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[Bismarck] Looking for a Salvage Group (Aselin)Follow

#1 May 02 2009 at 11:27 PM Rating: Good
96 posts
This will be the second time I'm posting this.

I'm still looking for a capable Salvage group on Bismarck server. All the Salvage groups I have seen thus far are done now in endgame LSes or through random shout runs as of late.

My schedule is a bit finicky. I can only do Salvage runs after 5 PM EST Sunday to Thursday, and I have no LS events on Friday and Saturday, so I am free then. And, I currently have a Nyzul Isle static every Friday, but that's before 5 PM EST. I can spare three tags at most for AP, so about 3 to 4 runs a week.

Current timezone is Pacific (PST/PDT).

My level 75 jobs that I have used in Salvage are the following and I have experience using them:

* Red Mage; Subjobs- WHM, BLM, DRK
* Bard; Subjobs- NIN, WHM
* Dragoon; Subjobs- WAR, NIN, SAM, THF, WHM, RDM
* Dancer; Subjobs- SAM, NIN

I have pulled in Salvage before on BRD. I have about a little over two years Salvage experience in all areas of Salvage including both Chariots and mini-Bosses and NMs.

All 4 jobs are merited pretty well:

* Red Mage: 5/5 Convert/Wind Acc.; 4 Slow II; 3 Phalanx II; 3 Paralyze II; 4 MP/4 HP; 4 Spell Interruption Rate down; 5 MND
* Bard: 5/5 Finale/Lullaby Recast; 3 Troubadour; 3 Nigthingale; 5 Wind/3 Singing
* Dragoon: 5/5 Jump/High Jump Recast; 8 Polearm; 5 Angon; 5 Deep Breathing; 4 Critical Hit Rate up
* Dancer: 4 Dagger; 5/5 Haste Samba/Reverse Flourish; 3 No Foot Rise

Again, I'm looking for a capable Salvage group that can fit my schedule as said above.

Salvage pieces obtained so far:

* 15/0/35 Marduk's Tiara (2/3, missing Arrapago Remnants boss)
* 15/25/35 Marduk's Jubbah (3/3, missing 17 Khroma Ores & 5 Wootz Ores)
* 15/0/0 Marduk's Dastanas (1/3, missing 25 and 35 pieces; passed them to WHMs in previous Salvage runs)
* 15/25/35 Marduk's Shalwar (3/3, Completed)
* 15/25/35 Marduk's Crackows (3/3, Completed)


* 15/0/0 Ares' Mask (1/3, missing 25 and 35 pieces)
* 0/25/0 Ares' Cuirass (1/3, missing 15 and 35 pieces)
* 15/0/0 Ares' Gauntlets (1/3, missing 25 and 35 pieces)
* 15/0/35 Ares' Flanchard (2/3, missing 25 from Zhayolm Remnants boss)
* 15/0/0 Ares' Sollerets (1/3, missing 25 and 35 pieces)


* 15/0/0 Morrigan's Crown (1/3, missing 25 and 35 pieces)
* 15/0/0 Morrigan's Robe (1/3, missing 25 and 35 pieces)
* 15/25/35 Morrigan's Cuffs (3/3, Completed)
* 15/0/0 Morrigan's Slops (1/3, missing 25 and 35 pieces)
* 15/0/0 Morrigan's Pigaches (1/3, missing 25 and 35 pieces)

I won't begin obtaining and upgrading Skadi pieces until RNG and COR are 75, mainly RNG though.

However, I really want a group that won't do the following:

* Break up Salvage group after obtain the pieces he/she wanted. (One group leader got Usukane pieces; said didn't have time to run it due to school/work; comes back a week later with a new group.)
* Members leaving after they obtained the pieces he/she wanted. (A Salvage set of mine ended that way last year after we lost a couple needed members that way.)
* Members that don't listen to simple instructions.

I'm looking for a group that's capable; loyal; and determined and steady to complete sets not for just one member, but for everyone in the group.

