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Venting: COP Adjustments and SelfishnessFollow

#1 Jun 02 2007 at 8:02 PM Rating: Good
254 posts

Let me just preface this by saying some of you might be offended. However, I'm not going to apologize. There is a point to this rant.

I'm sure other people are as tired of hearing about it as I am. They're making some of the Promathia missions easier. They're taking away XP loss for deaths, taking the R/Ex flags off of some items, and giving people XP for completing some missions.

Yes it amazes me how some people are acting like this is the end of the god damned world, like they're the only ones who should have access to certain things at the end of the missions. Sea is Exclusive. NO ONE ELSE SHOULD HAVE IT.


I got treated to a /shouted rant in Whitegate a while ago where this one person responded to a call for help on 8-4, and proceeded to complain openly about all the time spent, exp and gil lost from the many missions they've attempted. This same person even made a point of shouting about how they died 58 times on one mission.

My thoughts:
-(My nice side, what I really said) You should have had a better strategy.
-(My unsympathetic side, what I really wanted to say) Maybe if you didn't suck as a player...

"All I could get were pickup parties for the missions."

-This is because the people who had done them knew how difficult they were, and how much was required to pass the missions. These people didn't/don't WANT to have to repeat it if the could help it.
-The same people noted above are the ones complaining about the forthcoming difficulty adjustments.

I don't see what the big fricking deal is, really. Yes, you lost a lot of time, gil, and exp doing them before. It was your choice to do them, no one forced you.

You grabbed pickup parties, therefore you had minimal preparation, and probably didn't have the best party setup. No one forced you to do this, either.

Doing them now will not only take less time, but less gil as well, and HEAVEN FORBID you'll get some EXP for your time and trouble, rather than losing it.

Basically, the person complaining in shout had become the very same type of person as so many other jackoffs who couldn't be bothered to lend a hand to those who were behind. Selfish, self-important, and given to entitlement. And yet, for all the things one could stand to gain from the changes, still he/she has sworn off ever doing the missions again. It's your loss. Any COP mission I'm in will be better off without the extra, unnecessary ego slowing it down.

To the people who have finished all the COP missions, and who are now complaining about the difficulty changes, how many of you did them again gladly, just to help someone out who needed it? Probably not very many. Why? Difficulty. There's such a thing as something being challenging, and then being a difficult pain in the **** which you never want to attempt again.

Do you somehow feel "entitled" to what you can get at the end of COP? Like no one else should have it? Isn't it good enough to earn it just by completing the missions, regardless of difficulty? And what ever happened to the satisfaction of helping someone who needs the assistance, rather than the satisfaction of being one of the "first" or one of the "only" ones to have something?

Furthermore, if these things are supposed to be exclusive, why would SE have made a point of making all of these things publicly available, rather than to just a handful of elite individuals?

You are not a beautiful and unique snowflake. You are not entitled to anything special, just because you've got 1337 gear, a lot of spare time on your hands, and a six pack of Jolt. You have no right to be selfish. Furthermore, you have no real business complaining about how easy things will be now, or how difficult it has been, when you couldn't be bothered to share your experience with others before because of mission difficulty.

You lost gil, time, exp, and god knows what else. That's too bad, but it happens. You have my condolences. But at least the gil and exp can be replaced. Time? That's another matter. That can't be replaced, and nothing will make up for it. I understand that. But please, having an entitlement attitude makes it harder for other people to sympathize with what you've lost. If anyone's entitled to anything, EVERYONE is entitled to finish the COP missions at some point.

Change happens in MMOs. Accept it, and move on.
#2 Jun 02 2007 at 11:40 PM Rating: Decent
1,497 posts
On ten's note I'd also like to say that if you haven't beaten CoP haven't yet because it was too hard/time consuming, didn't care much for it, or couldn't get friends to help (ties into #1). Most of the people ******** about the change have BEATEN CoP ALREADY. You payed the price for sea so you can get it AT LEAST 1 YEAR OR MORE ahead of everyone who doesn't have it now. I don't care about the changes, prommies were cake for me, diabolos was weak, tiamat was fun but not really tough. I was almost looking forward to fighting on the airship since it might be challenging. Good strat, skilled players and being prepared > CoP.
#3 Jun 03 2007 at 7:48 AM Rating: Decent
It's funny half of the people that are complaining about the CoP mission adjustments...Probably loved how easy it is to get to 75 now. With all the new areas and how they lowered the EXP requirement.

