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Where did everyone go?Follow

#1 Apr 07 2007 at 10:10 PM Rating: Decent
I was a lvl 70 redmage who played on Bismark. I was wondering where all the peeps I used to play with went. I am currently playing World of Warcraft and have two main toons on there. Kryptic is my rogue n Esi is my hunter on Black dragonflight. Drop in n send me a tell n let me know how life is going?

#2 Apr 08 2007 at 7:07 AM Rating: Decent
232 posts
I think you answered you own question ^^ (look @ sig)
#3 Apr 09 2007 at 1:12 AM Rating: Good

Eh, I was on WoW too for a little while, before Burning Crusade came out. I spoke very briefly with Theophany, but it turned out he was on a server other than Dalaran (my main's).

Come on guys, WoW isn't your true love. You know you miss us...come....experience gils...and Goblin Smithies...and parties with Bards.

I miss you. :(
#4 Apr 09 2007 at 2:53 PM Rating: Decent
232 posts
Been gone now for 6 months about (logged in a couple of times in those months but just couldnt get back into the game, for many reasons [lack of new endgame content, lack of endgame LSs, etc.]), Granted WoW isnt the greatest game in the world, however it isnt run by RMT and actually does things that enhance the "End Game" aspect of the game on a more frequent basis then FF.

The one thing i really enjoy about WoW is that there is always something to do, you dont need to flag up and stare at a wall in the mog house, you can BG aka PvP (Wow PvP >>>>> Ballista) , Solo efficiently (on more then 1 job class), you can do tradeskills (althought they are admittingly alot easier to lvl then in FF, which is a good and bad thing), instances, raids (both 20man+ Instance and World PvP [aka Alliance noobs bringing 800 lvl 70s to destroy the Crossroads, a Horde lowbie area]). Basically it has things that i wish FF did in the past, i also like the Player interface better then i did FF.

Alot of ppl played wow, enjoyed it and then became bored with "how much easier it was" or "how there wasnt a community feel that FF has" when imo there is a strong feeling of community if you get into the right guild, which is the same in most MMO's.

If anyone does play and starts a char on Duskwood feel free to hit me up for a guild invite, so you can see that feeling of community that i am talking about.
#5 Apr 12 2007 at 2:50 AM Rating: Decent
6,424 posts
Machtaru wrote:
Granted WoW isnt the greatest game in the world, however it isnt run by RMT and actually does things that enhance the "End Game" aspect of the game on a more frequent basis then FF.

It's not run by RMT because WoW doesn't have an economy. However, WoW does have a far larger share of RMT then any other MMO combined.

And 'enhancing endgame' in WoW ... well, imagine FFXI relic gear+2 dropping from greater colibris... ('epic gear in WoW was rendered gimp by Burning Crusade's common drops from exp mobs', and that's an exact quote from a WoW player)
#6 Apr 12 2007 at 9:19 AM Rating: Decent
1,592 posts
I'm not here to start a FFXI > WoW thread though its well on its way already, but I think WoW is too repetitive. I tried it on a private server and didn't much care for it. Maybe I just didn't play long enough to get to a good level but I got to about 15 and every quest was the same...
#7 Apr 12 2007 at 9:50 AM Rating: Decent
232 posts
Not really wanting to get into a WoW vs FF Argument here (for the simple fact that i prefer FF Games over Warcraft, although the Warcraft Lore is very very interesting), however i will just give at least my opinions regarding your statments.

It's not run by RMT because WoW doesn't have an economy. However, WoW does have a far larger share of RMT then any other MMO combined

Basically its the biggest MMO out there, so this is expected, however (as it was until recently) you really couldnt get any "High End" FF11 gear without major RMT Competition and some Botters (ie Ulli for Kirin, PCC Mob (Name Escapes me), Ground Kings (On Some Servers) etc.), which really isnt the case in wow, all you get is the frequent whipsers from various websites spamming "Buy 100 Gold for 5 Dollars etc". That and also Unlike FF, although i really wish BSTs could still do it, its fairly easy and kinda fun to MPK the gold farmers.

And 'enhancing endgame' in WoW ... well, imagine FFXI relic gear+2 dropping from greater colibris... ('epic gear in WoW was rendered gimp by Burning Crusade's common drops from exp mobs', and that's an exact quote from a WoW player)

While i agree that if i had a 60 Char for a long time in WoW this is something that would bother me (Some Outland Greens are easily better then Azeroth Teir 2). However if you were 60 and had those gears (which means you were 60 for a while) i would think you would have been prepared for the expansion anyhow. I know a few ppl that easily had @60, before the expansion, the money needed for Epic Flyers @70, all they needed to do was to get 70, which really isnt hard to do in WoW.