I have zero tolerance to unfairness and dislike favoritism in any group whatsoever.

A bonus is a group that will help each other upgrade the Salvage pieces including the ability to help procure the necessary synthesized materials to upgrade them.

I hope I can find a group like that.

You can reach me on BG Forums via PM; on KillingIfrit via 'octoberasian'; or in-game via my character name.

Thank you,

EDIT: Is it too much to ask?

Edited, May 3rd 2009 12:44am by octoberasian
#2 May 03 2009 at 4:41 AM Rating: Good
1,079 posts
octoberasian wrote:
EDIT: Is it too much to ask?

Personally... no. I run a Salvage group myself and those qualities are important. Honestly, why don't you try starting your own group?
Articus Vladmir
#3 May 03 2009 at 8:45 AM Rating: Good
96 posts
I have tried to start my own group last year.

But, it didn't work out.

I could never get needed jobs to join my group. I've turned to my friends to join, but jobs were all over the place-- BLU, DRK, SAM, WAR, NIN, MNK, WHM, RDM. It was even more difficult to do runs because the majority of the time we lacked a THF for Treasure Hunter. We managed to only beat Silver Seas Remnants a total of three times, but with great difficulty. We've been able to pop several NMs such as Porrogo Madame in Zhayolm; the Bee and Spider in Bhaflau; the Gears in SSR; and the Ghost in Arrapago. However, when it came to the Chariot bosses, it would almost always end up as getting close but no win.

A few runs we would lack the necessary healing jobs like a WHM so would have to go with 2 RDMs. A lot of my friends in my group had little to no experience in Salvage. Most of our runs we would run out of time or didn't get far enough to even reach the boss.

In the end, a lot of my friends left due to real life stuff, but to me I believe it was because the group wasn't entirely successful and didn't want to tell it to my face directly.

All the jobs I really needed in the group to make it work, even the experienced ones, were already in other LSes that did Salvage successfully-- Discoid, Foreal, ArchDominus, and Lunarians. Again, in endgame HNM LSes can you find successful Salvage groups.

Between October 2008 and now, I tried to join 4 groups total. One didn't fit my schedule. Another required 7500 AP a week when it would be near impossible since I still had a Nyzul Static. A third group chose another RDM over me, even though the RDM wasn't doing a good job according to the leader. And, the last group was looking for a fully merited 75 MNK, and not a RDM or BRD since they already had enough.

So, what am I going to do?

If I start another Salvage group, where will I find the necessary jobs-- MNK, RDM, WHM, and especially THF? What player is not part of a Salvage group already and not part of the larger endgame LSes on Bismarck that would be willing to join?

How about my friends who joined me previously? Three left Bismarck afterwards. Two joined an endgame LS like Discoid, Lunies, AD, or FR. Others went to join other Salvage groups. One quit the game, came back and transferred to another server about two months ago.

And, how about the previous three Salvage statics I've had over the last two years? I can't join them. One friend hasn't bothered to ask me to join them. Another friend has put my application on file until a spot opens up, but it has been three to four months already and nothing.

A friend last week suggested I apply to VictoriousSecret, but I am not sure they will only allow me to do just Salvage with them. So, again, the conundrum of only endgame LSes doing Salvage on Bismarck.

I have little to no friends who would want to do Salvage with me, especially the friends that know what to do in Salvage. Majority, but not all, of my friends don't have the necessary jobs to make it work either. And, the only TH4 THF I know is already in another Salvage group.

What am I going to do? Leave my current LS and join another LS just to hopefully do Salvage? The only reason I'm in Weekdays is because it's the only LS that affords me time to spend with what friends I have left on Bismarck later in the evening. I'm the kind of person that won't put items, money, gear before friends like a couple of people I've known in the last four years. I'm not that selfish. I've had three friends join endgame LSes on Bismarck only to ignore me after. One left Bismarck to pursue her own selfish goals and items because she couldn't get it on Bismarck. What kind of friends are they?

