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High Level's 'AttitudeFollow

#1 Sep 19 2004 at 3:31 AM Rating: Decent
169 posts
I have a general question that has come from an observation from observing several of my friends in the AF level range. It seems that once you have attained the level of 60 or higher, you never needed help to get there. You have become obsessed with attaining level 75, and getting at least 3 more jobs to 37 or more as well. Getting anyone to help out on AF quests is apparently like pulling teeth. I do not mean to say that all players are like this, it just appears to be a large quantity. I've spent some time now helping out coffer key PT's, just on the added backup healing/support role, just b/c they want it, and i can/am willing to help. And i've seen people decline to help, then no more than 15~45 minutes later are helping someone else get the SAME damn key. Can no one work as a greater team to help? Or is it just a matter of who has the most gil? Please lend me your thoughts on this matter, as it nearly ruined my game experience last night.

Edited, Sun Sep 19 04:38:10 2004 by Mornlithe
#2 Sep 19 2004 at 3:53 AM Rating: Decent
524 posts
hey i know the feeling. I have the hardest time getting anyone to help me get my AF2. Although i kind of look at it as that they have other things that they would like to do as well. If they are going after the coffer keys that you were kindly asking them for, maybe they were doing it for a friend or an LS mate. I mean i would love to get my AF but its not something that i NEED NEED to do. The game goes on ^^
#3 Sep 19 2004 at 4:49 AM Rating: Decent
63 posts
I have to agree with you. Although I am 60 I still find the time to help others. As far as others helping me out. Meaning other high levels well that's a joke. I have been trying to get my AF for a month now and I have decided to quit going after it because of something that happened the other day. Not mentioning any names and not making this a bashing post but. There was a whm yelling in jeuno that she needed 2 more people to make a full alliance to help get her AF3. I sent her a tell and asked her that i was 60 whm and could help her out and that I also needed the AF3 and would like to join if I could. I mean 2 spots open she had a 75 pld and everything. Needless to say I didn't get to go and still don't have my AF2-3-4. I give up. As far as helping others I will still do that and will always help out. High level people think needs to remember that they also at 1 time needed someone elses help to get there AF.
#4 Sep 19 2004 at 10:39 AM Rating: Decent
433 posts
i don't think it's fair to the high level's to expect them to help. lvling past 60, from what i heard, takes eons per level. hence it's not uncommon for them to stay stagnant in level for a good week or two even though they are actively getting xp.

coupled with that is the fact that high level's get too many requests for help. sometimes it's not that they don't want to help, but they help so much that they get sick of it. i know 2-3 high levels in my LS who have expressed as much. and it gets worse when the help is 'demanded' not 'requested'.

the game is designed for people of the same lvl to be able to accomplish certain things together. sure, there'll be challenges, but that's all part of the game. having a 70 level in your party to decimate things just to get the item isn't what the programmers planned i'm sure. did you think the first people who got to 75 with full AF had the same kind of help that we did? i doubt it.

nah, don't condemn the high level's for their attitude. the really nice ones will help when asked. else, focus on planning a party to get your item. preferably of the same level. you don't have to beat the crap out of the NM, just so long as it doesn't beat the crap out of you. :)
#5 Sep 19 2004 at 11:07 AM Rating: Decent
184 posts
I know it's a general comment, so I'm not going to take it personally. Just post what you need on the forum, I know a hanful of people my lvl and then some that are willing to help. However, you have to understand, that some of us have been stuck at certain lvls due to money or because they have been helping too much to focus on xp.

So, if you need help, just sent me a /tell (I don't really pay attention to all ls chat), and I'll see what I can put together.

#6 Sep 19 2004 at 11:29 AM Rating: Good
951 posts
i don't think it's fair to the high level's to expect them to help. lvling past 60, from what i heard, takes eons per level. hence it's not uncommon for them to stay stagnant in level for a good week or two even though they are actively getting xp.