Funny thing is too. They nerfed CoP once allready > Prommy mea dem holla. Bet they didnt mind that.

It's all realitive. The big argument used to be omg it took me blah blah to get to 75 now anyone can. This is a game guys....they gotta change stuff every now and again to keep/draw in more people.

btw how many of the people complain about blu = easy mode?
#4 Jun 03 2007 at 9:01 AM Rating: Excellent
I don't like the fact that SE is nerfing the PMs.

As a player, doing the PM missions forced me to become a better player, to plan ahead, to research, (and in my case) to learn how to lead at least five other people through mission after mission. I didn't need to do anything other than not be afk for the RoZ and the ToAU (so far) missions, and those two expansions didn't help me grow as a player.

There is only so much you can learn about your job in an EXP party, the rest of it has to come from doing difficult missions and whatnot.

CoP takes people to their limits, and forces them to become a good player. I am not saying that some people don't deserve to complete it, I am saying that everyone should go through that trial at least once. I myself have helped with PM missions before within my social shell, and I am glad to go do them again.

By weakening the difficulty in these fights, you potentially stunt a player's growth.
Proud citizen of Miranda.

-Currently on Pochacco Server of Hello Kitty Online.
#5 Jun 03 2007 at 10:09 AM Rating: Good
1,592 posts
It's funny half of the people that are complaining about the CoP mission adjustments...Probably loved how easy it is to get to 75 now.

I was going to point that out. Though lots of people did complain when they made it easier to get to 75, however those are the original veterans they've probably quit by now...mostly. :)

The fact is FFXI made this game take time so you would play it longer. They made it difficult. Players complained about the length of time and difficulty and SE will never make things happen they make it slightly easier to appease people.
#6 Jun 03 2007 at 11:14 AM Rating: Decent
120 posts
Just my 2 gils worth...

I think SE made the decision to make the prommies "slightly" easier (they are simply lowering the level of some of the nm's a little) and more rewarding because too many players are having difficulties doing them, or don't want to do them at all because of the difficulty. This includes getting help from those who have already done them. Their response? "NO frickin' way! I ain't going through that again!" I agree that some of the newer players (and even some of the old) are underskilled or just lazy and seem to want everything handed to them on a silver platter, but the small adjustments to promathia isn't going to do that for them. It's still going to take work and time to do the missions and you are still going to have to have party members who know how to do their jobs. It will also still be a good way for players to refine their skills.

With that said, My Galka needs his prommies ... who's gonna help? XD
(ZM's too, for that matter, lol)

#7 Jun 03 2007 at 1:08 PM Rating: Decent
254 posts
Nightsintdreams, pet mage of Jabober wrote:

CoP takes people to their limits, and forces them to become a good player.

By weakening the difficulty in these fights, you potentially stunt a player's growth.

Sorry, but I wholeheartedly disagree with you on both points. The missions don't make the player. If you suck at what you do, you suck at what you do, and you potentially drag other people behind by not knowing your role to begin with. The difficulty of a mission has nothing to do with it.
#8 Jun 03 2007 at 2:30 PM Rating: Decent
1,497 posts
The main problem with the CoP missions as I see them is the fact that they are so heavily luck based. How often does the boss use this ws? How often does s/he fly? How often will he do this or that. Face it, CoP is luck based and I hate crap like that which is why I hate NM camping. These missions do make you better, but only to an extent. There are other things that can help a players skill like dynamis and PvP (careful of which kind, those JP fests are just tag games).
#9 Jun 03 2007 at 7:01 PM Rating: Decent
590 posts
You tell em', Tenshi!