Edited, Apr 12th 2007 1:51pm by Machtaru
#8 Apr 12 2007 at 11:27 AM Rating: Decent
223 posts
Isn't responding to that comment though actually starting an arguement of FFXI > ?WOW
#9 Apr 12 2007 at 2:21 PM Rating: Decent
1,592 posts
#10 Apr 13 2007 at 7:10 AM Rating: Decent
232 posts
Not really, for the simple fact that if certain things in FF change, i would drop wow and come back to FF.

EDIT: Also with the recent number i threads of ppl leaving and Linkshells disbanding, I am kinda also answering the intial question of the thread, which is what everyone, and by everyone i mean most Formor FF11 players not all, are apparently playing

Edited, Apr 13th 2007 11:14am by Machtaru
#11 Apr 13 2007 at 10:45 AM Rating: Decent
590 posts
While I am playing WoW instead of FFXI at the moment, I'm treating it more like a vacation. I mean, I haven't even finsihed leveing Pally yet, let alone WHM or BRD!

And while RMT impacts FFXI's economy more than WoW's, at least I don't get spammed ads for RMT/Leveling services via /whisper every twenty minutes on FFXI.

#12 Apr 13 2007 at 11:31 AM Rating: Decent
75 posts
Hello Esina, I thought you quit all online games. I canceled my ffxi account this month.

Since I like a good fight, I will get into wow vs ffxi. I'm also having a lazy day at work.

FFXI is a game that is almost completely party based, which makes sense for an online game. When your in a party you actually have to work with the other players to do well, but this made finding a party time comsuming at times. It was really bad when I was a 70+ pld. The quests are just aweful, and the storyline quests are so much work to get a party for that you don't even care about the story. The time between my cops and rank missions was so long, I didn't even remember it. The worse thing about FFXI is they made it time comsuming on purpose. Why wait 10 mins for an airship? Why make it 40 mins to get to an exp spot? Leveling is insanely slow. Then the really really dumb 8 hour,12 hour, 24 hour, etc nm pops. Who ever thought of that was a total moron, it made end game boring as all hell. I work full time, I don't have time for crap like that. FFXI does have the best char models(all the others have tiny will chars with little detail), and good background graphics, but they are really choppy when your moving. It is a 5 year old game though.

Wow in my opinion just sucks. The game is really easy, there is almost no story at all, the quests are pointless and boring I just did instances or killed stuff to level, the graphics are cartoony, and the average age seems to be about 12. The only good thing about the game is it is fast pace, you can solo as you look for a party, and the auto make a party feature was really nice.

I just started lord of the rings and so far it is good. There is storyline quests like a single player RPG something that makes you feel like there is some goal to play for, the other quests are somewhat interesting, the graphics are really really good, the char models are ok ffxi are way better. The game is way to easy, but I think all MMOs are. It really took the best of wow and improved on most of what is bad about wow.

But my real opinion is that all MMOs suck, and my reason for playing is becuase I like to ***** about them.

#13 Apr 13 2007 at 12:02 PM Rating: Decent
232 posts
there is almost no story at all

Wikipedia is your friend, but if you havent played any other warcraft games, you would be left out of the loop.
#14 Jul 30 2007 at 7:15 PM Rating: Decent
I was not surprised to find only one person actually responded with what they have been up to. Thanks Grimson. /hugs. I havent played forever and had actually forgotten that my redmage was 75 until Firestarter read my post. He called me and started laughing saying "hey girl, you played WoW too long, your mage is 75." Lately I have been toying with the idea of coming back to FFXI. I really enjoyed my time in the game and met some interesting people many who I still talk to on a daily bases. However, I am not sure there is anyone left that I would remember and it seems by the lack of responses that this is most likely the case. I guess the guys I played have moved on. I miss you all very much.

Lisa (Esina)
#15 Jul 30 2007 at 7:23 PM Rating: Decent
108 posts
hey esina! long time no see

Well, i still play now and then, i still see some old faces from our LS from waaayy back.

I think if you were to start, you will see some old friends and quickly make some new friends.

#16 Aug 05 2007 at 9:52 PM Rating: Decent
75 posts
I think just about everyone has quit. I've considered trying, but I got a ps3 recently and been playing that most of my free time. I will email you again soon. I should call you, but have been a wimp about it.
#17 Aug 06 2007 at 12:57 PM Rating: Decent
BismarkGrimson wrote:
FFXI does have the best char models(all the others have tiny will chars with little detail), and good background graphics, but they are really choppy when your moving. It is a 5 year old game though.

You're right when you say they have good graphics, not stellar, but good. But I haven't seen anything choppy about mine, I don't know what system you're playing on or what kind of display you have. But as far as mine it's fairly nice, I play on 360 with 1080i HD(though it's not needed for this game, lol) display on my TV. And with the exception of the CS's from previous FF games this game has been the best one graphically so far, online or off. My only complaint about the game is that you can see through your Wyverns model, and sometimes you can see different parts of certian maps through camera movements while pressed up against a wall. It reminds me of Ghost Recon when it first came out on XBoxlive, and all the ppl using such glitches in the models to win, when I can see distant parts of the map just by sitting by it and moving my camera around. But I haven't seen it become choppy in the slightest, unless I'm moving through heavy populated areas such as Whitegate or Jeuno.

