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gil scammersFollow

#1 Sep 24 2004 at 8:08 PM Rating: Decent
94 posts
ever had people "borrow" gil and completely forget about it- and deny it, and leave you with a lighter pocket? or do a bvnm fight then run away with the gil.

Share the names of these gil scammers that we may have htem get what they deserve, a bad reputation - which goes a looong way in this game.

#2 Sep 27 2004 at 2:04 PM Rating: Decent
514 posts
Hi Alethea! I'd like to start with Anfini, who borrowed a Bronze Bed from his mother's character and never gave it back.

Boorish Monk. He -should- be a Thief.
#3 Sep 28 2004 at 12:52 AM Rating: Good
657 posts
Hello to both of you.

Though I cannot contribute any names, as I have been fortunate enough not to have encountered people like these, I figured I'd give this post a bump--I know they're out there, and they need to be ratted!
#4 Sep 28 2004 at 6:16 AM Rating: Good
6,631 posts
I have not only been gil scammed, I have also been item scammed before. And I know friends that have similar experiences before. I got scammed for a Monster Signa and a total of about 20k gil. My friend quited FFXI after he got scammed for a pair of Leaping Boots. The scammer still plays the game, and claim that he is a bought character and refuse to admit the scamming.

This is a game for fun. Cheating and scamming only take the fun away. I hate to hear how people cheat each other, or people stealing money from LSs. People need to get RW work -- full of RW office politics and conflict. If you can buy me a new car with your FFXI gil, then I will worship you like a god. (Rant stops here)
Amanada (Cerberus-Retired) (aka MaiNoKen/Steven)
-- Thank you for the fun times in Vana'diel

Art for the sake of art itself is an idle sentence.
Art for the sake of truth, for the sake of what is
beautiful and good — that is the creed I seek.
- George Sand

A designer knows he has achieved perfection,
not when there is nothing left to add,
but when there is nothing left to take away.
- Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
#5 Sep 28 2004 at 7:23 AM Rating: Good
219 posts
I'm probably too nice to people, and too soft-hearted...I think I've "loaned" at least 150-200K worth of gil to various people, for various reasons...with the assumption that no one keeps the "promise" to pay me back.

Surprisingly, Shortee actually paid me back. Thanks, Babe! Smiley: grin

Of those that haven't paid me back, I only remember the last two: Necrid and Aerlyn.

Necrid was shouting for 2.8K in Windurst Woods one day, and I gave him 3K. Of course, I got the standard "I'll pay you back as soon as I can." His bazaar must not sell much (I always see him in Woods near the main junction)...I mean, how hard is it to earn 3K?

And I loaned Aerlyn (spelling may be off) 30K just after I joined a certain LS. He said he'd pay me back as soon as his armor sold at the AH. As far as I know, it's still for sale...although, when I've looked, he hasn't been on. So, for all I know, he's MIA due to RL issues.

Most of the others have been new players, and I just passed out 1-10K at a time to help them out...I hate seeing a WHM7 with level 1 armor. I don't really expect to see any of it, but, IMO, if you make the statement "I promise to pay you back," then you should. It shows good character, and I don't mean your game character.

EDIT: Typo.

Edited, Tue Sep 28 08:48:00 2004 by LordHighWarlock
#6 Sep 28 2004 at 9:28 AM Rating: Decent
94 posts
It also sucks as well when some people show up in an LS automatically assuming that the LS is a bank.

here is a sample scenario:

random char new to LS: hey can someone loan me xx gil. I'll pay you back as soon as i can

veteran sackholder: ok.

veteran sackholder lends gil.

*random character disappears after getting 90k. then claims that he has not been playing much.. it was his brother or cousin or friend playing. suuuure.

*random char ignores lender, blist? maybe.. anything to avoid having to pay back loan.

*random character gets spam /tell from LS after several weeks of not paying "loan"

*random character after several weeks shows up in LS paying in installments... riiiight.

*random character asks for AF help.

gotta love em. these guys are pretty thick skinned... i can only imagine how they are IRL. must be great people.
#7 Sep 28 2004 at 9:39 AM Rating: Good
188 posts
I have a tendency to loan (well, give) gil to people, especially if I'm leveling a lower job and they are new, etc. Maybe I'm too nice... could explain why I'm broke most of the time. I'll give people the gil to buy a map, or buy them a sword that they need. Even though they say that they will pay me back, I usually tell them not to worry about it, or that there is no rush... fully expecting never to see the gil again.
#8 Sep 28 2004 at 10:01 AM Rating: Good
i have given away probably about 100K of gil to noobs or friends.
I like to get them started and in hopes that someday they will pay back the favor.

only 1 person has payed me back.
thank you Vlade!
#9 Sep 28 2004 at 10:17 AM Rating: Good
I have one very simple policy when it comes to both my and other's gil and items...