This is true, 55-60 you need 20,000 to level, at 61, you need 30,000 to level

Most high levels are jerks, I'll admit to that, since they want to be paid for their "services", but coffers keys/chests aren't easy to get sometimes, I'm willing to help, due to the fact it's hard to find PTs at my level, and sitting/farming while LFG is dull to do, but I'm only one person, I can't solo any coffer mob except in Quicksand Caves, but since you PT there, usually don't need a high level to help, I'm really trying to level PLD also since when I do get around 75 (if that happens) I can usually kill the coffer mobs easily
#7 Sep 19 2004 at 12:00 PM Rating: Decent
225 posts

The vast majority of the high level (61-75) I know are really nice and helpful people. They are also busy (the higher the level, the busier).

It's as much XPs to level from 60 to 75 than it is to level from 1 to 60. Keep that in perspective. Also at high level you are involved in LS that require a lot of your time, whenever it's HNM fights, Dynamis, Zilart missions, etc. Besides, at those level you need gear that might cost millions if you don't want to be gimped. So yes, the high level are busy and so will you when you get there. Also they don't owe us anything.

If a HL charges you 10-50k to help you several hours, that's cheap. They could probably have farmed way more in that timeframe. They are still doing you a favor, they are just cutting a bit of their loss. Also, if you pay for that help to get things done faster, that means you can spend that time farming rather than yelling in Lower Jeuno. :-)

I'm always glad when some HL can help me, but I don't take that help for granted. Your best bet? join a Linkshell with people who can/are willing to help. And be ready to return the favor.

You might want to try to organize things on this forum, a lot of us (over a hundred) are in the CerberusAlliance. We have done Missions, Genkai, RSE and AF quests. We will do more.


#8 Sep 19 2004 at 4:17 PM Rating: Decent
23 posts
Enthuz wrote:
i don't think it's fair to the high level's to expect them to help. lvling past 60, from what i heard, takes eons per level. hence it's not uncommon for them to stay stagnant in level for a good week or two even though they are actively getting xp.

coupled with that is the fact that high level's get too many requests for help. sometimes it's not that they don't want to help, but they help so much that they get sick of it. i know 2-3 high levels in my LS who have expressed as much. and it gets worse when the help is 'demanded' not 'requested'.

Thank you! You wouldn't believe me if I told you how many requests per day I get asking for help. It's just non-stop requests, back-to-back. It gets old pretty quickly too. I think some people might think I'm an a**hole because I don't really feel like helping at the moment.

Majority of the time when I'm not busy, I'll try to give a helping hand, but being a Tarutaru Black Mage, you can't really tank some of the harder mobs. They also think I can solo every single coffer mob too, which is very untrue! I get hit just as hard as you at times! :(

Chipmunk signing out.

I saw you in Garbage Citadel, Mornlithe. I was helping two people get a coffer key there for close to 3 hours >.> During those threes hours, I had three people ask me to join an experience point party which I passed up to help with keys. No level 72 for me tonight 20447/40000.

Edited, Sun Sep 19 22:57:26 2004 by Marchand
#9 Sep 20 2004 at 2:14 AM Rating: Decent
223 posts
these are my thought on the issue. i am currently 69 and been so for a long time. i've told my LS that i will no longer help ANYONE until i am lvl 70. the reason is because i've helped so many people get coffer keys, fight af3 NM's, help people get rank 4/5 that i never had the time to level. Now, its rather upsetting that those i helped get coffer keys are now 64/65/65/67 and i'm stuck at 69. it is rather difficult to get a party as a thief.

Also what chip said above people demand help and if i decline apparently i'm an *** or something of that nature. ooh, story time. once i said i'd help out with coffer keys, buti wanted to fight Garuda first. so i let some people know what's going on and to assemble a party to fight. about 20 minutes later i get a tell by a whm (who also needed a beaudeux key) what i was doing and to hurry it up because they were waiting for a long time. next thing i know he's getting mad so i tellhim to leave if he can't be patient and then he just explodes. telling me i don't have a life and i'm a High level ****ole. etc...

moral of the story be nice if i'm gonna help you.
#10 Sep 20 2004 at 3:29 PM Rating: Decent
2,021 posts
Honestly, I feel sorry for a lot of you "high levels". I'm nowhere close to a high level, I'm only 45, but I spend a LOT Of my time helping others. Almost all of last week was done getting my LS mates to Rank5 and various other things. Most of those that go will tell you I'm an *** because I set rules on these outtings, but those that care and are appreciative know why I do it. However, even at my level, there are those "demanding" people. And those are the people that get left out. I'm very quick to help out those in need when they ask politely but the ones that get impatient, it honestly makes me laugh. How can you request someone, a complete stranger at that, to take time out of their life to help you, and then be impatient with them. I dread asking for high level help just because you guys get pounded day in and day out. I'm hesitant to even ask people I know for help.

