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I can't stand some people. Follow

#27 Apr 20 2007 at 11:45 AM Rating: Decent
75 posts
<< being someplace first does not grant you ownership of the zone. >>

I didn't see anywhere he said she had the right to all of Bibiki Bay, so I don't see what the point of this comment was. She was in a small part of it soloing.

It is called being respectful and not a self centered prick. If someone has a camp first you find a new one. You don't just start exping and say well you can find a new place to exp. And yes if your in a war pty and someone is in a camp, you leave. You also don't move into others camps and take there mobs, you wait for the ones in a reasonable area to repop. I realize this doesn't happen in ffxi much anymore, and that is why wow has 8+ million people and ffxi has what under a million. Because all the self centered pricks ruined the game for everyone else and they changed to a game where there is instances so you can't ruin there fun as easy. You also can exp in a billion places instead of a very limited amount. To bad the game is boring to play.

I wouldn't call standing up for a friend as a bad thing. If you claim what they did was ok, then why is what he did. He went to a camp and started to kill stuff that wasn't claimed just like them.

You probably should just have Myst play wow or a different online game. If she doesn't chat much those are better games anyway. FFXI is so slow paced there is plenty of chat time, most of the others it is hard to play and chat.

#28 Apr 20 2007 at 7:49 PM Rating: Decent
The BLM may have been there first. The BLU duo may have been there first. Who can really say who was there first but the parties involved? What we can say is that both parties were there for the exp. Why was the higher level person there? To say "I am sticking up for my friend! If the BLM can't have what the BLM wants, NO ONE CAN HAVE IT! RAWR!!!" sounds about right. I am not sure if sticking up for your friends should be done like that. Maybe we should all go play WoW to eliminate such behavior. Lord knows that stuff doesn't happen on WoW. . . Or in real life. FFXI is where it started and where it should die.
#29 Apr 20 2007 at 8:23 PM Rating: Good
1,592 posts
So when we got to this camp and realized we had competition

Sariah admitted there were people there when they arrived. RAWR!
#30 Apr 21 2007 at 7:03 AM Rating: Good
This thread's turning into a nice juicy derailment target.
#31 Apr 21 2007 at 11:53 AM Rating: Good
1,592 posts;mid=117652953776936958;num=21;page=1

We are available for hire.
#32 Apr 21 2007 at 4:11 PM Rating: Decent
I logged back on about 45 min later there was another even higher level blm there, Asby or something, and that blm was pulling the pets, I did not see Myst at this time.

I am fairly sure that Myst not being there means that Myst (the BLM we've been talking about) was not there.

By the way, I don't know how some of you other people value your friendships, but when somebody's giving one of my friends a hard time, you're DAMN RIGHT I'm going to stick up for my friend! So, if it makes me immature for doing so, bring me my diaper!

Valuing a friendship is nice and all. . . But what happens when they are totally wrong? I am not saying that anyone was wrong in THIS instance. I am asking about all possible instances. Would you still stick up for your friend if they were 100% wrong and the hard time is justified (or not even a hard time in the first place)?
#33 Apr 21 2007 at 6:58 PM Rating: Good
1,592 posts
Valuing a friendship is nice and all. . . But what happens when they are totally wrong? I am not saying that anyone was wrong in THIS instance. I am asking about all possible instances. Would you still stick up for your friend if they were 100% wrong and the hard time is justified (or not even a hard time in the first place)?

The example you use here is a valid example, however the instances that occurred here according to what has been said for both sides are not absolute. According to what has been said, Myst was there first in a soloing type of situation. Myst got shoved out basically by my view and Singular did stick up for her (him?). Myst didn't rob a bank or kill someone and Singular harbored them. Myst was xp'ing in a situation where it can only be one person and others came on and started taking the mobs.
#34 Apr 26 2007 at 1:45 PM Rating: Decent
75 posts
Feel free to correct me if this is too far off topic, but I don't understand people's thinking behind "OMG SOLOING IS THE ONLY WAY TO GET 75 NOWADAYS!!" I can definately understand if you prefer soloing, but that is not to say that it is the only way to get a job to 75. I find that if I've spent more than 30 minutes lfg, I start my own party. Yeah, it's led to some outside-the-box parties on occasion, but they were probably some of the most fun I've had during the level grind.

