't come.


Face it, you're using everyone on the server for your own profit. You're telling everyone this is for fun yet you keep the drops to help "fund" other events that really don't cost anything at all.

Don't like it then don't come.

[edit]See Sicklove's post above mine, he summed it up pretty well.[/edit]

Edited, Feb 25th 2007 4:34pm by Gamion
#13 Feb 26 2007 at 7:23 AM Rating: Decent
1,705 posts
So, Gamion..what you are trying to say is....if I understand it right...If you don't like it...don't come? Does that about sum it up? That's what I got out of it anyways...nono..don't thank me, I don't mind helping the people who can't figure it out..coughBalgarethcough
#14 Feb 27 2007 at 9:11 AM Rating: Decent
124 posts
Man balgareth go /wrists or something. If people want to come let them come, don't rain on everyone's parade. Last I checked you weren't the king of Bismarck.
#15 Feb 27 2007 at 11:21 AM Rating: Good
"We're scamming a bunch of endgame noobs into making gil for our LS. If you're not dumb enough to fall for it, please refrain from talking to anyone who is dumb enough!"

#16 Feb 27 2007 at 12:10 PM Rating: Good
1,592 posts
No one in this thread said don't talk to people. The problem is that you ignorant fuckers don't read for ****.

If you don't like their rules, then don't show up. Talk all the **** you want, but don't spread rumors cockbreath.
#17 Feb 27 2007 at 12:18 PM Rating: Excellent
Balgareth wrote:
Share ALL drops with everyone who attends including the cloth. Prove me wrong. Otherwise I'm right and you're using everyone so that your shell can get the cloth.


edit: This reminds me of when my dumbass friend was being scammed by a guy on the street with 3 cups and a ball (that one). I told my friend not to waste his money and the scammer got REALLY defensive about it not being a scam, and almost got violent with me. Luckily my friend finally realized what was going on and didn't lose his money.

"But this doesn't cost people anything, it's just for fun, cockbreath."

Oh really? TIME IS MONEY. Should I go spend a couple hours fishing and send you the gil, since it was just for fun? GTFO.

If people are dumb enough to go help this LS get cloth, I can't stop them, but I won't quietly sit back and act like it's "OK" to exploit people like this...

Edited, Feb 27th 2007 3:22pm by TheRielist
#18 Feb 27 2007 at 1:42 PM Rating: Good
#19 Feb 27 2007 at 2:57 PM Rating: Decent
1,592 posts
Share ALL drops with everyone who attends including the cloth. Prove me wrong. Otherwise I'm right and you're using everyone so that your shell can get the cloth.

edit: This reminds me of when my dumbass friend was being scammed by a guy on the street with 3 cups and a ball (that one). I told my friend not to waste his money and the scammer got REALLY defensive about it not being a scam, and almost got violent with me. Luckily my friend finally realized what was going on and didn't lose his money.

"But this doesn't cost people anything, it's just for fun, cockbreath."

Oh really? TIME IS MONEY. Should I go spend a couple hours fishing and send you the gil, since it was just for fun? GTFO.

If people are dumb enough to go help this LS get cloth, I can't stop them, but I won't quietly sit back and act like it's "OK" to exploit people like this...

Quoted for what truth? So because they say it's being used to fund future events and not being distributed to the attendees then that proves that they are ripping people off? Excuse me but your little 3 cups and ball metaphor has one little flaw. In that example you gave...oh how shall I say it...the people participating were unaware that they are getting scammed. People who go to this event know full well beforehand (as I've stated earlier in the thread) that they will not be receiving the funds from the cloth, or the cloth itself.

So because your 3 cupped and balls dude from your story got defensive that must mean that everyone who ever gets defensive is trying to scam others. God forbid they ever get defensive because someone is spewing lies and ruining everything they worked hard on to organize.

If you want to send me the gil from your fishing go right ahead. Once again, and I used the term appropriately and I will once again "cockbreath", it is not a waste of time or money, because if you do not like the terms they have set, then DO...NOT...SHOW...UP.

I once again repeat. I don't see any problem with people speaking their mind and saying "oh I don't think that's fair." But don't go around spewing rumors. Rumors bleed lies. So you don't like the terms they set. Every single endgame LS that holds public events does the same thing. You're telling me you have a problem with every other LS that holds events putting restrictions on which items can be lotted on, or even when you are allowed to lot on them (the number of times you've been to one of their events), if you are not a member, if you can even lot at all in some instances.

Don't try to act self-righteous and start righting every wrong unless your willing to go and ***** at all of the other endgame LS's about how corrupt they are because members have priority. Because until you start doing that, you're making yourself look like an arrogant jackass who is only doing this to create a bad name for people who are trying hard to make their LS work.

This all boils down to one thing which puts your entire argument in the *******. The participants know full well what they are getting into before they do. Therefore, they are not scamming anyone. If people choose to participate anyway then that is their choice. Your arguments regarding scamming is pointless because it is 1) not scamming if they know, and 2) you say you want to make people aware they are being exploited. Well guess what? The terms are laid out plainly for all to see so people can make that decision for themself. Making posts in a thread isn't raising people's awareness any higher, because the level of awareness they have already attained, they have received from reading the rules of the event. All you are serving to do is to further soil a LS's name for whatever personal reasons you have.

