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Promyvion-Holla, once and for all..10/9Follow

#27 Oct 09 2004 at 1:08 AM Rating: Decent
83 posts
I was thinking around 2:00PM PST. This way, we are almost certain that everyone is on around this time that is going. Just looking at a head count, I can gather the following ppl will be going for this:

Myself (Kyndryn :) )
Warf (I think, right?)

And there are actually a few members from OnceWoreCrimson that would like to help us out too. This way those that are helping from OWC we would make up enough ppl to be an 18 person alliance. Also if need be, we can form up one more party of ppl outside of our own alliance to help out. Since we are not doing this for EXP and our common goal is to help each other out, we can /help for the extra PT :) If I missed anyone on the list of forum users here or you just think my idea sucks :P Lemme know!
#28 Oct 09 2004 at 2:51 AM Rating: Decent
225 posts
I joined some friend last week that needed one more WHM for an alliance for Holla. I expected to die again, but w00t we won.

They did fight it straight up, no potions or ethers. They had two NIN tank it and a RNG and SMN kill it, with two WHM curing. If I remember well. The fight was over in 5 minutes.

So I think with just poison potion and holy water we are good. No buffs nor food since the NM can absorb them (+MP food for mages is cool).

BLMs are fairly useless in this fight since the mob resist magic attack a lot. It also has Wind of Promyvion which removes magical effects from it so debuffs will be shaken off quick. So the mages should probably just heal.

Anyway, if you need me as WHM, I'm yours.

#29 Oct 09 2004 at 6:10 AM Rating: Decent
1,577 posts
Cool, well I'm avaliable to help so that list I would assume it is correct.

Congrats janus, yeah nin tanks would be really effective, if its got gravity on it at all times to slow down the hitting. With PLD tank however the potions are definately needed.
#30 Oct 09 2004 at 1:13 PM Rating: Decent
225 posts
So, at what time is it and in which timezone?
#31 Oct 09 2004 at 2:41 PM Rating: Decent
83 posts
I was thinking that 2:00 PM PST. Sound good?
#32 Oct 09 2004 at 4:00 PM Rating: Decent
i was in that alliance balzac, but sadly our whm decided to use bene after everyone but he and the drg had died, instead of when the nin was still alive so he could explode and kill it, it was real low.

we do these around 7-8 pm est, which is when everyone will be around to do this one. so 4 pst at the earilest if you want more then 1/3 of everyone to be there.

and no one answered eopoo, but as a whm (or any mage) you need 3 or more hi ethers or the mp equivlent in reg ethers, 3 yugado drinks, food, 4 poison potions, and a stack of holy water. if you cant afford all this, you cant go.
same as tanks need ALOT of hi potions(8 or more, 10 recomended for 1 try) and food, poision potions, and holy waters. and any ranged attackers need 5 or more arrow stacks, poison pots and holy waters.
#33 Oct 09 2004 at 10:44 PM Rating: Decent
for me, thrilla, eilurac, hito, and a few others, promyvions are now complete. NM was a ******* as usual, and stayed alive for about 4 minutes after our 2hrs, because it was regening hp so quickly, but we did win.

tavanzia is nice, and the next mission is a lv40 capped excursion into the aquaducts below tavanzia, to hunt down and defeat a minotar.
#34 Oct 09 2004 at 11:08 PM Rating: Decent
83 posts
The final outcome...out of an 18 person alliance, Team Thrilla and Team Eilurac won!!! ^_^ I'm deeply sorry that team Oblivion did not succeed in this venture. All I heard was one of their Summoners missed their queue and paniced. And Neera, you have my help for Promyvion - Dem, definitely. You got the hardest one out of the way and only left the easy one to finish =) To those that DID make it, lets do our best to find ppl to help us in our adventure to the Aquaducts ^^ To those that didn't, if you are looking to do it again and need a SMN or a BLM, I am here :) Till then...time to explore!
#35 Oct 10 2004 at 12:35 AM Rating: Decent
1,230 posts
Congratulations to the teams who won and a special thanks to team Eilurac. OMG we finaly beat this *******. Overall I had 12 holy waters and 10 hi-potions and I used every single one. I think if anyone else is going to do this, it would probably be safe to have even more.

Notes on what actually worked:

Kiting failed miserably all previous times, so we decided to tank it and I got hit more, but it was easier to control hate, so no one else got hit.

Previous times we were freaked out when it did the sleep+curse attack, but if you have a holy water macro and use it directly after the attack it helps. I had a whole stack of the holy-waters and I wish I had more. Also keep your posion potions up, I was put to sleep twice (not good for the pld).