As far as asshats go, it sucks, but you're going to run into them everywhere and that isn't limited to just FFXI. Props to you for doing something about it, but realize this isn't the last time it will happen to your friend or you. /blist and move on. It's really the best way to maintain peace of mind with so many unfriendly players out there.
#35 Apr 26 2007 at 3:30 PM Rating: Decent
6,631 posts
Cross server poster...

I think OP really means is the complete lack of respect among players. Competition is part of the game, but there is no need to be ******* about that. Even yellow mobs are free claim -- why does people have to play confrontational or dramatic instead of respectful (even in the situation of competition). Sometimes indeed monsters are limited, and camping on top of others are not avoidable, but there is no need to be **** about it.

Why does it has to be "Me Me Me" instead of "we"?
Amanada (Cerberus-Retired) (aka MaiNoKen/Steven)
-- Thank you for the fun times in Vana'diel

Art for the sake of art itself is an idle sentence.
Art for the sake of truth, for the sake of what is
beautiful and good — that is the creed I seek.
- George Sand

A designer knows he has achieved perfection,
not when there is nothing left to add,
but when there is nothing left to take away.
- Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
#36 Apr 29 2007 at 9:04 AM Rating: Default
Gamion wrote:
while I did my own thing from my Laptop.

Bow-chicka-bow bow...

LMAO, I'm sorry, but that was wayyy to funny.
#37 May 03 2007 at 11:05 AM Rating: Decent
512 posts
i was doing a trio with my best friend and a really good JP DRK on qufim island one day a month or so ago and we had a run in with asshattery. this 75BRD from a fairly prominent (if not well respected) bright yellow LS moved into our camp with his 2box low level character + PT of DDs and proceded to PL on top of us.

we were nearing 23-24 and as a trio we were pulling crabs and doing really fast chains with Signet bonus. as they were pulling pugs exculsively we didnt really interefe with each other much that i could tell. apparently they didnt feel the same way. near the end we started pulling some of the VT pugs but we had a bad pull or a pop or some such and wiped.

the 75BRD proceded to taunt us in /say and left us to rot. i will remember that guy and that bright yellow LS for a long time. i've had several bad run ins with its membership since then as well, and though i recognize that it doesnt speak to the total asshattery of the entire LS, it doesnt help me avoid such a negative association.
#38 May 05 2007 at 11:57 AM Rating: Decent
I know what you're talking about Steg.

I was in a 73-75 party yesterday, I'm a bard, we were at the Mamool Staging Point zone, there was only 1 party there, plenty of open spaces and a few safe camps open. I found us a camp far away from the other party, but the leader, said "we're camping on top of them, steal all their mobs and drive them out."

He was serious. It pissed me off. So, there they go, voking and grabbing everything, our WHM was crawling up the melee's **** to cast curaga...guess she didn't know you can stand further back and cast it....

I didn't say anything, even when she cried she wasn't getting ballad, I didn't have the heart to tell her why. As if 3 monks in epeen Osode's would appreciate ballad songs...(And as a disclaimer, I am a 75 monk, I have an Osode, and honestly, wearing only that isn't the most effective gear...It's more of a Look At Me!)

So I tried to convince the WHM to stay put in one spot, but she laughed at me and said how was she able to cure her party if she stands by me....Cure does have a range.....Guess she didn't realize that either.

So I equipped my harpe so ballad could get her from far away and in case she moved around, which she did, but because the melee moved close to me as well, they got ballad too. Then, they decided to criticize me for using a harp and laughed at me....

So considering they had no problem ruining another party's good time, and stole mobs away from that party as if they were the only mobs we'd see until tomorrow, and because they were jerks and completely unskilled, laughing at me as if I were the one who was an idiot as I was trying to accomodate their stupidity, for the first time in my career of 4 years playing, I left the party.

I decided from now on, I will be more selective who I party with. If a leader wants to camp on top of a group when there's plenty of mobs and space, I'm out. I treat competing parties the way I would want to be treated.

