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Beware of Sheppard and SpoonyFollow

#1 Sep 09 2004 at 8:59 AM Rating: Good
Maybe I'm a freak. Actually yes, I am a freak. See, I like the jungle, I really, really do. It's beautiful, I love smacking (or singing songs) at the mandies and gobs. I know that most people don't feel that way, but hey -- to each their own.

I also love, love, love my favorite camp. It's perfect -- there is room for the mages to sit back to avoid sleep, it's not on top of the zone line, and it's not in a main thoroughfare.

Until last night, that is. I had the pleasure of having Sheppard (DRG I think) and Spoony (25 NIN / 9 WAR???) camping on top of our WHM. And refusing to move. And being arrogant.

So not wanting to get into an argument, we asked several times for them to move. They wouldn't. They got belligerent and ignorant.

I logged off.

I have managed to get through some 70 odd levels of various jobs and I have never experienced rudeness on this level. But after all of this time playing, I have finally added someone to my blist.

Maybe I'm just lucky...

#2 Sep 09 2004 at 10:16 AM Rating: Good
I had a problem with spoony, he was our whm, he spent more time AFK than at the keyboard then just turned invisible and logged , no word of having to leave. Saw him later with seek up and he reckoned he had to leave to help a friend.

I had a thief in my party who had partyed with him before and tried to warn me because he had done that before in other partys.

So watch out for Spoony
#3 Sep 09 2004 at 11:49 AM Rating: Good
765 posts
I've ptyed with spoony before on a few occasions. Hes not too bad, but def not the best. He had a bad habbit of wanting to melee infront of the thf (he was brd at the time) and usually got SATA onto him even after repeated attempts to get him to move. Its kinda funny when a brd can pull hate with a minor spell or song. Guess he liked tanking.
#4 Sep 09 2004 at 1:27 PM Rating: Good
514 posts
Maybe I'm a freak. Actually yes, I am a freak. See, I like the jungle.

Nah, you're not a freak. I like Western Altepa Desert.
#5 Sep 09 2004 at 2:52 PM Rating: Good
225 posts
Hey Siouxsie, it's Balzac, nice to see you around.

I like the jungle too and I love the desert.

My problem with Khazam is not the place it's the level of carelessness of the players (don't want to learn skillchains, don't use food, train, etc.) What was excusable at Valkrum Dunes or Qufim (we were still learning, right?) feels less excusable to a place that require a non-trivial quest to attain. Probably because that carelessness is more easily lethal.

Warning about those two persons dully noted. Thanks.
#6 Sep 09 2004 at 4:06 PM Rating: Good
Balzac, I typically just lurk, but what happened last night really annoyed me...
#7 Sep 09 2004 at 11:14 PM Rating: Good
881 posts
Ok, im explaining something to all those who have played in yuht(lmao i just hit tab for the auto translator >.>) Yuhtunga jungle. There isnt space for many camps, and the night i finally got a pt, the camp we got was by the inner fence just when u go into Yuht., the problem was, that there was someone infront of us by the gate, and someone behind the fence, either way we were screwed by some mandy's AOE cuz we would be asleep and wake up, and then get the other mandy's sleep, so we finally got frustrated and decided to move, Now heres where Budgie comes in.

For all that have PT'd behind the hp in Yuht., u know theres the fence and a ditch. Their main party was up behind the fence and the only open spot was down in the ditch, which was inhabited by the pt's healers, These places are TWO SEPARATE CAMPS, ive been there long enough to know that, ive leveled 3 jobs in there, and theres almost always someone in both camps, not one camp taking up both by putting their healers and hogging a camp from us. Now is where the fun comes in and our pt was NICE to them.

