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#1 Jun 08 2007 at 10:26 AM Rating: Good
406 posts
Secondary Title: Take your TP burn and shove it.
Original Title: Elitist? No, not at all.

SJ: depending on what job I'm playing, whm rdm blm smn nin brd @@

There is no rule in the game that says I am here to serve you,
we are here to work together as a collective. No love for the other
jobs out there creating dissention and objectifying people for the
choice they make in the classes they play.

Point: Most of you suck.


The last couple of times I have set my party flag up to give other
people a chance to actually invite me to their parties on BRD I have
had the following in my {/seacom}

You better have a WHM & RDM or(BLM)
in your party otherwise go away.
Take your TP{Burn} and shove it ^^b

I have gotten the most incredulous responses from "Have fun with
your shitty parties" to "rofl youre joking right?"

Ok seriously who just sits there and does a /sea all and doesn't
notice the text that comes up when you tab over a persons name to
send them a tell? Seriously? I mean come on! I know you all see this
text, I see it to wether or not I want to unless you suffer from
some kind of disease that causes your vision to work selectively
allowing you only to see the things you want to see.

Seriously I'm sorry that I'm the only BRD that may be on willing to
exp/merit but don't talk to me unless you meet the requirements to
get me into your party. Picky bard? No not at all. I just don't
particularly care for "burn" parties. I'll take an awesome skillchain
and magic bursting party anyday of the week over whatever amount "k"
per hour exp you can toss in my face.

You're so quick to exclude everyone else out there who won't have a
chance to exp/merit because you are acclimated to what everyone else
wants to do. Don't forget that single DRG or whatever other jobs you deem
irrelevant or "lol" will one day be on the opposite side of the

You people make this game more a hassle sometimes than a pleasure
to enjoy so if by chance you come across me and I have nothing nice
to say I apologize in advance. I guess I'm sad for the "good old days"
pre MPK patch, pre CoP, pre everything that has made this game way to
easy and basically handed everything to everyone days.

I just really wanted to rant in a place someone else would semi
understand what I am talking about. Kinda hard to bitch about something
to the family when they have no clue about what the hell I am
talking about XD

edited the title 7-17-07 because it seems common sense and certain
receptivity still eludes some

Edited, Jul 17th 2007 10:02am by ZanderBismarck

edited title 8-2-07 because it was stated towards the end that
this thread should be about delicious cookies mmmmm coookies

Edited, Aug 2nd 2007 6:36am by ZanderBismarck
#2 Jun 08 2007 at 10:50 AM Rating: Excellent
1,071 posts

It's not elitism--it's time management. It's rather disappointing to seek for so long and end up in a party that turns out to be a waste of time, while you could have found better in the time you spent with said bad party. Some assurance that you'll get what you want is always a plus.

Some people might have problems with it, but meh... To each his own.

And there's my 2 gil.
#3 Jun 08 2007 at 1:18 PM Rating: Good
312 posts
ZanderBismarck wrote:
I guess I'm sad for the "good old days"
pre MPK patch, pre CoP, pre everything that has made this game way to
easy and basically handed everything to everyone days.

Amen Zander! Those were the days I cherish and will never forget. I liked a good burn party but I'd also exp with traditional type setups as well. I would help out those LS mates that no one wanted to exp with because they weren't a burn job or had the right gear to pull 12k exp an hour... used to make me upset. Anyway - here's a picture of us Zander from my blog - there's quite a few pics you may remember in there - check it out - this was the night you made me an agility ring for my Ninja and signed it =D Yea, I'm sappy I know - I'm a chick I can't help it. lol

#4 Jun 08 2007 at 1:40 PM Rating: Excellent
ZanderBismarck wrote:
Don't forget that single DRG

why do i get the feeling this is aimed at me? the resident lol_drg troll of these here bismark forums?

and zander, call my cell and yell at me to get on for non-burn pts. i got "burned" out on them :P

Edited, Jun 8th 2007 5:41pm by BalforX
#5 Jun 08 2007 at 6:43 PM Rating: Good
196 posts
I haven't been in a "traditional" PT in a very long time, but if you want to create one and need a PLD tank I'm (almost) always up for XP. My ingame name is Akir, and I recently returned after a couple month break. It's been a while since I was in a PT (or any situation) where I actually had to use provoke so I may be a little rusty at first but damn will it feel good to break out that turtle armor and some standard DD equip for an "old-school PT".
#6 Jun 09 2007 at 4:18 AM Rating: Good
477 posts
have never been in a "burn" party and I never will
#7 Jun 09 2007 at 5:42 AM Rating: Excellent
meriting is so 2 years ago
#8 Jun 09 2007 at 12:51 PM Rating: Good
501 posts
I'd love to get in an old-school type party again. SC's and what not were always fun.

