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Gil Sellers?Follow

#1 Sep 12 2004 at 1:35 PM Rating: Decent
I was really hoping I would never have to bring up anything like this on here, and despite even strong evidence, I think that this needs to be addressed.

I found this link from the main FFXI Forum

Understand that it's translated from babelfish, so it is confusing, but it does seem to be verifying that the "Luck" group are indeed Gil Sellers. Do a window search (usually ctrl + f on pc's and apple + f on mac's), or scroll down about 2/3 to 3/4 down to see Cerberus.

Also, I'm at work, so I have not had a good chance to read much of this yet, maybe someone else can and clarify.

Bismark Server is already touching upon the topic, and you can see theit post here . I saw this from a few days ago, and have not read it recently.

Breaking down what the japanese site has, I can gather that they say that Luckboy, Luckgirl, Luckmoon & Luckstar are all together as a team of Gil Sellers. Clicking on the link will provide their common reactions when they are confronted, but again, it is extremely broken, and I don't have time to read it more thouroughly at the moment.

Also, if anyone here is fluent at understanding it natively, there is also the original link listed in the first thread. Also note: the images will only show up if you load the site through the native link, since otherwise, babelfish will try to translate the links, making them incorrect.

Rate me up, down, I really don't care. I feel this is something that needs to be addressed. Unfortunately, like said in the Bismark link, the only thing that I see as being effective is to not help the listed in any way whatsoever, which boils down to do not party with them. It's not like we cannot stop buying from them unfortunately. Also contacting Square-Enix may be a possibility, but I don't see them taking any actual action.

Now, if for some reason I am wrong, and I am tainting the names of innocent players, I will of course apologize, but unfortunately, I don't think that is the case.
#2 Sep 12 2004 at 2:07 PM Rating: Decent
661 posts
Do a /sea all luck on this server. They are ALWAYS either in Gusgen Mines or Bastok Markets, selling off and buying more pickaxes. With them, it just made mining and money making a real chore, not even fun anymore >_>

There are really obvious ways to get the gil sellers:

SE makes an account, character name Timu.

"Timu" goes to sites that are known for gil selling and buys a small amount. He waits and sees who delivers it to him in game and SE deletes that account. He does it until the site don't have an entry for that server, then go the next site, and repeats. Costly, but it's a good way to bust the sellers.
#3 Sep 12 2004 at 4:03 PM Rating: Good
951 posts
There are a crapload more than what that site posts here, I should make a list if I get bored sometime, since a few of my friends and others I know have had the displeasure of PTing with them (EX: Friend of mine gets in a PT with a taru PLD By the name Lovegod, 22PLD/5WAR, can't tank for crap)
#4 Sep 12 2004 at 6:03 PM Rating: Decent
i see no problem with gilseller..(no, i never bought any)
so i dont see what the big deal is any pockets dont suffer from them..
#5 Sep 12 2004 at 9:24 PM Rating: Decent
90 posts
it's always been annoying to me to have them camping every mining point and NM in the game, then under/over selling just about everything they get on the AH... not to mention causing massive party death w/ their far-less-than-great pty skills. this may not affect a lot of people, but for those that HAVE had frequent run-ins with them they are quick to make the ballista hit list ><
#6 Sep 13 2004 at 1:12 PM Rating: Decent
6,631 posts
I have noticed that Luck- gang a few times when I am in Gusgen Mines hunting for treasure chests, and they are not the only gil farming gang on the server. There is/was a teleporting group/character that is based in Jeuno with name of Cn(something). I believe there are aslo a few NM camping gangs in Ordelle's Cave too.

I don't know what could be done to this, but here are some suggestions.

1) Don't buy or get services from them.

2) If someone is jacking up prices in AH, just don't buy it. I know there are power levelers that don't care, and there are people who really needs the item.

3) Be a good RDM, WHM, or PLD. Don't do power leveling for gil on people that don't deserve one. I have been once offered 300k to plevel someone in Crawlers from 41-50. I said, "No. Period."
That is why I hate power leveling (people know me in the game know that) -- creates bad players and bad economics.