Seriously, I'm no slouch, but I've yet to complete CoP. Part of it is due to interests in other aspects (leveling jobs, crafting) but part of it has been the frustration I've had at several points in the mission chain (2-4 and 4-2 come to mind months, even years, after I completed them) which just caused me to say "***** this" and do something that was more enjoyable.

This almost sounds like people are worried that Limbus will get crowded more than it is about the damn kids have it too easy these days.

And frankly, having been playing for several years now, I can safely say "@#%^ the haters" without fear of reprisal.

By weakening the difficulty in these fights, you potentially stunt a player's growth.

I respectfully disagree Nights. A player can learn things by coordinating and doing CoP missions, but I believe a player learns all these skills by running their own XP party, reading Alla for quests, playing multiple (and more importantly, different types of) jobs, and doing other quests (DM, Opti Hat, and Joytoy camping spring to mind) that aren't necessarily tied into the CoP system.

Edited, Jun 3rd 2007 11:02pm by Cambot
#10 Jun 04 2007 at 8:04 AM Rating: Decent
177 posts
To the people who have finished all the COP missions, and who are now complaining about the difficulty changes, how many of you did them again gladly, just to help someone out who needed it? Probably not very many. Why? Difficulty. There's such a thing as something being challenging, and then being a difficult pain in the **** which you never want to attempt again.

I can honestly say that even after having beaten the CoP Missions, I have continued to help people complete them - I go as whatever job is needed, whether they need my THF to pick a lock, or my NIN for 6-4, or my BLM to blow up Snoll, or my RDM on 8-4, or my WHM for any of the capped fights. I have done each of the missions at least 3 times helping others get the missions done.

The CoP set I was in was extremely successful in the fights, even though we weren't always the "perfect" setup. Our only roadblock was the Snoll battle - and that was because of our setup, coz we just didn't have enough damage dealing people. We kept at it and finally won with the help of several folks in the LS we were in - Thank you to Krack, Jubon, Hogosha, Infernious, Arondight, Senchu, Kassasin and Trillium (I don't think but maybe 2 of these folks still play anymore).

I do find it distasteful that the level of difficulty of those fights is being lowered. Why? When you won, when you beat a particularly difficult mission (such as Snoll), you knew you somehow pulled what you needed to do from deep down in yourself and that not only did you do that, but every member of your team did it too. You feel great about your accomplishment and it carries you to the next difficult mission.

Now, the people who scream through to 75 without even bothering to get Sky access (remember when you couldn't level to 75 without Sky?) don't have a clue. Are they weaker players? Yes and no.

Yes because they have reached level 75 without having to struggle with SCs and timing - ever had to fight a God and someone says, let's do SCs and MBs only to be met with "huh?!" Yeah that skill has been lost - not just by the newly 75 players, but by experienced seasoned players that have become complacent as a result of the lure of TP-burn only parties.

While I do enjoy the ToAU areas - especially the 20-25k per hour I can get when I merit my RDM - I think it's probably the worst expansion to hit FFXI because people now only want to party if they can get 20k+ per hour in xp. No one wants to look for traditional party configurations - getting 4-5k an hour is unacceptable, even if you're having fun getting that xp. ToAU made life easy for everyone to cap merits, to cap xp - but we've lost a lot of skill as a result of it. Skill that takes down Fafnir or King Behemoth or Tiamet or even Kirin - all jobs, all players working together and understanding skill chains, magic bursts, and how other jobs (BLMs, DRKs, RDMs, even RNGs) work together to bring down the big guys.


lol this became a rant of my own didn't it?


Edited, Jun 4th 2007 12:09pm by Zuzeeque

Edited, Jun 4th 2007 12:11pm by Zuzeeque
#11 Jun 04 2007 at 8:15 AM Rating: Good
925 posts
I have mixed feelings about the adjustments. Personally, I love the fights, they are a good challenge in a game where most mobs/fights can be beaten by simply throwing job XXX at it or by bring along a couple lvl75 friends to fight it for you (ZM's/Genkai).