After we moved in, a person named Hideka came over and asked us to leave, of course because this was two camps and they were being selfish and hogging both we said no, because there were no other camps open, on any other night there would be, but this time there was about 8 pt's there total, which is a lot because of space issues, so of course we refused, Then one member named Skeletor whom ive known before from a pt in the dunes, /tells me hate spams and things i can call a GM for, and apparently i wasnt the only one, but our pt decided that we were doing too much as it was (after all, it may be two camps but they were using it for their mages, even tho theres enuf space in the top camp) we decided that they were just stressed out and to let it slide.

Now, once more Hideka comes back and tells us that if we dont move she'll have her friend train gobs on us (also able to call a GM for that one) if we once again didnt move. And once again for lack of space we refused. We were on a roll and they were fine until they kept moving their fights closer to the ditch so we could recieve some of Their AOE and potentially leave, but we didnt want to, we couldnt, there was nowhere to go to. Finnally Hideka's friend comes over and she asks him to train gobs on everyone past Spoony who was a new member at the time just got to the campsite and had NOTHING TO DO WITH ANYTHING ABOVE so DO NOT HATE HIM PLEASE! if you have your own reasons, like if u'd been with him before then go right ahead by all means, but the only thing that happened with him was *HIDEKA'S FRIEND REFUSED CUZ HE WAS FRIENDS WITH SPOONY ALSO* and that was the end of that, the only part where spoony comes in for all this is her friend refused to train gobs on one of his friends.

Now later for the reason to once again get us to leave, they actually got drastic enough to move INTO our camp, fortunately we werent idiots, and then took the camp behind the HP where they just were instead.

The last thing you good people need to know, is that later, They actually offered us an alliance so we could kill things faster! we refused of course and later skeletor also thought he could ask me into his group cuz "We were old pals", RIGHT like im gonna go into a pt by an invite from a guy that was spamming hate mail to me less then two hours ago. -_-

Please take this all into consideration before u start hating me and spoony for no reason whatsoever. Thank you for your time

(and btw this is Sheppard in Cerberus, but apparantly someone took the name on here o.0, the odd part is its my last name too :S so whoever it is i hope u got a good reason for namin urself after me lol)
(btw, the editing is for spelling checks -_-)

Edited, Fri Sep 10 01:40:58 2004 by Shepppard
#8 Sep 10 2004 at 12:45 AM Rating: Excellent
Sorry Shep, but that is one camp, the GOOD camp. A courteous group will scout out on chobi to see if the cam pis taken and LEAVE if someone is there. I've gotten this camp a number of times, I've also NOT gotten the camp a much larger number of times. But then of course, I've found that many groups in the jungle can't handle fighting away from teh zone. A good group can camp gobbies out at the south end of that field and control links and pops when they happen. I've camped down there all night before and had noone die.
#9 Sep 10 2004 at 12:55 AM Rating: Good
881 posts
i know, i was cautious to be close to the zone, you are right, half my party were first timers in kazham, but it isnt one big camp, it's huge!

ur tellin me an area this big is needed by one pt?
ive seen three in there getting along, the only
reason i wasnt out there is cuz as i said most
people in my pt were noobs to the area, and
wouldnt know where to zone to if we went out
too far. but that area is enough for three
parties at least!

thats also not the point im trying to get across, there were no other camps open other then the area to the north. this was a last resort for our pt. This area is big enough for more then one camp, and after waiting three hours before deciding to finally make a pt, wouldnt you want to get the most outta the pt u got? turns out once we moved there we were actually really successfull, but this was a last chance at some XP that night,

and im asking you, honestly, Would you have gone north, with three new people that just arrived in kazham, after waiting three hours for a pt?

or would u take them somewhere safe away from aggro, and big enuf that two groups can stay?

Edited, Fri Sep 10 02:04:21 2004 by Shepppard
#10 Sep 10 2004 at 1:23 AM Rating: Excellent
Yea Shep, back in the day parties in kaz were cautions to keep mages (their own and their neighbors) out of sleep range. There's a good reason I don't level in the jungle anymore.