Hell, this is a game for fun. I hate such s**t exists in this game. Take the fun out of the game.
Amanada (Cerberus-Retired) (aka MaiNoKen/Steven)
-- Thank you for the fun times in Vana'diel

Art for the sake of art itself is an idle sentence.
Art for the sake of truth, for the sake of what is
beautiful and good — that is the creed I seek.
- George Sand

A designer knows he has achieved perfection,
not when there is nothing left to add,
but when there is nothing left to take away.
- Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
#7 Sep 13 2004 at 1:35 PM Rating: Decent
384 posts
yup, the Lucks are definately gil sellers, but the ones I find to be much worse are the account sellers, the ones u can actually get stuck relying on in a party >< . By account sellers I'm mean the notorius "Cn's" **shudders**

They are 6 chinese characters who are actually played in shifts, so as to never have to log out EVER. They make no attempt to actually master their jobs, they just want to hurry them to end-game and sell the accounts themselves.

The other group, the one a despise the most, is the group in Ordelle's, (as above mentioned). They are also chinese gil sellers,
but what makes them the worst, is they camp stroper chyme FOREVER !
they are played in shifts as well, and are permanently placed in the cave, walking the route between the 2 pops. They even have it timed so that both stropers pop at intervals, so they never miss a single pop. not one! . finally, making it the biggest annoyance is that they are immature and "chat-loud" unlike the other chinese. They are constantly spamming emotes like "so-n-so weeps in sorrow before cassiatia" OVER AND OVER ><. The only name that stays with me is "Kittylili", a taru. The leader. Not many people realize what they are because they weren't bitten by the idiot bug like the others, their names don't synch up perfectly like the lucks etc.

Anyway, if anyone ever wants to form a full alliance just to go spend an hour dissrupting their little scheme, im all for it. peace
#8 Sep 13 2004 at 1:51 PM Rating: Decent
6,631 posts
The best way to fight against logging and mining gangs is to just not buy from them. I see people in Bastok Markets routinely buy stuff from the Luck gang. Please <Help me out!> (and you are helping yourself too), and don't buy from them. If you don't buy from them, their scheme does not work. They only control Gusgen, and there are other places to mine the same ores that crafters need.

About character selling... By the time those bad gil making characters are ready for "sale" in RW, everyone know them as a bad player, and no one will play with them.
Amanada (Cerberus-Retired) (aka MaiNoKen/Steven)
-- Thank you for the fun times in Vana'diel

Art for the sake of art itself is an idle sentence.
Art for the sake of truth, for the sake of what is
beautiful and good — that is the creed I seek.
- George Sand

A designer knows he has achieved perfection,
not when there is nothing left to add,
but when there is nothing left to take away.
- Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
#9 Sep 13 2004 at 7:27 PM Rating: Decent
Hello Amanada, nice to see you here!

First off, regarding the other post that you created, I specically made sure to so nowhere to blame any chinese players. For whatever circumstances, this just seems to be how it's happening, but I will NOT let this be reduced to stereotypes.

I am actually curious if there is going to be any kind of changes from services / plicing of policies now that the update is almost out. I know SE is a big company, but it must have been very taxing on them with the impending release to divert resources to deal with this type of issue (maybe, personally I think they should be ruthless on happenings like these).

Can we all say with fair certainty that both the Luck an CN "groups" are indeed gil sellers? If so, I don't see why we cannot try to take this into our own hands slightly, insofar as things such as shouts if you happen to see a load of their crap selling at an AH, or notifying you PT leader (if it's not you) about these people if for any reason they try to level them any higher. I am IN NO WAY suggesting anything against the policies such as training enemies, using unappropriate language, etc. I have no wish to see anyone in trouble for breaking policies (well, except the gil sellers and botters who should be banned).