On the flip side, I've been stuck on 3 paths for almost a year now. I've been thru 4 statics to get thru 3paths with. Hell, I even brought a whole new static up from Riverne, basically redoing all the missions again with them, only to have that one break before we got to mithra's. All my time helping that group get thru their missions, and it broke after the moblins...

I put together a PromyV run with 16 people, 14 of who needed the mission, only to be left alone again when time comes for the missions I needed help with. The people who have won, dont want to go back, period. New people trying to do these missions, have to rely on friends, or pickup pt's. One thing I have noticed, if you are in a big enough endgame shell, they will help you, if you've gotten past PromV. Thats how my static fell apart that I redid all the missions with them. 3 of them went off with their endgame ls, and cleared thru to sea. thx.

When SE announced they were nerfing the fights, I gathered a group of friends that I knew were all relatively close in missions, and got moving. I've been almost fanatic about it, but in the past 10 days, I've gotten all 3 paths done, and went back and redid moblins for a fill-in, since, once again, another person left static once we won snoll. My goal was to finish PM's before the update, I want the hard fights, I love the challenge, even though it may cost me tons of gil in meds, tons of time running around doin cs's, redoing fights, farming cores, whatever, I love the challenging fights. I was excited, physically heart thumping excited every time we entered snoll (2/5 btw) I wanted to do the same thing with airship battle, and tenzen, I wanted those hardass fights, but I guess I'll have to settle for what I get Tuesday.

At least now, if this static breaks, I have a little more bargaining power to get help with these last few missions in the way of exp bonuses and easier fights. Maybe I can get some of those people already in sea to help out since they get something now instead of a headache and -exp. I know I'm 2 major fights away and I'm actually hopin to be done by end of june, depending on how this group holds together, I may be one of the "nerfed" sea noobs. But at least I'll be able to solo blm in an area that's not overrun.

btw, this is pure speculation on my part, but I think se might one day uncap CoP. If they are doing this kind of adjustment to cop battlefields almost 2 years after the expansion was finished, in another year or two, they may decide there still isnt enough people in Sea, and just uncap everything. It'll be just like ZM's are now, a pt of lvl75 can run you thru it in under a week. How will you feel then?

gees, sorry for the short story, i didnt expect this post to get this long.
#12 Jun 04 2007 at 9:48 AM Rating: Good
I've grown enough!

and frankly, I don't care if they lable me the worst piece of **** player in the history of Final Fantasy, I want to see the end of this.

I've had everything from poorly prepared pick up parties, to terrible luck, to breaking up statics, to my PC crashing for 4 months. Just get me through it, let me see how it ends, gimme my ring, and I'll leave their personal playground alone, forever.

On a related note:

Kestra Rdm75/Whm35 -- Snoll Tsar
Morlenkheren Whm30/Blm15 -- Promyvion: Dem, Mea

Should somebody organize, look me up.
#13 Jun 04 2007 at 10:10 AM Rating: Good
I'm with Kestra, if you're in my shoes, LS pretty much gone, no time for hard core play, it's easy to feel like you can't get anywhere in the missions.

All I do now is garden, raise birds, and fish. Maybe get a party on my THF one night during the weekend, but those are getting scarce as I'm climbing closer to 50. I would like to see more for the casual gamer, especially soloing jobs. I will say, the exp rings and signet bonus has helped soloing, I went from 40 to 44 solo on THF and it wasn't that terrible, just expensive.

Same with missions, I've pretty much written off getting to rank 10 for Wintskitty, the time involved with trying to organize something like that could be better spent.
#14 Jun 04 2007 at 11:33 AM Rating: Decent
120 posts
It's all a matter of player opinion ... imo. ^^

As I see it, missions do not make the player successful and more skilled ... it's the players skill that makes the missions more successful. The missions are not going to turn an unskilled player into a good player.