And honestly, if I every got party members round that level that were in Kazzy I'd ask them to come with us to a better zone. Those who do love the other zone, those who don't, well, disband. :)

There's these zones we like to call "sheep zones". Do some exploring, look up zone level on mysterytour, and you'll see there are so many other places to level. It's quite gratifying to be getting good exp in a nice group and pull up the zone /sea to see you're the only party there.

And to answer your other question, there are areas that are NOT safe from aggro, but with a good group, a good BLM or BRD, that aggro doesn't matter :)

Edited, Fri Sep 10 02:25:29 2004 by tekkub
#11 Sep 10 2004 at 1:37 AM Rating: Good
881 posts
That is the truest thingive heard tonight, and i will look that up, but still, Our pt consisted of (ill use the names i called them by, cant remember the full ones) Me(Drg lvl 24-26)Major, WHM(24-25)-new to kazham, (cant remember) BLM (24-25), naone Thf (24-25)-new to kazham, BLM (also cant remember) (24)-new to kazham, (replaced by spoony), and finally a MNK that left because they were threatening us, Keegen. he didnt want gobs trained on him and left,

this was our pt, and because the whm, and blm were new, i really didnt want to lose them, especially when they didnt know which way to run. but the point here is, that he's making a fuss, that we went into a Camp, that had ample space for two groups, but refused to accept there were no other places available, and they later did all they could to get us to leave
(BTW u know now why i was waiting ages for a pt, no1 appreciates dragoons these days lol)
#12 Sep 10 2004 at 1:44 AM Rating: Good
881 posts
The other thing that bothers me about all this, is he made us out to be total antagonists, i'll admit, we werent perfect in how we handled the situation, but they couldnt just accept theres nowhere else to go, and help you're fellow man, and let them have that little bit of space that means an ample load in yuthunga.

The way he talked about us, you woulda thought Hitler looked like jesus(excuse religion, i mean nothing by it) compaired to us! like i said, we coulda called a gm on every1 at least once, the things they said were un-called for, but we just took it in hopes they would let it be and accept they need to do what they learned at the age of three "Sharing". Instead, i find out today by an LS member that im now on alla, without me knowing it. i usually dont search the forums, infact i made this account just to adress this issue, i dont need a lot of people to hate me, for something that wasnt important, and wasnt the whole truth.

Edited, Fri Sep 10 02:45:18 2004 by Shepppard

Edited, Fri Sep 10 02:47:59 2004 by Shepppard
#13 Sep 10 2004 at 1:58 AM Rating: Excellent
To be forewarned, I do belive the OP is in my LS. But I am trying to be unbiased in my postings here. I will say that that used to the a one-party camp, and it was the camp everyone in the jungle wanted. However, it used to be that groups used to be kind enough to go elsewhere if this camp was taken. Now I'm not trying to direct this at you or your group, because frankly the jungle changed about the time the PS2 nublets hit the jungle the first time.

I've only partied in the jungle a half dozen times or so since then, and every time I've left unhappy with the way people are. Camping on top of each other, training 6+ gobbies to the zone (happens in both jungles quite often when I've been there). Sure there's high levels around to kill them sometimes, but com e on people! "Back in the day" the worst I ever saw was a 3-gobbie train. You know what we did when that happens, everyone just piled on and the first to claim it would call for help. You can take down a gobbie or two really fast with 4 whole groups on it. Cleanup was usually only 1 or 2 deaths. And to top it off, afterwards people went back to their camps, they didn't try to steal "the good camp" after it's party helped out.

What happens now? Fools claim a gob (no call for help) and THEN zone it, die just before the zone, it aggros another player, they zone and die, another two gobbies get zoned... many die... all this time not a one tries to fight it or call for help....

And about the intentional zoning and GM calling and the like, go find my post in this forum and read it, titled "Bad JP?" if I remember right. Mind you this story happened because we were in their "good camp", in a "non-sheep" zone. They got there and they camped right on top of us. They told us thru the translator to leave and made anti-english remarks with it. Then trained mobs onto both zones to try to drive us out. Irony was not a single member of my party died, yet nearly all of theirs did. It's not just the NA players that have gotten rude and disrespectful.