However, there is a silver lining to this looming cloud. There are those that are more than appreciative. There are plenty in my LS that I help on a regular basis, but there are two individuals outside my LS that stick out. A couple weeks ago I see some people staring dreadfully at a Dancing Weapon in the Qufim tunnel. Luckily I was on my Monk and killed him pretty easily. I asked the two if they wanted an escort, and they said yes. I simply walked them to the other side of the tunnel making sure no weapons attacked them. It took a whopping 5 minutes out of my day. To this day, every time I see them, they are very courteous and thankful for the simplest of things. It's people like Morak and Dianna that make you forget about those demanding and ungrateful people and feel good about helping someone.

Now don't get me wrong, I know a lot of grateful people and I'm quick to help them out again and again, yet there are those people that "expect" you to do things for them. To these people I say, learn some respect, it will take you a LONG way in life. I for one am ecstatic when someone offers to help me, even just those in my LS. I honestly feel if more people were appreciative of what those of higher levels do for us, they would be quicker to lend a helping hand. Just a thought for the next time you request the help of another.
#11 Sep 21 2004 at 11:34 AM Rating: Decent
6,631 posts
My take on this as a HL....:

I tried to help out a lot, but I should also be allowed to play my own game. I am poor as hell because I don't have time to make gil for myself (No, I don't charge people for helping). The reason I got no time is that I am either helping or exping. I have hit the point that I may have helped too much that I cannot get enough gil to pay for my gear and spells. And sometimes I will die without a raise when helping -- (for those people who "demand" raises in Valkrum, dying at my level without a raise cost me 3000+ exp).

Are there jackass HLs? Yes, there are. I will not mention names here. In fact, I have to admit that I have seen more jackass big ego HLs than nice helpful ones.

Have fun, play nice. It is all I wanted. Don't be a big ego unhelpful HL, or a ******** whining LL -- That pisses me off.
Amanada (Cerberus-Retired) (aka MaiNoKen/Steven)
-- Thank you for the fun times in Vana'diel

Art for the sake of art itself is an idle sentence.
Art for the sake of truth, for the sake of what is
beautiful and good — that is the creed I seek.
- George Sand

A designer knows he has achieved perfection,
not when there is nothing left to add,
but when there is nothing left to take away.
- Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
#12 Sep 21 2004 at 12:01 PM Rating: Decent
218 posts
The problem with using people of your own level to do something is that once they are done they suddenly "have to log" most of the time. Either that or you have to get an alliance going, which is gonna be impossible if people don't want that same item or won't do it for free. So it's either do it the hard way and have people abandon you one by one, or pay insane amounts for help.

I know I shouldn't expect a high level to assist me at all, but for God's sake how am I supposed to get my AF without them? I've all but given up on my AFs, which have sucked the fun out of my gaming experience. I don't pay $15 a month to sit in Lower Jeuno begging for help for weeks on end until I get it, but it seems that is the only way to get anything done anymore without already knowing a bunch of high levels. And since I don't know anyone, I won't be getting my AF anytime soon or at all.

Edited, Tue Sep 21 13:04:03 2004 by Noblemyth
#13 Sep 21 2004 at 12:16 PM Rating: Decent
6,631 posts
The problem with using people of your own level to do something is that once they are done they suddenly "have to log" most of the time.

People that do that should be blacklisted.
Amanada (Cerberus-Retired) (aka MaiNoKen/Steven)
-- Thank you for the fun times in Vana'diel

Art for the sake of art itself is an idle sentence.
Art for the sake of truth, for the sake of what is
beautiful and good — that is the creed I seek.
- George Sand

A designer knows he has achieved perfection,
not when there is nothing left to add,
but when there is nothing left to take away.
- Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
#14 Sep 21 2004 at 12:28 PM Rating: Decent
I'm not over 60 year and I'm still lvl 45 with my WHM, but the best advice I can give you is this:

- Take it somewhat lightly on asking for help. The more you ask, the more it makes you seem "needy".