#39 May 08 2007 at 6:19 AM Rating: Decent
406 posts
Amiraphe wrote:

So considering they had no problem ruining another party's good time, and stole mobs away from that party as if they were the only mobs we'd see until tomorrow, and because they were jerks and completely unskilled, laughing at me as if I were the one who was an idiot as I was trying to accomodate their stupidity, for the first time in my career of 4 years playing, I left the party.

I decided from now on, I will be more selective who I party with. If a leader wants to camp on top of a group when there's plenty of mobs and space, I'm out. I treat competing parties the way I would want to be treated.

I was guilty of being like the party you were with until one day leveling another character I experianced first hand my own douchebaggery.

In all the times when I log on if and when I do play at all I make it a point
to only use my BRD and any other job for that matter with people I know, and
I never try to treat anyone as if I were better than them, someone else said
it before in this thread. There needs to be less "me" and more "we".

For some of us conforming with the masses and wanting to always maximize the
"me" time... it takes a while for us to reform and understand there is no
enjoyment for anyone if there is only enjoyment for one.

As far as Singular's post, kudos to you man. In all honesty I probably would
have done the same thing you did, I have known of you since the day you started
the game and we may have had our fair share of disagreements but the respect
never became jaded.

And for the duoing BLU's there are plenty of other camps that could have accomodated you as well, but given we are not connected to eachother at the
pixels it is hard to understand the real emotion and or feeling of the
person on the other end.

BLU for life XD
#40 May 08 2007 at 12:38 PM Rating: Decent
501 posts
i was doing a trio with my best friend and a really good JP DRK on qufim island one day a month or so ago and we had a run in with asshattery. this 75BRD from a fairly prominent (if not well respected) bright yellow LS moved into our camp with his 2box low level character + PT of DDs and proceded to PL on top of us.

I also had a run-in similar to yours. Merit pt in Nyzul Isle on the 2nd tier. Anyway, we were the only pt there for about an hour or so. We were making good xp and all of a sudden the chains stop.

So, we see the said bright-yellow shell camping by the pond. Not only was their Brd pulling, but the entire pt was out prowling for birds. The leader of my pt said he was friends with some of them too.

Anyway, to make a long story short, after about 20mins or so competeing for claims, our pt just disbanded and left.

Sure, I like to see huge chain #'s and what not, but not if it's gonna ***** another pt over.
(These are out of date, and I'm too lazy to keep up)
#41 May 12 2007 at 4:15 AM Rating: Decent
186 posts
Slight derail. I know this topic is nearly a month old, what lvl is Myst now? I'm not familiar with the BLM soloing technique, as mines pretty low lol. But from how you described it (pulling with tier3 spell), duoing with a SMN might be an idea. SMN pulls to camp with avatar, this is quicker and safer for both of them, then go nuke and blood pact crazy at camp.

P.S. I am volunteering here lol. SMN65, hoping to see 66 this weekend and bash Maat. send me a /tell ^^
#42 May 22 2007 at 2:45 PM Rating: Decent
bst isnt the job it once was, with the new (easy) even match update its very possible to hit 35 without even charming, just slug away with str gear and a jugpet.. as such you cant expect the old bst code to kick in till 40, maybe 50, when those A.D.D. kids give up. Seriously ive taken 3 characters to 40 bst now and i swear this latest (all after patch) took less time to hit 40 than the first one did to get to 20.. no more charming DC rabbits to fight DC lizards just so you can hit lv 18 in like 5 hours.
#43 Jun 24 2007 at 4:39 PM Rating: Decent
I hate people who do that kind of stuff, i was in a pt today and i got killed and delvled and my own members of the party wouldn't even raise me or help get my level back. And then they kicked me out of the party Braxus, Althaia and probably everyone else in their LS would do the same. From what other people have said they 've done this kind of thing before.
#44 Jun 25 2007 at 3:16 AM Rating: Decent
101 posts
Sorry for what that happened to you but don't forget there are good people too.
One day i went to that exact same camp and a blu was there, one sec before i used warp he sent me a /tell saying that he knows another camp HE can lvl in so i can have this camp.
And he really went to another camp leaving this camp for me, after that happened i met him a few times and we always found solution for our camp problem.
Wish i could remember his name, a good man.
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