I do all my meriting on War because I end up sitting for 4 hours+ sometimes on Drg. I may not have the *best* gear, but I don't have trash gear either. If I'm on one of these nights, hit me up with a tell and I'll be more than happy to up my 2k buffer into 75 on Drg. ^^;

(These are out of date, and I'm too lazy to keep up)
#9 Jun 09 2007 at 6:53 PM Rating: Decent
271 posts
Ah, Admirable attitude of the "old" days.

Keep up the defiant attitude toward the ever-popular quest of "efficiency" for the sake of "result" and be a beacon of inspiration for the lowly folks who still endure this game!

Ah yeah... make a anti-burn linkshell while you're at it? ;>.>

#10 Jun 09 2007 at 7:36 PM Rating: Excellent
477 posts
Keep up the defiant attitude toward the ever-popular quest of "efficiency" for the sake of "result" and be a beacon of inspiration for the lowly folks who still endure this game!

Or just those that want to have fun... I mean.. what the hell are they thinking.. what is this a GAME to them... the nerve of some people

Edited, Jun 9th 2007 11:36pm by JadenNyte
#11 Jun 09 2007 at 8:21 PM Rating: Good
947 posts
People can't think burn parties are fun? I'm sure some do.
#12 Jun 09 2007 at 8:51 PM Rating: Excellent
347 posts
burn party is that where 6 people get togher and make fun of one person? if so i love those
#13 Jun 10 2007 at 9:27 PM Rating: Decent
1,497 posts
I've only had burn parties on my drg since 75, yeah, only burns, one was a drg burn. I enjoy a burn pt more than a traditional, why? I play drg/sam, between jumps, angon, ws, med, seigan <-> hasso, third eye and hate control, I got 0 time to say "wow this is boring". I enjoy it because in a normal party my drg is a simple, swing, ws with someone, watch the pretty animation, swing some more and use a few JAs. Subbing sam is pointless because I can't use the power of the fact I can ws almost constantly. I just think a burn is more exciting. If I got invited to a normal pt I'll join, if the exp is worse than solo/duo, I'll solo thank you, soloing is great fun on drg and a duo is better. Burns are probably more fun for a drg because I get to use so many JAs and WS's I don't get bored.

EDIT: Crap I went off track, ummm...

Zander, I respect the fact you want traditional pties, I don't care, its your money, if you inv'd me I'd join happily. Its good to see a brd that likes diversity.

Edited, Jun 11th 2007 12:29am by shykin
#14 Jun 10 2007 at 11:00 PM Rating: Good
As much as I loved capping merits so fast SE needs to get rid of the new areas. All they do is breed sh*tty players that have no clue as to how to play. Some of the gear people get away with wearing is ridiculous just because burn pties are so easy. Sadly SE keeps making things easier because the same sh*tty players basically get free rides to 75 and complain about how hard everything is.

Still tho I'm a moron:p.

Edited, Jun 13th 2007 3:10am by Dazdandconfuzd
#15 Jun 12 2007 at 5:23 AM Rating: Excellent
96 posts
Very nicely said, Zander. I miss the good old days of regular XP parties. The ones with players working together to make Skillchains and Magic Bursts. It wasn't fast, and wasn't terribly slow. It was just right. After merit-burn parties, the quality of players have decreased. I have seen RDMs and BLMs that can't magic burst. I have seen RDMs refusing to help main heal or properly debuff an enemy. I have seen players unable to form a descent skillchain. I have seen players unable to tank and hold hate well. I have seen players disband from parties just because the XP coming in wasn't fast enough for them and they will immediately call the players in that party "gimp" or "half-assed," or whatever "internet speak" is used today. That's unfair and uncalled for.

Since the new areas have been introduced with the Aht Urghan expansion pack, jobs such as BST, BLM, PUP, DRG, and even PLD are excluded from merit parties. There may be other jobs, but these tend to be the core jobs that get excluded a lot.