- Try doing the quest/mission before you ask for help. There's honestly a lot of things you can do in this game by yourself that people always ask for "help" with. You don't need a lvl 70 RNG to help you with rank 4. Hell usually if I think I can do something, I try and do it by myself. If I die, then I ask for help. Around lvl 30 or so that's like 800 xp. It's honestly not a whole lot. If I'm in my linkshell and someone goes to try something and dies, I have a lot more respect for the person and I'm a lot more willing to help them succeed the second time. I don't know why that is, but maybe I just like helping brave players more :) I've ran a lot of teleport scroll missions and other things like this. I've died a couple times, but so what. I could go do the mission when I wanted and how I wanted and I knew going in that it was going to be 50-50

- Set up a time and date for people to help you well in advance. There's nothing more aggravating than someone saying they want help and they want it NOW and then complain when you can't help them.

- Pass on lots on ALL items that drop when the higher lvl is helping you. If they're giving you a free ride to a rank or to a piece of equipment, let them at least have some reward.

- If they die, don't complain and moan that you didn't get your mission accomplished. Just from experience, if someone is helping you and taking time out to help you, they are gonna be FURIOUS if they die. lol. I usually even give gil to the person if they're trying to get me something and they die. I feel awful.

All this stuff is just more common courtesy than anything else. If you want people to help you and to help you farther down the road, it's best to treat them in a good way...because honestly they are treating you well by taking time out to help you. It's a two way street.

#15 Sep 21 2004 at 12:39 PM Rating: Decent
6,631 posts
One thing to add on that... I have run into cases that people that need help don't do their homework and research the quest and mission.

It is really annoying to see,

"WTF The NM is not spawning"
"Did you do this before the quest?"
"Eh what?"

Don't laugh. I have seen that before.

Edited, Tue Sep 21 13:41:42 2004 by scchan
Amanada (Cerberus-Retired) (aka MaiNoKen/Steven)
-- Thank you for the fun times in Vana'diel

Art for the sake of art itself is an idle sentence.
Art for the sake of truth, for the sake of what is
beautiful and good — that is the creed I seek.
- George Sand

A designer knows he has achieved perfection,
not when there is nothing left to add,
but when there is nothing left to take away.
- Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
#16 Sep 21 2004 at 1:48 PM Rating: Decent
433 posts
Noblemyth wrote:
The problem with using people of your own level to do something is that once they are done they suddenly "have to log" most of the time. Either that or you have to get an alliance going, which is gonna be impossible if people don't want that same item or won't do it for free. So it's either do it the hard way and have people abandon you one by one, or pay insane amounts for help.

i think that's a little pessimistic, but i have to admit this is quite true. i can only guarantee personally that if i were involved, i'd help out till the very end. it's a group goal, and i fully understand the responsibilities inherent in accepting the role. but society in RL is rather selfish, and sadly this manifests in most people's gameplay.

asians (japanese in particular) are generally more willing to work together to accomplish something. it's part of the culture. not trying to be critical, i can only add that american culture is generally more ego-centric. this is, imho, the primary cause of abandonment as mentioned by noblemyth.

no cure for it. just live with it i suppose. ^^ in your shoes, if people do leave, i'll just understand, and try later. but that's just me. forgive, forget, all game. ^^

Noblemyth wrote:
I know I shouldn't expect a high level to assist me at all, but for God's sake how am I supposed to get my AF without them? I've all but given up on my AFs, which have sucked the fun out of my gaming experience. I don't pay $15 a month to sit in Lower Jeuno begging for help for weeks on end until I get it, but it seems that is the only way to get anything done anymore without already knowing a bunch of high levels. And since I don't know anyone, I won't be getting my AF anytime soon or at all.