The Wreaker stole the posion status from me about 3 times (hehehe sucker).

Summoner 2hr works best at the beginning of the battle.

When the wreaker starts draining (at 25% HP) the battle was barely half way over. He seemed to keep on draining for a while. The drain + sleep/curse + his sickle slash can really do a number on you. This is when the psychoanima helped.

The Wreaker did the drain thing about 8 times, but then he seemed to run out of mp and we were able to finish him off. Its sort of an excersize of wearing him out.

Our battle took between 14 and 15 minutes and i was expecting it to be shorter (like the dem boss).

Best of luck to the other team, hopefully you can get it sometime. So whose up for Mea sometime. :D
#36 Oct 10 2004 at 1:13 AM Rating: Decent
154 posts
And there we were. Up against the Wrecker once more. Battle hardened after defeat after defeat against this Empty creature. Today was going to be different. Today was the time to win.

We charged in. Arkenstone the PLD grabs the aggro with Provoke, and keeps the Wrecker distracted. Atrox the SAm and Drizztwest the RNG get into position and start firing away with ranged attacks. Jeryhn the SMN, Happygogo the WHM, and myself as RDM throw out cures to Arkenstone, as well as the other members.

Jeryhn summons up Ramuh, and using the power of his Astral Flow, commands the avatar to use his Judgement Bolt (that is the ability name right?). The Wrecker takes big damage, adn the battle picks up. Ark continues to hold the hate as Jeryhn heals up and unleashes another Judegment Bolt. As we continue wearing the Wrecker down, Jeryhn is able to pull off one last Judgement Bolt. With the 3 Astral Flows, the monster is down to nearly 10% of its full health.

"UNLOAD!" yells Jeryhn, and thats when the adventurers unleash their most powerful abilities. Arkenstone uses his Invincible, grabbing the attention of the Wrecker. Drizztwest lets fly the Eagle Eye Shot, while Atrox runs in to use the katana skills of Meikyo Shisui. I keep cures going around using my Chainspell ability. All seems well, but then Wrecker lives through our assault.

The Wrecker starts to use its AoE Curse+Sleep and its Drain attack. The Drain helps regen some HP, and the Wrecker seems to catch the upper hand in the battle. Jeryn summons up Ifrit to help out damage as Atrox and Drizztwest try to get in as many weapon skills as possible. Arkenstone runs out of high potions, making Happygogo and myself begin to burn more and more MP. Soon the mages are healing in between cures as the Wrecker goes from a sliver of health to its 10% in a matter of seconds.

Back and forth the battle would go. We would throw out attacks, but it would regen HP. it seemed like another loss to be added to the record of the PT. But then, the Wrecker stops using his Drain abilities. Its HP begins to go down, and soon, the Empty hits the floor hard. It all happened in a flash, and it took a few seconds for us to realize we had won.

All of our supplies were used up. Mages with their Yagudo drinks and Hi-Ethers, melee with their Hi-Potions, Holy Waters, and Poison Potions. Cheers of victory and triumph rang into the linkshells. "OMG WE DID IT!" We were victorious.

We had defeated Promyvion-Holla ... once and for all.

Edited, Sun Oct 10 02:16:03 2004 by Eilurac
#37 Oct 10 2004 at 2:18 AM Rating: Decent
83 posts
I figure I will throw in my story since you threw yours in =) There we were, after the Web of Recollections had opened for us. Standing there, staring back at the Wrecker. Mind you, this would be my FIRST EVER time making it to the Spire of Holla. You know what I had on me? You guys might laugh about this, but I didn't even get a chance to use ANY of it :P Hysteroanima, 1 Ether, 1 Yagudo Drink, 1 Scroll of Reraise, 2 Holy Waters (I remember someone telling me that would not be enough...doesn't make sense when all of the items are still in my inventory AFTER the fight ;) ) As soon as we get Hitokirin to Meditate twice, in to the fray we went!

The battle started with Thrillagorilla voking the Wrecker for its attention. Neera and I kept the cures going and mind you we had NO BUFFS except for Barsleepra, food and Utsusemi. If you count poison potion as a buff, then fine :P Hitokirin, Warf, Thrilla and...gawd, I am sleepy! Who was our 6th? :"> were pummeling away at the Wrecker while Neera and I were pacing our cures. The thing hit me TWICE and I was down past half HP ^O.O^

Things were getting REALLY heated up when Wrecker went to town on Thrilla though. So much to the point that Thrilla...of all of the ppl in our PT...died from so much bashing =/ The best part (not saying Thrilla dieing was a good thing =P) was that everyone kept their cool and did not panic. As a matter of fact, Neera used Benediction and I THINK she got the Psychoanima off,since her Macro did not seem to be working. A couple of Eagle Eye Shots and some head-to-head fighting later, the Wrecker was DEAD by the time I got Shiva out!