I agree there are things to be learned from missions, such as coming up with new strategies, being inventive, etc., the most important thing to learn being how to work as a group in a situation more challenging than the average xp party. The challenge does not have to be so much on the {Impossible to gage!} side, however. :) When the challenge becomes a frustration, then the fun and adventure is removed and the players give up.

Personally, I am looking forward to tomorrows update. Not so much for the changes to CoP (although, I like this), but for the addition of being able to teleport to AU from my hometown. It's gonna save me a bundle in Warp Cudgel's! And no more hanging out in Whitegate and all it's lag. ^^; {Home Point} {Bastok}, and {San d'Oria}. {Yes, please!}
#15 Jun 04 2007 at 12:30 PM Rating: Decent
551 posts
I kind of disagreee with the updates on COP missions, but what can you do, the masses want the missions to be easy. It's not for selfish reasons, but a sense of pride is being taken away from you. I completed COP more than a year ago with a static group. We researched, strategized, attempted, lost, won, and put a lot of time, and resources completing COP. We all contributed and we all did our jobs. Now, I think with the update, I'm not saying all, but doing these missions, some will just cruise by, others will put their time and effort to complete it. Those who will just cruise by will get the so-called '1337' gears, but yet not skilled players. I think that's where the frustration is. Once you have access to Sea, then you will have access to Limbus. And I bet, the people who just cruised by and/or tagged along completing COP, will be doing Limbus (kind like Dynamis). So anyways, these people with '1337' gears, will be running around not knowing how to do their jobs. So, it's not all about selfishness. If you have skill, and the people who you with have skills, then COP is doable. And now, I'm helping my Social to do COP, since I want to appreciate the storyline again. Good Luck completing CoP.

I wonder if your opinions will change once the RMTs flood the gates of Sea.
#16 Jun 04 2007 at 1:07 PM Rating: Decent
120 posts
I wonder if your opinions will change once the RMTs flood the gates of Sea.

That's possible.^^; I am not against the changes to CoP, I don't think it is going to be significant enough to be considered a "huge" change in difficulty. SE has not been that specific about how much lower the nm's will be. Only that they will be lowering the level of some of them a little. The new rewards are nice.

As for the RMT's, I don't think there will be many, if any, that make it through the CoP missions. It's far too time consuming (time is money) and many, if not most, are so incredibly underskilled it's laughable. ZM's are easy and can be done in a day or less ... it was an open opportunity for RMT's to have access to Sky.

All in all, I still think it is a matter of personal opinion. No one is right or wrong whether they agree or disagree with the changes. Some people will still find the missions difficult, while others will simply breeze right through them.
#17 Jun 04 2007 at 1:11 PM Rating: Decent
i think that overall, the quality of the average player that is now able to get sea will be lowered. when the fights were a challenge it really made you think about "how should we do this, what jobs should we use" etc. it forced people to level other jobs high enough to help their group if they had a job leveled that wasn't as usefull for some of them. now people will be able to slide right through without having to take the time to prepare by leveling another job, or working with limited resources.

i also agree with what one of the previous posters said, just wait until the RMT move in and take over like they've been doing in sky.

#18 Jun 04 2007 at 2:41 PM Rating: Decent
1,497 posts
I doubt they'll nerf it to the point where a team of all whms can beat snoll.
#19 Jun 04 2007 at 7:00 PM Rating: Good
199 posts
I think the main thing that is stopping players from doing PMs on a constant basis is getting help. Making it easier might make ppl who have sea want to help more but I doubt it would make that much of a difference really. I'm not going into a debate into "easier missions makes for bad player debate" because I think its irrelevant. We are already in the era of bad players that don't know what a MB or SC. It is already here. There is nothing challenging about merit pts, the whole population of 75s nowadays, hell you can just TP burn Kirin now, and not even making PMs HARDER will reverse this trend.

The missions aren't even that difficult per se (although i'm only on 4-2) but convincing people to buy a whole new set of equips is just not appealing at all. It's not the difficulty that puts ppl off its all the hassle.

XP bonus? Don't lvl75 gain double limit points in lvl capped areas already and yet its still like pulling teeth to get any help on panty raids and missions. I don't really think the changes implemented by SE will make ppl want to help.