Anywho enough ranting from me, i should get to bed. Just remember that there's more to this game than leveling, make friends along the way, be nice, help people, blah blah blah... The game's a lot funner if you're not stepping on toes (litterally *grin*)

Edited, Fri Sep 10 03:03:37 2004 by tekkub
#14 Sep 10 2004 at 2:07 AM Rating: Decent
881 posts
Woa Woa Woa, WHAT??? ur telling me theres a time when the game was CIVILIZED?? people actually helping people?? ouch, its been too long since ive said that one, it hurts. you never see that these days, you're right, people level, ive made so many friends, its takes forever to load my friends list on playonline starting up cuz theres one person on or off every twenty seconds, and the thing is i actually know and help them as much as i can, to see if they do so in return. some do, others forget about me and the things i helped with,

I have the stupid proof too, 30 days and im only a lvl 26 dragoon, im always out helping on 2-3 or kazham keys with my war, but that night slipped up, i waited too long for a pt with 500 tnl >< and i got pissed, but the camp is used now as a 2 pt camp most of the time, as for you saying about the gob trains, the most ive seen is four, and even the high lvl helping called for help and a handfull of us answered.

but that night we werent the arrogant ignorant ones, that night we were the ones putting up with their crap, the only thing we did wrong was want as safe camp that we didnt wake up for 30 seconds in and be put to sleep again, all told we even left them space in the ditch we were so close together, yet they still complained. it just bothers me.
#15 Sep 10 2004 at 2:16 AM Rating: Decent
881 posts
Time and time again i read budgie's post. and time and time again it astounds me how someone can think so narrow mindedly,
when we got to the campsite, they were the ones who came down, and did not ask, but told us to leave, Skeletor keeps spamming to me that everything he does goes great until u come along and *****, and **** everything u *******. thats one of the minor things, Hideka tells us we dont leave, she gets someone to come in and kill us for her, all told they still got 70% of their origional camp, when we had 30% and lost two members because they kept threatening us.

the whole time all we did was stick to our guns and put up with it, that 30% of space is better then 99.9% of the camps that were left with 100%, all we wanted was that, and we got told of, hated, spammed, all the nasty things exept emotes comming at us, but you still call us ignorant.

Edited, Fri Sep 10 03:17:22 2004 by Shepppard
#16 Sep 10 2004 at 2:46 AM Rating: Excellent
Hrm... 30 days in and you have at least 56 levels. 10 Months in and I have 136 levels, no job over level 40. That put my view into perspective for you? That's about 13.6 levels a month if you average it out. Yes I know people that started months after me and are now 70+, but frankly I have a great group of people to play with, and on occation level with. In fact I downright refuse to play with random throw-together groups. I gotta have at least one, if not more, people I know and trust in the crucial roles (PLD< WHM, etc). The rest to me are just damage dealers.

No offense but if you've only been here a month you're quite new to the world (and when I say "new" I am NOT saying n00b, there's a HUUUUGE diference). I'm not saying in any way that what was said (by either of you) was nice/tolerable/whatever, but it's common courtesy to not camp on top of someone, and if you ask nicely for them to move and they don't, well there were there first. Like I've said already, if the camp I want is taken I leave and find somewhere else, I don't put other groups at risk of being hit with my groups AoE's. But common courtesy seems to be as common in-game as it is out-of-game...if not worse... *le sigh*

Oh and I'd also like to note that I partied with Spoony, on the Kazham zone, not in the good camp, way back in the day when he was a lowly bard. At the time there was one camp in the corner behind the fence with the HP guy, and one on the other end behind the fence with their mages down in "the pit". We camped mere feet from the zone since that spot was taken.
#17 Sep 10 2004 at 8:30 AM Rating: Good
Seriously, you camped on top of us. You know you did, yet you refuse to accept it, or god forbid, apolgize.