I never got the chance to do Astral Flow -> Diamond Dust OR use my Hysteroanima before it was dead! After this long exhausting Promyvion trip...we were rewarded. We were sent off to Lufaise Meadows =D And that's the story of how I saw things go in our PT fight!
#38 Oct 10 2004 at 2:26 AM Rating: Decent
1,332 posts
Funniest thing is... I had gotten a Promyvion-Mea invitation right after we were done with Holla... Took it and we won, and I appeared in Lufaise Meadows.

All this pain from Promyvion... it was worth it. I can now murder all the undead Tarus I like to my heart's content. =)
#39 Oct 10 2004 at 2:51 AM Rating: Decent
184 posts
Took it for the team yo! Yup, I got beat up. But that's ok, after i used Sturmwind (Greataxe), it loved me so much. I spammed hi-potions until i was dead. Empty Cutter 1 put me below 200 hp, spammed potions, couple of hits and Empty Cutter 2 finally did me in. By the time that happened it was so worn down that it couldn't survive 2 Eagle Eye Shots and a Benediction. Even if it was still alive it would have had to deal with Hitokirin's 2 hr and Shiva. So, either way, dead Wreaker.

Clear Time: 7 minutes. Way to go guys.

Team Neera will need to do Dem. Let's do it soon :-)

You know i'm in.

#40 Oct 10 2004 at 6:09 AM Rating: Decent
1,577 posts
HEHE I'm super happy for you all, and now I have buddies to hang with in the new area ^^. ; ; I am however sorry that one of the teams did not make it. We all went in very prepared.

Funny that between Kabal's and My EES Hito didn't get to use his 2hr effectively LOL. It died shortly after bene. Either way congrats, and kyndryn, stop playing with the formors :P they seem to like to hurt you hehe.
#41 Oct 10 2004 at 12:39 PM Rating: Decent
83 posts
But I was playing with the Fomors last night with Jeryhn and they didn't kill me! :P But we did run into a Fomor Summoner (Taru of course :P) and its pet was a Wind Spirit. OMG, his Wind Spirit had some pretty strong physical resistance. If it wasn't for Jeryhn being there with his super strong Carbuncle, I probably would have died again. But I survived and I gotta say...Fomors are fun to go after ^^
#42 Oct 10 2004 at 12:53 PM Rating: Decent
1,577 posts
Yes they are, and we need to level out there >< I've decided to play PLD for a while :P RNG will take a back seat, so I need to make it back to jeuno and buy some more PLD gear >< running outta room in MH LOL
#43 Oct 10 2004 at 2:54 PM Rating: Decent
21 posts
yeah, my team didn't make it because of one person, everyone did an awesome job except for the one summoner. We had the thing down to like 50 hp but of course the other summoner missed on both of his Astral Flows because Shiva was "too far away" because the *bleep* didn't tell Shiva to assault him before using Diamond Dust. If the other summoner had hit her even once, maybe even with just a few regular shiva hits we would have won instead everyone received the death award and got a ticket to retry again >.<

P.S. - The one who screwed it up was our party leader who said he had done it twice before, no wonder he failed both time before -_-

~Linara (Congratulations to the other teams though, maybe next time I will beat it)

Edited, Sun Oct 10 15:55:56 2004 by PrettyKittyLinara
#44 Oct 10 2004 at 7:53 PM Rating: Decent
1,332 posts
Posted some Tavnazia screenshots. Follow the linkage...
#45 Oct 10 2004 at 8:01 PM Rating: Good
951 posts
I still need this, anyone interesed, I'd like to get 3 RNGs for this
#46 Oct 11 2004 at 1:25 AM Rating: Decent
While our group failed, I considered it a positive experience. This alliance was well put together, and I hope when I try these Promyvions again they go as well (aside from the whole dieing part =b).

Admittedly the next time I have to tank the Wreaker, you better believe I'll be spamming that Hi-Potion macro when he starts with the Drain ^^; Or hopefully the next time I do this I'll have paladin leveled high enough to be much better at this sort of thing.
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