What's mine is mine. And what's theirs is theirs.

So obviously it looks cold on the outside, but I have not ever had a problem w/ being scammed, or accused of scamming. If someone I know is in need of gil, I offer a 'gift' that I do not expect to be returned. If I am ever in need, I simply find a way <usually quests> to get it myself. On a slight side note, it is very nice to find gil that is being sent as repayment for a 'gift' I may have given.

No muss, no fuss. And we are all still firends in the end. ^_^
#10 Sep 28 2004 at 1:29 PM Rating: Good
319 posts
I made the mistake of loaning gil out to a person I wasn't familiar with but was in the LS I was in. Long and involved story, but I managed to get my gil back. I'll never, ever loan gil to anyone at any time unless they are very good friends of mine.
#11 Sep 28 2004 at 8:33 PM Rating: Good
657 posts
Oh yeah, it just occurred to me. Scooticus and the 100k he still owes Devran from BCNMs. Not my personal problem, but it's certainly worth mentioning.

As for myself, I've not loaned much of anything to anyone, but I have purchased a rather large amount of low-level greataxes and freely distributed them to any pre-level 20 Warrior who asked. Just something I do for the community, and to promote a Warrior's real weapon to those who otherwise wouldn't know any better. It's an ongoing effort started by someone on the WAR forums here. ^^

Edited, Tue Sep 28 21:34:07 2004 by Aseran
#12 Sep 29 2004 at 2:25 PM Rating: Excellent
544 posts
Im just tired of the panhandlers.

Oooohh... you so nice.. can I borrow gil for taru hat.

#13 Sep 30 2004 at 6:20 AM Rating: Good
1,577 posts
Well this has only happened to me once, normally I only give large sums of gil to good friends, I.E. my 120k loan to Bigtop :P or my purchasing of a certain neck item for a sam friend of mine for 70k (which has been paid back already), however, wayback when I loaned a full suit of brass scale male from the mask to the boots to a "friend" and said hey just send it back to me when you have the next suit, and was told ok. Then months later, I'm a little hard up for gear so I go to grab my scale outta the ole mh and remember ohhh Romperstomer has it, I'll just get it back from him. Well he says he loaned to a friend and that friend sold it, and I said well its on you to pay me back, current cost for full suit is 12k, and I still ahve yet to see that gil, I think I'll talk to him today when I get on.
#14 Sep 30 2004 at 1:17 PM Rating: Good
141 posts
Thymos a Galkan monk was in Bastok one day. He was asking if anyone had a merceneries gi for sale. He seemed to be short 3k from buying it off the AH. I /telled him and asked why doesn't he just wait until he has the gil. His response was, he had the gil but everytime he checked they never had it, and now there was one on the AH.

Silly me I offered to buy the Armor, he gave me 5k, with the promise of him paying me back 3k asap. This was over a month ago. Since then I have seen him in Sandy asking for gil.

Rather rude if you ask me.
#15 Oct 07 2004 at 10:28 AM Rating: Good
189 posts
i always try to pay my debts off as soon as possible, and i always write down names and prices as not to forget about the loan. ill help a nub out with maybe 1k, but forget loaning someone even a friend 200k. that has disaster written all over it. as for as bcnms and nms i always pty w/ the same trustworthy people. the gil is always split up equally and there has never been any problems.
#16 Oct 07 2004 at 12:48 PM Rating: Good
68 posts
Well, I cant say Ive really been scammed.. because I am soft at heart and never expect to get gil back anyway. However, there was one time....

A character (dont remember the name, sadly) was changing his nation and the cost was more than he had. He sent up a shout for 4k. Me, the softy that I am.. and the fact that he was switching to my nation I loaned him the 4k on the spot.

He not only paid it back, in full with a 1k kicker... he had it paid back before he logged off for the day. Praises to this character!

There have been a few new players that I have helped out. I let them know that if they need anything to let me know. Mostly, I get lots of questions.. but this one player... sends me a tell, after he had leveled his job to lvl 7 and asked me if I had a sword he could have.... Excuse me!?!
#17 Oct 07 2004 at 12:53 PM Rating: Good

DLoc has been and always will be the biggest scammer I've ever seen in this game.

He borrowed money from several players that I know and didn't give it back. I didn't know him at the time but I invited him to one of my parties once. He kept asking for a loan of 50K to go buy some staff or club or something from Rabao (we were in the Quicksand Caves). Nobody knew the guy, so of course we basically said "yeah right buddy whatever".

Anyways, the guy keeps going AFK in the party which drives us NUTS. He's a taru SMN with about 800 MP and would get caught with people dead in our party while he had about 750MP left and the WHM (me) would have 0 left.