As far as any training nonsense goes, I do not tolerate or participate in those activities. When mention of that was made after much time of you refusing to be a decent player, I decided to disband and log.

Come on Sheppard -- step back, look at how you behaved and think if you would have appreciated somebody treating you that way. My sneaking suspicion is you wouldn't have liked it.
#18 Sep 10 2004 at 10:13 AM Rating: Good
143 posts
i know i'm a n00b here, but have been browsing these forums, and stumbled upon this thread... so i guess my first post will be here.

I am rob(AKA Fouldeception). I am a PS2 n00b who just got the game a month ago. I have never been to khazam, yamawhateverthenameis jungle.... or anywhere else of interest. i just got my choco 2 days ago.

i am never the type to ever ask for help to random people. i like playing a game and getting things done on my own. i hate having a PL(takes the fun out of the game). this game, however, i was awestruck when i first turned it on and moving my character around to various parts of bastok(i didnt even have a keyboard for my PS2 at the time). the world was HUGE and there were people talking everywhere... i had no idea what to do with myself. i went out and fought immediately so i can lose the "hey i'm a loser n00b" question mark off the top of my head... and got a keyboard the next day.

i had run in to a few very cool people who helped me with various things(basically helping me get the hang of the game). a week after i had the game(dont remember what level i was) i found myself on that huge hill in north gustaberg getting agro'd by gob after gob... enter shep who saved my life and told me i'm a ****** for not wearing armor after taking out my aggro beasts. he helped me with various things and we basically hung out the rest of the afternoon watching each others backs and leveling up solo. i'm not going to bother with how he helped me because, quite frankly, there are way too many things to list. trust me... as a n00b, i was awful.

a week later, i got a tell from shep out of no where telling me it's time for me go to the dunes and join a pt. jeez... i've never PTed before... what do we do? do i jump in and just hit the beast with everyone else? on the way to the dunes, he set me up with my voke macro(i had no idea what i was supposed to use it for) and instructed me on what my duties are as a galkan WAR tank. honestly, he was talking in another language. i had no idea what pulling meant... had no idea what a tank was... i understood healer.

this has nothing to do with shep, but that pt was amazing... they new i was a n00b(i feel a n00b should let people know so any type of modifications can be made) and covered for my shortcomings. i was able to pick up the do's and donts by the 3rd or 4th battle. withing a 1/2 hour, i was able to keep hate on me where the damn thing never even looked at the WHM. none of us ever came close to dying.

so with all the help, shep and i have consistantly kept in touch. we always check up on each other and see how the other is doing. he'll mention something along the lines of "i'm farming for(insert item name here)". i'll have it in my inventory and offer it to him... the SOB NEVER accepts the trade... what's worth more? a month of help or a few lousy sheepskins?

damn.. that last paragraph really sounded gay...


i've been lagging on my mission 2/3(been working on fishing skills) which apparently has been annoying shep. bascially, he put a PT together real quick to kill the dragon to bring a number of us to rank 3. he actually fought this thing twice last night because he was helping more than 5 people. he gained nothing other than a simple "thank you".

as far as making friends along the way, he has that covered... he helps TOO many TOO often.... but i suspect that that's what he enjoys from the game. interacting with people and showing them the ropes.

what shocks me is this is the guy who taught me most of what i know about the game... and taught me about being courteous to others... and to help out random stranger(which i do often now). i CAN NOT beleive you're talking about this guy in this way...

look... i'm sure there was some sort of disagreement... both of you think you're right... but my opinion... if an area is big enough to hold 2 PTs without one interfering with the other, then the second PT has every right to be there. again... i've never seen the place, so i have no idea what the area you're talking about is like. i do know that shep is a reasonable man... talk with him and you'll see

Edited, Fri Sep 10 11:15:55 2004 by robification
#19 Sep 10 2004 at 3:06 PM Rating: Good
951 posts
Sheppard is right, that place CAN support 2 PTs, and you were the ones doing the threats and being rude as heck, if you die once or twice so what? Your HP isn't that far away from the camp, Try level 60 when you die, you need to get through Kuftal to get back to the Cape and at level 60, you need 20,000 EXP to level compared to what? 4500?