Black Mages have manaburn parties or go solo in Mount Zhayolm. Still, though, that is far and few in-between. And, Black Mages will get lucky a few times if there isn't any other available healer in the XP party, so they are asked to main heal, such as SMNs many times nowadays.

Paladins get the stigma that they can't deal good damage fast enough in a merit-burn party, and that they try to tank instead. Of all the criticism I have read so far, players suggest they wear top-of-the-line gear and sub Ninja so they can do at least some form of descent damage in "x" amount of time.

BST and PUP would never even be considered to be invited into a merit-burn party since the majority of players on this server and others consider them a solo-only job. And, let's not forget Dragoon. I finally got mine to 75 last Monday and trying to cap the XP on that job is likely never going to happen. I will get overlooked for other jobs. I know a lot of Dragoons are in the same situation. The stereotype that many players on this server and others consider this a bad job, ranking it alongside Puppetmaster. The "I'm a moron" and "I'm a moron" labeling is old and gets tossed around to no end in sight.

It's sad, very sad at what the players in this game have degraded to.

If you are not a RDM, BRD, WAR, NIN, or any job that can't Refresh, Heal, or deal damage fast enough to help earn that "x" amount of XP per hour, then you will not be invited. For that, I am sick and tired of that attitude. Yes, it's the elitist attitude that you speak of Zander that exclude the large amount of jobs in this game. The game was originally meant to be community-oriented. Unfortunately, it has digressed from that.

This game isn't all about getting that "uber" XP per hour or how much "e-peen" you can toss around by dealing that "x" amount of damage. It's about working together towards one goal, cooperating with other players, and enjoying the game at the same time. The game is not meant to serve just one group of players and exclude the rest just because they don't meet your so-called "standard" of what an ideal job is to earn you that next Merit, or next Rare/Ex item, or get you the most XP in an hour. That's what the game has become nowadays. It's a sad reality.

Players, regardless if it is Japanese, European, or North American, have exhibited their own form of discrimination, prejudice and stereotyping in this game. There isn't any so-called equality here. So, to those elitist jerks on this server and in this game: Get your ******* ing head out of your *** and start playing fairly and equally. The game is not meant to have one side of mostly casual players to kiss the asses and serve the elitist pricks of the other side. That is not how the game is meant to be played. How can one player who enjoys playing their job such as being BST, BLM, PUP, DRG, or PLD or other jobs that are always excluded be able to enjoy the game if the majority of players never invite them?

That's my "two-cents" on this issue.

- Ase
#16 Jun 12 2007 at 5:57 AM Rating: Excellent
Dazdandconfuzd wrote:
Still tho I'm a moron :p.

i couldn't agree with you more dazd :P

on the topic of burn pt vs normal SC pt i'm divided. i love burn PTs because it is basicly non stop fighting and you're always doing SOMETHING. normal PTs are indeed slower, but they help teach you how to play your job whether its opening or closing SCs, magic bursting, first voking for SATA on tank, etc. with just burn PTs people don't need to learn those things. its "lets spam ws and if we get a sc then cool but its not like it really helps any". so as far as which one i prefer, i'd have to say burn party at 73-75, but before that, teams need to stick with normal magic burst parties to help keep the quality of players where it needs to be.
#17 Jun 12 2007 at 7:28 PM Rating: Good
138 posts
For the little that I actually play anymore, I just go on and merit/exp with my fiance and good friend. The 3 of us pull in enough to cap/grab a merit or two and hang out.

Who needs burn parties anyway? I hear that I need to be "time efficient" at work, I don't need to hear it when I come home.
lolgaxe wrote:
Thumping your chest for high parses against Colibri is like saying you outran the fastest man in the world after the guy broke his leg.
#18 Jun 12 2007 at 11:11 PM Rating: Good
Don't change my post because you're mad you lvld drg!!! <3
#19 Jun 13 2007 at 5:21 AM Rating: Good
542 posts
He didn't edit your post, it says the same thing. See you said it yourself.

Please point me to a dragoon that is mad that they leveled the job.