I think the better way to encourage people to help is to give out more substantial rewards. Why would I take out my time and money to earn double limit points at 1k-2k/hour when I could be making 15k-20k/hour killing birds? How about letting ppl get another ring if they repeat the whole set of missions? Now that would motivate ppl to repeat missions. Why not let people rent decent (but not godly) gear that can only be used in mission zones, they do that in besieged so why not do that in PMs?
#20 Jun 05 2007 at 10:54 AM Rating: Decent
312 posts
Nightsintdreams, pet mage of Jabober wrote:
I don't like the fact that SE is nerfing the PMs.

As a player, doing the PM missions forced me to become a better player, to plan ahead, to research, (and in my case) to learn how to lead at least five other people through mission after mission. I didn't need to do anything other than not be afk for the RoZ and the ToAU (so far) missions, and those two expansions didn't help me grow as a player.

There is only so much you can learn about your job in an EXP party, the rest of it has to come from doing difficult missions and whatnot.

CoP takes people to their limits, and forces them to become a good player. I am not saying that some people don't deserve to complete it, I am saying that everyone should go through that trial at least once. I myself have helped with PM missions before within my social shell, and I am glad to go do them again.

By weakening the difficulty in these fights, you potentially stunt a player's growth.

I wholeheartedly agree with all of this. I don't even play the game anymore and this upsets me. Having sea was an accomplishment, one that I worked hard at getting and researched and planned for a long time before there was a guide for every fight or you could buy the items for the CoP missions or trade them, etc.... If you didn't get Sea and you were around a long time it's because you didn't work as hard as the person with Sea access. I don't care what you say - anyone with the WILL and motivation can get a mission done. So instead of SE making it easier on you - you should have worked harder at it. Sea was somewhat of an exclusive place to be and taught me a ton about my numerous different jobs of different levels. They were tough and were meant to be. Now any lackluster player will have sea. Good luck with that.
#21 Jun 05 2007 at 11:46 AM Rating: Good
120 posts
I know everyone has read this, but just quoting it as a reminder:

Adjustments to Difficulty

Particularly challenging Chains of Promathia battlefields, such as those that appear in the Promyvion areas (Holla, Dem, Mea, Vahzl), and the missions "Flames for the Dead" and "The Warrior's Path", will have their difficulty level toned down. These adjustments will include changes to monster level and placement.
We also hope that the following changes to items used specifically against Chains of Promathia enemies will encourage players to brave the dangers found in the mission battlefields.

This is a very limited amount of adjustment and "toning down" and mob placement adjustments are not the equivalent to gimping.

Moonpie, I have nothing but the utmost respect for you as a player. You accomplished a lot and helped a lot of people get to where they are. I wish I was one of them!^^ However, I must strongly disagree with you as regarding Sea being an exclusive area. Exclusive means that not everyone has a right to be there. It is a priviledge, yes, but one everyone has a right to as long as they earn it. The problem with earning it, I believe, is not the difficulty itself, but the willingness of players to go through those difficulties, whether they have completed the missions before or not. So the real issue is getting help with the missions. With these adjustments and the new rewards, perhaps getting help will no longer be such an issue. The missions will still be quite time consuming and costly, which should be just enough to keep the RMT's out.

And speaking of RMT's ... would someone please kill Bisas?! XD A mithra RMT that monopolizes The Sanctuary of Zi'Tah. Down where the Goobbue's hang out. I farm there sometimes to make my gils and s/he frustrates me (and many others, I'm sure) more than the diffculty level of any mission ever could.