Edited, Fri Sep 10 16:06:33 2004 by Corrderio
#20 Sep 10 2004 at 3:52 PM Rating: Good
2,021 posts
Why do people get beligerant and post hate threads like this? I've been in one of 2 pts in that spot before. Being in the ditch is harder IMO as a camp. All I had to do was ask the pt on top if they minded if we sat back and pulled through them. Yes we got hit by the occassional AoE Dream Flower, but it happens. I wasn't there that night, I don't know what was said to who, but I HAVE seen many people that like to get violent and cuss someone out over something so stupid. Is your life (real life not character. Yes I know, it's one in the same.. lol) dependant on whether or not your mage can stay 2 ft further back? Try being courteous and help another pt out. The reward of comradery is much greater. Now if there were no other pts there and they tried that, then I'd be pissed too.. LoL But just because of the lack of respect shown.

In the words of Rodney King: "Can't we all just get along?"
#21 Sep 10 2004 at 8:45 PM Rating: Good
881 posts
Damn rob thats the nicest thing any1's ever said about me ;;*sniff* but every word true, and as far as me stepping back and being a decent player, i am one, just not when people come to my pt and make demands and threats, instead of asking,
had you ask we actually mighta left, but after the gob train comment our minds were made up.

I'll apologize to you if that's what you want, Budgie, but theres some i cannot do that to:
Hideka, the one that told us to leave or else she'd get people to train, and skeletor, what he did is inexcusable, at least 5 tells that i ****** everything up for him when we moved there,
telling me that i always mess him up, that i do it im enjoying it? ive seen the guy twice before, once in a pt in the dunes where he just left for no apparent reason, and the second time in san doria where he asked my forgiveness and i actually GAVE it to him, i told him we all have bad days, and he went ^^ ok thanks!

to you i apologize, but i wouldnt mind one in return for the inexcusable behaviour of the people in your party.

(lol and btw rob u were lvl 9)

Edited, Sat Sep 11 00:30:07 2004 by Shepppard
#22 Sep 10 2004 at 9:35 PM Rating: Excellent
:) Good job Shep. Takes a big man to admit that, in some way, he might have been wrong and apologize, even knowing that the other people from that party might never read it and apologize back.
#23 Sep 11 2004 at 1:25 AM Rating: Good
284 posts
Ok I just got off the airship with Spoony, and it quickly got him added to my blist. After playing this game since November I still have less than 10 on it, that should say a lot.
#24 Sep 11 2004 at 4:14 PM Rating: Good
881 posts
alright -_- i was on the same airship and that was stupid, when he was with me he didnt do anything like that, im now gonna stop defending spoony, becuause of what he did on that ship.

Sorry about that Mackey(or however you spell the name, sorry i cant remember)
#25 Sep 11 2004 at 6:39 PM Rating: Good
I feel that I too must step in and speak regarding Sheppard. He is one of the most helpful people in my LS, both to myself and to my brother who also plays the game.

I have no specific examples to lend, as I tend to have a horrible memory, as you will all most likely notice soon enough. The only example I can recall is that today he was helping my brother get the Magicked Skull, the last item my brother needs so that he can get his sub.

Actually, I guess I do have one other example, when I was getting my chocobo license, Sheppard actually stopped by and hung out with me to pass the time, since I really had no idea what I was doing when I was down there.

Piddly evidence you may saw, but Shep's a good guy nonetheless.
#26 Sep 11 2004 at 7:22 PM Rating: Good
Well I've talked with Shep last night and Siouxsie today. Needless to say Shep's okey, he's man enuf to admit that he might have been wrong and appologized for that. Siouxsie thinks better of you for that too Shep. :)

And as for the 30 days things Shep said, that was 30 days play time, not earth time. My bad ^^
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