[edit]Spelling and grammar mistakes.[/edit]

Edited, Feb 27th 2007 6:03pm by Gamion
#20 Feb 27 2007 at 3:06 PM Rating: Decent
312 posts
People just have to have something to ***** about as proven in this thread and most every thread on Alla. Have fun and good luck Vertigo, enjoy the event and don't let anyone bring you down. It looks like it will be fun, regardless of what anyone says :) If they don't like it although they're entitled to their opinions...the solution is simple - they DON'T HAVE TO COME. It's more fun and cool to ***** about everything though. ;)
#21 Feb 27 2007 at 7:46 PM Rating: Decent
124 posts
I'm just surprised there are so many people so bitter at life that all they do is ***** on alla about a fictional world.

Amen Moonpie. If I go, it wont be for zomg 1337 drops, it'll just be to say "Hey, I killed Vrtra" or "Hey, I got wtfpwned by Vrtra."

I appreciate the open invite, and I don't appreciate Reil sticking his nose in others business. It's not like you have a stake in anyone's interest who attends, so why do you care? If they're "getting taken advantage of", then let them if that's what they want to do.
#22 Feb 27 2007 at 8:03 PM Rating: Decent
928 posts
You know this actually to me sounds like its worth doing for a couple of reasos. I have yet to Kill any major hnm and have no real intrest in joining an "endgame shell" to do it. If you think about it You could do 1x if this is what your looking for. It would acutally save you alot of time to do it. How many people spend hours upon hours fighting for 1 mob and hope it drops the item you want? 1-2 years? Hell I just want to kill the mob lol.
#23 Feb 28 2007 at 7:12 AM Rating: Decent
arynel wrote:
I appreciate the open invite, and I don't appreciate Reil sticking his nose in others business.

Think about what you wrote here, spell my name right, then TRY AGAIN. This is a public forum. I saw an event posted, and commented that I think this event is bullsh*t. I've spoken with Thend ingame about this, as I've known him awhile, and I'd like to clarify a couple things:

The word "scam" is a bit harsh, but if the LS is keeping all drops then saying "it's just for fun" means you can't also say "but we're keeping all the drops" and call yourself honest. You can't have it both ways.

I would (if allowed by my endgame shell which I'm not) probably attend the event in question if everyone had a chance at drops, or got a share. I would go assuming I'd get nothing, because I think killing the mob (or trying) would be fun, or at least a learning experience. However, I would not go KNOWING the people running the event were using me for more than fun...

Develop a system where every person who comes has a chance to lot or gets a share of the loot, or hell CFH on the mob... THEN come tell people on a forum you killed Vrtra just for fun :)

Edited, Feb 28th 2007 10:14am by TheRielist
#24 Feb 28 2007 at 12:25 PM Rating: Decent
2,081 posts
Well regardless of what Riel thinks, this is an open invitation to come along have a laugh and batter a dragon, read into it what you will.

No one aggros a zone of skeletons quite like i do, and that alone would be worth coming to see.

Personally i dont know what items the mob drops, and although it would be easy to check, i havent, because im not particularly interested.

Since i've been playing this game i have helped countless people :

camp NM that drop high value items, i let them keep the drop (monster signa when it was worth a bit, O Kote etc)

get their limit break quests done

Complete AF quests

Camp NM that drop rare/ex items (Emp Hairpin, Joy toy)

Complete BCNM/KSNM where i dont even have an orb, and i NEVER lotted on anyone else drops even when given permission to.

Get subjob items

I have never benefited directly, nor sought to benefit directly from any of these things.

If another linkshell had posted a similar event here, i wwould have been the first to sign up to attend, yep thats right even if the organisers were keeping all the drops.

It's pretty sad how bitter some of you guys seem to be about the game in general, ive seen a few of your posts recently and cant say im impressed with the intellectual or moral content of any of them.

When I'm good they never remember,
When I'm bad they never forget
#25 Feb 28 2007 at 1:59 PM Rating: Decent
1,592 posts
I don't see how "it's just for fun" conflicts with "but we're keeping all the drops". Care to clarify a bit further so I can see it from your point of view?

TheRielist wrote:

TheRielist wrote:
This is a public forum. I saw an event posted, and commented that I think this event is bullsh*t.

So it's ok for you to comment on stuff but when other people respond with their own opinions you have to give comments like that? Not that I'm offended, merely curious at your logic.

Edited, Feb 28th 2007 5:01pm by Gamion
#26 Feb 28 2007 at 4:15 PM Rating: Good
Gamion wrote:
I don't see how "it's just for fun" conflicts with "but we're keeping all the drops". Care to clarify a bit further so I can see it from your point of view?

TheRielist wrote:

TheRielist wrote:
This is a public forum. I saw an event posted, and commented that I think this event is bullsh*t.

So it's ok for you to comment on stuff but when other people respond with their own opinions you have to give comments like that? Not that I'm offended, merely curious at your logic.

Edited, Feb 28th 2007 5:01pm by Gamion

1) The LS stands to benefit from this kill, so it is not "just for fun" for them. It is not hard to CFH or have everyone /random before the fight for lotting rights, etc. to avoid controversy, but they choose to say they're keeping the drops for their LS to "fund future events." Dynamis and Limbus are the only things that cost money, and they tend to fund themselves. Killing this mob costs nothing. Trying to use this excuse makes the whole thing seem even more dishonest.

2) Someone said I was "sticking my nose in other people's business" or something to that effect. I responded that this is a public posting in a public discussion forum, so the notion that I am sticking my nose anywhere is rather absurd.
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