I'm not selfish, but because of how nice I am, it's killing me because it feels like I simply cannot get anywhere now. And, I'm terribly afraid to lose more friends because I don't have many left now on Bismarck.

I don't know what to do anymore. I really don't.
#4 May 03 2009 at 11:26 AM Rating: Good
1,079 posts
Well, I was going to suggest perhaps looking for a group outside Bismark. Looks like that would be a bad suggestion.

I really don't know what to tell you other than to try making a group again or be patient with the whole thing. Yes, I know you've been waiting a long time for a group, but there's not much I can tell you other than that.

However, good luck to you. I think you'll find what you're looking for.
Articus Vladmir
#5 May 03 2009 at 11:48 AM Rating: Good
96 posts
Well, that would leave me two options:
  • 1- Leave my current LS and forget about my friends (the ones I have left), that I still do things with in the evenings, and join another endgame LS that does Salvage as well
  • 2- Leave Bismarck and my friends I have left to find another endgame LS on another server that does Salvage

I just don't get why the friends I do know (if they are still friends), haven't asked me if I could join them for Salvage.

Edited, May 3rd 2009 12:51pm by octoberasian
#6 May 03 2009 at 1:05 PM Rating: Decent
aselin, long time no see. almost want to re-activate my account just to help ya out with this.....
#7 May 03 2009 at 1:11 PM Rating: Decent
191 posts
If I start another Salvage group, where will I find the necessary jobs-- MNK, RDM, WHM, and especially THF? What player is not part of a Salvage group already and not part of the larger endgame LSes on Bismarck that would be willing to join?

That would be me if I decided to finish up things like counter rate or penance for my MNK merits.
#8 May 03 2009 at 1:42 PM Rating: Decent
87 posts
Hey ase, long time no see... due to the economy sucking I still am not able to play the game, otherwise our static might of still kept going. Or at least I would have liked it to. If when I get back you still don't have a set for salvage, I'll try to remember to ask you.

Best of luck and hope you find a static soon! I'll still lurk in the forums once in a while.

your friend,
#9 May 08 2009 at 5:45 AM Rating: Good
254 posts

We have quite a few people trying to get Nyzul statics going at diff. levels. Check it out.
#10 May 13 2009 at 10:22 AM Rating: Decent
If you ever decide to start up your own Salvage runs, i would be interested in joining. My schedule is a bit all over the place at the moment(work, school, family), but it should calm down in June.

I haven't done Salvage before, but I'm willing to learn and able to listen to instructions.

Jobs I have at 75 are MNK, WHM, THF, BRD, PLD, BLU.
MNK would probably be the best for me, but I would have to finish meriting it. Still need counter, kick attacks, and the group 2 merits.

Edited, May 13th 2009 2:29pm by ArcBlazer
#11 May 16 2009 at 5:18 PM Rating: Good
597 posts
Hey Ase;

I remember you asked me awhile back if I was interested in a salvage group and I didn't have access. Well, I finished AMs since and have actually done a few pick up runs to get the hang of it so if you decide to put a group together hit me up, I'm definitely interested. WHM is fully merited, SCH is 90% merited and I just got sam75 as well, meritless atm though.
#12 May 29 2009 at 8:17 AM Rating: Default
Hey ase... it's Tado/ikika
A friend of mine was gonna start a salvage group up that I was gonna join but never got back to me so if you do choose to start one up I would be willing to join. Very little experience in salvage; I've just gone on some pick up group ones, but very flexible job wise. ikika has rdm/blkm,sum fully merited everything, while tado has mnk,thf,rng,war,nin or drk. Most jobs almost fully merited 1~2 traits not fully merited except war is done. Mnk has BB thf only TH3. Sooner or later I would like to start doing salvage on a regular basis, but can't do it everyday, maybe 1~3 times a week and build points other days.
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