Edited, Tue Sep 21 13:04:03 2004 by Noblemyth

no ls members to help you? that's kinda sad. ls members helped me get mine. and yea, i usually ask ahead of time (plus the fact that i fit my schedules to them, not the other way around). also, i have a group of really helpful friends that i've met along the way, who i've chatted with constantly. not necessarily high level, but we've done silly things together: e.g. raising jobs from lvl 1 together, killed stuff for crystals as low levels, did limited farming (more for company than for any real farming), etc.

the whole deal of this game is to view it not as something to complete, but rather something to enjoy. you pay the money to continue your stay in vanadi'el, just like you pay taxes to continue living as a legal citizen of any country. does that mean you hate your country though, to pay taxes? what do you do in your free time in RL? hang out with friends, right? well, now you get to cast magic, kill monsters, rise in the ranks of citizenship, etc, with your fellow gamers!

lol, or you could just go about and mope all day. it's your gaming experience, not mine. ^^
#17 Sep 25 2004 at 3:15 AM Rating: Decent

One thing to add on that... I have run into cases that people that need help don't do their homework and research the quest and mission.

It is really annoying to see,

"WTF The NM is not spawning"
"Did you do this before the quest?"
"Eh what?"

Don't laugh. I have seen that before.

OMG you would not believe the amount of idiocy involved with helping people nowadays >< well amanada would she helps alot..
But yes people please before you ask for do the necessary things you can BY YOURSELF dont ask people to spoon feed you. (mind you im big idiot too ask bani ;;)

Nothing is worse that getting all the way to the end of whatever your doing and not even have the quest activated or started or have done what is required of you.

Another thing people should do.. before doing af's and missions is get the maps for the places you need to go beforehand so you dont get left behind and agro a whole horde of whatever and say i got lost i have no map.. thats your responsibilty to be prepaired.

If your not prepaired for whatever lies ahead that people are doing for YOU personally i would rather you die than bring the whole place to the PT... which is just plain selfish and stupid.
#18 Sep 25 2004 at 3:33 PM Rating: Decent
Yeah, completely true. They also get high on themselves at a certain lv and call anyone 2 lvs lower than them a noob.

Edit: I see it 2 ways HL don't be high on yourselves, LL don't demand a thing. If you deserve it you should get it the right way so NEVER demand a thing from a HL. I can't wait til I'm a higher lv so I can whip some of you lower lvs into shape! Thats the on ly way I see in restoring mass respect. ^_^

Edited, Sun Sep 26 00:27:03 2004 by TheUnbannedZerocool
#19 Sep 25 2004 at 8:22 PM Rating: Decent
484 posts
There's a bunch of things people need to understand, esp people not lvl 60+.

Lvling from 60+ is very long and tedious. At lvl 69 I have 39k tnl.

The equipment we need, the things we need to fight to get our weapon skills, and do zilart missions, etc are complicated. I know many people think at 65+ the world just is handed to up on a silver plate. It's not, instead of looking for coffer help, we're looking for help with a zilart mission, or a WSNM, or some NM that drops a ex/rare piece of equipment we need. Most of these are much more complicated then coffer key hunting.

Most "high lvl people" are trying to do things that require us to be something or have something. NA dyanmis LS's won't take you till you're 70. HNM LS's might never take you, things get REALLY competetive.

Also, it's not easy finding a PT at this lvl, it's hard. Remember the census, like 1% of characters have a job in the "high" lvl range.

Finally, esp since the ps2 NA release, I've found there's a lot of noobies at 40-50. I met a a WHM yesterday that claimed they didn't have RII because they wanted to save for Raise III. Most job's don't come into their prime till 60+ and people tend to play much differently in the 65+ range then in the 40-50 range.

Honestly I like helping people, I really enjoy it. I also remember how hard it was for me to get AF and coffers and rank. However I've met so many truely rude people that demanded I help them and then get cocky with me when I said I was busy that I'm amazed.

It drives me nutz that people assume once they see a 6x or a 7x character that they have nothing left to do and should just go around helping others. I've got more quests and NMs to kill now then ever.

Most high lvl people are very nice, just very very busy. Unless you've been 75 for a while and got everything taken care of (relic gear, NMs, quests) then you've always got stuff to be working on.