#20 Jun 13 2007 at 6:03 AM Rating: Excellent
Dazdandconfuzd wrote:
Don't change my post because you're mad you lvled drg!!! <3

sorry dazd :P i'm not mad i leveled it. you're just mad that i'm better at drg than you are at any of your 75 jobs ^^

(btw, long time no see dazd, how how the hell have ya been?)
#21 Jun 16 2007 at 2:43 AM Rating: Good
Not too bad Bal how about yourself? Haven't seen you around forever either :p. Damn some ppl need to get a sense of humor but we can Ballista sometime Bal. My sam against your drg!!!
#22 Jun 16 2007 at 1:41 PM Rating: Excellent
i still log in every now and then dazd, just not nearly as much. with my work schedule i don't have as much time to LFG or team or camp NMs or w/e so i play city of heroes/villains since i can do more in less time. as far as ffxi i got my fourth STR merit upgrade the other day :D
#23 Jun 16 2007 at 10:49 PM Rating: Good
#24 Jun 16 2007 at 11:06 PM Rating: Good
406 posts
#25 Jun 17 2007 at 4:14 AM Rating: Good
octoberasian wrote:

I finally got mine to 75 last Monday and trying to cap the XP on that job is likely never going to happen.

Ya I noticed that you got your Drg to 75, Congrats^^.

~Does /sea all Drg, alot O.O
#26 Jun 17 2007 at 4:52 AM Rating: Good
ZanderBismarck wrote:

Ok seriously who just sits there and does a /sea all and doesn't
notice the text that comes up when you tab over a persons name to
send them a tell? Seriously? I mean come on! I know you all see this
text, I see it to wether or not I want to unless you suffer from
some kind of disease that causes your vision to work selectively
allowing you only to see the things you want to see.

I know but it happens alot, I put all my info in when I LFP, but it seems no one likes to read what it says, though it scrolls on their screen everytime they send me a tell, LOL. Idk what alot of ppl's problem is with that >.>. Seriously it's bright-green(on my screen anyways), it's kinda hard to miss that when you send a tell to that person through /sea all.

ZanderBismarck wrote:

Seriously I'm sorry that I'm the only BRD that may be on willing to
exp/merit but don't talk to me unless you meet the requirements to
get me into your party. Picky bard? No not at all. I just don't
particularly care for "burn" parties. I'll take an awesome skillchain
and magic bursting party anyday of the week over whatever amount "k"
per hour exp you can toss in my face.

I'm only a 64 Drg, but I must get lucky with the pt's that I've got since turning my Drg into my main. My pt's though mostly JP players(my gametime is restricted to late night-early morning), have concerned themselves more with SC's and MB's over xp/hour. The last pt I was in in Mount Zhaylom(sp?), we had 4 JP players with 2 of us NA players. And me and the 2 DD through auto-translate worked out a nice 3 WS SC, added to 3 well-timed MB's from the 2 JP Blm's and the 1 NA Rdm. I was amazed at how well the mages were working together though 2 were JP and 1 was NA, their MB's were always well timed every SC and did excellent damage. I turned around and /clap(ped) at all 3 every single fight, cuz they were doing that good of a job on the MB's. I honestly couldn't believe it, each and everytime.

ZanderBismarck wrote:
You're so quick to exclude everyone else out there who won't have a chance to exp/merit because you are acclimated to what everyone else wants to do. Don't forget that single DRG or whatever other jobs you deem
irrelevant or "lol" will one day be on the opposite side of the

I spend most of my time farming for gil, I get hardly anytime to play online in a pt. I've turned down several pt invites from JP players the past few days, Why? Cuz I need better equip before I jet to 70. I'm still 140k away from 2 rings that I want before I continue on to 70. And I'll ding 65 and then some before I get the gil for them. The only thing that sucks is that my Polearm is undercapped by about 9 levels >.>, because I've gone through 2+ levels farming since my last pt. So I couldn't care what ppl's perception is on Drg on Bismarck, cuz I need gil too badly. Plus I'm not to worried, there's a kid that I keep tabs on that is a horrible player, but yet he has managed to get to 72 on his Drg. And my gear is alot better than his gear at 64. So I'm not too worried about reaching 75 with pt's, cuz though they are slow to invite sometimes and the recent pt invites I've got lately while not LFP. I am confident that even if I have to solo my way up there, I'll get there. I have no problems, taking pride in the fact that I soloed most of my levels. I just need the occasional pt to cap my skills, and I'll be happy.

But I probably won't have the same attitude when I ding 70+ and want to get Relic equip etc. But oh well, for now I'm in ignorant bliss soloing.
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