On a side note as to botters, it can be a fair assumption that they also may be selling their gil, but I have no way of proving that, as I am still fairly new to the game. My point is bringing them up is, I wonder if the update is going to have any effect on bot's? I wonder if SE was smart enough to find a way to mess up the bot programs currently in use...? Even if they did, I know that it's won't be a long lasting fix, but it would be something...

OK, I'm sorry I'll shut up now. I'm stuck at work for 4 more hours, get to go home and download the 2 hour update, argh...
#10 Sep 14 2004 at 3:46 PM Rating: Decent
141 posts
Don't forget about the Hero clan!!!! Invaded the valkurm emporor, yugott grotto mining, and also buburimu pen. do a /sea all hero, there are two others include in teh hero clan hreo****, and hotders or something of that nature. these two are in this clan of chinese gil sellers. /em grumbles
#11 Sep 14 2004 at 4:02 PM Rating: Decent
6,631 posts
I am not sure how many people on our servers are actually aware of these mining gangs. We need someone in Bastok Markets and Southern San d'Oria publicly denouncing these "professional" miners to disencourage people to buy from them. No one buy from them = they will go away.

Amanada (Cerberus-Retired) (aka MaiNoKen/Steven)
-- Thank you for the fun times in Vana'diel

Art for the sake of art itself is an idle sentence.
Art for the sake of truth, for the sake of what is
beautiful and good — that is the creed I seek.
- George Sand

A designer knows he has achieved perfection,
not when there is nothing left to add,
but when there is nothing left to take away.
- Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
#12 Sep 19 2004 at 11:22 PM Rating: Good
951 posts
I did make a Petition to get rid of gil sellers, if anyone is interested in signing it, it's also in my signature, now mabey SE will acutally DO something if it gets enough ppl to sign
#13 Sep 20 2004 at 5:35 AM Rating: Default
1) I signed that petition. I'm #2 ^..^

2) Report the suspected gil seller character names to a GM. If a massive amount of people report, they will be confronted by a GM. I've already done so..

here are the names of Few i've encountered to be gil sellers


-Kuhrbgvh (Check price history of Archer Ring's)


-Bastokgirl (Indefinite)


Please make sure you spell correctly.
#14 Sep 20 2004 at 6:04 AM Rating: Decent
That Petition is an excellent idea, can i suggest you start a new thread to sign the petition and post it on The Vault and Killing ifrit forums as well.
#15 Sep 20 2004 at 8:06 AM Rating: Decent
2,021 posts
I'm number 5. :-)

I can add something on LuckBoy. :-/ I was in Gusgen doing a quest when I get linked by 2 Banshees. Luckboy said to invite him after I killed the first one so he could heal me. After the mob dies, he says "Pay me 700g ok". I thought this was a little odd but he did just save me 500exp so fine. Then he lots on the scroll of Escape that dropped from the mob. At this point I was a little pissed so I just disbanded and left. If I would have known about their gang earlier, I would have just said "Thanks, have a nice day" and booted him from pt. ::sigh:: oh well. Good luck with the petition.
#16 Sep 20 2004 at 10:21 AM Rating: Decent
433 posts
the only thing i have against a gil-seller is that its illegal. their means of obtaining the gil is legitimate, so i suggest people stop making this a hate-club and put things in perspective.

so they are bad players, so they camp all of your mining/logging spots, so they take all the NMs before you can cos they work in teams. but is that the reason why we want them gone? if so, it really just makes our own motive shady.

gil-selling and account-selling, to date that i know of, is illegal by SE standards. so the reason, and only reason, we are targeting them to be taken off from the game, is because they are doing one of these two acts and making FFXI less attractive to players, which might in turn cause more people to quit FFXI.
#17 Sep 20 2004 at 10:24 AM Rating: Decent
433 posts
oh yah, i signed the petition. ^^ Number 9.
#18 Sep 20 2004 at 11:12 AM Rating: Decent
Hey Leetflade, you saved my *** last night in davoi. thx by the way,
anyways i have had some encounters with the "Cool" people myself.i must say that if you mine in yughott or whereever.
if they are in there , just leave and try logging or something.

that is all.