What's really the kicker is that we decide to take a break for about 5 mins....of course it takes him about TWENTY minutes to return from AFK...and he's went and bought the stupid staff he was trying to get someone to "lend" him money for (and I know for a fact none of our party members loaned him the gil).

He's a scam. Never ever let this guy borrow a dime of yours.
#18 Oct 07 2004 at 1:04 PM Rating: Decent
2,021 posts
And if Captain Moneybags says it (clockworks) then you should listen. LoL. You're getting your money back soon Clock. I hate being in debt. :-/ I'll find a way to get my stupid Kote.
#19 Oct 07 2004 at 3:27 PM Rating: Good
lol Leet it's all good whenever you get to it. I'm not really "counting" on you paying me back for some time honestly.

I'm about to do my MASS gardening here soon anyhow when I get back from Hawaii. I need 2 more of my mules to fill up with porcelain pots and get a stack of cuttings and I'll be ready to go.

it's rather embarassing that I have almost 600,000 gil wrapped up in my mules and I only have about 300,000 gil on my character right now.

Need all my old equipment and my +1 synths to sell hehehe
#20 Oct 07 2004 at 3:56 PM Rating: Good
2,021 posts
Hey if my stack of cuttings didn't sell tonight I'll give them to you and we can take it off the bill. :-b
#21 Oct 08 2004 at 9:24 AM Rating: Decent
94 posts
dloc? heh i had the misadventure of pt-ing with him in quicksand... such a foul mouth little taru... who was all talk..and definitely not a team player... had basic gear and was like "oh i have all the elemnetal staves.... bla bla bla.

when we asked him if he could do abs dex or agi instead of spamming abs-int (yes.. he spammed abs int for mighty nukes.. yeah... riiiiight) he would cuss and say where is your kote? etc etc... he gave bad DRKs a bad name...
#22 Oct 08 2004 at 10:00 AM Rating: Good
2,021 posts
So sad there are people like this. No I don't have DEX, and No I don't have Kote (for my monk). /sigh again. I do, however, know what ABS to cast on which mob. I pick my ABS based on team configuration and mob strength, not just on what makes me feel like a better mage. LoL. If I wanted to do more magic damage I would level my BLM. Sorry you had to get a bad taste of a DRK Alethea.

So don't pt or have any money dealings with DLoc. LoL. Ok, dually noted.
#23 Oct 08 2004 at 10:10 AM Rating: Good
thx for the info *noted*, oh and hey leet! rate up!
#24 Oct 08 2004 at 11:14 AM Rating: Good
433 posts
i like helping others, but i also hold the firm belief that don't lend to others what you'd miss yourself. or at least for a time. ;) i've given out prism powders, sneak oils to people. food as well. usually expendables. i rarely loan armor pieces, especially if i know i'll need them sometime, unless it's a really close friend (read: someone i've partied with, chatted with for awhile, trust with my sordid pld life!).

i don't believe in giving people gil either. partly cos i'm not rich. but more cos i don't believe that newbies need to be 'helped out' in a monetery sense. it just encourages the lazy ones to keep begging, and soon everyone'll be thinking that they can't advance without a high-level loaning them the minimal 10k to start them off.

sure, there are instances where friends would ask for loans. but i reiterate that you shouldn't 'loan' money that you can't afford to miss. in fact, loaning money shouldn't even be encouraged, unless it's for a common cause and all (read: static party) and even in that instance money should be POOLED, not just coming from one person.

bah, you people too nice. >< btw, a few more coins for you leetfade, sending them later. ^^
#25 Oct 08 2004 at 1:55 PM Rating: Good
319 posts
Ah! I wasn't gonna say his name Clockworks! Hah! I'm glad I'm not the only one that's had a bad experience off that sob. I thought for sure he'd quit the game until I saw him the otherday running around invisible in xarca..(tab) as a lvl 51 drk.
#26 Oct 08 2004 at 2:21 PM Rating: Good
My roommate used to play a hume blm/whm. When we were leveling together in Qufim (his whm with my elvaan mnk), he asked me for some gil for a couple spells: Regen and Blink. Having created Nebz with intent to level her as a whm... I had these spells in Nebz' mog safe. So I told him I'd make him a deal... he could have my spells as long as he bought them for Nebz when she got the correct level. He agreed.

Finally, when Nebz was lvl 25 (I already re-purchased the spells and learned them cause I didn't think he'd come thru), I called him out on it and told him I really needed those spells. About this time, he was getting ready to leave the game (he did not give away gil or gear to anyone... just shut down his account) yet still told me: "You make gil better than I do, why don't you just farm for another one?"

Since then, I haven't "lent" anything to anyone and more than likely never will... except for a select few that would share or let me borrow something.. if they have the trust in me, I'll give mine to them (plus I know they give back what they borrow cause I've seen them borrow the same item a dozen times from some one).
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