Edited, Sat Sep 25 21:27:43 2004 by neorowen
#20 Sep 26 2004 at 6:34 PM Rating: Decent
218 posts
Preparation is important whether you have help or not. I have a pile of papers that I have used over and over. That includes instructions that I practically memorized but kept for reference; printed maps with penned notes in Red and Blue ink; and lists of supplies or other things I should take with me. HL help or not, you need to be ready or your wasting time.

The other thing is, you can't say that if you don't do it the "normal" way with LLs you don't deserve it. Doing it that way is a task of seemingly God-like proportions with so many people thinking HLs are needed. I've tried getting regular level people to help and the first thing most ask are if there is HL help. When I say no, most just leave thinking it's impossible. Which means I'm once again relegated to begging, which sucks.

I know, I know, I'm complaining a lot. But I've done a helluva lot without much complaint, and now my game has been put on hold for two jobs that I love because I can't get my nice shiny AF without help.

I already help a lot, but I swear if/when I get all my AF I'm gonna help people non-stop for 1 or 2 weeks. Karma kicks *** ^^

Edited, Sun Sep 26 19:36:46 2004 by Noblemyth
#21 Sep 26 2004 at 11:09 PM Rating: Decent
184 posts
noble, you are asking the wrong people. i will help. just let me know.
#22 Sep 27 2004 at 12:49 AM Rating: Decent
169 posts
got that right! Karma is so worth it ^^
I help whomever i can, whenever i am able.
#23 Sep 27 2004 at 9:25 AM Rating: Decent
433 posts
let me know if a 45 PLD can help out. till i get better armor though, i think it's going to stay stagnant for awhile. >< it's major farming for me atm.
#24 Sep 27 2004 at 10:06 AM Rating: Decent
Ooo i like this topic. ^^ I agree that there is alot of HL jerks out there, i have run into quite a few of them. I'll say one thing though. I enjoy helping people. I have helped so many people that i lost count. I get asked for help on a daily basis. Most of the time i will say yes, but when i'm busy, I'm busy.

I don't care for the people who ask me and expect me to help no matter what. I treat people the way they treat me. If your nice, i'm nice. If ur as ***, i'm an ***. Also, most of the time i dont charge for help, if i like you. Being a Ninja tank, i have to spend money everytime I help someone. And depending on how long i help them for, i could be spending 10-30k of my own money just to help them. So to those who complain if I die while helping, or they die, or they dont get the item they are looking for, cry me a river, build a bridge, and get over it.

Don't mean to be a jerk or anything, i just dont tolerate things like this. I was at your level before, i know how hard it is to get help, or any help for that matter. I had to pay for all my AF help so dont complain when u get help for free.

Currently, i am helping 2 people get Assault Jerkin from Ose, plus i need my WSNM killed, and optical hat, so i will be very busy. After that though, if u guys need help with coffer keys/AF's, let me know. As long as it's not eldieme necropolis, i can't tank there anymore, but i can go as a DD. Goodluck and godspeed!
#25 Sep 28 2004 at 3:33 PM Rating: Decent
766 posts
I remember one time I was in Qufim and a bunch of Banshees and Wights got trained to the tower entrance, leaving their typical stack of bodies. A Taru WHM in full AF armor was standing there, and he stood there watching people die, did not fight off any of the mobs, and just stood there emoting. A level 39 Hume RDM was there, and he raised everyone by himself (there were at least 15 dead) while the Taru just stood there. Yeah, some high level players are complete jerks, but I have run into a few that have been helpful.

Case in point:

I remember I was in Ghelsba at level 25 going to get my key and I saw a level 8ish Galka THF fighting some orcs, and he looked like he need help, so I tossed a few Cures his way. He asked me if I was getting my key and if I needed help, so I told him, "sure, if you can help me." So he zones out and I wait for him for about 15 minutes to come back, then when he zones in I see around 1200 HP... and a fairly high level SAM he was. I enjoyed watching his WSs rip those orcs to shreds. :)
#26 Sep 28 2004 at 4:14 PM Rating: Decent
169 posts
I've been reading the responses on this thread, and am pleasantly surprised at the lack of flaming. Thank you for reading, and for the feedback, i really appreciate it.

Happy Gaming!
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