#19 Sep 20 2004 at 11:23 AM Rating: Decent
2,021 posts
Hey Foret! Turnabout is fair play my man. You saved my butt and raised my friend. I have no problem leaving Marlboro to return the favor. :-) (I don't like that stupid Ochu anyways.. lol)

You have got to be the most patient and understand person I have ever met. LoL. Even when those jerks got us linked in Crawler's Nest you just shrug it off. Kudos man. You're better than I.
#20 Sep 20 2004 at 12:48 PM Rating: Decent
433 posts
i have my bad days too. ;) just that it doesn't happen as often. but heck, we're there to have fun yah?
point to note though, i wouldn't mind giving these gilsellers a little in-game competition. if nothing else, we can force them out of the game once they find it too tedious to make the gil to sell. ^^ i'm sure i voke/flash as fast as anyone else. BWahaHaHAHAAhahaha~~!
#21 Sep 20 2004 at 2:29 PM Rating: Good
951 posts
Well, I'm glad most ppl seem to like the idea, odds are after my networking class I'll post where you said, Kubrell
#22 Sep 20 2004 at 3:03 PM Rating: Decent
2,021 posts
Hey Enthuz, Just let me know. My Chi-Blast macro has beaten a few botters already. :-) I'm always down to run off some cheaters. :-) And man do I need Kote and Gi. :-/ (Money to be split evenly obviously) Send me a tell sometime and I'd be glad to take some down.
#23 Sep 20 2004 at 6:32 PM Rating: Default
Enthuz maybe you're not even affected by the gil sellers yet enthuz,, yet their methods are legitamte, square does admit them to be socially unacceptable...

#24 Sep 21 2004 at 2:16 PM Rating: Decent
433 posts
Wyckd wrote:
Enthuz maybe you're not even affected by the gil sellers yet enthuz,, yet their methods are legitamte, square does admit them to be socially unacceptable...

i'm sorry. i don't quite understand what you're getting at. but i'll try to clarify a few points to make it more understandable.

i've had them camp the same NMs as me, force me into fierce competition for logging/mining spots, and my LS is constantly in battle for stroper chyme. regardless, i don't need them to affect me directly to know that their relentless NM hunting and logging/mining hogging affects the economy in some adverse way. what i'm saying is that their in-game tactics for getting the gil is legitimate.

if both of us camped the same NM, hey, i'll fight you for it all the way. ^^ sorry, but that's friendly competition. i won't boo you for succeeding in getting the drop before me, but i expect that you won't say that i stole your drop, regardless of how many drops i successfully obtain.

why square has to admit them to be socially unacceptable is cos they want to keep the customers happy. people complain, people get angry, people leave the game. but even square can't say that they can't do what they are doing now, cos it doesn't break any rules of the game how they are making the gil.

i restate that we should stop making this a hate-club, and more objectively get rid of them for profitting in real life. gil-selling is illegal, and should not be condoned.

i apologize if i sound more aggressive than i should be regarding this matter. i'm just rather passionate about the morality of this issue. if they wanted to make money, they should get a real job. not play 24/7 and get RL money out of it.

till game-playing becomes a recognized job, like professional sports, i stand by that gil-selling should not be condoned.
#25 Sep 21 2004 at 7:30 PM Rating: Decent
64 posts
I will say that Ordelle's cave is packed with those Chinese people. I reported them but did a GM do anything Nooooooooooo they didn't

#26 Sep 22 2004 at 9:35 AM Rating: Decent
433 posts
darkpoetdespair wrote:
I will say that Ordelle's cave is packed with those Chinese people. I reported them but did a GM do anything Nooooooooooo they didn't


but the same tools are open to you. farm as a group. that's what my ls did. to **** the gil-sellers, my ls formed a 6-7 man party just to out-camp stroper. it was hilarious, especially since they were winning.

until SE decides to implement something similar to the indecency in public act, we just wait. SE probably has enough complains about it already to justify action. give them another month or two for the red tape. else, quit the game (not before writing SE a nasty letter first, of course). :p
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