Edited cuz I sux at punctuation! :p

Edited, Jun 5th 2007 3:57pm by ElijahBismarck
#22 Jun 05 2007 at 12:13 PM Rating: Default
40 posts
CoP was one of the most fun experiences I had in this game and after taking 3 generations of a linkshell through it in its entirety without being gimped I considered it one of the very few rights of passage that this game has to offer. Anyone who had the determination to get there could do it, regardless of their job. I don't think that people should be excluded, but without the determination involved in these missions, they'll become nothing more than "another thing to waste a week on" and move on rather than taking finess and skill as the once did. A shadow of their former glory if you ask me, and I do feel bad for those that did not have the chance to complete it, because they will miss out on one of the best experiences of FFXI.
#23 Jun 05 2007 at 6:10 PM Rating: Good
199 posts
MoonpieJen wrote:

I wholeheartedly agree with all of this. I don't even play the game anymore and this upsets me. Having sea was an accomplishment, one that I worked hard at getting and researched and planned for a long time before there was a guide for every fight or you could buy the items for the CoP missions or trade them, etc.... If you didn't get Sea and you were around a long time it's because you didn't work as hard as the person with Sea access. I don't care what you say - anyone with the WILL and motivation can get a mission done. So instead of SE making it easier on you - you should have worked harder at it. Sea was somewhat of an exclusive place to be and taught me a ton about my numerous different jobs of different levels. They were tough and were meant to be. Now any lackluster player will have sea. Good luck with that.
I've been playing a long time and I want nothing more than to get sea, I look up all the strats, buy the lvl capped gear before i even get a team together...... well that's where the problem is.

Moonpie, its not just about have the WILL, its also having the WAY. If there was a way to solo the PM's then I would've done so by now. You had a devoted LS and friends that in all likelihood needed the same missions as you, or knew and liked you enough to repeat them with you.

The same cannot be said for the vast majority of us. SE wants to encourage others to help so that players that have the will to complete them will finally have a way as well. If you cannot even allow for others into your "1337 club" then I don't know what else to call you than a snob.

Think about it, you have sea already, if you heard me /sh'ing in whitegate for help on the savage or diabolos fight, would you say:
1)those were fun but why would i waste my time and money to help a nobody when I don't need it myself.

2)"I'll help"

I'd think you'd say #1 9 times out of 10, and with PMs the way they were you'd be correct. In terms of risk and reward you'd have to be super nice (not saying you aren't nice) to pick #2.
#24 Jun 06 2007 at 2:31 PM Rating: Good
501 posts
If you didn't get Sea and you were around a long time it's because you didn't work as hard as the person with Sea access. I don't care what you say - anyone with the WILL and motivation can get a mission done. So instead of SE making it easier on you - you should have worked harder at it.

So for those casual gamers that only get to play but a few hours during a week, or whatever, they don't deserve to have sea? It can take hours of shouting to find people to help. Not to mention the time it takes to fully complete a mission/chapter.

Also, while I'm referring to the time it takes to find people, going back to what Balfor said about CoP having to force people to lvl another job. This alone would take someone who plays a few hours a day weeks and/or months to acheive a job @ lvl 50+.

Really, people. Not ALL of the missions are getting easier as someone pointed out above. Just a certain few. It's not like they're taking out Diabolos, Ouryu, Snoll, and the Mithras and replacing them with a fluffy bear that says "Wee you've just completed xxx mission. Congratulations!" And they're not taking away the ungodly amount of running it takes to recieve your uber ring either.

SE is just making it easier for casual gamers to experience what you people with more time on your schedule, have been participating in for what is it? Almost 2 years now?

I'm glad they've done this.

Now maybe I can get thru 5-1, 5-2, 5-3, and the rest of the crap, and get my Rajas, Brutal earring, and Ethereal earring...

(These are out of date, and I'm too lazy to keep up)
#25 Jun 08 2007 at 11:22 AM Rating: Decent
254 posts
HeywoodJab wrote:
How will you feel then?

Odds are I won't care, because by then, I'll probably have gotten through it.
#26 Jun 08 2007 at 11:29 AM Rating: Decent
254 posts
AethonX wrote:
and I do feel bad for those that did not have the chance to complete it, because they will miss out on one of the best experiences of FFXI.

Actually, if they can complete it now, they're not really missing out on anything, are they? People were missing out before because people couldn't be bothered to help.
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