BismarkGrimson wrote:
The only good thing about the game is it is fast pace, you can solo as you look for a party

You could've done this with FFXI too.........

I've never understood the thought process behind ppl who park their character for hours and do absolutely nothing while waiting for a party. It's a complete waste of time, IMO. If I'm online with as little time as I get to play(2 jobs, school, newborn baby) I'm not parking my character and staring at the TV screen twidleing my thumbs with my eyes trained on my /tell box, praying someone needs me in a pt. I'm out there either soloing/farming, hunting NM's or doing quests/bcnm's by myself, I don't have the time to wish my character to a higher level, and I never understood why ppl did that crap anyways. And I have noticed that the higher my level gets the faster pace the game is, especially while soloing.

BismarkGrimson wrote:
and the auto make a party feature was really nice.

I hope you know that FFXI has that feature as well, it's just that no one uses it at all. In my 1 year and 4 months playing this game, I've only seen 4 maybe 5 ppl try and use the Auto-party feature. I tried using it my first month playing FFXI, but like I said no one really uses it, so it never panned out for me to get a pt that way, and I was only ever paired with another person 5 levels below me the 1 and only time someone else in the region was using it, so I gave up.

But I do agree that the quests are completely awful on FFXI, and I was disappointed in that aspect of the game, and how time consuming just moving through the world of Vana'diel is, but love the rest of it.

As far as WoW........LMAO!!! WoW is just crap, and not worth anymore of my time beyond its abbreviation.

Edited, Aug 6th 2007 3:03pm by Nuhnisgodly
#18 Aug 06 2007 at 1:37 PM Rating: Decent
Machtaru wrote:
The one thing i really enjoy about WoW is that there is always something to do, you dont need to flag up and stare at a wall in the mog house,

You have the mindset of one of the ppl I was remarking about in my above post, please tell me something because I'd really like to know something......

What in the hell is so appealing about doing that?!?!?!

If it comes down to that in the game(for me at least), to the point where there is absolutely no more quests for me to do, BCNM's to do, NM's that haven't been slaughtered by me, missions left to be done, no more pt's looking for me in their level range, no more gear to be gotten for any of my jobs and no more levels or merits for me to obtain...............I wouldn't be playing this f***in' game at all, because I'd have beatin' the game, flat out.

Machtaru wrote:
Solo efficiently (on more then 1 job class

Ummm......This can be done on FFXI as well......The job I'd point out is, Whm. It can be soloed effectively and efficiently. How? Sub Blu on it, and all your problems are taken care of with having to solo it while waiting for a pt.

But that's my mindset, I'm not gonna sit there and wait for someone else to pick me up. I'll find what works, and works well for each job and pick myself up. >.>

Machtaru wrote:
Granted WoW isnt the greatest game in the world, however it isnt run by RMT and actually does things that enhance the "End Game" aspect of the game on a more frequent basis then FF.

LMAO, *sarcastically* ya you never see ads for WoW gold, like you do for FFXI gil....... >.>

Get over yourself on that issue, I see just as many ads for WoW Gold as I do for FFXI gil, and I only frequent FFXI websites.

RMT's will be the plague of every MMO game that incorparates game money or gear in its makeup, that's just the way it's gonna be. If there is a $ to be made from an online game, you'd be hard-pressed not to find ppl trying to profit off of it.
#19 Aug 09 2007 at 7:01 PM Rating: Good
259 posts
I went to WoW for about 6 months. I hit 70, got bored, and switched to LOTRO.

I'm lv 34 (loremaster) and just about ready to quit. It was fun at the beginning. My boyfriend and I played together and we could pretty much duo all the quests. Then he started a new job, and I started preparing for nursing school. Things just got busy. I think about logging in and it seems tiring.

I installed POL a few days ago to possibly sign up a new content ID for a month and see if the game grabbed me again. I wasn't sure I could get a free month, so there it sits. Once I quit work and I only have to focus on school, I might come back to give myself something to do during the day between studying and cleaning up the house. Not sure if my boyfriend will follow, as he quit FFXI twice, but I'm hoping he does.

I'd love to dust off Hyla. Who wants to party with a 64WHM who hasn't touched the game since November?! "Cure IV? What's that? Where did I put Haste?"
#20 Aug 09 2007 at 9:25 PM Rating: Good
477 posts
YAY Hyla! Welcome back.... when you get here XD
#21 Aug 15 2007 at 8:04 AM Rating: Decent
welcome back!

a few old friends of mine just came back to the game, and a few of their friends. they are getting back into the groove, but its coming to them quickly.

good luck with school!
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